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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
Can I get an AB6IX reaction to you on your period ❤️ I love your work
posted! and i’m so sorry for taking so long😭😭
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
ab6ix reaction to you on your period
he’ll probably be the most mature about the whole situation. he’d get you pads/tampons no problem. he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. he’d always try to find a way to ease your cramps. and if you ask him to cuddle with you he’ll happily do it.
he’d be slightly awkward but he’d try to hide it. but it will still be kinda obvious. and so you’d spare him the pain of having to buy pads/tampons. he’d try his best to make you feel as comfortable as possible; giving you medicines to ease your cramps, making food, cuddling with you.
he’d be kinda like youngmin. but he’d tease you and make your life harder lol. like, let’s say your cramps were really bad and you wanted to get some pills, donghyun would use this as an opportunity to take the pills and put them somewhere high up so you either have to climb up or ask him for help. but if he sees that his behaviour is getting on your nerves he’d stop.
i actually don’t know about him? i feel that he wouldn’t care that much? like, don’t get me wrong, he’ll try his best to help you but he would be kinda like “yeah, period, it’s a thing, what about it?”. but if you ask him for cuddles get ready to stay in bed entire day eating snacks while he hugs you.
he might be a little awkward about buying you pads/tampons but other than that he’d be perfectly fine? like, he’d literally do anything but buy pads/tampons. you ask him for food? he’d get it. you ask him for pills? he’d buy them. you ask him to just lay down with you and cuddle? he’d do it.
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
Tbz mtl to be attract to a very independent girl?
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
mtl to be attracted to a very independent girl
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
Hello! Are mtl requests open?
yes ^^
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
Boyfriend! Yunho? Maybe?
it’s up! sorry it’s so late
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
okay this might sound weird
even tho he’s my bias i actually don’t know what to write for him
but let’s give it a go anyways
you two know each other cause you used to be classmates
but you were never really close
it’s only after school has finished that you two became friends
you got along so well you actually regretted not becoming friends earlier
but anyway
this boy had feelings for you since day 1 basically
but he never told you cause he was scared that it will ruin your friendship
he wasn’t good at hiding his feelings but then again you were kinda blind
so you didn’t really notice anything
but if he happened to be extra affectionate and you’d get suspicious he’d always be like “oh it’s nothing”
and you wouldn’t really believe him but you’d always be like “okay”
his confession was an accident
it just happened??
you two were just hanging out in the town
it started raining so you went to a cafe nearby
you got some coffee and sat by the window
there was a comfortable silence between you two
and then all of a sudden he says “y/n do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
and you’re just like “????”
he then proceeds to explain himself
and let’s just say that by the end of the day you two were a couple
he’d be like the cutest boyfriend ever
an actual teddy bear
he’d give you sooooo many hugs
and he’d love backhugs (giving & receiving)
and he’d give you so many kisses
especially forehead kisses
he’d die a little whenever you were holding hands
cause he found the size difference between your hands adorable
this boy loves you so so so much
he’d do anything for you
you want food? you got it
you want hugs? you got them
you want him to pick you up? he’ll do it
he’ll be really protective of you
like he’d always be the one walking closer to the road
he’d always have his arm wrapped around your shoulders/waist
he’d take care of you when you’re sick
will always help you relax when you’re stressed
he’d be very supportive of you
he’s okay with you spending time with other boys
but if he feels that one of them is getting a little bit too close to you he’ll tell you
he knows you love him so he doesn’t get jealous
he lives for seeing your smile
cause it would always make him smile
he’d shower you with so much love
he’d literally be the sweetest and the most loving teddy bear out there
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
park woojin boyfriend au please!!!
posted ^^
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
ok so
before you started dating you two were friends
you knew each other well
you would hang out a lot;
going shopping together
going on walks
watching movies
basically you two were inseparable
you only thought of him as a friend
but that changed overtime
woojin got really busy and you two couldn’t spend so much time together
you started to miss him
and that’s when you first had this thought “maybe i like him as more than just a friend”
and then things went back to normal
but you couldn’t help the “what ifs” whenever you looked at woojin
you started to distance yourself from him a little
he of course noticed that
and so he decided to ask you about it
“why are you avoiding me? have i done something wrong?”
you knew that lying isn’t a good idea
so you decided to be honest
you told him how you felt about him
and then almost immediately apologised
he only laughed
which made you confused
he assured you that you don’t need to apologise
and he then proceeded to ask you out on a date
because guess what
he has feelings for you as well
he was just too scared and shy to tell you before
ok so timeskip to when you are dating
dating him is like dating your best friend
but with kisses and a lot more hugs
at first he’s too shy to initiate literally anything
which you find weird cause you guys were never this awkward around each other????
so for some time you have to initiate skinship
but that will change fairly quickly tho
cause the other guys will tease him for being so shy
and so now he was the one usually initiating stuff
and you loved it
his hugs were so warm
and his kisses really sweet
he likes giving you backhugs
and he absolutely loves it when you give him a backhug
he literally just melts
he’d be really protective of you
if he sees someone trying to hit on you he’d be like “nope, not today”
if he sees you with your male friends he would be a little jealous
but overall he’d be okay with you spending time with other boys cause he trusts you
he’d call you babe like all the time
because you always blush a little whenever he calls you that
and he loves it
you two would have random dance battles cause why not
and he’d always win
whatta surprise i know
same goes for rap battles
if you ever asked him to teach you a certain dance he’d happily do so
and he’d be so patient with you
he’d always look at you with so much love in his eyes
he’d be so happy to call you his
cause he really loves you
and he’d do literally anything to make you happy
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
would you mind writing for uniq?
