tdude345 · 2 months
King of the Shitter
Finn sat alone in the restroom, pants down around his ankles, as he waited for any movement. His bowels had been slightly backed up and the young man had been unable to go for around three days. Now Finn might not look it with his tall, thin frame and handsome face with blue eyes and black hair, but he generally was able to poop every day, so this little back up was cause for some concern. The sound of footsteps approaching caught his attention, someone entered the stall to his right and locked the door. The stranger pulled down his pants and there was a small thud as they mounted the bowl. Finn looked down to take a glimpse of the shoes of his neighbor, recognizing the baseball shoes of one of his college friends, Cade. Cade must have also recognized Finn’s typical work boots, “Hey Finn, you next door?” 
“Yeah Cade.” Finn responded, he was used to talking while shitting, it happened all the time when he was in high school. Cade chuckled, “Well, let me tell you, I’ve been needing this shit for a while, was turtleheading as I was making my way over…Plop…aahh man, this will be bigger than I thought. That felt like a brick...hold on...here’s another...Plop...ohhh, that felt better.” 
Cade’s commentary continued as plops, splashes, and thuds kept sounding from the bowl, “So, I went out with this girl last night and...Plop...she was a nice nice gal. Talking a total ten, brunette with wonderful...Ploosh...green eyes. Man, I’m shitting up a storm in here, wonder what I ate that makes me produce steel logs.”
“New diet?” Finn suggested as he still couldn’t feel any movement from his bowels. The sounds of the turds leaving his neighbor’s body and the sighs of satisfaction only made Finn want to go more. Cade chuckled, “Could be, I know I have been eating more protein...Braaap...Oh speaking of which, here it is…”
*Braaap* *Plop* *Ploosh* *Braaap* *Braaap* *Plop* *Plop* *Braaap*
“Woohoo man, that was a rush, what a total relief! Feels like I just lost five pounds...aahh shit...here comes round two…”
“Whew, that’s what I’m talking about!” Cade exclaimed as he proceeded to pull off some toilet paper. Finn heard the sound of the other man cleaning his ass, Cade stood up and flushed the toilet, “Man, I needed that, feels like I lost ten pounds.”
The door unlocked and the baseball player went to the sinks. Finn stood up himself, no movement from his bowels so what was the point. Walking out of his stall, Finn washed his hands beside Cade, Cade gave another sigh of relief, “Nothin’ better than that feeling, anyway, I will see you around Finn.”
Finn watched as his friend left the restroom, slowly following afterwards before making his way towards his dorm. The heaviness in his gut wasn’t fading anytime soon and maybe the walk would help get a few things moving on their own. 
But the walk did nothing to help his backed up bowels, the young man sat on his bed, an arm wrapped around his stomach as it gurgled and cramped. The dorm room door opened and one of his roommates, Sid, came walking into the room. Sid’s brown eyes studied Finn, worry etched in every feature, before he sat on the bottom bunk bed across from his roommate. Sid tilted his head, “Are you feeling alright Finn?” 
“Naw Sid, I’m a bit backed up is all.” Finn answered as another cramp tore through his midsection. How the young man would have just loved to be able to sit on the toilet, give one push, and have an absolute monster of a dump. Sid reached over and patted his friend’s shoulder, “I have a solution, but I am not doing it for you.” 
“What is it?” Finn asked, curiosity getting the better of him. Sid walked into the dorm’s bathroom before returning with a small box, he pulled out a torpedo-shaped object, “It’s a suppository, you just got to insert it into your ass and it should clear everything right up.”
“I have to insert that into my ass?” Finn reiterated as a question. He was about to object to the solution before another cramp clawed through his stomach. Finn hissed before grabbing the device, “All right, I am doing it.” 
“Just remember to leave it in for fifteen minutes after you insert it.” Sid said with a small chuckle as Finn went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. The young man dropped his pants before positioning himself in front of the mirror, trying to get a good angle in order to see his ass. Once he could spot where his asshole was, Finn gently inserted the device. It felt weird to have something in his rectum, but he managed to get it a good one inch in like the instructions said. Pulling up his pants and washing his hands, the young man exited the bathroom and sat back on his bed. Sid gave him a small smile, “Able to get it in?”
“Yes, felt weird, but it’s in.” Finn replied. SId nodded, “Well, like I said, wait fifteen minutes for it to work and everything should be right as rain.”
Finn nodded back and the two of them began to shoot the breeze as the time ticked down on the clock. It was around seven minutes in when Finn felt his stomach cramp suddenly, the stagnant mass inside of him moved a little. A few minutes later, the young man’s load went from not moving to getting closer to the exit with each second. The pressure in his gut built and soon Finn’s ass was beginning to sweat, his stomach contractions were getting stronger, and his need was beginning to grow more urgent with each passing moment. Eventually, at the ten minute mark, Finn voiced his need, “I gotta take a shit, I gotta poop Sid, I can’t…can’t hold it much longer.” 
“Just a few minutes longer,” Sid replied as he patted his friend’s shoulder, “How about you give a few farts? It might relieve the pressure a bit.”
Finn gave a small nod before meaning over on his left side, there was a small puff of air as he released a small fart. The two guys shared a quiet chuckle before Finn passed another airy puff of a fart. The pressure in his gut did decrease a bit with each pass of gas, but the third fart was a little different, being not as long and of a higher pitch. Finn gave a small gulp before sitting back down and whimpering as his stomach clenched harder, “It worked a little, but now I am near turtleheading, Sid I need to go now.”
“Sorry dude, you have around two more minutes left.” Sid responded with sympathy dripping from his voice. Finn whimpered once more as his gut rolled and cramped with each passing second, the feeling of a large log pressing against his asshole, which he had clenched tightly shut. Another cramp sent his load pressing against his closeup asshole almost like a battering ram, the young man gave another whimper in both pain and desperation, “Sid, the suppository worked, please, I gotta shit.”
“Just one more minute.” Sid responded as he got up and sat next to Finn, placing a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder. Another vicious cramp tore through Finn’s midsection, the muscles holding his anus shut were getting tired of having to hold back what needed to be let out. Finally, after what felt like hours, SId patted his back, “Fifteen minutes are up, go take that shit Finn.”
You didn’t have to tell Finn twice, he bolted up from his bed and practically ran to the dorm bathroom, closing the door behind him. Not even bothering with the lock, his hands went desperately to his pants and somehow managed to undo them, pulling them to his ankles. Finally, the young man was able to mount his snow-white buttocks on the porcelain seat of the toilet, the cold feeling on the smooth skin of his rear caused him to give a push in reflex. His anus domed open as a massive, wide, hard turd poked its way out and crackled audibly into the bowl. Finn couldn’t help but release a moan of pleasure at the feeling of all the waste finally leaving his body, it didn’t help that it was also pressing on his prostate. The turd eventually tapered to an end and dropped into the bowl with an audible plop, his anus was forced open once more as a turd of a similar size churned out to join its sibling. This continued for a while, Finn’s stomach churned out thick, long, firm logs that splashed and plopped each time they dropped. Sweat beaded on his forehead as the young man gave small grunts to keep some of the larger logs on their way, his asshole which had to be forced closed was now continually forced open by the steady flow of shit. But eventually his bowels were able to take over and the rest of his load continued to noisily crackle and drop into the toilet. The door to the dorm opened and he heard the sound of his other roommate, Jason, saying, “Hey where’s Finn?”
“In the bathroom, had to take a shit, but was constipated. Had to give him a suppository.” Sid answered. The dorm bathroom door opened and Jason peered in, “Dude, sounds like you’re dropping concrete into the toilet!”
“Well, this was very much necessary. This is three days worth of shit.” Finn answered with a chuckle as one last large turd dropped into the toilet, its sound muffled by all the other logs. The young man gave a sigh of relief, “And it is all done.”
“Mind if we catch a look?” Jason asked.
“Yeah I want to see the result of my help.” Sid replied as he rushed to the bathroom door. Finn shook his head as he rose in order to give himself and his roommates a glimpse into the bowl. There were around one dozen turds, all the same length with some being as wide as a forearm, and stacked one on top of the other. Sid whistled, “That’s the largest dump I’ve ever seen.”
“Same here.” Sid added in disbelief, “You should be called the King of the Shitter of all that. Might want to give a flush so as not to break the toilet.”
Finn gave a small smirk as he hit the flush, the toilet gave a choked sort of sound before managing to flush away all of the waste inside of it. Finn sat back down and proceeded to pull off some toilet paper, “Would you mind giving me privacy while I clean myself up?”
“Of course, your highness.” Sid answered as the two guys closed the door. Finn chuckled at his new nickname as he wiped between his two ass cheeks. It didn’t take much, and, with another sigh of relief, Finn stood up and redid his pants. He washed his hands before rejoining his roommates, lighthearted joking and teasing ensuing.
For those that want to see what Finn would have looked like while on the toilet.
Finn's doppelgänger – @theseguysgottago on Tumblr
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tdude345 · 2 months
Not many guys used the decrepit wooden outhouse by the swamp at the far end of the summer camp at Dark Lake. It looked rotten as the fallen tree trunks submerged in the murky swamp water, the ones fungi grew on and turtles crowded to bask in the sun. The outhouse had four holes but two lacked seats and were split and seemed like they were ready to cave in.
 Dan, blond and muscular, green-eyed and long-limbed and horny, felt the slight urge to move his bowels and the pressing one to jack off. In the cool stinking interior, he could do both. Pulling open the wobbly door and stepping into the gloom, he all but jumped when he saw that one seat was occupied–by another tall, 18-year-old counselor, Kyle Daggett. “Sorry!”
 Kyle was one of the hottest guys at camp, six feet tall, a couple of inches beyond Dan, with coal-black hair, close-set cobalt-blue eyes, and an arrogant jawline. Lean and lithe, he’d been a prep school track star, hard-bodied, with a thick, kielbasa of a cock and an ass so perfect Dan couldn’t imagine it cutting a fart , let alone dropping a log.
 “I can go.”
“No way, man. Stay. Have a seat.” Kyle indicated the one next to him, inches away from his bare thigh. Kyle was wearing a red St. Tropez T-shirt, and his Madras shorts and boxers were pushed to his ankles. He squeezed his legs together, censoring his privates, but his bush was exposed in all its glory, as were his barbell-hard calves. Kyle grinned. “Really.”
Maybe the dingy light would camouflage Dan’s blushing. Unbuckling his belt, he yanked down his dungarees and white cotton briefs in one quick gesture. As he did, he realized Kyle would have a close-up view of his bare bottom and deep crack, both dusted with wiry, golden hair.
Dan settled on the toilet seat, accidentally brushing his right knee against Kyle’s left. He drew it away quickly. “Close quarters.”
 “It’s kind of peaceful.”
It reeked, but the loose boards in the walls and roof allowed fresh air and sunlight to enter the structure.
Kyle pulled on one buttock, as if to open his crack wider. His face turning red, he cut a dry, windy fart. “Sorry…” Then he laughed. “Your turn, bro.”
Dan didn’t dare glance at Kyle, too afraid he’d fixate on his cock. He himself was hunching over, hiding his own rapidly bobbing hard-on.
“Let’s hear it, Dan.”
Truthfully, camp had constipated Dan: the gross food, the new schedule, and yeah, the lack of privacy. He hadn’t had a BM in two miserable days. He grunted, his face hot with embarrassment.
