taylornapolsky · 3 months
you are my :: war with loneliness : 30-day trial : rubber duckie in alligator-infested waters : undeserving love : made in china : love 1994 : per-my-last-email : cat’s paw : beast of burden : little nap : long bath : second favorite : pure love idiot : brainwashed little prince : daily forbidden fruit
Michael Chang
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taylornapolsky · 4 months
I shy from the chore of dying, knowing God
will sort us into separate heavens. I don’t
want to be divided. And yes, I understand
it is too much to ask, that heaven be free
of that old impulse to cordon off empires,
mark down who goes where.
Natalie Shapero
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taylornapolsky · 6 months
not gibberish, I mean, but language so sacred
it’s not my place to try to decipher it,
phonemes holy as stones on a string, mysterious
as the names we give to animals, or words
we know only in prayer
Franny Choi
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taylornapolsky · 7 months
Throughout our life we produce energy. We say things and do things, and every thought, every word, and every act carries our signature. What we produce as thoughts, as speech, as action, continues to influence the world, and that is our continuation body. Our actions carry us into the future. We are like stars whose light energy continues to radiate across the cosmos millions of years after they become extinct.
Thich Nhat Hanh — The Art of Living
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taylornapolsky · 9 months
I’m a pile of judgment days
crossing the border. I tried to organize the hours
waiting in line on the bridge but days travel
over days and erase them.
Gabriel Dozal
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taylornapolsky · 9 months
Customs portaled in and shot my friend
and said: “They were never really your friend.
Follow me into this portal
if you want to glove,
I mean love,
I mean live.”
Gabriel Dozal
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taylornapolsky · 9 months
The flag of the border is its fence!
It’s the longest flag you’ve ever seen,
rippling across the border.
Where do all your fences live?
All my fences live in Texas.
Gabriel Dozal
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taylornapolsky · 10 months
I have work on a site called #Ranger. It's longer than what I usually do, but you can just read one if you like. Thank you for checking it out!
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taylornapolsky · 11 months
In the bruising fist of challenge
the future does not tarry.
Take our words to bed with you
dream upon them
choose any ones you wish
write us a poem.
Audre Lorde
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taylornapolsky · 11 months
Check out this thing I have on this cool site called SWAMP. Thx for reading!
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taylornapolsky · 1 year
Some women wait for themselves
around the next corner
and call the empty spot peace
but the opposite of living
is only not living
and the stars do not care.
Some women wait for something
to change and nothing
does change
so they change
Audre Lorde
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taylornapolsky · 1 year
The first time I touched my sister alive
I was sure the earth took note
but we were not new
false skin peeled off like gloves of fire
yoked flame I was
stripped to the tips of my fingers
her song written into my palms my nostrils my belly
welcome home
in a language I was pleased to relearn.
Audre Lorde
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taylornapolsky · 1 year
And how many other deaths
do we live through daily
we are alive?
Audre Lorde
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taylornapolsky · 1 year
Belligerent and beautiful as a trapped ibis
your lean hands are a sacrifice
spoken three times
before dawn
there is blood in the morning egg
that makes me turn and weep
I see you
weaving pain into garlands
the shape of a noose
while I grow weary
of licking my heart
for moisture
cactus tongued.
Audre Lorde
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taylornapolsky · 1 year
make me whole again
to love
the shattered truths of me
spilling out like dragon’s teeth
through the hot lies
of those who say they love
Audre Lorde
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taylornapolsky · 1 year
In this picture, both
types of lines compete
for your attention, so that the eyes’
only resting spot
is a central area where color
has enough room to settle.
That old positing of linear
thought patterns versus the dispersal
of feelings and their counter-
tendency to ground.
Mónica de la Torre
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taylornapolsky · 1 year
Father the year has fallen.
Leaves bedeck my careful flesh like stone.
One shard of brilliant summer pierced me
and remains.
By this only
unregenerate bone
I am not dead, but waiting.
When the last warmth is gone
I shall bear in the snow.
Audre Lorde — “Father the Year Has Fallen”
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