Rethink Corporate Training in UAE with Team Transformation
The biggest enterprises in the corporate ecosystem didn’t get to the top by the easy road. Every company stands on the cornerstone of human resources, and the UAE corporate ecosystem is no different from this. Savvy business owners understand that building team efficiency has nothing to do with hiring candidates with spiffy resumes and loads of experience. Undoubtedly that might help but the efficiency quotient can only be improved when employees get the right corporate training in UAE that match their job description. 
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Do employees want training? Of course, they do! According to LinkedIn, 94% of employees prefer working for companies that invest in their professional development. Corporate training isn’t exactly fun, but it can increase collaboration, clear communication gaps, bolster productivity, and more. So, how can corporate training in UAE benefit your organization? Let’s see! 
Perks of Corporate training
Gone are the days when corporate training alone sufficed the needs of a growing organization. With the dynamically evolving company maneuvers, businesses are enhancing workplace wellness with team coaching to foster company unity and develop competence and competitiveness. 
·         Enhanced consistency
Internal training isn’t only about upskilling; it also allows teams to develop a more cohesive sense of internal policies. New joiners must start from scratch to develop team synergy. Whereas existing employees are already familiar with the systems and procedures, adding to their capabilities and skills can ensure that you create assets for your enterprise in the long run.
A cost-effective approach
Contrary to a popular belief, training can blow a hole in your pocket. Corporate training is massively cost-efficient. According to Glassdoor, when an SME hire a new employee, they might lose around $4,000. Onboarding multiple employees can do serious financial damage to the bottom line while directly not translating to future efficiency. However, when you spend on a proven team, you build on the knowledge that already exists internally. Therefore, the ROI of corporate training is better than making multiple hires. 
Identify strengths and eliminate weaknesses
Teams go through well-rounded training programs to optimize areas that need improvement. Structured training programs can make teams learn to mold their expertise around each other. How? For example, employee A is an expert on the technical side, but communication skills aren’t his strong suit. However, employee B is an excellent communicator without any technical ability. With structured corporate training sessions, these two employees can learn from each other’s strengths while making up for each other’s weaknesses in necessary circumstances. 
Improve employee morale and ramp up productivity
Do you know that 72% of professionals find satisfaction in their work? But contrarily, around 82% of the same employees are open to working for new positions? One of the most holistic benefits of corporate training is it can enhance employee morale and create a consistent atmosphere for better productivity. Training programs can make employees feel a sense of value that, in turn, inspires employees to work at even higher levels. 
Get started with corporate training now! 
Do you want to facilitate your team’s unique abilities with a personalized coaching approach? Then Team Transformation can offer a strong foundation for your team with globally renowned, interactive, engaging, and insightful team coaching approaches. With Team Transformation, you can:
Discover your organization’s core values, culture, and ways to pass     them down the line through coaching.
Engage in interactive workshops that can aid your company in recognizing, establishing, and     fulfilling achievable goals
Get a robust framework to eliminate team conflicts and build     rapport
Benefit from performance-based coaching and personalized mentoring
Engage in experimental learning, leadership approaches, and     skill-building
Ready to witness the transformation through corporate training in UAE? Reach out to Team Transformation now!
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What does accountability in the workplace look like?
When each employee in a company accepts responsibility for their activities, there is accountability in the workplace. All personnel, from entry-level workers to senior executives, are expected to meet their individual goals. There are several ways for professionals to exercise accountability at work. Anyone at any level can take personal accountability by acknowledging their own obligations and pledging to carry out their roles within the organization.
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Wondering how accountability in the workplace works? Let’s consider a few examples of personal accountability in work ecosystems, to begin with:
Being present at work during the     designated hours
Independently carrying out each duty     outlined in the job description
Completion of all assigned     responsibilities
Keeping up a consistent and sufficient     level of output quality
Recognizing the division of labor and     working together with others
Communicating any updates or     difficulties with management
What does accountability mean for leaders?
Accountability for organizational leaders may also include the success of their team. Leaders can foster a culture of responsibility by requesting that everyone keeps up with the organizational metrics and goals. Accountability may extend to the organization as a whole on a bigger scale. Upper management has to properly communicate the company's beliefs, mission, and expectations while holding all employees to the same standards. It also entails accepting responsibility for the company's intended or unintentional deeds for transparent and structured enterprise growth. 
Significance of accountability at all enterprise levels
According to Gallup, accountability helps companies outperform their competitors and results in 21% higher profitability. Almost every facet of work is impacted by how your team handles accountability. Accountability helps teams collaborate more efficiently and develops stronger working relationships. It also increases job satisfaction. It gives us greater control over their work and encourages better teamwork because everyone knows they can rely on one another to get things done. The different benefits of accountability in the workplace include the following:
Increased trust levels
Better workplace morale
Transparent communication
Improved employee satisfaction
Higher engagement
Clearer objectives/ priorities
Reduced employee turnover rates
Undoubtedly employee accountability is the need of the hour. But, boosting employee accountability requires consistency and a strategic approach. Need help? Here are some tips from industry experts.
Tips to increase accountability in the workplace
Make your enterprise objectives crystal     clear so your team can have a clear idea of where to take responsibility
Practice and preach constructive     criticism
Deploy work-tracking tools
Create SMART (Specific, Measurable,     Relevant, Achievable) Goals
Try to intertwin responsibility with     purpose
Lead by example and create a safe space     for growth
For many leaders, accountability is an inherent attribute. Often personal accountability for seasoned leaders is like a muscle that they have strengthened with years of practice. However, not all leaders are programmed to be accountable. This is when Team coaching comes into the big picture.
Result-oriented team coaching programs can effectively aid leaders and team members to accept responsibility for their actions, be reliable and meet each other’s communication expectations effortlessly.
