ayyy anon w work crush here! ready for some updates or nah?
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Tbh I am very curious about what the word is w/ anon and the work crush lol
yo anon with work crush where u be????
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I really want to start using tampons but everytime I put one in I'm so scared to take it out because everytime it feels like the string is going to fall off and the tampon will be stuck inside me. this happened to someone I know and it sounds so scary. does it ever feel like that to you?
no it doesnt! i know a few people who have had that happen to and they were using the kotex brand which i feel are cheap and i use the tampax pearl ones and the string goes all the way through so i never worry!!
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Is it possible to get some sort of infection when someone eats me out?
i don't believe so
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Does "finishes" mean to cum? I have heard it before I just wasn't sure what it meant
yes it does
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Does the straddle position ever lead to anything more, or is it just a casual thing?
straddle is very sexual tbh
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So me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 months and we want to do it but I'm really paranoid the condom will break or I'll still get pregnant what should I do?
you can take birth control and basically that's how I am too but Kyle and I have agreed he will use a condom but still pull out before he finishes so you could always do that
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Do u still use this account??
yes bae I'm sorry I haven't checked it in awhile
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should i tell my parents i have a bf? im 14 and they say im too young to have one but i feel like i should tell them but also like i shouldnt. i know i need to tell them but idk how
just tell them, tell them that its your decision and you feel ready
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where did u get your aloe for shaving down there?
its just cvs brand aloe! any aloe vera would work bc they are all the same but make sure its not scented
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I'm quite hairy down there and I honestly don't know what to do? Like I shave. But the hair is near the butt hole area!? What do I do xx
pretty sure you could shave that too but like very gently
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Is it normal to honestly just feel so ugly because no guy wants me like in middle school and stuff people liked me but it was barely about looks back then. Now people just go by their attraction for someone then they take it from there. People are always asking for my friends numbers but i got a new phone a few months ago and have like 10 contacts?? And my friends rub in my face how many guys " want them" i honestly feel like shit 100% of the time and they dont make it any better.
honestly your friends are shitty and tbh it doesn't matter about loots you shouldn't be in a relationship or have guys falling all over your because your attractive! they should be after you for your personality not looks! so don't let your friends get you down and don't feel bad about yourself bc i think youre super cute and super cool
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Have you ever masturbated?
nope, i have a boyfriend for that
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