“I’m trying, hey.” 
“Shitting a brick?”
“A fucking brick wall.” Dan snickered.
Kyle shifted, so that he inched closer to Dan and the hairs on their thighs touched. “I gotta let one.” Kyle pushed, and pushed his thigh directly against Dan’s, all the while staring at Dan with his cobalt-blue eyes. “Man. It’s coming.” Kyle cut a loud, wet series of farts and then a heavy turd smacked onto the oozy pile of toilet paper and worse below. “Ten pounds lighter!”
Dan dared say it. “Congratulations.” He clapped Kyle on his track-hard shoulder, then, with even more daring, left his hand, warm and trembling, on the shoulder a moment too long.
Kyle stood, exposing his amazing bare bottom, square, hard, with a tight crack. Kyle peered into the hole, where both boys saw the massive coil of Kyle’s soft grunt. “You’re next.” Kyle’s cock dangled, low but semi-erect, interested.
 Dan was sporting a full-fledged hard-on. “I’m…bound up.”
“Come on, we had beans for lunch.” Kyle re-claimed his seat, closer to Dan’s, so that their bare bottoms pressed together. Kyle circled his muscular arm around Dan’s shoulder. “You can do it, brother.” He cupped his hand around Dan’s knee. Dan was leaking pre-cum the way the antique camp pump leaked water. “Do grunts. Come on, gassyboy.”
Dan obeyed his bro. He strained, staring into Kyle’s teasing eyes. He pushed, and a cannonball of a turd popped out.
“I want a log. I want a fucking redwood.”
Dan could smell Kyle’s turd and sweat and the spearmint gum he chewed to disguise his smoking.
 “Do grunts.”
Slowly, inch-by-inch, a cement-like turd, a regular pylon, came out, out, out. “Fuck…”
“Later,” Kyle said. “When the coast is clear. Dirty bums.”
 At last, the grunt hit the expanse of slop. Dan almost cried but sighed and gasped instead.
“Let me see.” Gently, Kyle lifted Dan off the toilet seat and the boys inspected Dan’s huge log of a BM. “Fucking world record.”
Kyle took Dan’s hips in his strong hands, grinding their boners together, before they even wiped their cracks. Dan never knew which boy came first; they both erupted, soaking their cocks, balls, bushes, and thighs in a streaming flood of stickiness.
Kyle knelt, picked Dan up in his arms. “Hey. Grunt-brother.” Snickering, he bit at his neck.
Dan could have come all over again. Wow, it was incredible, all-out amazing. It was like their assholes were married.
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tdude345 · 2 months
King of the Shitter
Finn sat alone in the restroom, pants down around his ankles, as he waited for any movement. His bowels had been slightly backed up and the young man had been unable to go for around three days. Now Finn might not look it with his tall, thin frame and handsome face with blue eyes and black hair, but he generally was able to poop every day, so this little back up was cause for some concern. The sound of footsteps approaching caught his attention, someone entered the stall to his right and locked the door. The stranger pulled down his pants and there was a small thud as they mounted the bowl. Finn looked down to take a glimpse of the shoes of his neighbor, recognizing the baseball shoes of one of his college friends, Cade. Cade must have also recognized Finn’s typical work boots, “Hey Finn, you next door?” 
“Yeah Cade.” Finn responded, he was used to talking while shitting, it happened all the time when he was in high school. Cade chuckled, “Well, let me tell you, I’ve been needing this shit for a while, was turtleheading as I was making my way over…Plop…aahh man, this will be bigger than I thought. That felt like a brick...hold on...here’s another...Plop...ohhh, that felt better.” 
Cade’s commentary continued as plops, splashes, and thuds kept sounding from the bowl, “So, I went out with this girl last night and...Plop...she was a nice nice gal. Talking a total ten, brunette with wonderful...Ploosh...green eyes. Man, I’m shitting up a storm in here, wonder what I ate that makes me produce steel logs.”
“New diet?” Finn suggested as he still couldn’t feel any movement from his bowels. The sounds of the turds leaving his neighbor’s body and the sighs of satisfaction only made Finn want to go more. Cade chuckled, “Could be, I know I have been eating more protein...Braaap...Oh speaking of which, here it is…”
*Braaap* *Plop* *Ploosh* *Braaap* *Braaap* *Plop* *Plop* *Braaap*
“Woohoo man, that was a rush, what a total relief! Feels like I just lost five pounds...aahh shit...here comes round two…”
“Whew, that’s what I’m talking about!” Cade exclaimed as he proceeded to pull off some toilet paper. Finn heard the sound of the other man cleaning his ass, Cade stood up and flushed the toilet, “Man, I needed that, feels like I lost ten pounds.”
The door unlocked and the baseball player went to the sinks. Finn stood up himself, no movement from his bowels so what was the point. Walking out of his stall, Finn washed his hands beside Cade, Cade gave another sigh of relief, “Nothin’ better than that feeling, anyway, I will see you around Finn.”
Finn watched as his friend left the restroom, slowly following afterwards before making his way towards his dorm. The heaviness in his gut wasn’t fading anytime soon and maybe the walk would help get a few things moving on their own. 
But the walk did nothing to help his backed up bowels, the young man sat on his bed, an arm wrapped around his stomach as it gurgled and cramped. The dorm room door opened and one of his roommates, Sid, came walking into the room. Sid’s brown eyes studied Finn, worry etched in every feature, before he sat on the bottom bunk bed across from his roommate. Sid tilted his head, “Are you feeling alright Finn?” 
“Naw Sid, I’m a bit backed up is all.” Finn answered as another cramp tore through his midsection. How the young man would have just loved to be able to sit on the toilet, give one push, and have an absolute monster of a dump. Sid reached over and patted his friend’s shoulder, “I have a solution, but I am not doing it for you.” 
“What is it?” Finn asked, curiosity getting the better of him. Sid walked into the dorm’s bathroom before returning with a small box, he pulled out a torpedo-shaped object, “It’s a suppository, you just got to insert it into your ass and it should clear everything right up.”
“I have to insert that into my ass?” Finn reiterated as a question. He was about to object to the solution before another cramp clawed through his stomach. Finn hissed before grabbing the device, “All right, I am doing it.” 
“Just remember to leave it in for fifteen minutes after you insert it.” Sid said with a small chuckle as Finn went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. The young man dropped his pants before positioning himself in front of the mirror, trying to get a good angle in order to see his ass. Once he could spot where his asshole was, Finn gently inserted the device. It felt weird to have something in his rectum, but he managed to get it a good one inch in like the instructions said. Pulling up his pants and washing his hands, the young man exited the bathroom and sat back on his bed. Sid gave him a small smile, “Able to get it in?”
“Yes, felt weird, but it’s in.” Finn replied. SId nodded, “Well, like I said, wait fifteen minutes for it to work and everything should be right as rain.”
Finn nodded back and the two of them began to shoot the breeze as the time ticked down on the clock. It was around seven minutes in when Finn felt his stomach cramp suddenly, the stagnant mass inside of him moved a little. A few minutes later, the young man’s load went from not moving to getting closer to the exit with each second. The pressure in his gut built and soon Finn’s ass was beginning to sweat, his stomach contractions were getting stronger, and his need was beginning to grow more urgent with each passing moment. Eventually, at the ten minute mark, Finn voiced his need, “I gotta take a shit, I gotta poop Sid, I can’t…can’t hold it much longer.” 
“Just a few minutes longer,” Sid replied as he patted his friend’s shoulder, “How about you give a few farts? It might relieve the pressure a bit.”
Finn gave a small nod before meaning over on his left side, there was a small puff of air as he released a small fart. The two guys shared a quiet chuckle before Finn passed another airy puff of a fart. The pressure in his gut did decrease a bit with each pass of gas, but the third fart was a little different, being not as long and of a higher pitch. Finn gave a small gulp before sitting back down and whimpering as his stomach clenched harder, “It worked a little, but now I am near turtleheading, Sid I need to go now.”
“Sorry dude, you have around two more minutes left.” Sid responded with sympathy dripping from his voice. Finn whimpered once more as his gut rolled and cramped with each passing second, the feeling of a large log pressing against his asshole, which he had clenched tightly shut. Another cramp sent his load pressing against his closeup asshole almost like a battering ram, the young man gave another whimper in both pain and desperation, “Sid, the suppository worked, please, I gotta shit.”
“Just one more minute.” Sid responded as he got up and sat next to Finn, placing a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder. Another vicious cramp tore through Finn’s midsection, the muscles holding his anus shut were getting tired of having to hold back what needed to be let out. Finally, after what felt like hours, SId patted his back, “Fifteen minutes are up, go take that shit Finn.”
You didn’t have to tell Finn twice, he bolted up from his bed and practically ran to the dorm bathroom, closing the door behind him. Not even bothering with the lock, his hands went desperately to his pants and somehow managed to undo them, pulling them to his ankles. Finally, the young man was able to mount his snow-white buttocks on the porcelain seat of the toilet, the cold feeling on the smooth skin of his rear caused him to give a push in reflex. His anus domed open as a massive, wide, hard turd poked its way out and crackled audibly into the bowl. Finn couldn’t help but release a moan of pleasure at the feeling of all the waste finally leaving his body, it didn’t help that it was also pressing on his prostate. The turd eventually tapered to an end and dropped into the bowl with an audible plop, his anus was forced open once more as a turd of a similar size churned out to join its sibling. This continued for a while, Finn’s stomach churned out thick, long, firm logs that splashed and plopped each time they dropped. Sweat beaded on his forehead as the young man gave small grunts to keep some of the larger logs on their way, his asshole which had to be forced closed was now continually forced open by the steady flow of shit. But eventually his bowels were able to take over and the rest of his load continued to noisily crackle and drop into the toilet. The door to the dorm opened and he heard the sound of his other roommate, Jason, saying, “Hey where’s Finn?”
“In the bathroom, had to take a shit, but was constipated. Had to give him a suppository.” Sid answered. The dorm bathroom door opened and Jason peered in, “Dude, sounds like you’re dropping concrete into the toilet!”
“Well, this was very much necessary. This is three days worth of shit.” Finn answered with a chuckle as one last large turd dropped into the toilet, its sound muffled by all the other logs. The young man gave a sigh of relief, “And it is all done.”
“Mind if we catch a look?” Jason asked.
“Yeah I want to see the result of my help.” Sid replied as he rushed to the bathroom door. Finn shook his head as he rose in order to give himself and his roommates a glimpse into the bowl. There were around one dozen turds, all the same length with some being as wide as a forearm, and stacked one on top of the other. Sid whistled, “That’s the largest dump I’ve ever seen.”
“Same here.” Sid added in disbelief, “You should be called the King of the Shitter of all that. Might want to give a flush so as not to break the toilet.”
Finn gave a small smirk as he hit the flush, the toilet gave a choked sort of sound before managing to flush away all of the waste inside of it. Finn sat back down and proceeded to pull off some toilet paper, “Would you mind giving me privacy while I clean myself up?”
“Of course, your highness.” Sid answered as the two guys closed the door. Finn chuckled at his new nickname as he wiped between his two ass cheeks. It didn’t take much, and, with another sigh of relief, Finn stood up and redid his pants. He washed his hands before rejoining his roommates, lighthearted joking and teasing ensuing.
For those that want to see what Finn would have looked like while on the toilet.