Is your team going through broken promises, missed deadlines, or unclear/vague expectations? Are you observing your leaders micromanage the team, or do you feel an evident communication gap within your workspace? Then there are the signs that you have got a problem with accountability in the workplace. Believe it or not, accountability isn’t something that you must think about during quarterly or annual reviews. High-performance teams focus on practicing accountability every single day. And you can do that with team coaching. 
Want to focus on shared commitments, better reporting, and open communication? Opt for team coaching with Team Transformation now. Contact us now to book a free discovery session for your team.
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Reducing Negativity in the Workplace: Top Coaching Tips
The workplace must be a calm and productive place where employees can focus on their jobs. What can negativity in the workplace lead it? It can derail the productivity train and cause employees to shift their attention to petty hiccups that have nothing to do with their jobs. According to a report by the Society for Human Resource Management, over the past five years, employees who left their jobs due to poor company culture have cost organizations more than $220 billion. A negative work ecosystem can lead to poor employee morale and poor performance while harming your company’s reputation in the long run, which is why managing negativity in the workplace is imperative. 
Causes of Workplace Negativity
Workplace negativity might sprout from the following causes 
An     overwhelming workload that is impossible to handle in the allotted time
Concerns     regarding the management's ability to successfully advance the company
Concerns     about the future, especially the assurance of long-term employment and     retirement
Lack of a     stimulating challenge at work and monotony from doing the same thing repeatedly
Inadequate     recognition of the degree of effort and contribution made.
A culture     of negativity and rumors within the teams
Acting     unconcerned about an employee's adverse circumstances
The causes might not be apparent, but the symptoms are. If you are unable to determine the causes, try looking for signs to identify workplace negativity.
How to Diagnose Workplace Negativity?
Negativity in the workplace can emerge in a variety of ways, such as dishonesty, arrogance, and grief. If a negative work environment is allowed to persist, it may start to affect every employee in the organization. Some early signs of workplace negativity include the following:
Frequent     employee disputes
Prevalent communication     gaps
Creative     Blocks
Scarce     open-end scrums and sprints
Issues     sprouting from a lack of confidence
Diminishing     mutual respect among hierarchies
Lack of     teamwork
Top coaching tips for managing workplace negativity
As great minds said: prevention is better than cure. Just like any other infectious disease, negativity is also contagious. So, before it spreads and swallows your existing positive workplace, here are some coaching tips for managing workplace negativity effectively. 
Be honest     with yourself and ditch the glass-half-empty attitude. Start with     yourself, stay positive when people around you in the workplace are     unrelentingly negative, and always take the high road. 
Tackle     genuine problems instead of superficial issues. Also, be compassionate about     overall well-being because people may struggle with grave personal issues     that you might overlook on professional grounds. 
Engage in     a handful of conversations and have a quiet word with negative employees     to prevent a toxic work environment. Don’t give ultimatums or be     confrontational. Instead, take a collaborative coaching approach. 
Ask the     right questions that draw out the positives. 
Recognize     employee achievements and appreciate your team. 
Gone are the days when solving conflicts in workplaces demanded nothing more than one-on-one discussions. Today’s enterprise landscape is dynamic. They need coaching programs to aid employees in managing negativity in the workplace. Want an extra hand to help you out with coaching? Consult the professionals at Team Transformation now!
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Giving Constructive Feedback to Colleagues
If you have worked in corporate or running a company, you probably know how feedbacks form the foundation of efficacy. Not only organizations, but even employees want feedback to find out how they can improve their performance. Unlike an annual review or the dreaded performance analysis with HRs that slow down professional development to a snail’s pace, constructive feedback for colleagues can work wonders to encounter any performance-related hiccup there and then. 
But first, what is constructive feedback?
Constructive criticism refers to criticism that aims to strengthen the recipient's skills. This kind of criticism entails pointing out both the good and the bad in someone's work and making suggestions for development. When evaluating another person's work, constructive feedback puts objectivity and emotional intelligence first. It is, therefore, suitable for inspiring workers to put in more effort while motivating them.
Benefits of constructive feedback
When crafting constructive criticism for your coworkers or as a team leader, keep the following advantages in mind:
Positive corporate culture
Colleagues can respectfully and constructively discuss their thoughts on one another's work when they provide constructive criticism. This fosters an environment of respect and concern for one another's advancement. Employees that work in that setting are more at ease and willing to share their ideas. Additionally, they discover it easier to connect and work well as a team. This adds to pleasant workplace culture, which results in higher corporate profitability.
Improved morale
Talking about the positive results of someone's work is an essential component of constructive feedback. Although their work isn't sufficient or flawless, constructive feedback can demonstrate to employees that they have made progress. Bringing attention to an employee's accomplishments can boost morale and motivate them to keep trying and put in more effort. Employees with strong morale are more likely to get along well with coworkers, managers, customers, and other stakeholders.
Improves performance and aids in career     advancement
Employees generally want to advance and desire to perform at their highest level. You will help them advance by giving them constructive criticism, and you will also demonstrate to them that you and the company care about their professional growth.
Learning coaching skills
If you are playing a leadership role in an organization, failing to provide your top performers with feedback can significantly jeopardize your retention rates. For example, if a star employee tends to lose their temper, failing to address the situation can lead to conflicts and communication boils over time, hence causing negative long-term effects. However, when you respond promptly to behavioral issues, that can have a positive impact on your team. To give constructive feedback:
·         Establish trust
·         Observe instead of interpreting
·         Balance the positive and negative before giving feedback
·         Talk face-to-face instead of texting
·         Don’t make the feedback personal
·         Explain the impact and suggest concrete next steps
Want to learn how to give constructive feedback? Don’t want to dishearten your employees? Then learning coaching skills can aid you to render well-delivered constructive feedback for colleagues that educate and motivate rather than discourage. 
