Soft Alot
62 posts
ATEEZ Tickle Blog. i love ateez and cute tickles! i sometimes post other groups too. please no sending hate or mean comments to me. Thank you for visiting :)
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teddybearmingi · 4 years ago
This is so fucking cute oh my lord help me-
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Ler Jongho confirmed 😳
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teddybearmingi · 4 years ago
Reblog this if its okay for your followers to introduce themselves to you.
Just come to my ask box and tell me stuff about yourself. Your pets. Your favorite music. What you had for breakfast this morning. Literally anything you want, I love making new friends
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teddybearmingi · 4 years ago
ATEEZ - Sleepy Head
Lee! Seonghwa X Ler! Jongho
Warning: This is a tickle fic! If you're not into this stuff or don't like it,, then don't read it or ignore this post.
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It was a late night at ATEEZ's dorms,, probably around 12:30 AM. Jongho and Seonghwa were the only ones in the building at the time while the rest of the members were out doing whatever. Jongho was in a mood to get some attention to himself after sitting in the living room for almost two hours.
The maknae quickly got up from the sofa he was sitting on and made his way to Seonghwa's room upstairs. The door to the room was slightly cracked open,, just enough for Jongho to peek his head inside. He saw the older member fast asleep in his bed.
Jongho slowly opened the door just a bit more and squeezed himself inside the room. He quietly walked over to Seonghwa's bed and looked at him as he slept peacefully. The younger then sat on the bed and softly tapped the older on the arm in attempt to wake him up,, earning a small "mmph" sound.
Jongho kept tapping until Seonghwa started to slowly open his eyes. "Hmm,, what is it, Jong?" the older said groggily. The maknae pouted at the older "I'm lonely hyung...can we cuddle?" Jongho replied with a soft voice,, giving Seonghwa his best puppy eyes.
Seonghwa rolled over onto his stomach and buried his face into a pillow. "Mmm..give me like thirty minutes...too tired" he said sleepily. Jongho whined "Hwaaa~ stop being such a sleepy head and give me attention!!" No response came from the older as he still had his face buried into the pillow. Jongho sat on the bed pouting until an idea suddenly popped into his mind. He had the perfect idea to get Seonghwa to wake up.
The maknae suddenly moved closer towards Seonghwa and plonked himself right onto his legs,, causing the older to open his eyes. Jongho then started to pull up Seonghwa's shirt just enough to expose some of his back.
"Uhh Jong,, what the hell are you doiHIHING!!??" Hwa let out a squeak as he felt a soft pinch to his left side. Jongho smiled "You won't give me cuddles so now I'm gonna give you tickles until you do!!" Before the older could get any words out,, he suddenly felt 10 fingers softly scribbling up and down his sides,, making him buck up and squeal. "Tickle, tickle hyung~"
"Ahahahahaha Jonghohohoho nohoho!!!" Hwa begged as the maknae continued his soft assault. Jongho then moved down to the older's hips,, squeezing and scribbling all over them.
"AHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO PLEAHAHAHASE!!" Seonghwa squealed and squirmed but it was no use,, Jongho was much stronger than him,, making it hard for him to escape. "Sorry Hwa,, this is what happens when you don't cuddle me!" Jongho continued the torture on the older's hips for about 5 minutes before finally stopping. "Ok..ok Jongho please-"
"One more place and then i'll let you go hyung." Jongho said to the older and then began to pull his shirt up a little more.
The maknae began to scribble his fingers all over the older's exposed back. This made Seonghwa go crazy as a loud shriek erupted from his mouth. "NAHAHAHAHAHA JONGHO NOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!!!"
Jongho just couldn't hold back the teasing anymore. "Wow, hyung!! Who knew you had such a ticklish back,, thats so cute." Tears started to roll down Seonghwa's cheeks as the evil fingers attacked his back. "JONGHOHOHO PLEAHAHAHASEE IT TICKLES TOO MUHUHUHUCH!!!" he begged as he hugged the pillow he was laying his head on.
After a few more tickles and teases,, Jongho finally stopped and got off Seonghwa. "That..was..so mean." he panted. The older turned over to see Jongho sitting and smiling down at him. Without saying a word,, Hwa grabbed the maknae by his shirt collar and pulled him down on top of him so the two of them could cuddle. "You know Jong,, I actually enjoyed that alot" Seonghwa whispered to the younger boy.
Jongho smiled and nuzzled against Seonghwa's face. "I'm glad you did. I love you hyung" he said sleepily. "Love you too, Jong." Hwa replied with a soft smile. The two of them soon fell asleep cuddling.
