2021 Application Hall of Fame: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 Coffee Table Book: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 Submissions by Year: 2020 | 2019 | <a href="http://teamgoatsgoatsgoats.tum...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
UPDATE: We are full for 2021. If we have any spots open up last minute, we’ll repost! Gish Team Goats!Goats!Goats! is recruiting one spot for the 2021 August hunt! If you are interested check out teamgoatsgoatsgoats.tumblr.com/aboutus for info about the team and a link to our application. Happy hunting!
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Item 2 IMAGE: ZOOM LIVESTREAM SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 9:00AM PT GISH School of Wizardry & WTFery: FALCONRY with Rodney Stotts and Misha Collins. Livestream Challenge: Rodney’s Raptors teamed up with at-risk young people to create a sanctuary and habitat for raptors, and the result was life-changing for all. In homage, build a castle turret birdhouse or birdbath for the birds in your own backyard all out of wildlife-safe materials. Enlist the help of a young person, if you can safely do so.
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Item 3 IMAGE OR VIDEO: Based on what you've learned, craft a puzzle or riddle whose solution is the phrase "We Create, Therefore We Live". You may encode it however you choose, keeping in mind that puzzles don't have to be visual or two dimensional, so get as creative as you like.
Seen in the Gish post-hunt montage video at 1:41!
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Item 4 IMAGE: The Plague Period as felt like a never-ending story, and it's time to break the spell - by baking bread. Bake a loaf of bread in the shape of Auyrn (a twist on the ouroboros - an Egyptian snake-symbol perpetually in a cycle of self-regeneration). Submit an image of your bread with a recipe beside it written by the elders. To complete the spell and help us all rise together, you must eat the bread after submitting the picture.
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Item 5 VIDEO: (VIDEO up to 2 minutes) in his video Jay Jasper Pugao spoke about how many books and written history of the Filipino were burned by Spanish conquerors, leaving the oral stories to keep their history alive. There is someone in your life whos history is at risk of being lost too; honor an elder in your life (over 65 years of age) and interview them (remotely) about something they fought for that's close to their heart.
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Item 6 IMAGE: As we all know, GISH is a magical secret society - and we're recruiting new members! Luckily, you now have the skills to invite a friend. Create an invitation that will direct a friend who is not a Gisher to this URL: gish.com/enigmatology/. The website password is "Death2Normalcy". Encode it in the invitation. Submit an image of yourself as a magical secret society member with your invitation.
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Item 7 IMAGE: Cantrip Candles' candles focus on creating emersive sensory experiences through scent. Identify a strong, positive scent memory from your past (or a member of your household's past) and attempt to recreate this scent as a candle. You may use old scraps of candles or wax, cotten threads or floss, a recycled glass jar or other non-conductive container, essential oils, and non-flamable elements from your kitchen. Submit a photo of your candle with elements in the picture that indicate what the smell was, and comment with how successful you were. Remember: Safety first!
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Item 9 IMAGE: Dragons often dwell in dungeons, but sometimes they prefer caves — and in a pinch, they’ll take up residence in a pit. You should know: there’s one in your left armpit right now.
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Item 10 VIDEO: The Sword in the Scone. That's not a typo.
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Item 11 IMAGE: Lawn gnomes are essential workers — you know this, because you and your family do this noble work. Take a photo of you all (or just you if you’re flying solo) during your shift working as a "lawn gnome" on your lawn. If you’re with others, you should be physically distanced and wearing masks. (If you don’t have a lawn or garden, you can also be gnomes anywhere around your gnome... we mean "home.") - Carah K.
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Item 12 VIDEO: (UP TO ONE MINUTE) Mirth is magic that can carry us through the difficult times. Help someone who is in hospital — virtually. Coordinate remotely with a local hospital or retirement community and over Zoom or other video conferencing service, dress as a jester and perform for them (singing, juggling, joke-telling...).
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Item 13 IMAGE OR VIDEO: WITCHY THINGS TO COME... https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMGKfVGHQhq/?igshid=x2wo27t12ykx Let’s see Rowena AND Wanda in a poster or trailer for a buddy comedy or detective series, showing off their Wand-a-vision. (You may use Photoshop or any art medium to achieve this.) Post your creations on social media tagging #GISH and #Wandavision.
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Item 14 IMAGE: A wizard’s got to be able to go undetected amongst non-magical folk. Out of recycled materials, craft a wizard’s hat that is magnificent enough to blend in at the Kentucky Derby.
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Item 15 IMAGE: For the last 10 years, we’ve made Skittles art in homage to Jensen Ackles, and that’s a tradition we’re keeping — but there are many other legendary public figures who also deserve Skittlification: create a piece of art in any style you like (painting, sculpture, mosaic, watercolors, etc.) of a vibrant notable figure that shines bright in your world using Skittles or its packaging exclusively. Tag their social media accounts and use hashtag #Skittlebrities. Submit your original image and a link to your public social media post.
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Item 16 VIDEO: (UP TO ONE MINUTE) Shanties are all the rage in TikTok, and it’s true in Middle Earth, too. Prove it: Sea shanty-ify a Tolkien song.
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Item 17 IMAGE: Felicia Day, aka Charlie, the Queen of Moondor, knows all too well: heavy is the head that wears the crown, because it’s made out of precious stones… as in rocks. Create a rockin', huge crown bedazzled in rocks and pebbles. Post it on social media, tagging #GISH and @feliciaday. Make sure you don’t disturb a habitat or ecosystem, naturally!
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Item 18 IMAGE: Air your dirty laundry: literally. Using dirty laundry, create a scene of a princess riding an airborne pegasus or dragon.
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