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The UAE is a nerve center of the Middle East’s business landscape. It is home to a growing number of businesses and MENA offices of MNCs, becoming a business powerhouse that can dominate global business. Executive coaching is a developmental strategy that can fuel this business growth and transform the competencies of global leaders. Executive coaching services in the UAE have emerged as one of the fastest-growing service categories in the country, with this coaching certification market projected to have a CAGR of 11.3% between 2022 and 2032. How can you leverage executive coaching to steer your career to success? Let’s explore what you can expect from executive coaching courses in the UAE!
What is Executive Coaching?
Executive coaching services in the UAE involve a series of practical, interactive, and engaging learning experiences for senior leaders and executives. These modules support executives in becoming successful team coaches, motivating and facilitating development among team members for organizational growth.
Coaching is essential for modern-day leadership as it equips coaches with agility and self-reliance. Coaches do not provide directions. Instead, they facilitate holistic perspectives and self-awareness among team members to help them grow. Their growth can enhance their professional performance and help them achieve business KPIs. At the same time, a coaching approach can enable people to thrive in low-stress, high-productivity environments.
Executive coaching can deliver the following benefits:
●      Help managers, leaders, and business executives harness professional growth by learning the principles of team coaching.
●      Supports team leaders in creating sustainable team transformations by aligning goals and designing shared narratives for inspiration.
●      Professional advancement through demonstrated improvements in work performance and team results.
What do Executive Coaching Services Include?
Executive coaching services in the UAE include strategies to help you synchronize team efforts and drive sustainable business outcomes. The critical components of the coaching modules are:
●      Goal Identification: The first stage involves an in-depth consultation with expert coaches. These professionals help you navigate a self-reflection journey to identify specific, relevant, and achievable goals. These goals form the basis of the coaching process as you learn how to execute changes for meeting your goals.
●      Interactive Workshops: The second stage involves engaging workshops that can help you identify, understand, learn, and embed behaviours in real-life team scenarios. Executive coaches can teach you frameworks of stakeholder relationships that support the development of productive, high-performance teams.
●      Evaluation: Expert instructors at Team Transformation create evaluation plans to help you understand how well you have grown. You can assess your journey and analyse how to apply your skills in practical scenarios to grow a self-sufficient business.
What You Get with Team Transformation
Team Transformation is a leading institute for accredited coaching certifications around the globe. You can get ICF-accredited certificates for executive coaching. Most importantly, you can gather greater self-awareness and confidence for delivering transformative outcomes for business teams. The knowledge of theoretical frameworks and hands-on understanding of execution principles can lead you to become a successful leader. Contact the team today to find the executive coaching course which can catapult you to success.
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Singapore is a thriving business center, hosting renowned global firms and home-grown enterprises to support robust economic growth. Executives, leaders, and managers have a crucial role in this exciting business equation as they must empower teams to transform business outcomes. A trained team coach in Singapore can enable the workforce to enhance their productivity and agility, driving responsive solutions to business complexities.
If you are passionate about motivating people to achieve their professional skill development goals, go for team coaching! Let’s explore the considerations for becoming a team coach in Singapore.
What is Team Coaching?
Team coaching, according to the ICF definition, is a collaborative partnership with the team members so that they can achieve their full potential through reflection and continuous development. The team’s interpersonal dynamics and relationships set the stage for positive interactions and growth-oriented efforts to maximize each member’s ability to fulfil collective goals. Team Coaching uplifts teams to create and maintain a culture of continuous learning and high-performance execution. It facilitates innovation, agility, shared purpose, and collective goals.
Who Can Become a Team Coach?
Any executive, manager, or leader with a keen understanding of the corporate world can become a team coach with the right training. ICF-accredited courses can help you become a top team coach in Singapore. There are no stringent rules or eligibility criteria to become a coach. However, the following types of people can find team coaching to be a worthy avenue for career development:
●      Team leaders who want to learn how to apply coaching principles to facilitate their teams’ development
●      Business development consultants who work with organizational teams to drive better business results
●      Experienced executive coaches who want to expand their skill sets and adopt team coaching principles for success
●      Individuals who want to pursue team coaching as a profession and are passionate about motivating others to reach their professional goals
●      Human resource personnel who want to build cohesive, high-performance teams and foster a collaborative organizational culture
Who Are Your Clients?
Accredited team coaching professionals can use their expertise to motivate and inspire teams across multiple verticals. You can serve corporate clients in the burgeoning business hub of Singapore to expand your career as a professional coach. One can enhance their client pool by completing a team coaching certification under an ICF-accredited curriculum. Corporate clients prefer team coaches who have such certification as it ensures their proven knowledge of coaching strategies and team-building principles. Your team coaching clients can include the following:
●      Corporate firms looking for organization-wide coaching support
●      New start-ups and SMEs pursuing team-building activities to fuel growth
●      Individual leaders seeking knowledge and understanding of strategies to improve their teams’ efficiency
●      Managers who want to transition to leadership stints
●      C-Suite executives who want to pursue professional development
Getting Team Coaching Training in Singapore.
You can become a team coach in Singapore with Team Transformation. Team Transformation offers ICF-accredited team coach courses in Singapore. We also offer tailored courses for organizations and corporates who wish to upskill their people in leadership or team coaching. Contact us today to identify the course that would suit your needs the best and get started with an in-depth team coaching course.
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With UAE being an economic powerhouse, retaining employees is becoming crucial. With more changing business dynamics and the highest business competencies among its workforce, more organizations seek leaders with resilient mindsets. Team Transformation offers online coaching training in the UAE for managers, executives, and leaders to extract high-impact results from their teams and create a productive atmosphere in the workplace. Let’s explore the strategies to select the best online course to achieve these goals.
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Why Leaders Need Coaching Skills
Leaders need coaching skills to keep up with the changing trends of the current business landscape. Recent years have shown the growing redundancy of directive leadership and the increasing need to adopt democratic and transformative styles. Leaders must motivate their teams and empower them to become self-reliant and strategic in achieving professional goals.