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
Here's a cute clip of Yeosang accidently tickling Yunho's neck/face with his hair,, this is the cutest shit please 😔❤
(I had to repost this cause the first post had some weird sound in the background askdhd)
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
Stop what you're doing and look at this picture of San smiling
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Now you are blessed forever 😘
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
Ehiiiii big fan of your writing here! Can i request a lee!mingi and ler!seonghwa, where Mingi is being really annoying and Hwa decides to punish him (but keeping still soft and cute)? Bonus points if use of tools like feathers and such! 
Hello there! Yes sure,, I'd love to write that!
(Message above is a request from an anonymous person)
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
Honestly, anything Seventeen related would be beautiful because there aren't that many on Tumblr :( Maybe the Meanie ship or BooSeokSoon goofing around. That would be amazing :D -🙂TheSmilelyAnon
Ok i'll see what i can do!
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
Oh no It looks like he's being tickled im- 😔💔
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please im so sad
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
Hello can i request a tickle fight for ateez where it all starts with one member and then the rest join in
I can definitely try!
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
ATEEZ - Late Night Cuddles
Warning: this is a tickle fic! If you're not into this stuff or don't like it, don't read it or ignore this post
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It was a late night in ATEEZ's dorms,, probably like 12:00 AM. Hongjoong and Yeosang were the only ones in the dorms and they had shared a bed together. Yeosang has been quite affectionate for the past few days so getting to cuddle with Joong for a whole night made him so happy.
Hongjoong and Yeosang lay on the bed with their heads propped up by the pillows,, the two cuddling and having random conversations. Joong combed his fingers through the other member's hair,, making him relax and shut his eyes at the feeling,,
Yeosang suddenly raised his arms to stretch,, making his hoodie to rise up a bit and show a bit of his cute tummy. Hongjoong immediately noticed and smirked a bit. He took the chance and leaned over to place a light kiss on Yeosang's exposed skin,, causing him to let out a small "ah!"
Hongjoong smiled at the cute reaction "What's wrong, Sangie?" he asked the now blushing boy. Yeosang covered his face in embarrassment,, not saying anything for a few seconds before finally answering Joong's question. "That tickled!" he replied,, still hiding his very red face.
Hongjoong smirked again and suddenly moved near the end of the bed. "Oh yeah?" he lay himself between Yeosang's legs so that his face was close to his tummy. Joong then started to pull up the other's hoodie just a bit more. Yeosang looked at the other member nervously. "H-hey uh.. J-Joongie?? what are you doiHIHIHIHING!" He suddenly threw his head back in a fit of loud giggles as Hongjoong was now attacking his tummy and bellybutton with lots of feathery kisses. Yeosang couldn't believe how much it tickled. "Joongihihihiee!! Stahahahaap! It tihihickles!!" he squeaked.
Hongjoong giggled at the other's cute reactions. "Sangie~ how are you so sensitive? ahh,, you're too adorable!" he teased. Yeosang's cheeks turned bright red from the other's teases. He shook his head as he continued to giggle his heart out.
Hongjoong continued with the kisses for a bit before stopping,, he then got an idea. Joong smiled at Yeosang and then spoke "Hey Sangie,, i wonder what would happen if i...did this?" And with that,, Hongjoong started shaking his head side to side,, tickling Yeosang's tummy with his soft hair. "Coochie coo!" he teased.
"Nyahahahahaha~!! Joongihihieee!!" Adorable giggles came from Yeosang's mouth as he started wiggling around from the light tickling. Hongjoong laughed at the other boy "Oh Sangie,, you're so cute. You must be enjoying this alot since you aren't even trying to stop me!" he said teasingly.
"Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!!" Yeosang giggled,, making Joong raise an eyebrow. "Oh no" he mumbled under his breath.
"Shut up? Ooh you shouldn't have said that to me!! Now you get punished!" Hongjoong teased. Yeosang's eyes went wide with nervousness at Joong's words.
"Wait Joong no,, im sorry-NAHAHAHAHA!!" Yeosang squealed when Hongjoong suddenly blew a big raspberry into his tummy. His feet started drumming on the bed as he laughed. "JOONGIE STAAHAHAHAHAP~!" he yelled. After a few more raspberries and tickles,, Hongjoong finally stopped and got off. He sat in the spot next to Yeosang again.
Yeosang was out of breath but he had the hugest smile glued onto his face. Hongjoong giggled at the other member "Did you like that,, Sangie?" he asked. Yeosang looked at him for a few seconds before admitting it "yes...i loved it alot,, he blushed and covered his face.
