teenblog-yeeee-blog · 4 years
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If you are having suicidal thoughts/actions and/or any mental disorder/illness you are not weak because of it.
You are strong. You are strong because you're fighting everyday, a battle in your mind that no one even knows about.
You are strong because when people tell you things like "just don't cut", "just be happy", "just eat", "just don't binge", "just breathe"...
Oh and don't even get me started on "you're not even trying", you didn't give up.
You are strong because despite all that, you're still here.
You have fought throught at least one of these things if not more:
- Su!cidal thoughts.
- S€lf Harm.
- Anxiety.
- Depressoon.
- Mania.
- Abuse.
- Anorex!a.
- Bul!mia.
- Binge eating.
- Low self esteem.
- Body Dysmorphia.
- Self hate.
- Schizophrenia
- Autism/Aspergers.
- Other mental disorders (comment the ones I missed).
- Self Doubt.
If you have experienced any of these at all and you are still right there. Fighting. Being. Breathing. Living. YOU ARE STRONG!
You have made it this far... don't quit now.
There are people who love you.
People who care for you.
People who want you to be here.
You deserve to be there. Breathing and living. Don't give that up.
You are STRONG!
Find me @ YourWeirdFriend on Vent.
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teenblog-yeeee-blog · 4 years
Idk. I'm just bored.
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