Leaders need an understanding of coaching to motivate and enable their teams to manage problems in agile and resilient ways. Coaching for leadership development can also support leaders with collaboration and conflict resolution, building high-performance teams for organizational growth. The following types of leaders need such coaching training:
●      Executives and senior management members who want to learn the tenets of coaching to drive better team performance
●      Professionals who want to nurture teams and unlock leadership opportunities within their organizations
●      Senior managers who want to pursue the career path of leadership, executive or team coaching
What Can You Achieve with Online Coaching Training?
With Team Transformation's Online coaching training in the UAE, you can gain:
●      Knowledge of application-oriented frameworks to use the coaching style of leadership
●      Professional development as a competent leader adept at transformative and motivational support
●      Skills to build self-reliant, agile teams which can solve problems with collaboration and innovation
●      Understanding how to create high-performance teams with strong stakeholder relationships
These benefits can position you as a competent leader capable of taking on higher roles in the organization. At the same time, they can drive business results for organization-wide success.
Checklist for Choosing the Coaching Training for Leadership Management
How can you choose the best course for online coaching training in the UAE? Use the following checklist to decide. If you answer “yes” to these questions while evaluating a course, you should choose it to expand your professional growth.
●      Does the course have a reputed accreditation to validate its curriculum?
●      Is the course available for your level of leadership coaching requirements?
●      Does the course offer flexible timings to suit the requirements of your busy career?
●      Does it provide an intensive understanding of team coaching?
●      Do expert instructors provide personalized attention to support you during the course?
●      What does the price structure of this course include?
●      What other certificates can you get on completing the course?
●      Does it focus on developing your own coaching style or tool or model?
Team Transformation’s online coaching training in the UAE can support leaders and executives pursue high-impact leadership coaching. Moreover, Team Transformation offers ICF-accredited coach training courses for leaders who want to expand their careers as team coaches, leadership coaches, or executive coaches. Reach out to their team and discuss your checklist to find the perfect fit for your unique professional development goals!
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Today, more than 90% of MENA regional CEOs of global firms are based in the UAE, driving cutting-edge developments in international business. With numerous cultures working together under one roof, adapting coaching skills is becoming imperative to manage team dynamics. A coaching certification course in the UAE can give you everything you require to handle multiethnic teams and create substantial results. Here's more on coaching for leaders and managers and how our course can support you to develop the mindset and skills you need to lead in the VUCA world.
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What is Coaching?
Coaching is a development-oriented approach where the leader or manager uplifts their team members to unleash their full potential. Today's business landscape increasingly favors democratic leadership while minimizing directive or controlling approaches. The manager-as-a-coach supports their team members in identifying learning goals and achieving them with concerted efforts. A coach does not tell people what to do. Instead, they motivate and facilitate their team members' efforts so they can push their boundaries and find solutions.
A coaching approach can deliver the following benefits in the workplace:
●      It makes teams less dependent on their managers and allows employees to become more self-accountable toward their goals.
●      Inspires team members to use their unique abilities to drive out-of-the-box solutions
●      Empowers team members to develop their social and interpersonal skills and work as a team.
●      Minimizes employee stress and ensures higher productivity by ensuring their inclusion in decision-making processes
What is a Coaching Certification Course?
A coaching certification course in the UAE supports organizations in laying a robust foundation for their business teams' learning and development. Such a course can enable leaders and managers to deliver personalized coaching experiences for experiential skill-building. Teams can benefit from a performance-focused coaching style while the organization can leverage higher productivity levels to boost business growth. A certification course provides managers with an understanding of critical frameworks for team-building, engagement, and conflict resolution.
What’s Different in the Coaching Certification Course for Leaders and Managers?
Team Coaching is a unique approach to helping teams create lasting change as a collective unit. Team Transformation offers courses exclusively designed for managers and leaders who want to work as internal coaches. Based on adult learning principles and organizational development context, Team Transformation blends team coaching with team dynamics.
Our coaching certification course in the UAE is for leaders, managers, and senior executives seeking an in-depth, application-focused understanding of team coaching. Being ICF-accredited gives an extra advantage for our participants to grasp and imbibe the core competencies for team coaching. You learn frameworks and practical implementation of strategies in a safe environment. Personalized assignments and holistic curriculum design are the factors that make this course highly differentiated from other options.
Get Started
Team Transformation has delivered high-impact coaching training to 57 organizational clients and facilitated more than 100 cohorts. Our team of ICF-certified master team coaches offers highly immersive, interactive, and customized team coaching training and consultancy services for corporate and organizations. Contact us today to enroll in a transformative coaching certification course in the UAE.
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Group Coaching Vs. Team Coaching: What’s the Difference?
For most, group coaching and team coaching are interchangeable terms when there is a clear distinction between the two. Group coaching vs. team coaching discussions is often confusing. Since the words ‘group’ and ‘team’ are used synonymously, and group and team coaching often use overlapping techniques, there seems to be less clarity on the matter. But, to make things easier, here is a brief guide that helps you understand what group coaching and team coaching is all about and which can better suit your needs. 
Defining group coaching and team coaching: What’s the difference?
·         In the context of coaching, group and team coaching refer to very different approaches. In group coaching, individuals who are perfect strangers or do not operate as a team in any capacity come together to undergo coaching about a particular area. The group that undergoes group coaching comes together because of the need for coaching. 
·         In team coaching, individuals who already function as a team go through coaching sessions. In team coaching, people who are acquainted with each other and have shared goal and targets receive coaching from a trained professional. The focus is on the improvement of the team as a unit. 
·         Understanding the nuances of group coaching vs. team coaching approaches can be crucial when arranging for or choosing one. Both offer myriad ways to accomplish several personal and professional goals, but only the right fit will yield the desired results. 
Which one should you choose?
If you are unsure whether you should go for group coaching or team coaching, here are a few points you can consider.