Hongjoong smiled "good,, now lets get to bed. I don't want us to be tired in the morning." Yeosang nodded,, nuzzling into the other member. After a while,, the two fell asleep cuddling eachother.
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it kinda sucks > <
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
This is what you see when you tickle Mingi 🥺💔
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
everyone who reblogs this will receive a picture of spencer shay in their inbox 
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
These are so cute omg 😔❤
I've decided.
lee! Ateez headcannons
Based on an ask from the lovely @xiongiggle which read;
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I know you requested Yunho or Seonghwa but now I'm gonna spoil you with all of them ;p
Lee headcannons for Ateez because I'm obsessed! ;0!!
• he can be pinned so easily
• just the thought of someone sitting on his hips and smiling deviously over him is enough to fluster him
•challenging the ler with that cute smirk of his but then regretting doing so three seconds later
•throwing his head back because he can't take the tickles
•light tracing on his tummy will cause him to let out a quiet snort.
•so cocky, he thinks that he can never be tickled but then he gets it.
•starts screaming as soon as you drill into his underarms.
•hates it when someone counts his ribs, he can never stay quiet long enough.
•he's a kicker, you've gotta restrain his legs
•biting his lip so hard so that he won't giggle but it only lasts for a bout five seconds
•always trying to reason with the ler
•"look! I'll get you whatever you want just do-AHAHAHHA!"
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•has the calmest giggles ever
•like how tf is he that calm when someone's tickling his belly button?
•has quite a sensitive neck
•will probably squeak if you wiggle a feather there
•he doesn't squirm much
•has surprisingly ticklish sides
•"what do you think you're doing?"
•will most likely get you back immediately after
•want to squeeze his sides and tickle his tummy? You can, but don't expect to get away with it
•giggles get higher pitched when you get down to the leg area
•ticklish knees, front and back.
•gentle fingers along the backs of his knees
•^ his reaction; "hEEheeehehee!"
•might not be insanely ticklish but he's the worst at keeping his laughter in
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•Big boi is surprisingly ticklish
•You gotta get him into a position where he can't turn the tables and tickle you instead
•can't take tummy squeezes
•or any kind of squeezes really
•really. ticklish. thicc. thighs.
•if you even so much as touch him there he'll start smiling.
•really doesn't want you to tickle his thighs.
•tickly nibbles are the worst for him
•The shells of his ears are ticklish 🥺
•lil nibbles for his tummy
•always trying to cover his mouth when being tickled
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•cuddling that turns into tickles and tickles that turns into cuddling.
•why would you not wanna tickle this bby
•so pure 🥺
•loves being cradled while being tickled.
•he doesn't really giggle, he usually just laughs
•cannot ask for tickles
•"what do you want Yeosang?"
•he can't even say it, he has to gesture.
•such a smiley baby
•The smallest things tickle him
•he wants you to kiss his tummy and his neck
•lowkey wants to giggle for the ler but pretends that he doesn't.
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•teasing makes him more sensitive
•smiles when he receives a poke to the tummy
•loves his tummy rubs that turn into tickles
•lives for feather tickles.
•^even though he loves them, he can't take them
•can't even speak when being tickled.
•"what was that, Sannie?"
• such sweet laughter 🥺🥺
•gets so flustered over teases
•he begs so much that it's hard to tell whether he's begging you to stop tickling him or begging you to continue.
•squeezing his hips = banshee shriek
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•this guy.
•a big pushover
•he has such ticklish feet
• ticklish toes™️
•has such a big smile
•has his ways of subtly convincing lers to tickle him
•either by challenging them or just by being like "gee, I feel so stiff-" and stretching to purposely reveal his tummy
•a teasy lee basically
•ticklish and proud
•yet gets so blushy when the ler plays the piggie game with his toes 🥺
•loves the thrill of being chased
•also likes being tied down for tickles
•^ just wants to be nice and snug
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•Elmo laugh guaranteed.
•squeals and giggles
•occasional screams
•you'd think someone was being murdered
•No, it's just Wooyoung being tickled.
•don't press the giggle button-
•whines of protest when being tied down/restrained in some way
•"it tickles!"
•can't keep the laughter in to save his life
•randomly squeezing his sides will result in him most likely falling over with a loud shriek
•whispery teases make him so flustered.
•"eee! No!"
