allihavearevoices replied to your post “Would anyone participate in a love-a-thon if I held one on Christmas?”
What is a love-a-thon?
fill the inbox with positivity and kissing and plotting requests!
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visionarykrasikeva deserves a shout-out because their take on Paige is 10/10. There's so much work that went into the backstory and their writing is great.

@visionarykrasikeva! someone wanted to shine some light on you and your Paige!
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facetiious deserves love because the mun is so cool and friendly and so much fun to plot with

@facetiious! someone wanted to shine some light on you!
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allihavearevoices deserves a shoutout because of being such an absolutely incredible, sweetheart of a mun, and for having one of the best Lydias around! I'm always looking forward to plotting and threading and replying with them, it's such a joy to RP with them

@allihavearevoices! @caydenhathaway wanted to shine some light on you!
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haletheking deserves a shoutout because I've never met anyone as invested in Derek as she is, her reading on Derek never hesitates to stun me and I love RPing with her SO. MUCH. If you want an amazing and utterly IC Derek you won't find a better place to get him than her blog

@haletheking! @caydenhathaway wanted to shine some light on you and your Derek!
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lcbrat deserves a shout-out because Duran is such a well thought out character, and too many people discount OC's before ever getting to know them - also, they stick up for their friends OOC and choose to be positive!

@lcbrat! someone wanted to shine some light on you and your OC!
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houndofhcll deserves a shout-out because they are a great Parrish and don't ever get enough credit for their hard work and amazing writing :)

@houndofhcll! someone wanted to shine some light on you and your Jordan!
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Would anyone participate in a love-a-thon if I held one on Christmas?
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Definitely going to be sending out those asks tomorrow ^^ been a little hectic and brain scattered but keep sending them in!! The amount of love that is going to be on the dash soon will be worth it!
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home || rules || formatting || ask
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piaememoriae deserves some love because they are an absolutely glorious Lydia. Their writing is phenomenal and characterization is spot on!

@piaememoriae! Someone wants to shine some light on your Lydia!
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“Kinda need something permanent. Everything that’s happened to us. Everything just changes so fast. Everything’s so, uh… ephemeral.”
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@beccabobecs and @waiilinggenius should plot with each other!

hey @beccabobecs and @waiilinggenius! someone out there thinks that you two would write well together!
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shoutout to @paintmybodyxargent for being such a cute cupcake and such an amazing allison ok

@paintmybodyxargent! @facetiious wants to shine some light on you and your Allison!
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