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Discord Invite: Given Upon Request She/Them Pronouns The Cat Returns: Where furries come to live in denial 👍
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tcrmommabear · 10 months ago
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Baron with punchable face
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tcrmommabear · 10 months ago
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tcrmommabear · 10 months ago
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Haru: *Flirt aggressively Baron: *Concern
This is supposed to be stupid doodle but end up finished it too seriously
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tcrmommabear · 10 months ago
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Anyhow, meet Jade (fullname later), left at the cafe's doorstep, raised and nurtured by Baron and Haru also by her two always bickering uncles.
The first Gikkingen grandchild, beloved by the family of course, but the public just can't seem to fathom that the first grandchild is not by Gikkingen's blood rather an unknown one.
Since childhood, she has always heard whispers on how she's incompetent and overall an embarassment because she does not inherit the Gikkingen's blood.
Those rumors also affected both her parents, although not upfront but most people perceive them as failures. As she grows with guilt, she's determined to be someone capable, someone who people can look up too, and someone who will not be looked down on.
She has a dark shaded fur with green eyes although not as bright nor shiny resembling her father, her' are more dimmed similiar to a Jade stone like her name. She loves her parents first-meeting story especially the part where her mother refuse the CEO's force marriage proposal, making her determined to be as brave as her mother. Although she is still quite anxious on a lot of things but, she tries to find the bright side on everything and doesn't want to let fear runs through her. She tends to push herself a bit to hard and often be hotheaded towards the people who pesters her about it (mostly her parents, aunt, and uncles but because they care) because she does not want to be underestimated.
Welp thats Jade's story bits in the AU, hope you guys like it.
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tcrmommabear · 10 months ago
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"Neko no Ongaeshi" (猫の恩返し) or "The Cat Returns", by Studio Ghibli.
"If you find yourself troubled by something mysterious or a problem that's hard to solve, there's a place you can go where you always find help. You just need to look for it.", from The Cat Returns.
"'Muta, I hope I'm not too heavy!" "From now on, you're not allowed to tell any more fat jokes!", from The Cat Returns.
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tcrmommabear · 10 months ago
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by ひとみん
art republished with artist’s permission
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tcrmommabear · 10 months ago
Studio Ghibli made Whisper of the Heart and they put this cool looking cat in a top hat and fancy suit statue in it. And then, they went "you know what, it looks too good to just be a statue in this one movie, we need to make him a main character/love interest in something else" and then they did it.
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tcrmommabear · 10 months ago
so i just watched the cat returns bc the ghibli obsession is hitting HARD aaand
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this little neat gentleman barrelled his way into my heart SO QUICK-
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tcrmommabear · 10 months ago
TCR Birthday Bash FAQ
Q: What is the TCR Birthday Bash?
A: It’s a week-long fandom event that the fandom hosts annually around the date of The Cat Returns’ original release, and this year I will be your host. There’ll be a prompt for every day of the week that people are welcome to create something for.
Q: Dates?
A: 15th July - 21st July. (TCR was released in Japan on the 20th.)
Q: What kind of content can I make?
A: Anything, as long as it’s TCR-related and fits the prompt. Art, fanfic/ficlets, headcanons, you name it. It’s all good. 
Q: I don't think I can commit to all seven days of prompts, can I still join?
A: Yes! Do as few or as many as you like. Just have fun doing it!
Q: What are the prompts?
A: We're currently in the process of accepting submissions for them, so they are yet to be decided. If you want to submit one, message me either here on Tumblr or, if you are part of the TCR Discord, on there.
Q: I'm new, can I still join?
A: Yes! The birthday bash is designed to get people in the fandom involved, especially those who are new or haven’t had a chance to introduce themselves yet.
Q: Do I have to sign up?
A: No signing up involved! Just create content and you’re on your way. All that we ask is that you tag any works as “tcr birthday bash” and “the cat returns” so that we can find them. 
Q: My question wasn't here?
A: Message me I will do our best to answer!
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tcrmommabear · 1 year ago
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A tale in two parts
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tcrmommabear · 1 year ago
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An evil bargain has been struck between @catsafarithewriter and I
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tcrmommabear · 1 year ago
Secret Santa 2023
In recent years, The Cat Returns fandom has hosted a Secret Santa event, and this year we're doing it again! I know it's been a while since I hosted this, but I'm back and more excited than ever to get this show on the road!
The Basics:
Anyone who wants to take part must contact me (through tumblr asks/message or discord) by Saturday 11th November with a wishlist of 3-5 prompts. (These can be an AU, a trope, a quote, character requests, etc.)
Then by Monday 13th November, I shall contact you with the name of the person you're Secret Santa-ing for, and on Monday 18th December (or thereabouts) you will post something you've created that matches one of the recipient's prompts from their wishlist.
This can be anything, as long as it’s something TCR-themed you’ve created that matches a prompt. Art, writing, gifs, etc. Surprise us. 
Post your creation to your tumblr page, tagging the recipient and also "the cat returns" and "tcr secret santa 2023". Everyone’s happy!
NOTE: If, for some reason, you join but find yourself unable to complete a Secret Santa gift, contact me and I will find a back-up. There's no shame in it (it's a busy time of year!) but if you let me know in time, I can make sure that everyone who participated gets something regardless.
The Dates:
Saturday 11th November: Cut-off deadline for applying with wishlists
Monday 13th November: Receive the name of who you're Secret Santa-ing for, and get creating!
Monday 18th December: Post your stuff!
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tcrmommabear · 1 year ago
so this is a meme I've had in mind for a while now and didn't realise I hadn't actually made yet. you're welcome!
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also Baron vs Louise beneath the cut for the Louise crowd
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tcrmommabear · 1 year ago
Tags: hurt comfort, pinatas, the all-seeing eye in the back of the room
🐑 send me a fake set of fic tags, and I’ll try to come up with a summary for it!
The problem with being the lone human in the Bureau is that you bruise (and bleed and scar and break) a hell of a lot easier than someone who is made of, say, stone or wood or has a buffering layer of fur and possibly nine lives.
Overall, though, Haru feels she's done a pretty good job of hiding all those nicks and scrapes from Baron and his delicate Creation sensibilities. At least until the cursed pinata enters the picture.
(Note to self: stop buying mysterious artefacts from the spirit market, no matter how much of a steal it is.)
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tcrmommabear · 1 year ago
When did you get to be so WONDERFUL
BOOM, gotcha, take that as a random question
Wait, I know the answer to this one!
It was when I met you ;)
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tcrmommabear · 2 years ago
Allowed, just you're on thin ice XD
I'm out for the day today, so there'll be no bedlam update, unfortunately
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tcrmommabear · 2 years ago
Persephone: Do it, or you're straight Louise: *bi gasp*
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