Esta mañana recordé que en la primavera surge un tipo de depresión especial.
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No sé que tanto me escuchas cuando estás en casa.
Oigo cuando haces reuniones por videollamada algunas veces, no suelo poner atención a la conversación. Cuando vas al baño por las mañanas escucho los grifos o el agua de la ducha o también cuando entras y sales de tu habitación-oficina. Cuando escribes en tu computador con velocidad y concentración.
Unos días llego temprano lo suficiente para encontrarnos en la cocina y charlar vagamente unos minutos...
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The difference between epistemic & deontic, necessity & possibility, in an overlapping diagram
This is a handy reference diagram I made way back in grad school for remembering the difference between epistemic necessity, deontic possibility, and other basic types of modality, and I’ve finally put it online.
Here’s how it works:
In linguistics, modals (aka modal verbs, modal auxiliaries) refer to words like can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must which indicate likelihood, permission, obligation, and ability. The concept of modality includes both modal auxiliaries as well as longer constructions, like ought, have to, be obliged to, be able to, be capable of, it’s possible that, it’s necessary for __ to, it’s obligatory to, it’s permissible that, possibly, necessarily, maybe, perhaps, and so on.
In the diagram, the blue areas are epistemic modality (according to evidence, reasoning, or beliefs), the red areas are deontic modality (according to a set of rules or desires), the dark areas are necessity (in all possible worlds), the light areas are possibility (in at least one possible world). Every area has both a colour (blue/red) and a shade (light/dark) because modality is made up of a modal base (according to what, on the basis of what) and a modal force (how strong is the result).
Here are some examples for each of the regions.
Dark blue is epistemic necessity
“It must be raining outside (I can hear the rain).” In all worlds consistent with my beliefs, it is raining outside.
“When you add vinegar to baking soda, it should fizz.” In all worlds consistent with my reasoning about chemical properties, vinegar added to baking soda fizzes.
Light blue is epistemic possibility
“It may be raining outside (I heard that it was going to rain today)” In at least one world consistent with my beliefs, it is raining outside.
“The doctor has said, they can go to the bathroom.” In at least one world consistent with the doctor’s assessment of their physical capabilities, they go to the bathroom.
Dark red is deontic necessity
“It must rain this week (in order for the crops not to spoil)” In all worlds consistent with my desires, it rains this week.
“You should drive under the speed limit.” In all worlds consistent with the rules for proper driving, you drive under the speed limit.
Light red is deontic possibility
“It may rain this week (as far as I’m concerned, I’m not planning any activities that would be spoiled by the rain so I don’t care).” In at least one world consistent with my desires, it rains this week.
“The teacher has said, they can go to the bathroom.” In at least one world consistent with the teacher’s rules for the classroom, they go to the bathroom.
Notice that English is generally good at making distinctions between necessity and possibility but bad at making distinctions between epistemic and deontic, which must be cleared up via context. Some languages do make straightforward lexical distinctions between various flavours of modality like epistemic and deontic.
Also note that more advanced theories of modality distinguish between more types of modality than epistemic and deontic (such as circumstantial, dynamic, logical, metaphysical, ability, teleological, bouletic, etc) but this is a basic introduction to making these distinctions at all, so I’m not going to get into them here. If you want to expand the diagram yourself, however, you could assign these other types of modality other colours, as long as you give them each two shades. (And in case anyone reading this already knows a lot about modality, I’d also like to point out that the Wikipedia article on linguistic modality is in dire need of improvement.)
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El mundo de los valores: ética mínima y educación / Adela Cortina
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✨cute russian vocab✨
рожде́ние – birth жизнь – life любо́вь – love поцелу́й – kiss челове́к – human человечевкое существо́ – human being челове́чество – humanity дру́жба – friendship смех – laughter наде́жда – hope ра́дость – joy улы́бка – smile и́мя – name щека́ – cheek глаз – eye ко́жа – skin луна́ – moon свет – light Земля́ – Earth звезда́ – star со́лнце – sun со́лнечный свет – sunlight вселённая – universe мир – peace, world о́блако – cloud по́ле – field океа́н – ocean приро́да – nature не́бо – sky рассве́т – dawn бу́дущее – future поэ́зия – poetry иску́сство – art
( p / i ) роди́ться / рожда́ться – to be born пожи́ть / жить – to live полюби́ть / люби́ть – to love влюби́ться / влюбля́ться – to fall in love поцелова́ть / целова́ть – to kiss засмея́ться / смея́ться – to laugh улыбну́ться / улыба́ться – to smile косну́ться / каса́ться – to touch просну́ться / просыпа́ться – to wake up я́рко посвети́ть / свети́ть – to shine brightly научи́ться / учи́ться – to learn
споко́йный – calm дружелю́бный – friendly хоро́ший – good любопы́тный – curious счастли́вый – happy делика́тный – delicate ще́дрый – generous мя́гкий – gentle до́брый – kind че́стный – honest гла́дкий – smooth мя́гкий – soft сере́бряный – silver светя́щийся – shining, glowing сверка́ющий – sparkling
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Hi Rahaf 😁you probably answered something similar before, but how do you start learning a language? vocabulary and grammar wise I want to start learning french but I have no idea where to start anazing blog btw ❤❤
Here is my tips for you:
Getting Down to the BasicsLearn pronunciation. The fact that French has the same alphabet as English does not mean the pronunciation is always the same.Know your learning style.Decide if you’re a visual, auditive or kinesthetic learner.