Team coaching is the right choice if:
·         A team needs coaching as a cohesive unit.
·         The team needs to improve its interpersonal communication.
·         There is a scope for better alignment with company goals
·         The desired result is an increase in team productivity, performance, and output
Group coaching is the way to go if:
·         People of different backgrounds with a common aim of learning something that they can apply for individual goals in a group setting in a collaborative spirit. Group setting can be especially beneficial for each individual’s growth and development. 
·         Exposure to other people’s perspectives and challenges can help group members in their journeys. 
Group coaching vs. team coaching is not a difficult choice if you know the specifics of the two coaching approaches. Based on which one better tick all the requirements on your list, you can select one and embark on a rewarding path of maximizing capabilities on an individual or team level. 
Group coaching vs. team coaching is a discussion that shouldn’t be befuddling. Similarly, becoming a team coach isn’t either. Do you see yourself as someone who can coach teams and empower people? Check out Team Transformation today. They are the leading providers of educational resources for aspiring coaches. Whether you want to acquire an ICF credential at the ACC or PCC level, Team Transformation is your best option. Their live, online coach training session offers the perfect opportunity to develop all the skills required as a team coach while gaining first-hand experience. Visit their website today to know more about their unique range of coaching solutions! 
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Top 5 Team Coaching Techniques for Effective Leadership
The corporate world is a demanding and competitive space. There are endless goals to achieve and numerous targets to be met. For leaders who are responsible for helping teams achieve these goals and targets, team coaching techniques are crucial. That is what determines whether a team would succumb to pressure or overcome every curveball that comes their way. For a leader, knowledge of the most fruitful coaching techniques is imperative. Let’s explore five team coaching techniques that can help professionals in leadership positions ace their responsibilities, and create teams that reach the pinnacle of success. 
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Team Coaching: What it is? How is it different from other team building interventions?
Team coaching is the art of guiding teams to success by maximizing their potential and is an endeavor taken by trained professional coaches. Team coaching involves working on several goals and helps a team understand and maximize its capabilities, among other things. A team that undergoes team coaching is more likely to perform better, be in sync with the company’s goals, have a clear vision of the future, and overcome challenges on its own. A coach’s team coaching techniques can make it easier for a team to accomplish these.
 Although team coaching is often confused with other types of team intervention, it is distinct and offers unique ways to coach teams. For instance, 
·         Group coaching focuses on an individual who happens to be in a group setting. But team coaching focuses on team dynamics and cohesion instead of individual goals.
·         Team building looks forward to accomplishing its objectives in a short period. Team coaching spans a much longer duration, usually numerous coaching sessions, depending on the size of the team and the goals.
Thus, team coaching is unlike other kinds of team interventions and can offer a range of distinctive solutions for your clients. 
Top 5 team coaching techniques:
The efficacy of leadership depends on identifying which team coaching techniques work for your clients. Leadership is about walking the walk with your team and helping them navigate every challenge they face. Here are five team coaching techniques that you can use for your team:
#1 Asking questions: Even though you are in a leadership position, mastering and utilizing the art of curiosity is always a gem coaching technique. Asking open-ended questions to introduce something new or begin a discussion creates scope for the team engagement and sparks inquisitiveness and participation, everything that a team coach aspires to cultivate.
#2 Create a workspace culture of reflection: Fostering a reflective environment at the workplace is a good way of helping a team think about their present actions and be mindful. Allowing the team to be vulnerable and discuss their challenges openly encourages a sense of belonging and collective wisdom.
 #3 Practice active listening: How often does a team sit together to talk about their challenges in professional life? Let your team talk about something unrelated to work once in a while. Teams will have more to say and contribute without the fear of being judged in a safe environment. It strengthens their trust in each other. And become conscious of each other's struggles, allowing them to work on their team dynamics.
#4 Take time to adopt and practice: There will always be new practices and mindsets to adopt. You might even face resistance. Understanding the "what" and "why" of the changes helps them be more open to adopting newer practices. People will tend to easily adapt when the change becomes rewarding.
#5 Make time for communication, not emails: When something can be communicated face to face, why waste time in emails! They do not need to indulge in long conversations. Sharing ideas and concerns in person rather on emails can help gain clarity and resolve issues quickly.
As a leader, remember that you hold immense power in your hand. Utilize it to guide teams in a way that unlocks their full potential. Adhering to these team coaching techniques can help you become a successful leader. Head over to Team Transformation’s website to pursue a Leadership Coaching Certification which can help you master the coaching skills discussed here. Their stellar course is just what you need to elevate your leadership game and become the leader every team dreams of. 
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Why is Team Coaching Important for Team Performance?
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The leading names in the corporate world always invest back in their employees. An efficient workforce is a key to success for any company. This is why team coaching has become an inalienable part of the corporate framework. Helping employees become better at their job by equipping them with essential personal and professional skills is one way of boosting growth. That is what team coaching is all about. Let's dive deep into a discussion about how team coaching impacts team performance. Read on to know more about the benefits of team coaching and who can undertake the responsibility of empowering teams for success. 
Rise of coaching in the workplace:
Team coaching in the workplace has gained momentum in the past several years. Organizations have become acutely aware of why team coaching is vital and what it brings to the table. The coaching industry is growing leaps and bounds. According to a market estimation study, the industry is experiencing an average of 6.7% yearly growth. The numbers indicate that workplace coaching is on the rise. Team coaching is one fool-proof strategy that can keep giving returns to any organizations for whom teams form a crucial unit.
Benefits of coaching teams:
Now that you know how the coaching industry is growing, it is time to explore the why. Here is why team coaching is a worthy investment for team-centric organizational frameworks.
#1 Fosters team cohesion and improves holistic performance:
Team coaching is about supporting and nudging team members in the right direction. A team requires individuals who know their capabilities and can perform together while putting their best foot forward. Team coaching enhances individual abilities and potential, creating a team of members who always put in their best and aims for collective performance. Team coaching also provides pathways to build better interpersonal relationships among team members, thereby improving team cohesion.
