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But her scholarship ran out and she had no option but to finish off that boring chore, that career path she’d embarked on when when university life seemed a worthy direction and she still believed in theory. Theory, as the best tool for knowing and changing herself, had gone on and on in repellant succession for years. It was some time before she could admit that it wasn’t a “higher” path.
The Voices of Adriana - Elvira Navarro
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A trajectory remains perfect, even one that concludes in death: there can be a truck, an overturned car, an imponderable; this takes nothing away from the beauty of the trajectory.
Houellebecq — The Possibility of an Island
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Speech destroys, separates, and when it is all that remains between a man and a woman, then you can consider the relationship over. When, however, it is accompanied, softened, and in some way sanctified by caresses, speech itself can take on a completely different meaning, one that is less dramatic but more profound, that of a detached intellectual counterpoint, free and uninvolved in immediate issues.
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We are creating the world we live in through what we call things, and our world shifts faster than it did before. With the hyperdemocratic nature of the internet, our Gen Z post-post-post-everything Joker defense mechanisms, our tendency toward the extreme, we are made of every way that everyone has ever used the words we have been called or choose to call ourselves.
Honor Levy
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Sometimes he cycles cross-country, pedaling as hard as he can, filling his lungs with a taste of the infinite. He doesn’t know it yet, but the infinity of childhood is brief. The countryside streams past.
Houellebecq — The Elementary Particles
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The silken water is weaving and weaving,
disappearing under the mist equally in all directions,
lifted and penetrated now and then
by one shag’s dripping serpent-neck,
and somewhere the mist incorporates the pulse,
rapid but unurgent, of a motorboat.
Elizabeth Bishop
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Delighted to have a poem in the wonderful site La Piccioletta Barca. This is a big pub for me so plz repost it if possible.
Thx for reading!
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you are my :: war with loneliness : 30-day trial : rubber duckie in alligator-infested waters : undeserving love : made in china : love 1994 : per-my-last-email : cat’s paw : beast of burden : little nap : long bath : second favorite : pure love idiot : brainwashed little prince : daily forbidden fruit
Michael Chang
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I shy from the chore of dying, knowing God
will sort us into separate heavens. I don’t
want to be divided. And yes, I understand
it is too much to ask, that heaven be free
of that old impulse to cordon off empires,
mark down who goes where.
Natalie Shapero
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not gibberish, I mean, but language so sacred
it’s not my place to try to decipher it,
phonemes holy as stones on a string, mysterious
as the names we give to animals, or words
we know only in prayer
Franny Choi
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Throughout our life we produce energy. We say things and do things, and every thought, every word, and every act carries our signature. What we produce as thoughts, as speech, as action, continues to influence the world, and that is our continuation body. Our actions carry us into the future. We are like stars whose light energy continues to radiate across the cosmos millions of years after they become extinct.
Thich Nhat Hanh — The Art of Living
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I’m a pile of judgment days
crossing the border. I tried to organize the hours
waiting in line on the bridge but days travel
over days and erase them.
Gabriel Dozal
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Customs portaled in and shot my friend
and said: “They were never really your friend.
Follow me into this portal
if you want to glove,
I mean love,
I mean live.”
Gabriel Dozal
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The flag of the border is its fence!
It’s the longest flag you’ve ever seen,
rippling across the border.
Where do all your fences live?
All my fences live in Texas.
Gabriel Dozal
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I have work on a site called #Ranger. It's longer than what I usually do, but you can just read one if you like. Thank you for checking it out!
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In the bruising fist of challenge
the future does not tarry.
Take our words to bed with you
dream upon them
choose any ones you wish
write us a poem.
Audre Lorde
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Check out this thing I have on this cool site called SWAMP. Thx for reading!
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