Pay attention to the grammarThis is probably the most important part of the language besides the vocabulary. It doesn’t matter if you follow a polyglot’s online method like or you have joined a class at the local college (that’s how I learned the grammar of all my target languages). Look at the structure of the language and how the articles work (masculine, feminine, neutral). Getting a handle on the structure of the language will help you understand how it fits together once you start learning different words.
Memorize a number of words and phrases each day.Start with the most common words. Memorization is half the battle and there are many different ways to memorize. here is an example here & here, other langblrs make very useful vocabulary lists like this one here.Try using these vocabulary in various and different sentences. This will help you practice them and make it easier for you to recall the words when you need them. Don’t forget to keep practicing the words you’ve already learned once you move on to memorizing new ones. If you don’t practice them you will forget them.
Listen. Listening to the language, be it through movies or television shows, through audio language courses or music can help you retain the words you’re trying to learn. Use audio books or audio language lessons.
Read in your chosen language. Start off with simpler books and, as you get better, move on to more difficult ones. Challenge yourself to reading without a dictionary and let yourself puzzle the meanings out by yourself.
Speak with native speakers. If you don’t speak the language, you are unlikely to learn it well and keep it in your memory.
I highly recommend that you check this post here .
~ I sincerely hope you find this helpful, if you still have any questions my inbox is always open :)
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Do you know what my biggest fear is? Becoming boring in the eyes of the one who wanted to spend every second with me because I was fascinating..
I’m so scared (via lostedsoulthings)
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idk just with school starting soon i thought it would be a good idea
For Studying
formulas & equations fill-in sheet
organic chemistry resources
essay checklist
exam checklist
template for summarizing academic articles
language practicing pack
writing/planning essay pack
correction sheets
assessment schedule
pomodoro technique
primary source analysis
exam study pack
overcoming the curve of forgetting
key people/character tracker
review pack
study schedule
For Sticky Notes
blank template
to-do strips
to-do strips, stickers, sticky note outline
different sticky note templates (water tracker, to-do, etc.)
For Note-Taking
blank dot grid pages
semi-cornell note taking outlines
novel note-taking
line/dotted note templates
several note outlines
unicorn notes!!
grey, pink, blue, yellow, & black grid paper
undated planner (365 days calendar, month calendar, & week calendar)
undated academic calendars (May 2016-May 2017)
weekly goals
timetable schedule
daily to-do list
4 to-do list variations (one of my faves!!)
daily planner (fave!)
weekly dotted planner
dotted monthly planner
b&w serious weekly planner
daily planner v.1 v.2 (fave!)
weekly planner
to-do list (hackers/x-files/spy?? theme)
essay planner
full year planner inserts
monthly overview
habit/goal trackers
weekly planner
simple daily planner
long-term goals
daily grid planner
project planner
100 days of productivity & to-do list
steven universe planning kit
plain planner bundle
summer calendars
blog planning kit
ultimate blog planner kit
habit tracker
20 to-do lists!
pastel daily printable
summer goals
august calendars
goal printables pack
monthly budget
monthly in/out expenses and spendings (really useful tbh)
school supply list
finance tracker
reading list
song list/music log
productivity log
folder inserts
font references!!! (also a fave)
insp. posters 2
water tracker
study break activity book
inspiring wallpapers!!
really good kit containing a planner, quote sheet, book tracker, & more!
class information
Other Masterposts for Printables!
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René Magritte pintando “La Clarividencia¨, 1936.-
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El trató de representar una conjugación del verbo gritar mediante la pintura.

Edvard Munch, L’urlo, 1893
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No me saludes a las 00:00 porque nací a las 15:00. Lo sé... Soy aguafiestas por naturaleza.
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Cedes a mis impulsos muy fácilmente
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