69 posts
written by taylor. read rules before interacting. private && selective.
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
                   WOW, okay I haven’t been on this blog for a few days.
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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                  “---I’M AN HONEST MAN, I’ll end up payin’ her for the trouble I’ve caused, can’t say I was aimin’ ta’ get in a spat tonight, my only goal was ta’ drink for a bit before sailin’ ta’ New York.” He takes full responsibility for the fight he hadn’t even started, someone had to. And he gladly would, the entire event reminded him of his short time spent with OLD COUPLE that had cared for him. And he was quick to make up for the trouble he had caused, leaving to approach the woman, he offered her many apologies, piling a sack full of coin into her hand for the damages. He had also promised her  p r o t e c t i o n  from further assassin assaults on her tavern.  
                                “Told ya’ I’d make it up te’ her. She forgave me.” He states with a nod in the old woman’s direction. And then he’s CHUCKLING at her question, he can’t really blame her for asking it either, any sane human being would want to know why some random man had been tossed across a tavern. “Aye, they were, lass, they don’t like havin’ their authority challenged.” He states, yet he can’t reveal his loyalty to the Templar order, or the fact that he had just been fighting assassins. A gang of assassins if he was being honest with himself. Achilles had allowed his control to turn into a borderline criminally run institution, it was mind boggling. 
      “It isn’t as simple as that, they were a bunch of CRIMINALS, there are various gangs here in New York, and they’re tearin’ the city apart.” He explains, “Figured it’d be fun ta’ challenge the so called order they believe they’ve got.” He smirks for a mere second before it fades away.  
             “And no, I don’t. If I’m ever playin’ poker, it’s with my crew. I only place that game with men I can trust, and men I know won’t stab me in te’ back once I’m sleepin’ in my quarters on my ship.” He explains. “I reckon you come ta’ this tavern often?”
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          ❝A fair point, but nonetheless, I would apologize to Mrs. Howell at           some point if I were you. She looks none too happy about her furniture           being crushed to bits,❞ Anna said, leaning her head to the side even           to indicate to the man where Mrs. Howell stood. The old woman’s           expression ALONE was enough to kill a man, and Anna was thankful           to not be on the receiving end of it. Her eyes returned to the man and           she looked at him CURIOUSLY, eyes narrowing a little. 
          ❝Those men that tossed you seemed awfully angry with you,❞ Anna           started slowly. ❝Did you cheat them in a card game or something like           that?❞ It wasn’t her place to ask and she knew this, but how could she           NOT ask him that? It was the question everyone in the tavern was           thinking, only Anna had the courage to ask it.
          ❝Do you often play poker with STRANGE, hooded men?❞
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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Always charming
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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That touch
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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             DESPITE HIS HATRED OF the brotherhood, he was a man of REASON. He’d prefer talking over violence, while his skill in battle was unmatched, he was truly a gentle man rather than a violent one. After seeing all the death, and destruction in Lisbon, his view of the world had changed. Innocent life was precious, and not to be taken for granted. He only wished he could rewind that day, and save all those that had died. It was his FAULT, but mostly the brotherhood’s for manipulating him. And so the sight of all that death had rendered him a TRAITOR. 
               He sheathes his weapons, studying the man before him with curiosity rather than hatred in his eyes. ( and even now HATRED was not something he could fully say he felt, it was too strong of an emotion for any man to truly feel. ) And he was only a man, and nothing more than a man. A man who bared his scars before the world, and carried the weight of thousands of deaths on his shoulders, all because he had believed in a CAUSE he had not believed to be corrupt. 
                   “The colonial brotherhood believes disturbin’ the precursor sites is a RESPONSIBILITY rather than an act of foolish arrogance. I can’t say I find yer brothers around te’ world to be that great. They’re all corrupt as they come, thinkin’ they have the right ta’ determine the fates of innocents.”