i’m sorry but i won’t write for them 😔😔 i just don’t know the group very well
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
can i request a boyfriend woong (from ab6ix)?
it’s up! hope you like it ^^
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
omg boyfriend woong would be so cute
relationship goals
he’d be sooooooo sweet
but let’s go from the beginning
when he confessed he was so shy
and he most likely confessed only because the other members pushed him to do so
cause they were tired of seeing him not do anything about his crush
when you agreed to go on a date with him he was in heaven
he promised himself to make this the best date ever
but the problem was that he didn’t really know what to do
his first idea was a picnic date
but he was worried that the weather is gonna be bad
so he decided to go for something safer
aka a coffee date
and lemme tell you
this date was great
both of you were a little awkward at first but as the time went on you relaxed and had a really fun time
at the end of the date he walked you home
and you made plans for the next date
he then hugged you goodbye and left with the cutest smile on his face
at first there wasn’t that much skinship cause he’s a shy bean
but that changed fairly quickly
and he’d have his arms around you like all the time
he’d be constantly hugging you
a lot of backhugs
and kisses on the cheek
and he might be shy
but that doesn’t mean that he’s afraid to get touchy with you when you are alone
he’d love to have you sit on his lap as he wraps his arms around your waist
you two would exchange a lot of soft kisses
and he would really love times like this^
whenever you would hang out with the other members you and woong would always end up cuddling
and the guys will lowkey cringe but at the same time they will be like “awwww cute”
cause you would really be the cutest couple out there
woong would be so supportive of you
if you wanted to do something, even if it was something small, he’d hype you up so much
he would always listen to everything you have to say
and if you were stressed/upset he’d always try to cheer you up
if you asked him for advice he’d happily give it to you
arguments don’t happen often
cause you two always talk things out
but if things get serious and you two end up being mad at each other he’d be the first one to apologise even if he didn’t do anything wrong
that’s because he really hates seeing you upset
also he’d be really protective of you
but he wouldn’t get jealous easily cause he trusts you
he’d be an actual sweetheart who cares for you so much and he’d do literally anything for you
he loves and appreciates you so please love him back💖
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
hi I don’t speak English well and I don’t know really what needs to be in a request but could you write something for Oneus Keonhee please? Anything really lots of love!
hi i���m sorry for the long wait but this app actually hates me and i don’t get some of the notifications for some reason and i literally just saw this ask,,, anyway, the fic is up and i hope you like it! also, i didn’t have much time to write so sorry if it feels kinda rushed? i promise i can do better >.<
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
movie night || keonhee (f)
sitting in your boyfriend’s arms while stuffing your mouths with food and watching movies on a friday night seemed like a great idea so you agreed to it as soon as keonhee brought it up.
and here you were; on the couch in the living room with keonhee’s arms wrapped around you, lots of different snacks and drinks on the table and a list of movies to choose from.
at first you went for something lighthearted. something you could laugh at. then, you choose something that would give you the chills. but both of you immediately regretted that because the movie ended up being way too scary for you two.
in the end, you went for something calmer. neither of you thought you would enjoy this movie but you decided to give it a try anyway.
the story was unfolding slowly, but it was so interesting that you didn’t mind the pace it was going at. during the scenes that you felt didn’t have much significance keonhee would sneak in a kiss or two. be it on the lips, cheek or head.
when final scenes started to play out you allowed few tears to escape but by the time it got to the credits you were sobbing in keonhee’s arms. he couldn’t fight the smile that was making its way onto his face.
“i didn’t know you cry so easily.” keonhee giggled wiping your tears away with the sleeve of his jumper.
“oh shut up.” you said trying to get off the couch.
“where do you think you’re going?” he said pulling you onto his lap.
“i’m trying to run away so you won’t tease me about being a crybaby.” you laughed.
“you might be a crybaby but you’re my crybaby.” keonhee wrapped his arms around your waist and smiled. “i love you.”
“and where did that come from?” you asked slightly taken aback by his words.
“what? can’t i tell my girlfriend that i love her?” he asked with a smirk.
“you can. i just wasn’t expecting it.” you said as you looked down slightly embarrassed. “but i love you too.”
“can you say that again? i didn’t hear you.”
“i said that i love you too.” you knew that he was just teasing you, but you were too tired to try and fight back so you just gave in.
keonhee pressed a kiss to your forehead and then pulled you closer to him. you looked up and saw him looking down at you with the sweetest smile. you couldn’t help but smile back.
“you’re tired aren’t you?”
before you managed to give keonhee a proper answer you let out a yawn.
“let’s go to bed then.”
after quickly tidying up the living room you and keonhee went to bed. your head was on his chest as his hand gently played with your hair.
“goodnight love.”
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
none yet
none yet
none yet
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
none yet
none yet
none yet
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tbzsofthours · 6 years ago
none yet
movie night || keonhee (f)
none yet
none yet
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