Finn's doppelgänger – @theseguysgottago on Tumblr
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tdude345 · 3 months
Sometimes you gotta take a loud, gassy shit in public. Hope nobody heard me 😮‍💨
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tdude345 · 3 months
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Onlyfans being assholes again.
The Rest Stop
Todd was heading to a business meeting out of town. He had the top of his convertible down as he drove down the highway, the wind blowing through his brown hair. Todd reached down and adjusted his crotch through his khaki pants. He was so horny. The night before he had discovered online that there was a rest stop along the way that was popular for cruising. Todd always gets a thrill out of cruising for sex with strangers in public spaces. He soon saw a sign for the next rest stop and he knew this was the one.
Todd pulled into the rest stop parking lot. It was pretty much deserted, except for only one car. When Todd parked he saw the owner of the car walking around the stop’s picnic area. He was an older man with gray hair and beard but dressed as if he had just stopped on the way to work in his button up shirt, dress pants and dress shoes. Todd got out of his car, buttoned up his blazer, and walked toward the rest rooms. As he passed the older man, he nodded and kept walking. He could feel the man’s eyes on him as he entered the men restroom. Todd was considered handsome and stylish in his business suit.
Inside the restroom it was a typical men's restroom, in need of an upgrade. There were three urials on the far tiled wall. Todd took the middle one. He had just unzipped his pants and pulled out his 8” cock when the bathroom door opened and he heard footsteps. He turned when the older man took the urial to his left. The older man looked at Todd and nodded.
“How is it going,” the older man asked as he unzipped his pants.
“Good,” Todd replied and looked forward at the tiled wall.
Todd knew what the man wanted and began to stroke himself. He could feel the man’s eyes watching him. Todd looked out the corner of his eyes as the old man pulled out and stroked what appeared to be a 9” hard cock. The man then reached over and gripped Todd’s hard cock. The man’s hand felt so good around Todd’s cock. Then the sound of heavy boots approaching the door caused the older man to pull his hand away. Todd tried to act normal as the bathroom door opened and the heavy booted footsteps crossed the restroom. Todd turned to his right just as a muscular state trooper took the urial to his right.
Todd was nervous, fearing that he had been caught. The state trooper kept his head down as he unzipped his pants. It was hard for Todd to notice much about the trooper’s face, with the wide brim trooper hat covering his face, but he appears to be younger than Todd. However, it was obvious the trooper was built, his lean, muscular body filling out the trooper’s uniform. It was also soon obvious that the state trooper wasn’t doing his business. Curious Todd turned his head toward the police officer. The trooper kept his eyes down as he pulled his cock out from the side of his white jockstrap pouch and started stroking his own cock. It was barely 6” hard, but fat in the cop’s large hands. Todd wanted to reach over to help the police officer out but was too nervous to act. A part of Todd feared that it was a setup, a burst on the notorious cruise site. However, Todd could tell the state trooper was as nervous as he was.
The old man to Todd’s left was also watching the sexy trooper jacking his cock. The old man moved. He didn’t bother to zip up his pants as he went around Todd and boldly stood just behind the trooper’s back. The old man then got even more bolder by grabbing the state trooper’s muscular, plump behind.
“That a nice ass you got there Officer,” the old man whispered as he squeezed and kneaded the ass through the well fitted uniform pants.
The trooper just grunted and continued to stroke himself. Todd knew the old man was right. The police officer’s ass was large and round, filling the uniform pants out nicely. Todd noticed the wedding band on the officer’s ring finger as he jacked off. He knew the officer was a downlow case just like he was. Todd grew bold and reached out his right hand to wrap it around the trooper’s throbbing cock. The trooper removed his hand as he looked at Todd. The trooper’s brown eyes were a mixture of nervousness and lust as the two men groped and stroked him. Todd watched the muscular chest rise and fall under the bulletproof vest as the trooper breathed heavier. As the older man wrapped his hands around the cop’s waist, his grayish head came only to the trooper’s shaved neck while he kissed the bare neck. Todd watched as the trooper then lifted his utility belt letting the older man undo the officer’s pants belt and undid the uniform pants. The old man then eased the pants down over the trooper’s ass. The Trooper’s white jockstrap framed his muscular ass perfectly. Todd could tell that the state trooper spent a lot of time in the gym, especially when it came to working out on his legs. His legs were thick, with powerful cords of well defined muscles, while his bubble ass was firm and tight.
“Beautiful,” the old man whispered as he gripped both smooth, muscular ass cheeks in his hands, spreading them.
The old man then pressed his cock between the cheeks, moving it up and down the deep tight valley. The Officer closed his eyes and opened his mouth to let out a deep masculine moan. Todd let go of the trooper’s cock and gripped the taller man’s bare neck pulling the cop into a deep kiss. He pushed the trooper’s hat off his head and let it fall to the floor. Todd then ran his right hand over the high and tight buzzed haircut, while pushing his tongue into the masculine man’s mouth. As the two younger men made out, the older man aimed his large cock at the state trooper’s tight smooth hole. The officer moaned into Todd’s mouth while pushing his ass backwards. Todd then pulled away and watched as the officer’s eyes rolled back into his head. Todd knew the older man had penetrated the officer’s tight hole. The sight of the muscular and masculine police officer taking a cock up his ass was a turn on for Todd. His cock was throbbing at the sight and sounds of the trooper taking the cock deeper into him. Todd was so horny. He grabbed the trooper’s head and pulled it down toward his cock. The stronger, trained police officer didn’t resist as he was bent forward and his mouth was pulled onto Todd’s cock. The trooper’s warm mouth felt so good on Todd’s cock. Todd’s eyes met the older man’s, and the man smiled at him. They were pit roasting a hot sexy state trooper right in the middle of a rest stop restroom. The trooper’s muffled groans and moans from being fucked by the old man’s huge cock was vibrating agisnt Todd’s cock causing Todd to fuck the tight throat harder. Both men were pounding hard in and out of both ends of the police officer. From the moans the trooper was enjoying it. Todd reasoned that it was a stress release for the alpha cop. He was always in charge and in control, it felt good to give up control once a while. Let another man dominate and control him.
The old man slapped the trooper’s muscular right thigh, “that’s it, Officer, flexed that coppussy of yours.” He slapped the left thigh, “milk the cum from my cock.”
The older man grunted and thrusted harder, driving the trooper into Todd. Todd tightened his grip on the trooper’s head, ramming his cock deeper down the raw throat.
“Fffuck, I, I’m cumming,” the older man cried out.
Todd knew the man was cumming deep inside the Trooper’s ass drove Todd over the edge. He gripped the trooper’s head even tighter as he pushed as deep down the throat as he could. Todd moaned loud and flooded the officer’s mouth. He felt the trooper greedily lapped and swallowed his massive load. Todd was the first to pull out of the trooper. The officer’s brown eyes looked up at him in a lust filled glaze as cum overflowed from his mouth, running down his masculine face. When the old man pulled out of the trooper he gave the cum filled ass a slap.
“Fuck, that was hot,” the man put his cock back into his pants.
As the trooper stood up, they noticed that he had come inside his jockstrap, filling the tight pouch. The cum ran down his thighs. He didn’t say a thing as he pulled up his pants and straightened his uniform and left the restroom.
Before Todd left the restroom he traded phone numbers with the older man. He usually prefers his hookups to be anonymous but he was so surprised by what they just did that he traded names and numbers with the older man. It was then he learned the older man's name was Robert. Todd shook hands with Robert and exited the restroom. As he exited the rest stop building he saw the sleek,modern black state police cruiser pulling away from the parking lot and headed toward the highway. Todd then got back into his car and resumed his travel to his meeting.
During his business meeting, Todd mind kept drifting away from the boring meeting to the events at the rest stop. He kept having to adjust his pants as his cock grew hard. The meeting dragged on for hours and the only thing Todd wanted to do was to go back to his hotel room and jack off his cock while re-living the scene from earlier in his mind.
When the meeting finally ended, Todd began to pack up his work to leave, when he received a text. At first he didn’t recognize the number but read the message:
This is Robert, we met earlier today. I’m staying at the staybreak hotel on route 35. Stop by tonight, I have a treat for you.
There was an attachment. Making sure he was alone, Todd opened the attachment and to his surprise saw a video of the trooper standing looking at the camera. The video was recorded from inside of a car, with the trooper standing by the car window. A hand, which Todd deducted was Robert’s, was squeezing and kneading the state Trooper’s impressive bulge in the tight uniform pants. The outline of the 6” hard cop cock was obvious through the uniform pants.
Todd couldn’t wait for the time to arrive to meet Robert. He drove to the roadside motel, arriving exactly on time. It was dark as Todd made his way to the motel room. Parked in front of the motel was Robert’s car and the black sup up police cruiser. He took a deep breath and knocked on the motel door. It only took Robert only seconds to unlock and open the door.
Robert smiled, “I'm glad you came.”
Robert was still wearing his button up shirt and brown pants he had on earlier in the day.
“Come inside,” the man stepped aside.
Todd entered the motel room and stopped. He couldn’t believe his eyes. On one of the double beds, laid the state trooper from earlier in the day. This time the muscular younger man was naked, except for his black boots and gunbelt. His wrists and boot covered ankles were cuffed together by the trooper’s own handcuffs, which kept the muscular legs in the air and his impressive ass exposed. The trooper’s nightstick was sticking out of the cop’s ass, hinting that Robert had been fucking the masculine police officer with it before Todd arrived. The trooper’s cock was rock hard, and throbbing, leaking precum on to his chisel cobblestone abs. Already his abs and slight hairy, tattooed pecs were coated with dry cum.
The trooper looked at Todd with lust filled eyes. Cum was running down his firm square jawline.
“We started a little earlier but there is plenty of him left, isn’t there,” Robert said with pride.
“Yes, sir,” the trooper replied. His voice was deep and masculine.
Robert reached down and pulled the nightstick from the trooper’s hole. The trooper moaned as the baton was pulled out and cum began to leak from his stretched hole.
“After our little fun, I was driving home when Officer Cooper pulled me over for speeding,” Robert recounted how he hooked back up with the state trooper. “You can imagine both of our surprises when he approached the window of my car.” The older man moved the nightstick down the Trooper’s thick, muscular hamstrings. “He was so cocky when he got out of his cruiser and approached my car, those beautiful muscles stretching his uniform. However, the minute he saw me and recognized me from the rest stop all of his arrogance faded. Didn’t it?” Robert tapped the trooper’s cock with the nightstick and then used the stick to lift his full smooth balls.
“Yes, sir,” Trooper Cooper grunted.
Officer Cooper’s eyes looked at Todd.
“I made it quite clear that I recognized him as well and if he didn’t want his superiors and his wife to know about his extracurricular activities he would be a good obedient boy,” Robert continued. “It seems like our cop toy likes being dominated by other men. It is something of a stress relief for him to give up control to a gay man.”
Todd continues to listen as he undresses. His eyes never left the trooper’s body. Officer Cooper's stomach was tight and chiseled. His well developed pecs were adorned with an elaborate tattoo of wings with the words Veni Vidi Vici across his chest. A pair of dog tags hung between his thick pecs, hinting that the trooper was a former marine. The trooper was so sexy and vulnerable which made Todd even more aroused and hard. Once naked, Todd crawled onto the bed and gripped the boot covered ankles and aimed his cock at the well fucked coppussy.
“Go a head fuck him,” Robert laughed and slapped Todd’s ass.