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Altair drew his blade and narrowed his eyes as he readied himself for conflict. He would only parry attacks as he tried reason, and would return them if reason failed. He positioned the blade in front of him so he could easily meet an attack if needed.
“I cannot answer for the colonial Brotherhood; I come from a far land. I have seen the same corruptness the colonial brotherhood has, the temptation of the artifacts. Al Maulim, my mentor, tried to control all the Assassins minds to act for his own desires. He even tried it on me before��,” Altair had to pause as emotion made him senseless. “I resisted the temptation of the apple and killed him.”
The Assassin banished the thoughts from his mind and held his blade straight once again. “There is no reason for conflict at this moment. You do not strike me as the half-witted; now understand why I have left Masyaf and traveled here…” he tried reason.
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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                       “MY APOLOGIES for not introducin’ myself first, Shay Cormac, I’m from the Colonial Order, I serve Grandmaster Haytham Kenway, he sent me here to converse with the order of France, although knowin’ half of these men, they’re corrupt as hell.” He answers honestly, standing with his arms crossed neatly out of respect. He’s far YOUNGER than Haytham, and he has a ship, so these voyages around the world were something he enjoyed thoroughly. 
      “The GRANDMASTER was too busy dealin’ with assassin troubles to come himself, he sent me in his place to discuss unification between the BROTHERHOOD && the ORDER.” He adds, despite the fact that he had clearly stated that Haytham was dealing with various attempts on his life.
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  “Oui, I am, and you would be?”
    It was perhaps unwise to give her name so freely when so many in her Order wished her dead, but she had nothing to hide. She wore her father’s name proudly, for she alone could carry his legacy, and if this man wished to do her harm, then he could very well face her now. It’d be one less traitor for her to worry about. But this man was certainly not from Paris, and although Germain had many allies within France, she doubted they reached so far as to wherever this man came from. 
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
Friendly reminder that my Skype is available for mutuals FOR WHATEVER REASON you might need to talk to me, whether is plotting, questions about my blog, telling me how your day was, or if you want someone to talk to when you’re sad, you’re welcome to reach out for me, don’t be afraid, you won’t be bothering at all! (◕‿◕✿)
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
“Prepare to die, insect!” “Listen I don’t wanna shoot you, man. Alright?” “Dark days are coming.” “Thanks for the heads up.” “I think that we need a little more fun.” “I told you I’d break you… I will!” “You’re happy I got fired, huh?” “Bad things happen to bad people… and they happen all the time.” “Would you be my friend?” “If someone here tries to hurt me, would you protect me?” “You’re baaad.” “Why don’t you go make me a sandwich.” “It’s like having a cat around the house, but no horrid dead mice.” “I need a favor! I figure you owe me one.” “Remind me again why I let you go.” “Are you gunna help me or not?” “You not joining me?” “I’ve been sober 32 days…” “I’m proud of you, brother.” “I won’t be able to keep the promise I made to you.” “A phone call would have been fine!” “Are you not sacrificing the greater good for the sake of your dignity?”  “How many times I gotta tell you people…? No!” “I’m tryna be nice here, let’s work this out.” “Walk away before I kick your ass, you crooked punk bitch.” “A bomb…? inside the house…? I mean, you’re having a laugh aren’t you.” “Don’t start talking french to me!” “You may assist me… or not. If not, some tea would be nice.” “I’m so sorry things got messy.” “I just wanted to say that I hope you die screaming, bitch!” “We can’t let a crazy woman drive us out.” “I did a bad thing…” “Do you have any peanut butter?” “I need you to do something for me, that I know you won’t wanna do.” “You are a rare animal.” “Since I can’t persuade you to do as I ask, the only rational option is to kill you.” “No, make him a nice cheese toasty—Yes, kill him now please!” “Tell me a funny story.” “I don’t know how you pulled this off, but I’m glad you did.” “Well that sounds fabulous, but I’m not a brilliant outlaw.”  “I just have… issues!” “You have ferocity, and beauty… and desire.”  “I had such high hopes for you.” “Now that’s a headline!” “Let’s get busy, man.” “I am so glad that you two are getting along.” “Why do the boys get to have all the fun?” “You haven’t killed him have you?” “When is my time coming?” “Wait, let’s just think about this!” “What’s wrong with you? Why would you do that?!” “Everybody has to start somewhere.” “See I have ambition, and vision, and brains…” “If you need any references, I’d be happy to provide them.” “There’s no point, she doesn’t like you.” “I’ve got confidence, ladies love that!” “No, she wont like you… She wont. Go away!” “I’m a victim here sir, I was coerced.”  “You’re either with me, or you’re against me.” “Oh, of course everything’s always my fault. So typical.” “You should probably get back to work, who knows what went wrong when you were gone.” “Yeah, whatever, I get it! You’re just crazy.” “There’s nothing more contagious than laughter.” “The last time we met I was hard on you, I wanted to apologize.” “It’s good to see you, but you don’t have to do this.”
