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teamsbw · 2 months ago
Understanding website and hosting in a simple way
From a layman point of view the website concept can be simply understood by relating it to a school where students are issued with a Roll Number and an Identity Card. A class with students is identified by a list of Roll Numbers and Names. A hosting provider like HostGator or Hostinger provides you with a 3 in 1 account which provides a domain name, website and hosting space. Here is how you…
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teamsbw · 2 months ago
What is a good deed?
Before we dive into the definition of a good deed, let us understand why do we need it in the first place. The concept of Karma Different religions and cultures have the concept of Karma deep rooted. Even the leftists who do not believe in religion have concepts like ‘What goes around comes around’. Karma is closely connected to the cycle of boon and curse. Other important part connected to…
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teamsbw · 6 months ago
Banned from Local Guides - Here is how you can appeal [Solved]
As soon as you start posting reviews and pictures on Google Maps, you will be offered an opportunity by Google to participate in the Local Guides Program. Once accepted, you will get a shape changing star under your profile picture and Google Maps will now become a game of pursuit. As you rise the levels, you will get a few interesting privileges. You will also get points and badges. There is an…
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teamsbw · 8 months ago
How do you want to age gracefully!
“Dad, what happens to the wild animals we see around after they die?” What she learnt that day is that when their time comes near, they retreat in the depths of the forest and fade away in solitary. “But what happens to humans then?” As usual she was persistent. Dad replied, “If they don’t age gracefully, they too fade away in solitary.” Growing old v/s ageing While stress is the main…
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teamsbw · 10 months ago
Three websites to download royalty free Indian images and one bonus website tip
Recently we required royalty free images of sarees. Even though saree is the most common garment in India and arguably the most popular garment in the world, content is not so common. Of course we now have the option of AI generated content too. So here is the list of top three website which give totally royalty free images which are free to download and use. Of course you need to use these only…
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teamsbw · 1 year ago
The dreaded Secure Boot - is it OK to turn it OFF
Windows 10 saw UEFI and Secure Boot becoming a common thing. However we now have an option to turn off this feature for those who want to upgrade to Windows 11 but do not have the compatible hardware. For some advance users, secure boot may be a good security feature. But for the average user whose files are now in the cloud, does this help or becomes a problem. Here is a typical scenario. Many…
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teamsbw · 1 year ago
How much love is there in a love affair?
Society accepts two relationships without any boundaries – Marriage and over eating. Try abusing food and you will realize no one is stopping you. The same is true for marriages and women till many countries had to enact laws specially to prevent injustice to women. What is a love affair? Here are some definitions… As per Google A romantic or sexual relationship between two people who are not…
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teamsbw · 2 years ago
Boy, girl and non desi love
When a man approaches a woman in India, the conversation usually begins with “I Love You��� simply because the Indian male does not know any other way. In a patriarchal society this is how a male is brought up. Woman as a property of the husband and an object of marriage. India is a deep rooted patriarchal society.  What happens when you get two people married without them understanding each…
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teamsbw · 2 years ago
Opportunities and God
Talking about God granting wishes, here is the absolute truth. God does not fulfil your wishes, instead God gives you opportunities. Equally to all.
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teamsbw · 2 years ago
Workable and practical remedies for your home
Two of the most ancient science which originated in India are Vastu shastra and Jyotisha. Vastu Shastra originated in India somewhere around 6th century CE. It is part of the larger Vastu Vidya which is a collection of ideas and design principles of architecture. The most visible form of Vastu Shastra is all those temples which have withstood the test of time. Jyotisha is as old as the vedas.…
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teamsbw · 2 years ago
Good guys finish last - the reward system for bad boys
Good guys finish last – the reward system for bad boys
The opening lines from the movie go like these. Bad boys, whatcha want Watcha want, whatcha gonna do? When sheriff John Brown come for you Tell me whatcha wanna do, whatcha gonna do? While the good guys are taken for granted, it is the bad guys who get all the attention. Living upto expectations of others, good guys are expected to follow rules and take responsibilities. But the same yardstick…
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teamsbw · 2 years ago
Must have accessories and lenses for Canon EOS R7 and EOS R10
Must have accessories and lenses for Canon EOS R7 and EOS R10
Continuing with the foray into the premium APS-C segment, Canon has given us the R7 and R10 in the year 2022. These are premium offerings packed with features only seen in professional level cameras. Crop sensor makes it more attractive price wise and is more appealing to the semi professional photographer. About the R7 & R10 Canon released the DSLR camera EOS 7D was back in 2009. It remained…
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teamsbw · 2 years ago
Conversion of KVA to KW
Conversion of KVA to KW
With so many gadgets invading our living room, one of the most basic technical calculation has to be known by all. Gadgets like stabilisers, gensets, UPS, inverters, etc come in KVA ratings. KVA stands for Kilo Volt Ampere. Appliances on the other hand come with power ratings give in watts or wattage. That is the amount of power the equipment will consume. KW stands for kilo watts. Conversion…
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teamsbw · 2 years ago
I designed a WordPress site but would like to take down the website for a year. Is it possible to save my design? How
I designed a WordPress site but would like to take down the website for a year. Is it possible to save my design? How
Planning to take down a WordPress website for a year? Here is what you can do. Step by Step guide. The most important point to remember – Domain and hosting expiry A WordPress website is hosted on a server and both the domain name and hosting package are purchased for a limited time only. This should be first on your agenda. Check the expiry dates of domain registration and hosting package. If…
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teamsbw · 3 years ago
What is happiness and how to find it
What is happiness and how to find it
Who doesn’t like happiness? It is one of the most wished thing. Let us understand happiness and see how God deals with it. The difficulty of being God With almost all of us asking God for happiness, what choices does God. Option 1 – Make everyone happy and get it done with. Option 2 – Like Jim Carrey in the movie “Bruce Almighty”, key in granted to all wishes of all people. Option 3 – Be a…
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teamsbw · 3 years ago
Understanding TV technology - Part I Screen Resolution
Understanding TV technology – Part I Screen Resolution
While selection a TV the most important factor should be the screen resolution and not the screen size. Understanding SD or standard definition Television technology began with the analog broadcast and CRT tubes. There were two parallel technologies, NTSC and PAL. NTSC had a vertical resolution of 480i which means there were 480 dots on the screen counted vertically. Analog signals ruled the…
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teamsbw · 3 years ago
How to calculate the air conditioning requirement of any room?
How to calculate the air conditioning requirement of any room?
Many websites and buying guides give a detailed calculation of cooling requirement of any room. However there are so many factors which determine the exact value of Air conditioning you need for a room. Any more or any less will lead to a lot of wastages. Basic formula 20 BTU per sq feet (many people take it as 25)1 Ton = 12000 BTU per hourOne person requires 600 BTU per hour of cooling in a…
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