taudarkhunt · 10 years
"So, she is the leader of both the Zerg and the Migma, then... She does sound like a harsh ruler, when she needs to be. Calming her people when they are unruly, but mercilessly controlling her people to ensure their safety. Very interesting..."
She stares at the image, then shrugs. "Well, that will be up to the water caste, but I suspect that you are right in your recommendation. A water caste leader once told me that diplomacy is very similar to war is some regards. 'Deal with the leaders first, and the rest shall follow.'"
Right. New planet, new search. Stepping through the blue-green swirl of the space bridge, Kais and his trusty shield drone began to sneak from cover to cover, wanting to see if he could find any resources to help him maintain his gear.
Kais can quickly and easily hear the low droning of grav vehicles nearby, and soon comes across a devilfish and a sky rag gunship making their way across the land in front of him, and the flickering forms of stealth suits move in formation around them. There is the sound of a jet pack disengaging followed by a pair of crunching noises as a stealth suit quietly lands behind him and de-stealths. “Fire Warrior, what are you doing here? We were not aware of any other friendly forces in the area.”
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
Da'kyou keeps her gaze on him in return once they have gone back to looking at each other. Her gazes hardens slightly when he loads his weapon, but she doesn't react besides that. "Few, it seems, are allowed oddities within your race, so that does narrow it down to me on who the man who marked you could be. But as long as his lesson holds, then we will not have any problems."
She shifts her gaze over towards his men and her ship. "Your men will need to pull away from our ship immediately. Our two sides may have a pact, but the technology on that ship is ours and ours alone. You and your men will be given a position to stay in, one that is surrounded by my warriors, both for my insurance and their safety. As I mentioned, the local beasts are hostile, and I do not want to have to deal with trouble if some of your men die from their attacks. I trust that this will be acceptable?"
Open starter / In the Dark, but Perhaps not all Alone?
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
Da'kyou is silent for a long moment as she looks through his data and focuses on the data on the Zerg. "They look like the Y'he... to a concerning degree, in fact. If they are truly similar to them, they would be invaluable, but I can also see the Ethereals be hesitant to talk with them, especially if they would be uneasy around our race."
"If they are the Y'he, but intelligent and able to have allies, then the potential gain would be enormous, but there is also the chance that they might see us as enemies after our talks, and such a strong foe is not something the Empire needs right now. I doubt it would go that far, but that is the risk the Ethereals will see."
"As for these Migma... unfortunately, their risk also matches their potential benefits. Such beings would probably be able to infiltrate and sabotage our systems, if they had the inclination. However, such capabilities would certainly be invaluable to the Earth Caste. Since the beginning of the Empire, the Tau have been the most technologically advanced race within the Empire. It would be interesting to see another race with comparable technology."
She shuts the data windows on her HUD and turns to him. "The more you tell me, Shas'la, the more that I believe we should be on guard, and the more that I believe that the water caste should contact these races. This information could changed the Empire forever."
Right. New planet, new search. Stepping through the blue-green swirl of the space bridge, Kais and his trusty shield drone began to sneak from cover to cover, wanting to see if he could find any resources to help him maintain his gear.
Kais can quickly and easily hear the low droning of grav vehicles nearby, and soon comes across a devilfish and a sky rag gunship making their way across the land in front of him, and the flickering forms of stealth suits move in formation around them. There is the sound of a jet pack disengaging followed by a pair of crunching noises as a stealth suit quietly lands behind him and de-stealths. “Fire Warrior, what are you doing here? We were not aware of any other friendly forces in the area.”
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
Vincent hrms. "What do you know about cloning?" he inquires of the xenos.
Da'kyou's eye narrow suspiciously behind her helmet as she points her fusion blaster at the Astares. "I know little except the basic concept. That is the earth caste's purview. Now, why would you ask me, Gue'la?"
0 notes
taudarkhunt · 10 years
She sits back again as she looks at the image, her expression unreadable behind her helmet. "Hmm... ten-meter tall territorial artificial intelligences. For or against the Empire, they sound like a very formidable enemy. I don't need to tell you how important it is that they become warriors for the Greater Good, not against it. Now, what of the other races in this group? Tell me more of them."
Right. New planet, new search. Stepping through the blue-green swirl of the space bridge, Kais and his trusty shield drone began to sneak from cover to cover, wanting to see if he could find any resources to help him maintain his gear.
Kais can quickly and easily hear the low droning of grav vehicles nearby, and soon comes across a devilfish and a sky rag gunship making their way across the land in front of him, and the flickering forms of stealth suits move in formation around them. There is the sound of a jet pack disengaging followed by a pair of crunching noises as a stealth suit quietly lands behind him and de-stealths. “Fire Warrior, what are you doing here? We were not aware of any other friendly forces in the area.”
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
Da'kyou looks a bit more interested now, leaning forward a bit. "Interesting.. they sound like they would be a formidable ally, should it come to that, and honestly, not much of a direct threat if we do not press them. If they wish to avoid bloodshed and negotiations go sour anyway, then our losses would be low if any, as long as we do not commit to the fight. Now, explain to the capabilities of these Insecticons, besides their height."
