Technology Talk
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technology24-7 · 4 years ago
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technology24-7 · 4 years ago
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technology24-7 · 4 years ago
The world vs technology
  The world need makes better technology every day ever since COVID hit.Everything and has gone Virtual pretty much. Schools have even given assigned chrome books for kids to do there work now. Think about if the school gave out Mac books instead, what would be the pros and cons of this idea. Would kids do there work or would they not. And what about the price. 
               Pros about the idea would be that kids would enjoy the fast reliable computer to do their school work on. And I feel they would take care of it better if they had one. The more expensive the more thought that people give into keeping the object safe it’s just what goes through their mind every day. The speed of the internet would still be a problem,but the speed of the computer and the reaction time it has to when you press a button is unbelievable. Updates keep the tech running like new. If every kid got a Mac book kids would die of happiness.
         Cons of the idea are how many kids do you think would break this object. And the repairs of the Macbook are expensive. Do we really need the Macbooks to do work because the chrome book is $1200 cheaper and can do most of what the Macbook can. The idea of this brings horror to the mind of the school because if they did this then a lot of the money they would have would go to getting them and not just that but fixing them when broken. So the Macbook is just a dream. Because they may seem cool and made by Apple but in the end they are overpriced. 
          Do you really think having a chrome book is that bad? At least the school gave us something to further our education and get somewhere in life. And they made it cheap for us to fix. And they give you a new one if something is wrong. So think about these thing before you go on about how he school does not give us nice things. Go to for more information about why Mac books or chrome books are better for students. 
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technology24-7 · 4 years ago
The Chromebook - Should schools keep using low cost computers?
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Schools continue to get by with Chromebooks for students as they are low cost and can feel safe with them in the hands of students. They are small and lightweight making it easy to be able to take home to finish classwork or even have a technology source for the student at home. But looking at the overall performance of the computer, its standards are very low. Should schools continue to use these low performance computers?
Students are able to do basic classwork on their computers, but when it comes to elective classes, most courses require some kind of higher performance software. Students are unable to work on these courses outside of class because they can’t access the material on their Chromebook. With advancement in technology, more faster computers are coming out. With just a little budge by the school boards and principals, students will be on their way to success with faster and more reliable sources to use.
Chromebooks are very flimsy and not very reliable. But, on the other side, schools see these computers as a cheap and easy way to give kids a way to do homework at home if they don't have access to a computer. On the downside, Chromebooks require internet access to even work on it. Most kids who use the school computers don’t even have an internet source at home making the Chromebooks useless. 
With the little budge by schools and administrators, we can go from being average to very successful in our school work with just a little advance in technology. Students can finally work on schoolwork outside of school and take away all those failing grades. All it takes is you!
Do you guys think Chromebooks should be used in School?
Comment Down Below!!!
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technology24-7 · 4 years ago
The Macbook Pro -  Advancements
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The idea of giving each student a Macbook Pro is, in fact, very far fetched since out school can’t possibly afford it. We would have to get multiple grants and/or loans for the massive amount of purchases needed. But pushing all of the financial aspects of the problem away, we can focus more on the actual machine and how it could be very beneficial to the student.
As stated before, I would vote to settle for the new M1 Macbook. My reasons include the extremely fast processor, more storage, and the large screen. Since the M1 came out, people have really enjoyed it’s speed and reliability, something the school’s chrombook don’t understand. Creating projects, writing papers, and even video calling other classmates would be done with ease and simplicity. 
Just like the M1 chip, having a larger local storage device would be beneficial to the student. This allows local saves of big projects, e-books, assignments, and other personal student documents. Since the Chromebook relies on having an internet connection to even login to the laptop, this gives the Mac an advantage to work “offline” and edit documents and projects off the local drive.
So all in all, I do believe that the Macbook Pro would have many advantages over the cheap Chromebooks we have today. They would be worth the sacrifice to invest into them, since we are investing into the future of these students' education.
Comment down below your opinion on the Macbook Pro vs. a Chromebook!
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technology24-7 · 4 years ago
Chromebook Vs. MacBook Pro - The decision arises
 Schools and the life of living online. Ever since covid hit in 2019 we all went into a world of virtual. We did all our school work on chromebooks are ok but not very expensive. We have positive outlooks on this topic and negative. It goes both ways because if kids were to own a mac book they would treat it better and would want to get on it. But on the other hand it is very expensive and easy to break if not careful. 
The MacBook Pro has a huge advantage over the school chromebooks since their super fast M1 chip and larger amount of storage for projects and other school/personnel files. The physical screen size and resolution is much larger too, letting the viewer see more and at a better quality. The AV team already has 25 Macbook Pro’s (2020) and we have loved them. They make editing a whole lot fast and easier since we can check them out and take them home, unlike the static computers we have plugged in the editing room. All these points make a Mac a very reasonable option to invest in.
Chromebooks are easier to give to students than macbooks. Macbooks are fairly cheap while the macbook pros range from $1,300 to $2,900. The school also has trust issues with students. They tend to break their screens and aren’t very responsible when it comes to personal items. While students aren’t responsible, Chromebooks are not capable of doing everything a student needs.
 In conclusion we all should stick with what we get because the schools do give us laptops to us so we should be grateful. Even tho we could get better laptops to use and make kids actually want to do their work it is super pricey. If we were able to, that would be awesome!!!
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