#2 Identify goals and pathways to accomplish the same:
Team Coaching also involves aligning the team with the broad objectives and targets set by the company. Understanding which goals the team is headed toward and how to reach the desired destination makes it easier to hit targets and achieve success. 
#3 Help team overcome personal limitations:
Since a team comprises individuals with distinct capabilities, team coaching helps everyone overcome any self-limiting belief someone might have set for themselves. As each team member unlocks their true potential, the team becomes strong, heading towards better productivity and output. 
#4 Help maintain work-life balance: 
Employees who separate their professional and personal lives are more likely to excel on the work front. To build a team that always walks the extra mile, one should have individuals who are not overworked. Team coaching can provide guidance on how to achieve the perfect work-life balance and give the best performance at work. 
#5 Healthy work environment:
Team coaching includes guidance about working together with other members of a team, understanding goals with clarity and identifying one’s strengths. This creates lesser tension within the team, leading to a healthier work environment.
Conclusion: Who can coach teams?
It should now be apparent why team coaching is on the rise. The benefits of team coaching are manifold and hence, highly desired by the corporate world. Team coaching requires qualified individuals with the right skills and knowledge about coaching teams. If you envision yourself as a team coach, you need to undergo training and acquire certifications. Team Transformation can help you out in this regard. Their courses allow you to become a professional team coach and help countless teams reach their true potential and prosper on the work front.
Team Transformation also offers tailored team coaching sessions for organizations. Contact them today for more information about their courses and services.
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ICF coaching certification in UAE: Getting Certified as Team Coach
The coaching industry is one dynamic space to be in. As one of the most powerful economies in the Middle East, UAE places great importance on the growth of the corporate sector. Accordingly, ICF coaching certification in UAE has been a rewarding choice for leaders and executives who want to empower corporate teams and build a career out of coaching others. As the number of coaches in the UAE keeps rising, it is essential to keep reiterating how one can get a certification in UAE. So, read on to know more about ICF, its accreditations, and prospects in the coaching industry. 
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What is ICF? When should you consider getting an ICF certification?
ICF stands for the International Coaching Federation. ICF offers credentials for coaching professionals and accreditation for courses offering coach-specific training. It is the global standard in the coaching industry. An ICF-certified course is the most desirable option if you want to build a career in the team coaching industry. You may look for an ICF coaching certification in UAE when:
·         Starting a career as a team coach in a corporate setting is your goal
·         You see yourself beginning an independent business as a coach
·         You are in a leadership position and want to improve your coaching skills
·         Becoming a certified coach, instead of just an advisor or trainer, is your main goal
Team Transformation courses offer the opportunity to pursue a team coaching career to anyone willing to commit the time and hard work. So, getting an ICF certification can always be a fruitful addition to your resume. 
Criteria to get ICF certificate:
There are quite a few prerequisites to getting an ICF coaching certification in UAE. According to ICF, to become an ICF-certified coach, one has to:
Get enrolled in an ICF-approved team coaching     course
Successfully complete the required number of     coaching experience hours and mentoring
Pass an assessment test conducted by ICF or training     provider (depends on the path you choose)
You will get approved as an ICF-certified coach once you follow through with all the steps. While selecting a course, remember to choose one that meets all these requirements. Top-tier firms would always value an ICF coaching certification over any other coach training. ICF-approved accreditation ensures that the training you have gone through as a future coach is up to the mark and meets the best standards. Thus, it is always better to opt for the same. 
Getting started with Team Transformation:
Team Transformation is one of the top Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) providers globally. Its coach training courses offer the scope to pursue ICF ACC and PCC credentialing. Whether you are a professional in an executive position or looking to switch careers, Team Transformation’s coach training solutions are the best in the market. From stellar experts to post-training resources, they make ICF coaching certification in UAE a credential worth having.
Team Transformation offers ICF-accredited team coaching courses on two levels:
1.       Team Transformation Professional Coach - 60 hours course (for ICF-ACC level training)
2.       Team Transformation Master Coach - 125 hours course (for ICF-ACC/PCC level training)
If you want to get the best team coaching training, check out their website today. Team Transformation offers ICF-accredited team coaching courses globally.
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Becoming a Leadership Coach in UAE
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The success of an organization or enterprise directly depends on the performance and decision-making abilities of the leaders. So, is there a way to keep that in the best condition? Maybe not before, but at present, a professional with leadership coaching certification in UAE can aid senior executives in an organization. Leadership coaches can add immense value to the growth of an organization. Let’s see what the market stats project:
77% of the     respondents in a Fortune500 enterprise said that coaching enhanced the     business processes.
Another     Fortune500 company reported 788% ROI post-coaching.
96% of the     organizations are willing to continue their coaching activities.
One-third of     all the Fortune500 enterprises leverage leadership coaching for leadership     development.
99% of the     companies that hire leadership coaches have defined their experience as     highly satisfactory.
 So, if you either upskill as a leadership coach or choose it as a career option, it will be a wise decision, considering the demand. But before that, let’s walk you through the basics of leadership coaching. 
How is leadership coaching different?
Unlike team coaching, where the coach works with a team of diverse individuals, in leadership coaching, the coach will conduct sessions with a leader. Who is a leader? Senior executives, line managers, and any professionals contributing to the strategic result of the organization can benefit from leadership coaching. It can be a CEO, CIO, CFO, Director, or senior executive.  
Leadership coaching empowers and motivates the coachee, encouraging them to; 
Enhance     their skills 
Improve     their performance
Be more     self-aware 
Strengthen     their decision-making abilities 
Establish a     sustainable environment of growth within the organization 
Since, the leadership coach is working with the top management, any improvement in the conduct and attitude of the latter directly influences the other teams of the organization. That’s why it is held in such high regards these days. An organization is as good as its leadership.