Todd thrusted forward, pushing his cock into the trooper’s well bred hole. The officer moaned loud as Todd cock pushed deeper. Robert stood at the side of the bed and undressed as he watched Todd pull out and thrust back into the muscular police officer’s ass. He was pounding the trooper’s ass hard and deep. Todd closed his eyes enjoying the feel of the hot police officer’s ass around his cock. Officer Cooper’s ass was still tight as it flexed and gripped around Todd’s cock. Cooper’s moans and groans grew louder. Once naked, Robert gripped the trooper’s buzz cut head and turned his head toward his cock. Robert pushed his cock into Cooper’s mouth. The trooper’s head was soon bobbing on and off Robert’s cock while Todd continued to ram in and out of his hole. Officer Cooper’s moans got louder. Robert pulled his cock from Cooper’s mouth and gripped the trooper’s jerking, bouncing cock. Todd continued to hold on to the muscular calves and fuck the plump ass while watching the older man aiming the cop’s cock at the masculine handsome face.
“Ffuck,” Officer Cooper cried out and arched his back off the bed.
His anal muscles clamped down on Todd’s cock like a Vice as his body spasmed around it. Cooper’s cock erupted sending cum flying through the air, landing on his face and hair. The powerful ass muscles spasmed and milked Todd’s cock. Todd quickly followed, cumming deep inside the trooper’s coppussy. For the rest of the night, the two men took turns fucking the cop’s ass and mouth until all three couldn’t cum anymore. By morning the muscular, handsome state trooper was reduced to nothing but their cumdump.
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tdude345 · 3 months
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Onlyfans being assholes again.
The Rest Stop
Todd was heading to a business meeting out of town. He had the top of his convertible down as he drove down the highway, the wind blowing through his brown hair. Todd reached down and adjusted his crotch through his khaki pants. He was so horny. The night before he had discovered online that there was a rest stop along the way that was popular for cruising. Todd always gets a thrill out of cruising for sex with strangers in public spaces. He soon saw a sign for the next rest stop and he knew this was the one.
Todd pulled into the rest stop parking lot. It was pretty much deserted, except for only one car. When Todd parked he saw the owner of the car walking around the stop’s picnic area. He was an older man with gray hair and beard but dressed as if he had just stopped on the way to work in his button up shirt, dress pants and dress shoes. Todd got out of his car, buttoned up his blazer, and walked toward the rest rooms. As he passed the older man, he nodded and kept walking. He could feel the man’s eyes on him as he entered the men restroom. Todd was considered handsome and stylish in his business suit.
Inside the restroom it was a typical men's restroom, in need of an upgrade. There were three urials on the far tiled wall. Todd took the middle one. He had just unzipped his pants and pulled out his 8” cock when the bathroom door opened and he heard footsteps. He turned when the older man took the urial to his left. The older man looked at Todd and nodded.
“How is it going,” the older man asked as he unzipped his pants.
“Good,” Todd replied and looked forward at the tiled wall.
Todd knew what the man wanted and began to stroke himself. He could feel the man’s eyes watching him. Todd looked out the corner of his eyes as the old man pulled out and stroked what appeared to be a 9” hard cock. The man then reached over and gripped Todd’s hard cock. The man’s hand felt so good around Todd’s cock. Then the sound of heavy boots approaching the door caused the older man to pull his hand away. Todd tried to act normal as the bathroom door opened and the heavy booted footsteps crossed the restroom. Todd turned to his right just as a muscular state trooper took the urial to his right.
Todd was nervous, fearing that he had been caught. The state trooper kept his head down as he unzipped his pants. It was hard for Todd to notice much about the trooper’s face, with the wide brim trooper hat covering his face, but he appears to be younger than Todd. However, it was obvious the trooper was built, his lean, muscular body filling out the trooper’s uniform. It was also soon obvious that the state trooper wasn’t doing his business. Curious Todd turned his head toward the police officer. The trooper kept his eyes down as he pulled his cock out from the side of his white jockstrap pouch and started stroking his own cock. It was barely 6” hard, but fat in the cop’s large hands. Todd wanted to reach over to help the police officer out but was too nervous to act. A part of Todd feared that it was a setup, a burst on the notorious cruise site. However, Todd could tell the state trooper was as nervous as he was.
The old man to Todd’s left was also watching the sexy trooper jacking his cock. The old man moved. He didn’t bother to zip up his pants as he went around Todd and boldly stood just behind the trooper’s back. The old man then got even more bolder by grabbing the state trooper’s muscular, plump behind.
“That a nice ass you got there Officer,” the old man whispered as he squeezed and kneaded the ass through the well fitted uniform pants.
The trooper just grunted and continued to stroke himself. Todd knew the old man was right. The police officer’s ass was large and round, filling the uniform pants out nicely. Todd noticed the wedding band on the officer’s ring finger as he jacked off. He knew the officer was a downlow case just like he was. Todd grew bold and reached out his right hand to wrap it around the trooper’s throbbing cock. The trooper removed his hand as he looked at Todd. The trooper’s brown eyes were a mixture of nervousness and lust as the two men groped and stroked him. Todd watched the muscular chest rise and fall under the bulletproof vest as the trooper breathed heavier. As the older man wrapped his hands around the cop’s waist, his grayish head came only to the trooper’s shaved neck while he kissed the bare neck. Todd watched as the trooper then lifted his utility belt letting the older man undo the officer’s pants belt and undid the uniform pants. The old man then eased the pants down over the trooper’s ass. The Trooper’s white jockstrap framed his muscular ass perfectly. Todd could tell that the state trooper spent a lot of time in the gym, especially when it came to working out on his legs. His legs were thick, with powerful cords of well defined muscles, while his bubble ass was firm and tight.
“Beautiful,” the old man whispered as he gripped both smooth, muscular ass cheeks in his hands, spreading them.
The old man then pressed his cock between the cheeks, moving it up and down the deep tight valley. The Officer closed his eyes and opened his mouth to let out a deep masculine moan. Todd let go of the trooper’s cock and gripped the taller man’s bare neck pulling the cop into a deep kiss. He pushed the trooper’s hat off his head and let it fall to the floor. Todd then ran his right hand over the high and tight buzzed haircut, while pushing his tongue into the masculine man’s mouth. As the two younger men made out, the older man aimed his large cock at the state trooper’s tight smooth hole. The officer moaned into Todd’s mouth while pushing his ass backwards. Todd then pulled away and watched as the officer’s eyes rolled back into his head. Todd knew the older man had penetrated the officer’s tight hole. The sight of the muscular and masculine police officer taking a cock up his ass was a turn on for Todd. His cock was throbbing at the sight and sounds of the trooper taking the cock deeper into him. Todd was so horny. He grabbed the trooper’s head and pulled it down toward his cock. The stronger, trained police officer didn’t resist as he was bent forward and his mouth was pulled onto Todd’s cock. The trooper’s warm mouth felt so good on Todd’s cock. Todd’s eyes met the older man’s, and the man smiled at him. They were pit roasting a hot sexy state trooper right in the middle of a rest stop restroom. The trooper’s muffled groans and moans from being fucked by the old man’s huge cock was vibrating agisnt Todd’s cock causing Todd to fuck the tight throat harder. Both men were pounding hard in and out of both ends of the police officer. From the moans the trooper was enjoying it. Todd reasoned that it was a stress release for the alpha cop. He was always in charge and in control, it felt good to give up control once a while. Let another man dominate and control him.
The old man slapped the trooper’s muscular right thigh, “that’s it, Officer, flexed that coppussy of yours.” He slapped the left thigh, “milk the cum from my cock.”
The older man grunted and thrusted harder, driving the trooper into Todd. Todd tightened his grip on the trooper’s head, ramming his cock deeper down the raw throat.
“Fffuck, I, I’m cumming,” the older man cried out.
Todd knew the man was cumming deep inside the Trooper’s ass drove Todd over the edge. He gripped the trooper’s head even tighter as he pushed as deep down the throat as he could. Todd moaned loud and flooded the officer’s mouth. He felt the trooper greedily lapped and swallowed his massive load. Todd was the first to pull out of the trooper. The officer’s brown eyes looked up at him in a lust filled glaze as cum overflowed from his mouth, running down his masculine face. When the old man pulled out of the trooper he gave the cum filled ass a slap.
“Fuck, that was hot,” the man put his cock back into his pants.
As the trooper stood up, they noticed that he had come inside his jockstrap, filling the tight pouch. The cum ran down his thighs. He didn’t say a thing as he pulled up his pants and straightened his uniform and left the restroom.
Before Todd left the restroom he traded phone numbers with the older man. He usually prefers his hookups to be anonymous but he was so surprised by what they just did that he traded names and numbers with the older man. It was then he learned the older man's name was Robert. Todd shook hands with Robert and exited the restroom. As he exited the rest stop building he saw the sleek,modern black state police cruiser pulling away from the parking lot and headed toward the highway. Todd then got back into his car and resumed his travel to his meeting.
During his business meeting, Todd mind kept drifting away from the boring meeting to the events at the rest stop. He kept having to adjust his pants as his cock grew hard. The meeting dragged on for hours and the only thing Todd wanted to do was to go back to his hotel room and jack off his cock while re-living the scene from earlier in his mind.
When the meeting finally ended, Todd began to pack up his work to leave, when he received a text. At first he didn’t recognize the number but read the message:
This is Robert, we met earlier today. I’m staying at the staybreak hotel on route 35. Stop by tonight, I have a treat for you.
There was an attachment. Making sure he was alone, Todd opened the attachment and to his surprise saw a video of the trooper standing looking at the camera. The video was recorded from inside of a car, with the trooper standing by the car window. A hand, which Todd deducted was Robert’s, was squeezing and kneading the state Trooper’s impressive bulge in the tight uniform pants. The outline of the 6” hard cop cock was obvious through the uniform pants.
Todd couldn’t wait for the time to arrive to meet Robert. He drove to the roadside motel, arriving exactly on time. It was dark as Todd made his way to the motel room. Parked in front of the motel was Robert’s car and the black sup up police cruiser. He took a deep breath and knocked on the motel door. It only took Robert only seconds to unlock and open the door.
Robert smiled, “I'm glad you came.”
Robert was still wearing his button up shirt and brown pants he had on earlier in the day.
“Come inside,” the man stepped aside.
Todd entered the motel room and stopped. He couldn’t believe his eyes. On one of the double beds, laid the state trooper from earlier in the day. This time the muscular younger man was naked, except for his black boots and gunbelt. His wrists and boot covered ankles were cuffed together by the trooper’s own handcuffs, which kept the muscular legs in the air and his impressive ass exposed. The trooper’s nightstick was sticking out of the cop’s ass, hinting that Robert had been fucking the masculine police officer with it before Todd arrived. The trooper’s cock was rock hard, and throbbing, leaking precum on to his chisel cobblestone abs. Already his abs and slight hairy, tattooed pecs were coated with dry cum.
The trooper looked at Todd with lust filled eyes. Cum was running down his firm square jawline.
“We started a little earlier but there is plenty of him left, isn’t there,” Robert said with pride.
“Yes, sir,” the trooper replied. His voice was deep and masculine.
Robert reached down and pulled the nightstick from the trooper’s hole. The trooper moaned as the baton was pulled out and cum began to leak from his stretched hole.