Right. New planet, new search. Stepping through the blue-green swirl of the space bridge, Kais and his trusty shield drone began to sneak from cover to cover, wanting to see if he could find any resources to help him maintain his gear.
Kais can quickly and easily hear the low droning of grav vehicles nearby, and soon comes across a devilfish and a sky rag gunship making their way across the land in front of him, and the flickering forms of stealth suits move in formation around them. There is the sound of a jet pack disengaging followed by a pair of crunching noises as a stealth suit quietly lands behind him and de-stealths. “Fire Warrior, what are you doing here? We were not aware of any other friendly forces in the area.”
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
The female Tau stares back into his eyes, her gaze as steely and searching as his. Her brown-red eyes stare back into his brow ones for a long moment before she nods slowly, her gaze never breaking from his. Her lips do form into a wry, humorless smile, the only change being the slight look of satisfaction in her eyes a slight upward curl of her lips.
"Then we have an understanding. If either of us tries to betray the temporary trust of the other, many of both of our warriors will die. Now, assuming that neither of us want that, I think we might be able to work together."
Just then, there is some weapons fire somewhere a good hundred meters or more into the forest. The is enough to make the Tau commander break the others gaze, and look back behind her. She then looks up slightly like she is listening to something, and then looks back to him. "Do not be alarmed. The local creatures are highly aggressive, but not a problem if you are ready for them. In either case, I would have your men on guard for now." She takes a short step back and relaxes her gaze slightly. "If we are to continue developing this short pact we are making, I believe introductions are in order. I am Shas'el Fi'rios Da'kyou Mont'yr, Knight Darkhunt in your language."
Open starter / In the Dark, but Perhaps not all Alone?
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
She sits back, as much as her stealth suit will let her, and listens to his explanation with interest, tapping a few things onto a terminal next her seat as she nods slowly.
"Hmm...Well, it seems that they know how dangerous the gue'la are, but it is good news that they use non-lethal methods of getting rid of any that find them. Should mean that they are not warlike, if I'm reading what you are saying clearly."
"The fact that they will be skittish around our entire race may complicate things, if we all share the same resistance to their psychic abilities that you do. The water caste may need to bring either Kroot shapers or Demiurg representatives, to help the negotiations."
She considers this for a moment, then turns back to Kais. "You have met these races. Do you believe that having several non-resistant representatives would help them be less uncomfortable around us, or is that just how they are?"
Right. New planet, new search. Stepping through the blue-green swirl of the space bridge, Kais and his trusty shield drone began to sneak from cover to cover, wanting to see if he could find any resources to help him maintain his gear.
Kais can quickly and easily hear the low droning of grav vehicles nearby, and soon comes across a devilfish and a sky rag gunship making their way across the land in front of him, and the flickering forms of stealth suits move in formation around them. There is the sound of a jet pack disengaging followed by a pair of crunching noises as a stealth suit quietly lands behind him and de-stealths. “Fire Warrior, what are you doing here? We were not aware of any other friendly forces in the area.”
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
"They are already at war with the orks? Well then, we could use that to help with the talks with them. A common enemy is always good for diplomacy. What of Gue'la? Have they encountered them, and if so, how did they deal with them?"
Right. New planet, new search. Stepping through the blue-green swirl of the space bridge, Kais and his trusty shield drone began to sneak from cover to cover, wanting to see if he could find any resources to help him maintain his gear.
Kais can quickly and easily hear the low droning of grav vehicles nearby, and soon comes across a devilfish and a sky rag gunship making their way across the land in front of him, and the flickering forms of stealth suits move in formation around them. There is the sound of a jet pack disengaging followed by a pair of crunching noises as a stealth suit quietly lands behind him and de-stealths. “Fire Warrior, what are you doing here? We were not aware of any other friendly forces in the area.”
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
The inside of the Devilfish is a little more cramped than normal, the reason being it's modifications in the form of extra communication and control equipment. "We are scouting this world of orks in advance of a expansion fleet. You, however, will not be helping for the time being. You are the only one with the knowledge of this new technology and these new potential allies. I will not risk your knowledge."
Right. New planet, new search. Stepping through the blue-green swirl of the space bridge, Kais and his trusty shield drone began to sneak from cover to cover, wanting to see if he could find any resources to help him maintain his gear.
Kais can quickly and easily hear the low droning of grav vehicles nearby, and soon comes across a devilfish and a sky rag gunship making their way across the land in front of him, and the flickering forms of stealth suits move in formation around them. There is the sound of a jet pack disengaging followed by a pair of crunching noises as a stealth suit quietly lands behind him and de-stealths. “Fire Warrior, what are you doing here? We were not aware of any other friendly forces in the area.”
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
"Shas'el Fi'rios Da'kyou Mont'yrm, Shas'el being my rank and Da'kyyou being my proper name. It means Knight Darkhunt in your language. Use whatever part of that you wish." As she says this, she steps back and to the side to let Minerva out. Out in the cell block, there are several more stealth suits, mostly already recloaked so that they are merely large shimmering forms. They are arrayed around five blue skinned Tau that are in a similar condition to Minerva, and who are making their way towards the exit to the room.