•too ticklish for his own good
•probably wants a nap after tickles, it drains a lot out of him
•squirming and thrashing king
•raspberries = going deaf
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•pouty baby
•pretends he doesn't want tickles
•actually really wants tickles
•too shy to admit that he wants them
•threatens to beat up anyone who dares to tickle his ribs
•probably won't
•hates being called cute, especially when being tickled
•"dohohohon't use the c wohohord!"
•still utterly adorable 🥺
•bucking, lots of bucking
•not much squirming though.
•loud laughing, he tries to stay quiet but it doesn't work
•mostly pretends that tickles don't exist
•gets shocked when someone pinches his sides
•comes with a shocked squeak and then a peel of giggles
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
It's raining feathers!~
There's no specific lee/ler in this fic because everyone gets tickled at some point uwu.
Requested by a friend~ I hope you like it!
It was a quiet morning, nothing interesting was happening. In the kitchen, the members of Ateez were sat quietly either eating or tapping away at their phones. 'how boring' Mingi thought, looking around at his members. San and Wooyoung had earphones plugged in, intensively watching a video of some sort. Jongho was by the counter, trying to pick out something to eat, the two eldest members were chatting quietly so they didn't disturb the others. The only two people who were unoccupied was Yunho and Yeosang.
Mingi looked at Yunho for a while, brainstorming what he could do. He decided that he'd pull some kind of.. tickly prank. When Yunho catches his gaze and his face of concentration he grins, mouthing a 'what's on your mind?' to the younger male. Mingi gives him a look before moving hastily yet carefully over to wear both Yunho and Yeosang were sitting. He leaned over to whisper to Yunho softly. The elder member smiled and nodded his head. In the set of drawers next to him there was a whole bunch of tools used in the dorm for tickly torture.
Yunho smiled deviously, looking through the drawer. He noticed that in this particular hiding place for tools (there were many around the dorm) there were a lot of feathers. It was convenient, considering every member was feather ticklish somewhere. He cupped his hands together and collected up the many feathers in the drawer and turned around, standing to his full height and breaking the silence in the room. "hey, guys." he said, catching the attention of everybody. "look," he began before throwing the feathers up into the air, causing them to scatter and gently float down. All of the feathers were different, different shapes and sizes and all different in fluffiness. He smirked, "its raining feathers!"
Perfect timing, a few moments later there was chaos. That's just how it was in the dorm. Just one action like 'raining feathers' can cause so much chaos. The lers couldn't help themselves.
Mingi had practically pounced on the unsuspecting Yeosang out of pure excitement. He had a large yet stiff feather in his hands and he smiles widely in excitement. "ready Sangie hyung?" he asks softly as he lifts up Yeosang's shirt. Mingi couldn't hold back his cooing when he saw the honey tummy quivering in anticipation. "ahahaha!!" Yeosang squeaks as he feels the feather trace around his tummy. "naw~ ticklish?" The younger male teases.
San was being tag teamed by the two eldest members who were giving him the softest tickles. San didn't even know his ribs were this feather sensitive. "heheheeh.. Ahaha~ hyuhuhuhuhung nohohoho~" the boy whined. He then gasped and fell into louder laughter when Seonghwa started scratching at his underarms.
Jongho thought he was lucky as he saw Yunho ruthlessly feathering Wooyoung's belly button. He was being left out of the tickling and he felt a little bit jealous. He could Wooyoung's loud and desperate giggles, San's high pitched giggles and Yeosang's peels of loud laughter. No fair, he pouted. He wanted to join in. He took one of the fluffy feathers off of the floor and he waddled over to where Mingi was teasing Yeosang.
The youngest grabbed his hyung's foot and peeled the sock off slowly before stroking the little feather up his sole. The whole room went quiet as Mingi let out a panicked shriek and some loud giggles. There was a small opening, and Yeosang took the chance to escape from Mingi, leaving Jongho to drag the soft feather up Mingi's soles and in between his toes. "bwe-ehehehahahaahaha! Stahahahahahaap!!" Mingi begged. With help from Yeosang, Wooyoung had his tall tickler pinned down. "ha! Payback!" Wooyoung chirped as he took one of the feathers and fluttered it gently on Yunho's neck, causing the male to press his chin down. Yeosang let out a small 'aha!' as he managed to get a feature swirling around Yunho's left pit. "hehehehhhahahaha! NEHE! Ahaha~ nohohoho!" The tall male squealed, bucking his hips up a bit at the soft torture.