“After our little fun, I was driving home when Officer Cooper pulled me over for speeding,” Robert recounted how he hooked back up with the state trooper. “You can imagine both of our surprises when he approached the window of my car.” The older man moved the nightstick down the Trooper’s thick, muscular hamstrings. “He was so cocky when he got out of his cruiser and approached my car, those beautiful muscles stretching his uniform. However, the minute he saw me and recognized me from the rest stop all of his arrogance faded. Didn’t it?” Robert tapped the trooper’s cock with the nightstick and then used the stick to lift his full smooth balls.
“Yes, sir,” Trooper Cooper grunted.
Officer Cooper’s eyes looked at Todd.
“I made it quite clear that I recognized him as well and if he didn’t want his superiors and his wife to know about his extracurricular activities he would be a good obedient boy,” Robert continued. “It seems like our cop toy likes being dominated by other men. It is something of a stress relief for him to give up control to a gay man.”
Todd continues to listen as he undresses. His eyes never left the trooper’s body. Officer Cooper's stomach was tight and chiseled. His well developed pecs were adorned with an elaborate tattoo of wings with the words Veni Vidi Vici across his chest. A pair of dog tags hung between his thick pecs, hinting that the trooper was a former marine. The trooper was so sexy and vulnerable which made Todd even more aroused and hard. Once naked, Todd crawled onto the bed and gripped the boot covered ankles and aimed his cock at the well fucked coppussy.
“Go a head fuck him,” Robert laughed and slapped Todd’s ass.
Todd thrusted forward, pushing his cock into the trooper’s well bred hole. The officer moaned loud as Todd cock pushed deeper. Robert stood at the side of the bed and undressed as he watched Todd pull out and thrust back into the muscular police officer’s ass. He was pounding the trooper’s ass hard and deep. Todd closed his eyes enjoying the feel of the hot police officer’s ass around his cock. Officer Cooper’s ass was still tight as it flexed and gripped around Todd’s cock. Cooper’s moans and groans grew louder. Once naked, Robert gripped the trooper’s buzz cut head and turned his head toward his cock. Robert pushed his cock into Cooper’s mouth. The trooper’s head was soon bobbing on and off Robert’s cock while Todd continued to ram in and out of his hole. Officer Cooper’s moans got louder. Robert pulled his cock from Cooper’s mouth and gripped the trooper’s jerking, bouncing cock. Todd continued to hold on to the muscular calves and fuck the plump ass while watching the older man aiming the cop’s cock at the masculine handsome face.
“Ffuck,” Officer Cooper cried out and arched his back off the bed.
His anal muscles clamped down on Todd’s cock like a Vice as his body spasmed around it. Cooper’s cock erupted sending cum flying through the air, landing on his face and hair. The powerful ass muscles spasmed and milked Todd’s cock. Todd quickly followed, cumming deep inside the trooper’s coppussy. For the rest of the night, the two men took turns fucking the cop’s ass and mouth until all three couldn’t cum anymore. By morning the muscular, handsome state trooper was reduced to nothing but their cumdump.
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tdude345 · 4 months
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tdude345 · 5 months
Couples Trip (fiction)
Paul and Sean had only been dating for a few months when they decided to take a trip overseas together. They arrived in Thailand excited to get to know each other more intimately and make some memories together. They checked into their hotel and headed out. Paul and Sean were starving but it was already pretty late. The two guys hit up the local street vendors and made their way through 5 or 6 different dishes. They then went to a local bar to have a few drinks before heading back.
Paul woke up first in a cold sweat. He looked at the clock and saw it was only 4:30am. He let out a silent fart that smelled atrocious. He realized he would need the toilet soon. Paul was afraid to go in the hotel room. Although him and Sean had known each other for quite some time now, they had never had this type of situation arise.
He made his way to the bathroom and quietly shut the door. He flipped the switch for the fan but nothing turned on. “Fuck”, Paul mumbled under his breath. There was no sound buffer. He dropped his underwear down and took a seat. His ass erupted loudly with a slew of watery shit. His face turned bright red. Just then there was a knock on the door.
“Ummmmm I’m gonna be a few minutes babe”, Paul said.
“I can’t wait. I need to go right now”, Sean replied in a worried tone.
Paul stood up, quickly flushed and unlocked the door. Sean sprinted past him and ripped his underwear down before collapsing onto the bowl. A never ending explosion of shit filled the bow. Sean was so embarrassed he couldn’t even look up at Paul. A second even looser wave broke the silence of the room.
“I’m so sorry. That food must’ve really tore up my stomach”, Sean said to Paul, almost crying from embarrassment.
“Don’t worry. I’m having the same issue. Which speaking of that, we need to swap places”, Paul said while bouncing back and forth on each foot.
But this point both guys had their underwear completely off and were traded places back and forth to unload. This time while Paul was shaking in pain, Sean lightly massaged his stomach. Paul passed a few more watery waves before Sean sat again to do the same.
The street food had given both guys food poisoning and they spent the next two days practically living on the toilet. They didn’t bother to shut the door as all privacy had left them. Over those two days, Sean and Paul got to know each other on a very personal level which helped strengthen their relationship. They both promised to avoid the street vendors for the rest of the trip.
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tdude345 · 5 months
Open Stalls on the Beach (fiction)
Charles had been sunbathing for quite some time and began to feel a slight grumble in his stomach. He ran his hand over his six pack and could tell he would need a toilet soon. He packed his things up and put them in the trunk of his car. The men’s room was about half a mile down the beach so he began making his way over. Usually he parked near the bathrooms but since it was such a beautiful day, the beach was packed.
When he got close, he got a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. He paused for a moment to recover. He quickly made his way through the door only to discover that the stall doors had been removed. With no other option, he took the first available stall and dropped his swim trunks to his knees. His ass wasn’t even able to make full contact with the seat before loose diarrhea blew out of him. “Oh my god”, Charles whispered under his breath.
Another guy walked in at that moment and saw Charles on the throne. He took the stall directly next to him and dropped his speedo to his ankles. “Guess they don’t want people lingering too long in here”, the guy said to Charles while chuckling. Charles heard a loud crackle and splash in the next stall. Realizing he would have no privacy, Charles let out a second wave of even more watery shit.
“Fuck that sounds nasty”, the man in the next stall replied.
“Yeah I barely made it”, Charles said.
“Good thing you did”, the guy joked.
Charles was finally empty enough to begin the cleanup process. Unfortunately he was a stand up wiper. He wasn’t sure if he wanted his dick in the open or if he wanted anyone coming in to see his ass as he wiped. He chose the later. He faced the bowl and quickly scrunched up some paper. He bent over slightly and began to dig between his cheeks. On the first pass, the poet was wrecked.
Two other young guys walked in to use the urinals. “Woah, look at this dude wiping his ass!”, the one yelled out. Charles turned bright red. He grabbed some more paper and wiped again. His hairy ass was on display for anyone and everyone to see. It took four more passes to finish and by that point his neighbor in the next stall was long gone. He pulled up his trunks and fled the men’s room as fast as he could. On the walk back to his car, the two guys who walked in on him were on the beach. They notice Charles and pointed him out to their friends and laughed. Charles got in his car and sped off.
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tdude345 · 5 months
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Mason’s Gas Station
- includes: facesitting, farting, human chair/furniture, ass eating, light scat, public nudity
Word count: 2.4k
It was a cold Saturday night, i needed a quick stop at the gas station on the way home from work. I just got fired, and my self esteem wasn’t so hot.
The sound of the door to the gas station rings as i step in, and it was pretty much empty, i could only hear about 2 or 3 other people in the building. Shelves of chips, chocolate, drinks, magazines, it was a small store yes, but what more could you get from a gas station.
I miserably chuck a bag of hot cheetos onto the counter, wiping the day i’ve had off my face.
“Hiya how you doing is that everything yeah?”
the cashier says, taking the chip bag into his hands and swiftly scanning it across the counter, he mashes some buttons on the screen. I barely even heard what he said, in my own head for a while.
“Hm? oh- yeah that’s it,” i say, reaching into my back pocket for my wallet. But what he says next actually lifts my head.
“Hot cheetos always makes me fart a whole lot, why i don’t ever eat ‘em you know,” he grins to himself, clicking a few more buttons on the screen.
Wow, i’m surprised he was being so straight up, and i feel my face turn red with butterflies. However, the only face i can make is an undefeated smile. I can see his mood change to concerned immediately. He was handsome, very handsome, fluffy dark brown hair, a broad and smooth jaw, and pretty pink lips, he was cute. Of course i have to look at his name tag: Mason. Hot name. “What’s got you so miserable?” he rests his hands onto the counter, ready to listen.
“ Nothing i ugh, just got fired..” i fiddle with my wallet.
“Ah, shame, sorry to hear that. I’d hate to be fired,” i felt slightly comforted, sliding a £5 note across the counter.
“Thanks man, just trying to get over it, super stressed..” I sigh, taking the bag of chips in my hand.
“Hey, come closer,” he says, waving his hands towards himself, looking around carefully at the other few customers, he whispers carefully as i lean in. “I think i know a great way to reduce your stress…” he smirks, chuckling to himself again. I was clueless, i shook my head, leaning my ear in closer.
“Just take a look at this chair behind me, got this whole right in the middle, perhaps you could take a little break being smothered by my butt, like some sort of massage, sound good?” he reaches behind his back, smoothing out his polo-shirt uniform from the back, his pants looking particularly tight. I was speechless to say the least, i felt my ears grow all hot, and i stutter.
“I- What, what do you mean? Are you so sure? Seriously?” I itch the back of my head, nervous about what other people would be seeing.
“Yup, i’m serious, can i de-stress you with a face-sit massage? Or would you prefer to just leave?” He throws his hands to his side, pulling a face, telling me it’s completely up to me.
He wasn’t wrong, that did sound nice, a guys butt pressed against my face, maybe i could take a quick nap even.
“Ugh.. you know what… sure.. i guess that would sound quite nice.. i’d love to, Mason,”
I talk as quietly as i can, desperately not wanting other people in the gas station to hear us. His face lights up, and he opens the cash register, handing me my change. “Amazing! I’d be honoured to, here’s your change,” he looks around one more time, walking over to the camera in the top corner, shifting it far to the left. He shuffles back, whispering, “just walk around the counter and crouch when you get here, you do what i say got it?”
I not without being told twice, taking a glance back to an empty isle and tip-toeing around the counter, heaving open the small door, he looks at me the whole time. I crouch to the floor, and sneak up to him, he was trying to make it look less obvious i was here. He was already slipping off his pants, his thick bubble but hidden from everyone else’s view, was he really ready to do this whilst at work?
As i get closer i get a good look at the chair, it was a simple stool, the seat coming up to my head, a large whole in the middle couldn’t be missed, but dangling from the underside on the rim of the hole, was a fairly long strap that ended with a clip. I hear the jingling of his belt and his trousers suddenly drop by his ankles with a thud. When i look up Mason is kissing his teeth at me, waiting patiently.
“Hey don’t take too long, i got customers comin’! Just wriggle through that hole from underneath and i’ll tie you up in a minute, now shush, can’t be talking to ya right now,” He tries to keep his eyes on the shop, only the corner of his mouth moving when he speaks. I don’t take any longer and grip either side of the chair, pulling myself through the middle front and grazing through the large hole in the chair. Mason’s ass looked even bigger from this view. Pale, thicc, hairless, and a soft pink hole, it had so much character.