What to expect in leadership coaching training? 
A standard training program for leadership coaching certification in UAE will help the aspirant imbibe essential conversational and coaching skills to collaborate with a leader. After all, it is a partnership between the coach and the coachee. 
A leader holds the position of authority within the organization, and hence the approach will be different from other coaching specializations. Most executives undertake leadership coaching training to sharpen their skills and abilities. It helps them guide subordinates without directing. And coach them to better their cognitive skills and decision-making abilities.
Getting ICF accredited leadership coaching training in UAE
Are you seeking ICF-accredited leadership coaching training in UAE? Then look no further than Team Transformation, the leading institute offering an array of coach training programs designed to meet the contemporary needs of the ever-evolving industries. You can undertake either online or offline modules at your convenience. The curriculum and training protocol helps individuals imbibe the core competencies of coaching and the code of ethics surrounding the same. Leadership coaching enables you to work with top management people. Our programs are designed specifically so that you are able to hone the required skills, tools, and techniques to confidently conduct the sessions and facilitate the desired outcome for the leaders. Check out their website for more information and course details.
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Getting ICF-Approved Team Coaching Training in Egypt
Team coaching is often confused with what a coach does for a sports team. Although not the same, the idea of corporate team coaching did originate from its sports counterpart. Over the years, team coaching has found success and prominence worldwide, covering the growing economy of Egypt. These days, more people are showing interest in getting team coaching training in Egypt. Some are embracing it as a career path, while corporate professionals are undertaking the course to upskill. On that note, here is a small overview of what you can expect from team coaching and the training program.   
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What is team coaching?
Team coaching is an interactive and motivating session between the coach and a group of diverse individuals. Team coaching helps the unit and individual members reach their objectives through fostering a sustainable work environment that upholds positive engagement, improved performance, increased productivity, and success of self and the organization. Team coaching helps in achievement of the following:
·         Aligns the members towards a common objective;
Helps     establish and foster a spirit of motivation and inspiration;
Nurture     healthy relationships within the team;
Bring more     clarity in defining the roles for each;
Increase     the sense of self-awareness and accountability within the team;
Enhance     decision-making abilities as a unit to accomplish organizational     goals. 
Who can benefit from team coaching?
Team coaching is highly beneficial for forming functional and high-performing teams. The following units can benefit from team coaching:
Project     management teams
Branch     units
Board of     directors
Senior     teams
Medical     teams
Cross-cultural     & multi-national teams
Virtual     teams
Family     businesses
Small     business teams
Academic     departments
Cross-organization     teams
How to start team coaching training in Egypt?
Now that we have covered the bases for team coaching training, let’s get started with enrollment. An aspirant should find an institute that offers team coach training programs accredited by ICF (International Coaching Federation) or EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council). These international organizations set standards of team coaching competencies and ethics. Their seal adds more value to your certificate. 
In ICF-accredited courses, there are multiple pathways and levels to choose from. Whichever pathway you choose, ensure the institute offers everything that helps you fulfill ICF Credential requirements.
A coaching credential offered by ICF solidifies your status and validity as an experienced team coach. After starting team coaching training in Egypt, you can start practicing with your team or within the organization. Team Transformation offers ICF-accredited courses for leaders, senior executives and coaches who want to expand their career and professional capabilities.
With Team Transformation, you learn proven techniques and tools developed by our master coaches. And practice them in a safe environment with people across the globe. Some of our students come from organizational psychology, human resources, L&D, consulting, banking, and other varied sectors. If you want to imbibe team coaching skills with your professional role, Team Transformation is the course you need to get started.
For more information on team coaching training in Egypt, you can reach out to Team Transformation, the top institute offering coach training across geographies through online and offline programs. Check out the website and go through the course modules and the training schedules.
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Selecting Executive Coaching Training in UAE
UAE is one of the fastest developing geographies with a robust corporate sector brimming with potential. Post-COVID, the need for growth has accelerated with industries pushing hard to scale development. While there is no lack of talent and leadership positions within the corporate, fostering the same to unleash the maximum potential for high-performance and organizational development often becomes a hurdle. That gap can be filled by a professional with executive coaching training in the UAE. 
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What do executive coaches do?
Executive coaches collaborate with people in leadership positions within an organization. They use their expertise to help and motivate them to unleash their potential, ensuring increased productivity, improved performance, and refined decision-making abilities. In executive coaching, a coach and coachee work towards strengthening the leadership capabilities of the latter so that the organization can benefit from the same. 
It’s a commitment between the coach and the leader to advance towards the fulfillment of a common objective. It involves the improvement of self-performance and that of the organization. Regular sessions take place where the coach understands the perspective of the organization and the executive (the coachee). The coach also observes the long-term and short-term impacts of the leader’s behavior on self and the organization. 
A thorough assessment leads to drafting a behavioral plan (long-term) for the executive, improving the coachee's leadership approach and effectiveness. It’s a cohesive partnership that keeps the executive motivated and aware of the role and responsibilities. Executive coaching is the key to ultimate success for leaders.  
How to choose the right executive coaching course?
Some things matter when embarking on a career path leading to executive coaching. Firstly, you need to find an accredited training program, and secondly, you should enroll in an institute that offers a comprehensive training module. 
You can either choose an ICF (International Coaching Federation) or an EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council) accreditation for the courses. Now, each course has multiple levels, from foundational to master level. For instance, ICF has three levels of coaching certification:
ACC     (Associate Certified Coach)
PCC     (Professional Certified Coach)
MCC     (Master Certified Coach)
The levels are significant because each comes with specific-coach training hours and coaching practice hours, which later paved the way for credentialing an executive coach. Apart from that, one also needs to complete 10 hours of mentoring sessions with a master-level coach to complete the certification module.  
These are all the aspects of executive coaching training in UAE that you must keep in mind to choose the right course for yourself. 