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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          OH, HE’S HAD FAR WORSE, including falling from a cliff, && somehow surviving it, gunshot wound included, thanks to his FELLOW brothers. --- Former brothers. He no longer considered Liam a brother, merely an enemy who had chosen the wrong side in the end. He knew he’d have to kill Liam at some point, but the idea of it still tremendously TROUBLED him. “Only if it isn’t any trouble, lass, I’d hate ta’ burden ye’ further with my presence.” He shrugs, yet he appreciates her kindness. 
                 “It’d be helpful, I appreciate it.” He’s already thanking her, but he can feel himself getting increasingly light headed from all the blood loss. “I’ll follow yer lead then, my vision isn’t too great right now, I can barely see anythin’.”
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There was no need to make up for that.  “Nonsense. I can say that a gunshot wound is really something to brush off even if you’ve had worse.“ She would know, after her own hunting accidents. "Perhaps I can help you with that wound? I have enough with me to make a salve.” Cadence was sincerely concerned. “It’s the least I could do for a hurt person who bumped into me.” She offered a smile. No act of kindness is ever wasted. Her motto repeated in her mind. 
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
If you enjoy writing para/novella threads, can you reblog this?
I’m looking for other people who are interested in longer, more in depth threads.
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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                 IN REALITY, SHAY WASN’T A VERY violent man, he was simply a living weapon at this point, and he used his skill to do what he believed was right. And that was to stop the assassin’s, and Achilles. 
             His former mentor seemed to be  m a d  with power, convinced that unearthing the precursor sites was a RESPONSIBILITY rather than mass murder. --- Rising to his feet, the Templar brushed the dirt from his coat, glancing her way. The two men that had attacked him first were now gone, having left after throwing him across the room.    
        “It’s still the proper thing ta’ do, lass. Although I did not expect those damn assassin’s to toss me half way across the bar, my back’s gonna be achin’ for awhile now.” He nods once, he’d  make sure to pay the owner handsomely as an apology, even if he hadn’t started the fight.
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          Given the often violent company that frequent taverns, should Anna have           been surprised at the man who splintered her table in half? In theory, no.           She had seen enough bar fights to last a lifetime, yet still they seemed to           happen almost every time Anna traveled to an inn or tavern to rest before           traveling. There she sat, covered in splinters, surprised yet again by man’s           more violent nature.
          ❝Do not apologize me, sir. I would apologize to the owner of this           establishment. She may bite your head off…❞
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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    GETTING INTO A TAVERN FIGHT with a bunch of assassin’s hadn’t originally been his plan. His original goal had been to down a pint of ale, && maybe RECRUIT a few new crew members before setting sail again. && he also didn’t expect to me thrown across the room, body colliding with a table that someone had obviously been seated at. Taking a moment to regain his composure, glancing at the bystander whose evening had been interrupted because of his antics. 
    “---MY APOLOGIES, lass, I’m sorry for smashin’ yer table.”
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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tcmplar-blog · 9 years ago
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