I shove my head through the plastic hole, and it takes some neck strength to keep myself in place. I give his ankle a small kick to signal him i was ready, and Mason takes his eyes off the shelves and quickly bends down to reach underneath the stool. Wrestling with the strap i saw earlier and i feel it snake around the back of my head and a “CLICK” noise is made on the other side, i could finally rest my head back and get comfortable. Mason gives a quick whisper, “We good with this? Once i’m sat i wont be up till my shift is done, so that’s 2 hours, i might give ya’ some air if it gets quiet enough, but other than that, this ok?” He talks pretty reassuringly, deep down he was a sweet guy, but his ass seemed to talk more than he did.
I couldn’t shake or move my head, so i risk a small whisper, “Yeah..”
Mason grins, standing up, readying both his feet on either side of the chair, his ass already opening at this position. He grips the back of his uniform and pulls it up a little bit, before leaning back and descending his fat mounds of meat onto my face. His ass melts over my face, burying my head into the back of the strap, he was heavy. His skin smudges under my eyelids, a condensed amount of fat demolishing my head. Luckily, i could still see, barely, with my nose pressed deep into his wrinkly hole, i gaze up at his mountain of a back, it looked so large from this angle. The top of his head peeped over his shoulders, all i could see was a few thin strands of his hair, but it was enough. He only gives me a small look back, winking deviously, before turning to the store, ignoring his brand new stool.
“Hello mam, is this all i can get you today?” A customer appeared at the counter, a small child stood next to her.
“Yes sir that’s everything, here’s £12,”
“Alright…” I hear the cash register open and close from above, “Here, £1.20 change for you, have a good evening, bye! bye,”.
There’s a few second silence, and then Mason turns around, ruffling my hair up.
“Didn’t even suspect a thing!” He sure seemed happy about this, and so was i, boy Mason was right. I felt relaxed, this was like a face massage, and yes, his ass was pretty funky, but what else could you expect from a man’s ass. I drown out the sound of Mason speaking to more customers and enjoy the moment, i might aswell be in heaven. To my surprise, Mason begins to shuffle ontop of me, squishing my face left to right, my nostrils pressed back and opened up like a pig against his hole.
A quiet, warm shot of air releases up my nose. And Mason grows comfortable again, smothering me back into the seat, the walls of his cheeks now moist. It felt like i just ate wasabi, my sinuses cleared up and i felt light headed, my muscles relax and the scent of ham intoxicates my nose. Wow he was good.
My nose felt sucked into his hole, Masons ass clenched, almost plugging my nose. After a few minutes, rustling sounds can be heard from above, followed by crunching and chewing. My eyes dart around, trying to figure out what was going on, and he brings his arms down and shakes a bag of opened hot cheetos shove my face. I was mad at first but i grew fearful, remembering what he said about what they did to him.
“Heh! Don’t worry i’ll be sure to save you some,” he giggles, licking his fingers and pushing his butt down onto my face once more, grinning.
A strong, cheesy fart explodes over my face, tasting spicy over my tongue, and i slowly shake my head as much as i can, not being able to sense any fresh air. All Mason does is laughs evilly and wiggles his hips, getting back to work, nuzzling my nose in deeper.
Over maybe the next hour, about 20-30 customers pass by, some took longer than others, however all of them came and went without thinking the person they were buying snacks from was smothering somebody under the counter, a full de-stress massage, for one of them anyway, i was beginning to struggle. The past hour had been filled with farts, farts, and more farts. Mason wasnt wrong about the cheetos.
He throws me a look, then stands up, fresh air wafting over me. He yanks up his pants, shuffling them back on.
“Ok man, the stores quiet, i gotta take a dump, enjoy your 3 minutes of air,” he chuckles, and his footsteps fade away into the back of the gas station.
I take these few minutes to wonder what time it is, or how much air i have left. And i even panic thinking about if someone came into the stair and saw me like this. I would die on the spot.
Footsteps grow louder, and Mason returns with a stretch and a yawn. He takes a look at the empty store again and fiddles with his belt, dropping his pants to the floor, he sneaks around me, stepping his feet on the rest of the chair legs. I notice brown smudges around the rim of his hole, and a sweaty trail from the top to bottom of his crack.
“Guess who didn’t wipe?” He giggles, finding himself hilarious. “Clean it, and i’ll give you 5 minutes of air in the next half hour,”
I don’t have time to negotiate before he plummets his fat ass back down onto my face with a loud smack noise. He shuffles his butt further forward, dragging his filth across my face, until my disgusted lips meet his hole. And i obediently lick, snogging at his fart hole, cleaning the dirty residue on the rim, lapping up a trail of sweat from his entire crack. Mason gives a satisfied sigh, slumping back onto my tongue, and gets back to work, and by “work” i mean going on his phone.
A few minutes of licking later i think i’m done, his back end just a canvas for my hungry, greedy tongue. I close my mouth, and Mason glances back. “Nice work, seat” he mutters. He lifts up, stretching his knees out to come out more, and he plops his ass back down on my face, this time my nose slodging deep into his butt, my saliva acting as a lubricant. A squelch noise is made when my nose wiggles into his ass.
The next hour was a complete blur. I got that 5 minutes of air, but a customer came and it was cut short by 2 minutes. I think all those hot cheeto farts went to my brain, because before i knew it, his shift was done! It was 10PM already. Mason climbed off me, putting his pants back on. “Looks like we’re done here seat, glad to help you de-stress” he says, crouching down to unclip the stool strap under my head, and i finally slip out the chair.
I stretch like crazy, my knuckles cracking easily, and i rub my eyes.
“Hopefully i didn’t give you pink eye or somethin’!” Mason laughs, tucking in his stool and reaching up for the camera in the top corner, moving it back to normal.
“No, no.. just tired… thanks so much for that man, i really needed that,” i yawn, walking over the counter, meeting him back across the counter.
“No worries, and hey listen, before you go i’ve been thinking, you just got fired right?” he leads on, grabbing the half empty hot cheeto packet and folding it up. I nod my head, remembering the reason i came here.
“Well, how would you like to work for me? As my seat? Everyday you’d come in with me and you would be my seat for the day, and i’d be paying you, how does £12 and hour sound?” he grins, tilting his head, knowing he’s already got me.
“Holy shit really? That would be amazing, i’d love to work for you, uh.. Mason!” i grin, nodding my head.
“Amazing, see you here at 9AM tommorow morning, don’t be late, or else,” he raises an eyebrow, a playful yet stern tone taking over him, he hands me the bag of chips, and i leave the gas station and return to my car.
On the drive home, i reflect on the evening i had. The day was going horrible, but Mason changed my night! And possibly my life even. I take the half eaten cheetos and wrestle it open with one hand, and i expected to feel chips first. But i pull out the receipt, covered in flavour dust. At the bottom, written in marker pen, said:
“82055 68120, call me cutie, ;) xx
- Mason”
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tdude345 · 7 months
First story, let me know what you think.
All characters are 18+
Ruben and Angel
Ruben and Angel have been best friends since elementary. They were always together and they knew pretty much everything about each other.
Once they got to high school, it was only natural that they joined the soccer team together, Senior year, they both made varsity team.
"We should get going, we're gonna be late" said Angel.
"Yeah you're right, lets go" said Ruben.
The varsity team had to size their outfits after school today and make sure everything fits and nothing is missing. Ruben and Angel were both in study hall after school to kill time as the team wouldn't meet until 4.
The boys made their way down to the school gym where the team would meet. Walking rather quickly ahead of Ruben, Angel felt a pressure in his stomach that had been there for the last hour or so. He had been farting quietly in study hall to relieve some pressure, and luckily, no one noticed.
"Dude, slow down, it's only 3:45. It takes like 5 minutes tops to get down there, chill" said Ruben.
"I just don't wanna be late, you know how coach is" said Angel.
Ruben and Angel walked into the gym and neither was surprised that only the coach and 2 other team mates had been there.
"I told you. Dude, there's no one's here yet" said Ruben.
"What do you care anyway, it's not like we were doing anything." said Angel.
Angel just wanted to get this over with so he could take a dump in the privacy of his house. He had never really been a fan of pooping in public bathrooms.
They sat on the bleachers and waited for more of the team to show up. Those 15 minutes were agony for Angel. He had been clenching tight and the pressure just kept building.
"Alright everybody, now that everyone is here, line up in order of your jersey number" yelled the coach.
Everybody ran down to the gym floor and assembled in order in front of a table where the coach and his assistant were sitting. Ruben was number 4 and Angel was number 37 meaning he was one of the last. As the assistant handed each team member a bag with their uniforms neatly folded inside, the coach read off from a list of each item in the bag to ensure no one was missing a piece of their uniform. There were 7 pieces in total to this kit and each team member had to dig through their bag and unfold items to make sure everything was there.
Ruben had gotten his complete uniform and stepped off to the side like coach told everyone to. The numbers dragged on and on, 13, 15, 17, 22, 26. Finally, they got to number 33. Elijah, a scrawny white kid who happened to be incredibly agile, was number 33 and halfway down his list, he noticed he was missing his socks and an extra pair of shorts.
"Coach, I'm missing my socks and a pair of shorts" said Elijah.
"Hmm, that's weird. I could have sworn I ordered the right amount, Hold on, let me check the order." said Coach.
"Fuck, are you kidding me?" thought Angel. "Not a single other person was missing anything until the number right before me?"
He watched as Coach took his time unlocking his office door behind the table and shuffled through a stack of papers on his desk. After about 2 minutes, Coach finally walked out and said "Yup, everything is ordered. I'm gonna have to call them. For now, just go stand with everyone else."
Angel was so excited and desperate to be next that he accidentally let out a little fart that was loud enough the person behind him could hear.
"Alright Angel, let's see what we got" said Coach.
He listed off all the items and to Angel's relief, everything checked out and he walked over to Ruben and the rest of the team.
Coach finished with the rest of the team and stood up, "Ok everyone, listen up. We gotta try on the uniforms now, see if they fit right. If anyone is missing anything, try on what you have and stay after. We'll sort it out. The rest of you, if everything fits, you're good to go, see you Thursday for our first practice after school. Don't be late!"
Everyone headed to the locker room. The changing area was enormous and had plenty of space for all the boys.
Unfortunately, there was only 4 toilets. The school was old so the toilets were only seperated by a half wall partition with no doors, meaning even sitting down you could see from the chest up. There was no privacy, you'd have to shit in front of everyone (and a lot of guys there did, they didn't care). And if someone wanted to peek over the partition, it didn't take much effort.
Ruben and Angel found a bench to change on. They had been friends for years but had only ever seen each other shirtless. Ruben noticed Angel was sweating kinda hard and when Angel took off his pants, he could see a sweat mark around his butt crack. Ruben was staring a bit too hard.  He has never noticed Angel's ass before and he instictively kept fixating on it. It was perfectly round and hung over Angel's muscular thighs. Angel was those Latinos with black hair and pale skin.
Finally, Ruben caught himself and looked up at Angel's face. "Dude you alright? You've been acting weird since study hall and now you're sweating."said Ruben.
"I'm fine man, I just wanna go home already and take a shower" said Angel.
They both put on their uniforms and went over to the mirror.
"How's the fit?" asked Angel.
Ruben looked him up and down, cleared his throat, and nervously said "yeah man looks good...turn around real quick?" Angel hesitated a bit and thought "why tf..." but turned around awkwardly. Ruben took this opportunity to look at Angel's butt again. He was so embarrassed but couldn't look away and even felt himself getting a little hard.