Getting started with Team Transformation
Are you searching for a training institute for executive coaching in UAE? Then look no further than Team Transformation. It is a leading global institute based in Dubai, with centers worldwide. The institute offers both online and offline training to the aspirants. You can check out their website for more information on the executive coaching training courses or speak with a consultant to get a broader perspective regarding their ICF-accredited training programs by credentialed coaches.  
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ICF-Accredited Team Coach Course in Saudi Arabia
The corporate culture in Saudi Arabia has evolved drastically in the last decade. With the COVID pandemic making remote working the new normal, the work culture and concept of teamwork and cohesion has further transitioned. Given the present scenario, a corporate workspace cannot function smoothly without effective teamwork. It’s here that a team coach in Saudi Arabia comes in handy. 
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A team coach can steer a team of corporate professionals towards a higher level of performance and organizational goal fulfillment through motivational sessions in groups and individually. It has a proven track record of improving the productivity of corporate teams. No wonder there is an increased demand for team coaches across the Saudi corporate domain. Are you interested in becoming a certified team coach in Saudi Arabia? Read below to gain some insight.  
What is team coaching
The International Coaching Federation defines team coaching as collaboration between the coaching entity and the team of employees in a reflective and co-creative process. The goal is to define and determine the dynamics between the members and their relationships, inspiring and motivating them to maximize the potential to accomplish common objectives.  
Benefits of team coaching
With team coaching, teams can improve collective and individual performance, inspire a vision, commit to accountability, and improve their decision-making abilities. Such enhanced levels of cohesion ultimately lead to high performance, driving collective success. Here are some more benefits of team coaching:
Motivates     team members to perform better at accomplishing group and individual objectives. 
Team     coaching improves the relationship between employees and helps with     deadlock resolution. 
Fosters a     cohesive and collaborative work culture within the organization. 
·         Coaching ensures that the team members appreciate and value each other for their skills and the value each brings to teamwork execution. In a nutshell, team coaching enhances teamwork and productivity, which benefits the organization. No wonder there is a significant demand for team coaches in Saudi Arabia in team settings. 
It creates a     healthy work culture, fostering a collective awareness where every issue     is brought to light with an agenda to address and resolve it together.
Team     coaching improves cohesion between the members by enhancing interactions     and collective problem-solving approaches.
Why Choose ICF Team Coaching Training
If you are aspiring to become a team coach in Saudi Arabia, the first thing to do is to find a training institute, preferably with programs accredited by ICF (International Coaching Federation). It is the largest organization in the global coaching industry, which sets the standard for coaching competencies and the Code of Ethics for professional coaches. It does not offer training, but it provides accreditation to the training courses for certification and offers credentials to professional coaches.       
Getting started with Team Transformation
Your search for a credible institute for team coaching training ends at Team Transformation. It is one of the leading organizations based in Dubai, with centers across all major geographies. The institute offers an array of team coach training programs, spanning ACC, PCC, and MCC levels, accredited by the ICF. If you aim to become a certified team coach in Saudi Arabia, Team Transformation helps you learn and practice the tools and techniques developed by our expert and master team coaches. Reach out to us for more info about our program and its benefits.  
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How to Practice Active Listening
Listening is an art like any other skill that needs mastering. Often, people find themselves talking to someone who fails to be an active part of the conversation. The result is a verbal exchange where only one of the parties—the speaker—seems engaged. If you often feel disengaged during a conversation, start practicing active listening techniques that help you become a better listener. This article explores the concept of active listening, equipping you with ways in which you, too, can master the art.
What is active listening?
The term is self-explanatory. Active listening is the art of listening to a verbal articulation with full attention, reciprocity, and engagement. It involves processing the information offered in a conversation and participating in it accordingly. Active listening is about acknowledging what the speakers say and making them feel heard and valued. Just as it is important to become a good speaker, improving your listening skills is as crucial. Active listening techniques are guidelines that can help anyone become a better listener. It takes time to become an active listener, but with consistent practice, you can master the techniques and become a part of engaging conversations wherever you go.
Ways to master the art of active listening:
Let’s now look at how you can master the skill of active listening. These active listening techniques will set you apart as someone who values the thoughts and opinions of others, which is also a vital social skill. If you want to develop your listening skills, here are some tips you can follow:
#1 Show noticeable signs of interest: 
When listening to someone speak, especially in one-on-one conversations, make it a point to smile and nod occasionally. Maintain eye contact with the listener. Be mindful about fidgeting or diverting your gaze to other people. Body language goes a long way in establishing you as an engaged listener.
#2 Abstain from interrupting: 
Allow the speaker to feel heard and validated. If the listener keeps interrupting the speaker with irrelevant observations or unrelated remarks, the conversation falls through. A good listener waits for their turn to speak, and the replies are meaningful responses to the speaker’s thoughts. Be patient and pay attention throughout the conversation. Listen to understand and not respond.
#3 Give feedback to show your involvement:
Wait for the speaker to pause, but when they do, make sure to show your involvement in the conversation by giving feedback on what you have heard so far. A simple “I understand your problem” goes a long way in showing that you are being an active listener.
#4 Look for what is communicated via body language:
Not everything needs to be spoken. If you want to master the art of active listening, watch out for what the speaker is communicating via body language. Whether they are worried, elated or confused, body language can give you an insight into their feelings. An active listener goes beyond what is being spoken.
Being an active listener helps you out in your personal and professional relationships. Active listening practices are a great way of ensuring that you become one. 
Teaching active listening techniques is directly in the wheelhouse of a coach. If you want to become someone who can make people and company teams better listeners, you can consider getting coach training. Team Transformation’s range of courses can help you acquire the knowledge required to teach other people the importance of becoming a good listener, team player, and much more. Check out their website today. 
 Blog source url :- https://teamtransformation.com/how-to-practice-active-listening/
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