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under major construction indie hoshina utau from shugo chara! loved by bunnie
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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so, the week that just passed, you would had noticed my activity was pretty much non-existent that is because i was babysitting once again from 8am to 5:30pm ( PST ) and whenever i got home, i ended up playing video games instead of replies or anything roleplay related. thursday night, i had a hard drive issue. easy fix, remove the drive. it was one that wasn’t being used and died ( well it was a mirror/back up drive that died ) i tried to remove it from my computer last night but i did something to mess it up even more. so i had to get someone to fix. which surprisingly happened this morning and finished up like over an hour ago. so yea lol just a random update, i guess
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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Well, he had not expected to run into this blonde girl, though he had also not expected to see a pair of bat like wings to appear on her back. Was she possessed by something?! He grabbed for one of his talismans, holding it up in front of him to prepare for battle if he had to right now!
“Same could be said for you! You watch it!”
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upon noticing the talisman, she reverted back to her normal character. not that it had any effect on her. it was just the timing of the whole thing.
character changing with iru wasn’t planned or anything, it is just something that happens in certain moments. like the child bumping into him. she didn’t understand what the boy was attempting here but, it almost looked like he was preparing for battle. was he another character bearer? hmm, her charas never said anything about picking up on another guardian. maybe, he just has an odd imagination. 
“what is that?” she asked, motioning to the talisman. her voice seems more serious and quiet compared to the loud, rude outburst she had moments ago.
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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"hey! watch it!” the blonde instantly character changed with iru, a pair of black wings are now visible on her back, when she felt some young boy bump into her. the coffee she was carrying got spilled over her top. the girl is obvious mad about the child just running into her like that. 
@defendher / sc.
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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this girl has seen a lot of stuff ever since she has become a character bearer. x-eggs, mystery eggs, x-characters, mystery characters, people changing personalities on the fly as well as transformations into different characters. it... has been an interesting experience to say the least. so when she is face to face with this male, the first thing that popped out of her mouth was. “well, that’s an interesting character transformation. what the hell is your ‘would-be’ self suppose to be? an elf out of a video game?”
@kishistic / sc.
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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“look, a star”, i said. he replied, “i know, it’s beautiful”. i was looking at the sky but he was looking at me.
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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lightly, with the tip of her index finger on his forehead, the idol pushes the little creature away. unsure what he is, but he certainly doesn’t look like a dog to her. maybe, a stuff teddy bear. at first, she just assumed it was another guardian character. but when he got close to her face, it was obvious he wasn’t. most of the charas resemble humans in small form. this thing looks like a toy.
“most small dogs don’t have wings..” she spoke, now motioning to the little wings on his back. since the creature did mention he was hungry, the blonde started to dig through her small purse and pulled out a granola bar. opening the food from its package, she broke the bar in half and handing it to him. “here.”
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            ❛ Yep — — — ! I am a DOG — — can’t ya see ? WOOF WOOF !! Give me food ~ ! Woof woof — I am a s m a l l dog. Food WOOF. ❜ ➥ @tcsing / STARTER CALL╰⊱⋛⋋|⋌⋚⊰╯ *: ・゚♚
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
RULES: answer  20  questions  +  tag  20  of  your  followers  you’d  like  to  know  better.
TAGGED BY: @checkered-pinkette TAGGING: @ultimatetalentizuru, @despairandhcpe, UM idk... anyone that wants to do this. LOL.
NAME: Samii NICKNAME:  Bunnie SIGN:  Pisces HEIGHT:  4′11″   NATIONALITY:  Canadian ORIENTATION: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ FAVOURITE  FRUIT:  Strawberries FAVOURITE  SEASON:  Spring / Summer FAVOURITE  FLOWER: idk? Roses & Sunflowers? idk i also enjoy wildflowers. those are pretty FAVOURITE  SCENT:  Ocean & lavender FAVOURITE  BOOK:  / FAVOURITE  COLOUR: Pink, purple, is a slut for pastels  FAVOURITE  ANIMAL: Cats & bunnies COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: all of the above!! AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP:  EH...6-7? idk.. i dont really... count LOL CATS OR DOGS:  Both honestly>>; NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH:  I normally have like three blankets (one comforter and two lighter blankets ) on my bed because I get cold easily and its also impossible for me to sleep without a pile of blankets on top of me LOL DREAM  TRIP:  Japan & South Korea. Probably Britain as well. ( im such a weeb ik ) BLOG  CREATED: 2017 NUMBER  OF  FOLLOWERS: 58 LOL
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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hey hey! it’s your girl BUTTS back at it again — if you could go ahead and slam that LIKE / REBLOG button if you’d be willing to interact with WAKA from the otome game AMNESIA: MEMORIES, that’d be rad!  ♥
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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hello ! samii, also know as bunnie, here ! yes, she recently made a multi muse and was gonna add utau on there. but, she changed her mind and gave utau her own blog ! with that being said~ please give this a like or a reblog if you are down to roleplay with the idol hoshina utau from the shugo chara ! series~
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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lms for a starter
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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Hey guys !! Somi back at it again with a new multi muse oc blog !! Would y’all mind LIKING / REBLOGGING this post if you’d be interested in rping with characters following the tropes of a dating sim / otome game ?? Depending on interactions, your muse could either end up with a happily ever after ending with a muse, or – not. Stay tuned to find out !!
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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i’m still in the progress of making icons and also rewatching the anime. after i finish a good amount of icons, i will finish my verse and about pages. once i complete the anime, istg, i’ll finally get to the manga. i can’t believe i never read it yet..
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
jealousy starters.
❛i don’t get what you even see in ____.❜
❛they’re not right for you, you know.❜
❛why do you keep staring at them?❜
❛you’re late. why are you coming home at 3 am? it’s someone else, isn’t it?❜
❛why do you always win?❜
❛hey – can you get off their dick for five seconds?❜
❛it’s almost like you’re dating them.❜
❛it’s almost like you married them.❜
❛you like them a lot, don’t you?❜
❛after all these years, i never thought i’d lose to someone like them.❜
❛chose between them or me.❜
❛me? JEALOUS?!….. HAHAHAHAHahaHAHAhAhahHA… yes.❜
❛me? JEALOUS? you’re out of your mind.❜
❛are you dating them or something?❜
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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❛  even if i don’t know myself, doesn’t that mean i can be WHOEVER I WANT?
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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sorry if i broke anyone’s rules by mistake.  i’m still slowly going through everyone that i follow to double check rules and send passwords if needed
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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                ————     I HAD HOPES YOU’D LOVE ME .
                                                 indie . pri . sel .
                                  non - rp blogs please do not ♡ and / or ↺ ! [ art cred . ]
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tcsing-blog · 8 years ago
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                                          ❝ FOR THE FUTURE OF EARTH !! ❞
( artist love )
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