"Bro what?" said Angel.
"...uh yeah bro, looks good. *AHEM* what about me?" said Ruben.
Angel gave a quick inspection and said "yeah bro, you're good."
Angel felt a sharp pressure and pain in his abdomen but kept his cool. He was sweating more than ever. He knew it was time, there was no way he could withstand the 30 minute drive in stop and go traffic to his house. Most of the team left, there was just maybe 4 boys left.
"Alright bro, I gotta go, see you tomorrow" said Angel.
"Yeah for sure" said Ruben.
Angel didn't wanna shit with Ruben there and he definitely wasn't gonna shit in front of the guys in the locker room so he decided to go to the upstairs bathroom by his locker. He made sure Ruben didn't follow him. After a couple wipes of the toilet seat, he sat down expecting an immediate release. But all the holding in must have pushed his shit back up, so no release came. Yet.
On his way out, Ruben remembered he left a book in his locker so he went up there too. Ruben and Angel's lockers were only about 10 lockers apart. Just as he opened his locker, he also felt a slight pressure in his stomach, nothing compared to what Angel had felt though. He saw the bathroom and thought to himself "I'm already here, might as well shit."
He walked in and noticed someone with a pair of cleats sitting in one of the stalls. Ruben didn't mind shitting with other people. He would have done it in the locker room toilets in front of the team, but he didn't feel like he needed to go then. He had been constipated the last couple days and kept having strong urges to go but each time he sat down he couldn't do more than pee.
"Let's try this again" he thought exhaustedly while sighing and closing the stall door behind him. He sat down and waited and pushed. Nothing. He let out a strong stream of pee which relieved him a little but not much. Rested a little. And then tried pushing again, a small toot managed to escape but nothing else. "God damn it. Guess I'm gonna be in here a while" he thought and pulled out his phone.
Meanwhile, Angel had sat down just a minute before Ruben walked in. "FUCK" he thought, "I can't get away from anyone."
Minutes had passed and both were silent. Ruben pushed and pushed but so far had produced only a tiny nugget of a turd. Angel couldn't hold it anymore. He let loose an airy fart that echoed in the bowl and it transitioned into a series of sharts. Ruben stayed quiet, he felt a sort of second hand embarrassment for the mystery person next to him, but he also thought it was funny. Angel sighed but knew he was nowhere near done. He pushed and felt the veins on his neck pop out. A thick torrent of diarrhea gushed out of his pink-brown hole. Shots of diarrhea rushed out of Angel for the next 10 minutes, and angry farts followed each shot. He hated every second of it. The smell filled the room, it was beefy. "Damn" said Ruben under his breath when it hit his nostrils.
"Why won't this guy leave?!" he thought to himself. Ruben had kept pushing as Angel was suffering next door. As funny as it was to him, he didn't really care. He still had the urge to shit and wasn't gonna stop because someone else was suffering next to him.
Ruben gripped the metal bar in the stall as he pushed. Another nugget of shit fell out of his hairy brown hole, this one slightly larger. It came out as Angel was taking a pause in his diarrhea, so the room was silent as a tiny sploosh was heard. Ruben pushed for a little longer but decided to give up and wipe up. He pulled on the paper and cut off a bunch, He made a wad and reached around to his hole. After he wiped, he checked and saw a clean wad of paper. "Fuckin of course," he thought. As a last ditch effort, he tried pushing one last time.
As Ruben pushed, Angel had neat squares of toilet paper lined up on his thigh. He reached around and could feel the wet shit entangled in his ass hairs. He had to quietly spit on the paper to clean the caked shit off his hole. He had gone through a little over a quarter of a roll just for himself. Finally he stood up and walked out and found himself at the sink next to Ruben. He made eye contact with him but didn't say anything.
Ruben couldn't help but smile as he washed his hands and didn't look up. He wanted to laugh so hard when he realized it was Angel. All his sweating and weird behavior made sense and it was hilarious to him. Angel was mortified and could feel his face getting hot and red.
They both dried up. As they were walking out, Angel said to Ruben angrily "Never fucking talk about this again." At which point Ruben started busting out laughing.
"Bro shut the fuck up" said Angel. And he stormed off. As Angel walked away, Ruben yelled down the hall, "Love you bro!" and kept laughing his ass off. "Fuck off!" yelled Angel. Ruben kept smiling and would laugh every time he thought about it all the way home.
That night, Ruben kept replaying the incident. Angel's body, the sweaty underwear, the noises and smells. It was all new to him. He had thoughts of men all year but never about them taking a dump and never about his best friend.
He couldn't help but get hard and kept touching his bulge. He thought about Angel's body and took off his underwear and started jerking off. He wished he could've smelled his sweaty underwear. He wished they were on his face right now. He wondered how his sweaty hole tasted and smelled. Then he thought about the bathroom. The farts. The diarrhea and the grunts Angel made. "Fuck, he's so cute" he thought to himself. He wondered what his hole looked like, how it must've stretched when he was shitting like that. He replayed the sound the paper made when rubbing on Angel's hairy hole, along with seeing him in tight shorts, and that made him cum.
Ruben felt embarassed to be cumming to his best friend but he kept doing it for the rest of the school year and tried his hardest to go to the bathroom at the same time and place as Angel.
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tdude345 · 10 months
Drew’s Diarrhea
True Story about one of my friends (with added details)
Drew smiled as he took a piece of brownie from the tray that had been set up for the college cultural festival by one of his fellow students. Drew is an average guy, about average height and build, a little on the thin side. He has really thick black curls. He was wearing an orange polo shirt with cream colored pants and a braided belt.
He snacked on the brownie as he listened to the baker explain that it was their first time baking, and they hoped that they turned out great, since they hadn’t followed any recipes or instructions. Drew assured them they were delicious as he finished up the treat, taking another and enjoying it as he headed on to his job, leaving campus.
About a half an hour later, Drew was at work when he felt his stomach churn. He bent at his desk, clutching his abdomen as it felt like his guts had turned into a boiling melting pot. He let out a low groan, then felt his stomach drop and a river of shit drop down his small intestine. Drew squeaked, clenching his ass and putting a hand underneath himself, just barely stoping his bowels from emptying themselves.
Oh fuck Drew thought. I’ve got the shits
“I’ll be right back,” Drew told one of his co-workers as he hustled to the staff bathroom and ran into the first stall.
“oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” Drew cursed to himself as he squirmed and desperately undid his belt. He yanked down his pants and his boxers, pooling around his ankles and sat down.
BBBBRBBBPPRRTT! A fat hot fart escape him, but did nothing to elevate the pressure in his gut. Another fart. Then two more PPPRBBFFFTTT! PppRBBRRT!
Drew held his stomach as his asshole opened up and a mushy column of shit blasted out of him onto the toilet. A cascade of muddy diarrhea followed, spraying the porcelain bowl as his bowels evacuated themselves. “Ahhh! Ahh!” Drew moaned as he bent, arms around his stomach as an other shitty eruption left his ass. Diarrhea poured out of him, emptying him out still he was left drenched in sweat.
Drew wiped himself and pulled up his trousers and washed his hands, going back to work.
… to come running back into the bathroom ten minutes later, slamming his ass against the toilet seat just in time as
“oh shit!” Drew called out as a cascade of bubbling diarrhea like a waterfall shot out of his ass. “What the hell is wrong with me—AHH!”
Another wave of diarrhea, thicker than before blasted out of Drew’s ass in an uncontrollable splattering against the soiled water. Squishy chunks of shit shot out rapid fire. Farts like machine guns were squeezed out, rapid fire one after another. He was then suddenly given a reprieve from his diarrhea. Drew’s eyes crossed and he extended his legs as a new thick log of shit hit his hole, stretching it out as it slowly pushed out of him, it was pleasurable and painful at the same time and then another cramp hit his gut and the massive log broke free, morphing from solid back into muddy and then watery diarrhea once again.
Again he was able to clean up and go back to work. And again he was back in the restroom not long after, his ass exploding with diarrhea.
It was Drew’s fourth trip to the restroom when things got dicey. As he entered the bathroom, he saw that the stalls were all occupied. It seemed he wasn’t the only one with an upset stomach. He doubled over as his guys twisted and he forced out a fat wet fart. He winced as it blasted out of him. Oh man, another round of the shits was coming and it was coming fast! He held his stomach, looking around, clenching his ass as he tried to make sure he didn’t shit himself. The stalls were occupied and none of them sounded like they’d be done anytime soon. But his dump was not waiting. The urinal! He winced as another fart boomed out of him PPPBBBPPPPRRRDTTTPT!
“oh man, I’m sorry, I can’t hold, I gotta—“ Drew said exasperated as he fumbled with his belt and rushed to the urinal. He turned around, dropping his trousers and yanking his underwear down around his knees as he bent ass first into the urinal, bracing himself.
Drew gasped, his eyes crossing as a fire hose of diarrhea bursted out of him , arcing through the air and splattered against the back of the urinal. It came out as a relentless torrent of muddy shits, quickly filling the urinal as Drew’s lost complete control over his bowels.
Drew farted and moaned as he expelled the last of his waste, overfilling the urinal and sending the mess splattering against the bathroom floor. He nervously pulled up his pants, wiping himself with some torn papertowels and hurrying out of the bathroom before anyone could find the mess he had made with his bout of explosive diarrhea.
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tdude345 · 11 months
Drew’s Diarrhea
True Story about one of my friends (with added details)
Drew smiled as he took a piece of brownie from the tray that had been set up for the college cultural festival by one of his fellow students. Drew is an average guy, about average height and build, a little on the thin side. He has really thick black curls. He was wearing an orange polo shirt with cream colored pants and a braided belt.
He snacked on the brownie as he listened to the baker explain that it was their first time baking, and they hoped that they turned out great, since they hadn’t followed any recipes or instructions. Drew assured them they were delicious as he finished up the treat, taking another and enjoying it as he headed on to his job, leaving campus.
About a half an hour later, Drew was at work when he felt his stomach churn. He bent at his desk, clutching his abdomen as it felt like his guts had turned into a boiling melting pot. He let out a low groan, then felt his stomach drop and a river of shit drop down his small intestine. Drew squeaked, clenching his ass and putting a hand underneath himself, just barely stoping his bowels from emptying themselves.
Oh fuck Drew thought. I’ve got the shits
“I’ll be right back,” Drew told one of his co-workers as he hustled to the staff bathroom and ran into the first stall.
“oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” Drew cursed to himself as he squirmed and desperately undid his belt. He yanked down his pants and his boxers, pooling around his ankles and sat down.
BBBBRBBBPPRRTT! A fat hot fart escape him, but did nothing to elevate the pressure in his gut. Another fart. Then two more PPPRBBFFFTTT! PppRBBRRT!
Drew held his stomach as his asshole opened up and a mushy column of shit blasted out of him onto the toilet. A cascade of muddy diarrhea followed, spraying the porcelain bowl as his bowels evacuated themselves. “Ahhh! Ahh!” Drew moaned as he bent, arms around his stomach as an other shitty eruption left his ass. Diarrhea poured out of him, emptying him out still he was left drenched in sweat.
Drew wiped himself and pulled up his trousers and washed his hands, going back to work.