San was still struggling when Seonghwa gave in and smiled "hey Sannie, wanna help me get our leader?" he asks playfully and obviously, at the chance of getting revenge, San obliged. He took a few feathers while Seonghwa pinned down the small leader. Hongjoong's eyes were wide as San waved the feathers in front of him. "hey, hey, hey! We can talk about this San! You don't have to- eeh!! Ahahah! Yohohohou dohohohon't hahahave to tihihihickle me!" Hongjoong shook his head as San swirled the different feathers over Hongjoong's torso, occasionally dragging them from his chest allllll the way down to his hips.
After everyone seemed to have calmed down, sudden realization hit Wooyoung. "waaaait.. Has Seonghwa hyung been tickled yet?"
Well- he certainly was going to be now. The eldest member had been pinned down by Hongjoong and San, The shorter sitting on Seonghwa's hips and the younger sitting on his arms. Each of the other members had picked out different types of feathers, large ones, small ones and super fluffy ones.
Now, Seonghwa wasn't very feather ticklish, but he would admit that he did laugh a lot.
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
ATEEZ - Too Precious
Warning: This is a tickle fic! If you're not into this stuff or don't like it, then don't read it or ignore this post.
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It was a late night in ATEEZ's dorms,, all the members were out for the night while Hongjoong and Yunho stayed inside. The both of them had built a big pillow and blanket fort to sleep in and so they could cuddle and eat snacks without anyone else around to see them.
It was a bit chilly in the dorms so the two members had put on their favorite hoodies to sleep in. Once they had everything set up, they grabbed a big blanket to share and crawled in.
Yunho sat up while Hongjoong was laying comfortably on his back in Yunho's lap. The taller boy looked down at the leader,, softly smiling at how cute he looked. "Ahh Joong,, you look so cute" he said,, causing Hongjoong to blush and softly smile back at him.
Hongjoong suddenly raised his arms to stretch,, causing his hoodie to rise up and show a bit of his tummy. Yunho noticed and couldn't help himself from bending down to place a gentle kiss on the leader's exposed skin.
Hongjoong let out a little "ah!" and quickly shot his arms down. Yunho noticed and smirked. "Joong,, what was that?" he asked the now giggling boy.
"That tickled!" Hongjoong replied, still slightly giggling. Yunho melted at his response,, now smirking even more. "Tickled? Then i wonder what would happen if i did this..." and with that, Yunho lowered his head and placed a gentle smooch on Joong's belly button.
The leader let out a squeak "eee! Yunhohoho!" he giggled. Without warning,, the taller boy suddenly began to lift up more of Joong's hoodie. Yunho then began to plant soft tickly kisses on his soft tummy.
Happy giggles poured from Hongjoong's mouth as he squirmed around from the kisses. "Yunhohohoho!! That tihihickles!!
Yunho giggled into Joong's belly,, accidentally making it tickle more.
"Yunho plehehHEHEHEASE!!" Hongjoong squealed when he suddenly felt the other member now scribbling his fingers all over his belly,, "IT TICKLES SO MUHUHUCH!!"
The sight of Hongjoong laughing and squirming around was almost too much for Yunho's heart,, he just looked so... precious.
"Oh really Joong? If it tickles so much then why aren't you trying to stop me? Aww,, you must really love this then!" Yunho teased.
Hongjoong shook his head,, giggling like crazy as Yunho started to circle his belly button. "Yunho plehehehease!! Stohohohop!!"
"Ok Joongie,, i just wanna get one more spot before i let you go" Yunho smiled. He then gently picked up the leader to place him onto the blankets and pillows.
Yunho then sat on Hongjoong's shins,, really close to his ankles. He then removed the leader's socks and tossed them to the side. Hongjoong realized what Yunho was doing,, "Yunho wait- AHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
The leader was cut off when Yunho started spidering all over his soles. "STAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT!!" he squealed.
"Coochie coochie coo!" Yunho teased as he began to tickle under the leader's toes. Hongjoong was now shaking his head,, he grabbed a pillow that was laying next to him and buried his face in it.
Muffled laughter was heard as Hongjoong had his face buried into the pillow,, his fingers digging into it as well. After a few more minutes of teasing Joong's toes,, Yunho finally stopped and got off of him.
Hongjoong panted heavily but he had the biggest smile on his face. "You ok, Joongie?" the taller boy asked.
"Y-yeah i'm ok,, i loved it..." Hongjoong admitted. Yunho smiled at the shorter "i'm glad"
Hongjoong then fell asleep ten minutes later since the tickling had tired him out. Yunho giggled and leaned over to placed a kiss on his forehead,, soon falling fast asleep as well.
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
Go crazy my friends
Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
Of course
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teddybearmingi · 5 years ago
Allow me to offer you
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A smol giggly boi ❤
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