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7th Time Loop (Light Novel) Vols 1-6 Eng & Jap Covers
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I’m honoured to say Kirkus gave LONG LIVE EVIL a STARRED review! Kirkus said it was an adventure of tremendous wonder, with laugh-out-loud moments, heartbreaking… and absolutely wonderful. I don’t wish to be falsely modest—I think LONG LIVE EVIL is the best book I’ve ever written.
But it is funny, and weird, and has a girl on the cover and I come from YA, and these things can tell against a book. I was afraid: I wanted people to take it seriously as well as having a GREAT time on a magical escape. I want both so much, and this means so much.
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You won't get media with messier, more nuanced, more realistic queer characters if you keep flying off the handle the second a fictional character has sex, does drugs, swears too much, or acts vaguely like an asshole.
You won't get more diverse queer media with wider stories if you can't handle it when queer artists make art that is raunchy, crude, edgy, and gross.
You won't get more diverse queer media if you shut everything down the second it does something you, personally, get squicked out by.
You will never get more diverse queer media if you contribute to the way queer media is picked apart, raked over the coals, and held to unreasonably high standards.
You will never get what you want if you keep tearing queer artists down for their weird experimental art instead of learning how to say, "this isn't for me, that's fine, and I'll be over here in my own space."
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congratulations! congratulations! congratulations!
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hes gonna get ur lying ass
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rainbow rowell just casually confirming simon and baz are married with absolutely no warning 😭
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Happy birthday, Simon Snow!
I channeled my inner Lady Ruth and made a whole tea spread
Dragon petit fours | Sour cherry scones | Checkerboard cookies | Cucumber and beet tea sandwiches
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Bonus birthday biscuit tin under the cut!
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DONE (i kind of did whatever i wanted?) they have all the time in the world to love a happy marriage
i love them!! this danmei made me remember my love for reading
im currently reading golden stage but its so hard!! i cant concentrate
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devil venerable also wants to know
A commission I did for WXMSfan on Twitter based on their fic~
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Characters are fascinating, but I think the relationships between characters are even more so. In LONG LIVE EVIL Rae walks into her favourite book series and meets her favourite character of all time, the ruthless future Emperor. As far as Rae’s concerned, she’s so excited! As far as King Octavian is concerned, Lady Rahela, evil as she is beautiful (thank you @vkelleyart!), is behaving VERY strangely.
All know I’m a fandom lass, and I was also inspired by writing tie-ins with fandoms which I needed to study and learn about—and grow to love. There are so many different types of love and types of art motivated by love, whether it’s y/n romances, meta, or lurking to consume any content of your favourite.
With this book I wanted to ask: What does it mean to love a fictional character? Why do we love the characters we love? What would they think of us? How would you change their character by being part of the story - and we love fictional characters differently than we love people. How real is it? Real enough?
and of course, if you’d like to preorder with art…
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Ofc no, tianlang jun said, go on i dont mind, what a carefree father
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Happy Juneteenth!
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My darlings, I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a lil bit. I didn’t want to tell you anything before I told you this. The American date for LONG LIVE EVIL has moved from August 1 to August 27. (The UK date remains unchanged.) I know it sucks to wait, but I will make it up to you. I’ve got evil treats and wicked schemes, especially for those lovelies who have or will preorder through le preorder campaign. (Link in bio.) And there is a really good reason for the change! Which… I can’t tell you. Yet… 😈 Thank you for your patience. I am so sorry to make you wait. I will tell you the great and exciting reason… Very soon. 😈 Yours in evil, Sarah
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I love you "boring" female characters. I love you ingenues. I love you female characters who aren't "modern" enough. I love you female characters who aren't "badass" enough. iI love you female characters who aren't "empowering" enough. I love you quiet female characters. I love you unappreciated female characters. I love you polite female characters. I love you female characters who "can't appeal to modern audiences." I love you frightened female characters. I love you female characters labeled as not complex just for being nice. I love you female characters who get criticism just for not being their tomboy or femme fatale counterpart. I love you silk hiding steel trope.
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howl would make stupid youtube videos like "pretty people problems" and sophie would leave hate comments on them (though not anonymously, but with her own name. She's not a coward).
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the mortal instruments was a wild ass series. gay wizards. cunty vampires. angels nailed to basement floors. the heroine's father claims her boyfriend is his long lost son for like two or three books. werewolves run a chinese restaurant.
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Republicans not wanting to fund libraries is part of their plan to make the next generation illiterate. That is why they are banning books too.
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