Its Cold in Here(taudarkhunt)
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
The sensor pod moves again as she nods. "I will not leave you here if you do not wish to stay." She notes her odd, shocked expression as she looks around her empty cell, but lets it go and just stands up in the doorway. "Now, if you can walk, then let us go. We do not have much time before the alarm signal get's through."
Its Cold in Here(taudarkhunt)
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
The female smiles under her helmet, and nods, the sensor pod on the suit moving with her head. "I'm glad you can understand me. As for why you are here, I am not sure, but I suspect it it has to do with you being a psyker. I am here with my warriors to save captives of my own race, but those of your race may have locked you here with my kind for fear of your abilities."
Its Cold in Here(taudarkhunt)
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
The suit just stares at her for a moment, not seeming to comprehend. The wearer then turns and looks outside of the woman's sight and says something in Tau. A few seconds later, another stealth suit comes up and hands her a human stye data slate.
The females says something else, and the other suit nods and leaves, moving back out of sight. The female in the suit then types on the keys on the data slate for a moment, and then slide it to her softly. ++I cannot understand your hand signals, but I understand human gothic. Can you understand my spoken words?++
Its Cold in Here(Open RP)
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
There are a series of crashes and bangs from outside the cell, muffled by it's thick walls and heavy door. The crackling speakers sputter and die, and there is silence for a short time before there is some scuffling at the door. The scuffling lasts only for a moment, and then stops, followed by quick, clopping footsteps backing up. There is a soft beep, followed by a bang and a hiss as the metal around the lock crumples in, and then turns red hot and melts.
The door then swings open and the metal bound form of a stealth suit peers into the room. It just looks in for a moment, then kneels extending a hand and speaking in accented low gothic. "Can you understand me? I am not here to harm you." The voice sounds female, though slightly distorted as it is coming through the suit's speakers.
Its Cold in Here(Open RP)
"I… I just want to leave… I’m tired. I’m so bloody tired! Please! Let me… go."
It was for her own good. That’s what they told her. That’s what they whispered through the distorted vox speakers. That’s what the brayed at her over and over. Its was for her own good.
For as long as she could remember she was stuck inside the small 7x7 cell, left to the darkness and damp surroundings. Drip. Drip. Drip. Went the water that fell from the ceiling. When she tried to catch it in the small bucket they had provided, the only result she had was frustration. The water would not fill it. Nor would it even splatter in.
Drip. Drip. Drip. She could feel its coolness as she reached for, but she could never capture it. Eventually she gave up, casting the bucket aside and curling up in a ball on the small cot.
Her muscles ached. Her mind throbbed. The walls pounded with the sound of her heart and sweat she would try to wipe away never vanished.
"So.. cold…"
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
The stealth suited commander stands a bit taller and smiles behind her helmet, patting Kais once on the shoulder. "Good soldier. Perhaps with these new skills, the training of a pathfinder would not be amiss. But that is for later."
She turns to the Shas’ui and gives him a few orders on a private channel, atwhich point he salutes and then jets off towards where the other forces were moving earlier. The Shas'Vre watches him go, and then turns and begins to climb back into the devilfish, glancing back at Kais. "Come along, Shas'la. We are going to return to the staging area before we continue this in more detail."
Right. New planet, new search. Stepping through the blue-green swirl of the space bridge, Kais and his trusty shield drone began to sneak from cover to cover, wanting to see if he could find any resources to help him maintain his gear.
Kais can quickly and easily hear the low droning of grav vehicles nearby, and soon comes across a devilfish and a sky rag gunship making their way across the land in front of him, and the flickering forms of stealth suits move in formation around them. There is the sound of a jet pack disengaging followed by a pair of crunching noises as a stealth suit quietly lands behind him and de-stealths. “Fire Warrior, what are you doing here? We were not aware of any other friendly forces in the area.”
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taudarkhunt · 10 years
The Shas'vre is silent through his explanation, listening thoughtfully as she regards him as he talks. Once he is done, she nods once. "I believe I get what you are saying. You are, most definitely, Shas’la Kais Mont’yr, fire warrior of the Tau Empire, but you do not think that you are the Shas’la Kais Mont’yr from this universe, but from another universe that is, most likely, basically the same as this one except for minor details that we may never even know exist."
"It is an interesting concept, I suppose, but I feel that either you are right, or you have just been gone for too long and your home feels odd to you know. In either case, Shas'la, it is your duty to help the Greater Good, no matter what form it takes. I hope that your time away has not changed that."
Right. New planet, new search. Stepping through the blue-green swirl of the space bridge, Kais and his trusty shield drone began to sneak from cover to cover, wanting to see if he could find any resources to help him maintain his gear.
Kais can quickly and easily hear the low droning of grav vehicles nearby, and soon comes across a devilfish and a sky rag gunship making their way across the land in front of him, and the flickering forms of stealth suits move in formation around them. There is the sound of a jet pack disengaging followed by a pair of crunching noises as a stealth suit quietly lands behind him and de-stealths. “Fire Warrior, what are you doing here? We were not aware of any other friendly forces in the area.”
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