… to come running back into the bathroom ten minutes later, slamming his ass against the toilet seat just in time as
“oh shit!” Drew called out as a cascade of bubbling diarrhea like a waterfall shot out of his ass. “What the hell is wrong with me—AHH!”
Another wave of diarrhea, thicker than before blasted out of Drew’s ass in an uncontrollable splattering against the soiled water. Squishy chunks of shit shot out rapid fire. Farts like machine guns were squeezed out, rapid fire one after another. He was then suddenly given a reprieve from his diarrhea. Drew’s eyes crossed and he extended his legs as a new thick log of shit hit his hole, stretching it out as it slowly pushed out of him, it was pleasurable and painful at the same time and then another cramp hit his gut and the massive log broke free, morphing from solid back into muddy and then watery diarrhea once again.
Again he was able to clean up and go back to work. And again he was back in the restroom not long after, his ass exploding with diarrhea.
It was Drew’s fourth trip to the restroom when things got dicey. As he entered the bathroom, he saw that the stalls were all occupied. It seemed he wasn’t the only one with an upset stomach. He doubled over as his guys twisted and he forced out a fat wet fart. He winced as it blasted out of him. Oh man, another round of the shits was coming and it was coming fast! He held his stomach, looking around, clenching his ass as he tried to make sure he didn’t shit himself. The stalls were occupied and none of them sounded like they’d be done anytime soon. But his dump was not waiting. The urinal! He winced as another fart boomed out of him PPPBBBPPPPRRRDTTTPT!
“oh man, I’m sorry, I can’t hold, I gotta—“ Drew said exasperated as he fumbled with his belt and rushed to the urinal. He turned around, dropping his trousers and yanking his underwear down around his knees as he bent ass first into the urinal, bracing himself.
Drew gasped, his eyes crossing as a fire hose of diarrhea bursted out of him , arcing through the air and splattered against the back of the urinal. It came out as a relentless torrent of muddy shits, quickly filling the urinal as Drew’s lost complete control over his bowels.
Drew farted and moaned as he expelled the last of his waste, overfilling the urinal and sending the mess splattering against the bathroom floor. He nervously pulled up his pants, wiping himself with some torn papertowels and hurrying out of the bathroom before anyone could find the mess he had made with his bout of explosive diarrhea.
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tdude345 · 11 months
A Thought #2
This experience is recent, that is, my memory is fresh and I can write it down in some detail.
We were in the middle of a chemistry theory exam, our teacher was reviewing our homework and the whole class had already finished the exam.
Previously my partner (who was a typical sportsman, tall and muscular, who only went to the gym even though he doesn't like sports) had told me that he had eaten greasy food the day before and that he had a stomach ache.
Before continue, I have to clarify the relationship I have with him, we are best friends and we always trust each other, he always seemed like someone really handsome with his pretty blue-gray eyes and slightly tanned skin, but since he went to the gym his body became really irresistible.
After finishing that exam, in my head there was barely a trace of the previous comment about the stomach ache, I had my hopes but something important never happened, until luck smiled at me: "bro I have to shit" that was the moment where my heart raced, my hands trembled and my brain couldn't stop thinking about him: "How is it possible that this is happening? what should I do?" but what I was sure of was that I shouldn't waste my opportunity.
I saw that he was going to ask a classmate if he had toilet paper, but I stopped him, I always keep toilet paper in my backpack, so I gave it to him and offered to go with him to the bathroom... because... you know... "to protect him from any ill-intentioned student who bothers him in such a private moment", his answer was "sure".
That comment made me blush, I couldn't believe that my dream would come true, he continued to "encourage me" saying phrases like: "When the teacher finishes I'll ask her permission" or "I can't take it anymore", he only made each of my senses focus only on him, I didn't even worry about the exam grade, I was just worried that our teacher wouldn't let the two of us go out.
Unfortunately, he had betrayed me, he asked my teacher's permission by himself and left without me. I wanted to become a ninja and follow him while he didn't see me but my teacher didn't allow it.
My mind did not stop thinking about that, and when he arrived I asked him for the toilet paper and asked: "do you feel better now?" trying to hide my frustration combined with my passion at that moment, however I wouldn't stay idly, I asked for permission to go to the bathroom, and quickly searched each cubicle for traces of something he left as a "gift", it was a simple task, after all, who shits in college? what made it stand out was that this fact was true, it was not a simple exaggeration, it was the truth.
In the toilet I saw several crumpled papers, each one with a trace of brown poop, the stain was getting more exuberant every time I looked, by the way, I didn't touch the paper with my hands... I have descendants, and no, I didn't smell the paper either, after all I always set my limits for my fetish, much more when it was a friend who put all his trust In me, when talking about a sensitive subject for every person in the world, a person's reputation can be ruined if it is discovered that he had to take a shit in college, he trusts me to keep a secret, I haven't told anyone and probably he hasn't either, in a relationship feelings always come first before lust.
When I returned, obviously I didn't say anything but I wanted to know in great detail what he did:
+Did you seriously sit on that toilet or squat?
-The seat was clean, but I still put toilet paper on the seat to sit down
+ Are you sure it wasn't diarrhea?
-It wasn't, I just ate something heavy
In our Free Hour I saw him eat a Greek yogurt, he couldn't stop thinking what that would do to his stomach, I offered him part of my pizza and he accepted, but he didn't accept my oatmeal, according to him, "what I'm eating right now can hurt me", then he ate chicken. I was looking forward to a second chance but... it never happened.
I just want to go back in time and do things in a better way, I wanted to assist him, I wanted to be there for him, I wanted to smell him, I wanted to see him, I wanted to touch him, I just wanted to be with him in that moment.
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tdude345 · 1 year
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“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you up there. I know you are jacking off. I can hear it. Also your shadow is cast on the floor is showing you standing on the toilet going to town on your dick. You wanna suck on mine?...
"Take your hands off your dick. Good fag. I saw you hanging around the vending machines for about an hour before I had to take a shit. You follow drivers in. From what I could tell, you are here at this rest stop alone. You have no car here. I see your type all the time, fags looking to trade their cunts for a ride. You looking for that? I said keep that hand off your dick. Boy, you don’t follow orders do you? You need a man to discipline you right. You want that? A simple ‘Yes Sir’ is all that is needed…. Good boy.
"I can be a demanding dad. I am in control of everything. That includes both your holes. I control what you wear, what you eat, who you blow, who’s ass you eat, how many drivers plow your cunt. If you agree to that, I want you to strip out of your clothes and take them to the garbage. You are my bitch now. You will have to earn each piece of clothing as I see fit. As you take everything off, you can put just your shoes on. Then walk out to my cab and kneel next to it with your head bowed down and your knees spread.
"When I came in here, no one but me was in the lot. I haven’t heard anyone pull in. So it’s just us. But if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t care. I’ll be over in a few minutes. It won’t take me long. Well, I do have to finish taking a shit. I will expect a blowjob upon approach, out in the open. I’m also going to take my belt to your naked ass for thinking that your useless dick deserved to be touched. No fag boy of mine will touch its useless clit. After you are all welted up, I want you to beg me to eat my ass. From the sounds, you are naked and ready to go. Good boy!
"Just to let you know, if you decide to change your mind, I do want to tell you that I used my camera to take your pic peering over the stall wall. I can call the police. Seeing that we are in a desert, there is no place for you to hide. I will turn you in for being a sex offender. I’m cold like that. So think about that. And before you go, I’m going to give you something I rarely do, a choice. What do you choose? Do you want me to barely wipe my ass, or do you want me to skip the toilet paper? By the way, the correct answer is to skip the toilet paper…. Wise choice. Now go.”
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tdude345 · 1 year
Thinking about someone being forced to give a stool sample at the doctor’s office while being observed by the doctor/nurses. They give the doctor a look of surprise when the doctor sets out a bedpan and asks them to squat. They immediately turn red and being protesting, but the thought of pooping and the sudden nervousness causes their stomach to begin churning. “I felt something nice and big in there when I felt your abdominal region earlier,” the doctor shakes his head and grins at the patient. “I’m sure you can push something out.”
Just then, the patient lets out a fart. They begin spluttering. “I don’t- I don’t need to poop, I’m just nervous,” they say. The doctor just smiles more, and sits down on his chair, legs crossed, waiting with his eyes focused on the patient.
They squirm now, mortified. Are they really about to poop in front of the doctor? The more they think about it, the more air seems to chug through their intestines, urging them to force out dry farts.
“There’s no need to be scared,” the doctor says. The patient avoids his eyes and weighs their options while sweat begins to bead on their forehead.
Suddenly their stomach cramps, slightly, but enough that it forces a small grunt from their lips. They look at the doctor, horrified at their moment of weakness. The doctor chuckles. “Come on, just let it out and it will all be over with,” he says. “Sounds like it’s coming soon wether you like it or not.”
They want to burst into frustrated tears as an ache begins to grow in their stomach. Whimpering, they pull off their pants and underwear, feeling cool air brush their skin. Just the act of undressing prepares his bowels for evacuation, and the urge grows immensely stronger within seconds. His breathing quickens as he gets gingerly into a squatting position.
“There we go. Alright, begin whenever you’re ready,” the doctor comes closer in his chair, so he’s eye-level with the patient’s bottom. The patient is practically dripping sweat with the effort to not blast hot farts into the doctor’s face.
“Please can I just be alone?” They squeak out, one more futile attempt to gain privacy. The doctor looks up at their face, smiles gently, and shakes his head.
“Nope, this is how we make sure we’re getting a fresh untampered sample,” he says. “Now come on, let it out.”
The patient’s legs are quaking ever so slightly as a cramp seizes their gut. A long dry fart whistles from their anus as it begins to stretch. They squeeze their eyes shut in shame, muttering incomprehensibly under their breath. “Please, no, please, no, not here,” they whine. Then they’re cut off by their own furious grunt as the urge to bear down becomes overwhelming. “Hhnnnnnnnng!”
They are horrified at their own primal noises. Their eyes open to see the doctor smiling pleasantly at them, then looking down at their doming anus. “Wow, are your movements usually this solid and difficult to get out?” He asks pleasantly.
“Y-yes,” the patient says shamefully. They stare at the doctor with glazed eyes as they begin another push. A loud fart pops out around the brick of poop widening their hole. They grunt loudly again, and it feels so good they almost don’t care that the nurses and other patients outside might hear them. Their stomach pulses with the urge to push as hard as possible to get the poop out. Its fat dry head is beginning to crown now, forcing their anus taut and wider than they’d ever seen it before.
“Good job,” the doctor says as he watches the patient’s bottom open wide for accommodate the load. He looks up into the patient’s glassy eyes, their face contorted in effort, strain, and humiliation. “This is hard work for you, huh?” He asks. The patient gets even redder, deepening their squat by leaning back on their hands and thrusting their pelvis forward. They are launched into another involuntary instinctive push, one that forces an animalistic grunt from their throat. They shake and shudder as the poop reaches its maximum width, bulging forth like a tree trunk from the earth.
“Here it comes,” they grunt out, taking in a massive breath. Their belly muscles tighten and constrict once more, and an almighty groan comes from their lungs. “It’s coming, it’s coming,” they say as the poop inches further out of their bum, rocky and glinting in the light. Finally it thuds into the bedpan, and the patient lets out an unencumbered sigh of relief.
Submitted by ewhot
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tdude345 · 1 year
You're at University or School, and this guy next to you just lets out everything he ate that morning.
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