tattoosonfruit · 8 years
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Flower tattoo on a grapefruit
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tattoosonfruit · 8 years
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Clutch tattoo on a grapefruit
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tattoosonfruit · 8 years
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Finally got to it again! Just did a quick flower to get back into the motion again but found all my crappy true black ink from china dried up and had to resort to a chocolate brown ink instead. 
The middle of the flower where the lines were closer together got kind of muddy and it didn’t help that the grapefruit was super ripe and not as firm as usual. At least it smelled nice...
Hopefully I can get some black ink soon and start doing other more tattoos but in the mean time, the brown ink worked for this flower and text “clutch”!
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tattoosonfruit · 8 years
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Did a little tattoo late last night on an orange!
I have so much extra time this summer now that I have graduated so will hopefully get down to business and tattoo more frequently woop woop!
Any ideas would be much appreciated. I kind of want to give flower illustrations a better shot and maybe some insects. First I have to find bigger fruit at the store! Maybe some grapefruits, the pomelo was definitely the best to tattoo on but it was way too pricey to do often.
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tattoosonfruit · 9 years
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I didn’t have any large fruit in the house to practice on so I picked up a satsuma left over from xmas to doodle on! Kinda crappy things but still fun. I got some fake skin to practice tattooing on for Christmas, tried it out today and it was actually really crappy. The rubbery-ness stuck to the needle and was much harder to work with. 
Because Pomelos and other large fruit work well but are expensive, I may try tattooing a pig ear or something soon. We’ll see how desperate I become hah. Hopefully I can find a bigger fruit with a clear surface to do another bigger piece before my winter break is over. Potentially beetles or some sort of insect. 
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tattoosonfruit · 9 years
The last tattoo on the Pomelo of the frog was based on a picture illustrated by Jason Levesque! His tumblr is thestuntkid. Awesome artwork!
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tattoosonfruit · 10 years
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On another note, thought I had posted this earlier but this is a tattoo I got over the summer while in Bruxelles, done by the talented Capitaine Plum! 
I love it! (which is great, considering it IS permanent, unlike on all the fruit haha)
Anyway, thought I’d share. :)
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tattoosonfruit · 10 years
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Here is the tattoo my friend Mathieu did on the other side of the pomello! 
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tattoosonfruit · 10 years
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Here are some pics of the latest tattoo I just finished on a pomello. I am just practicing, so I tried my free hand at it by copying this image - who I am unsure of the artist. So if anyone knows, please tell me so I can give proper credit! 
Much out of practice, but still had a blast doing it! I didn’t finish all the way to the base of the image because it was curving too much onto the bottom of the pomello which really warped the design and made my lines super weird and not seem proportional so I just stopped... yeah.
Thanks for looking!
Edit: the illustrator is The Stunt Kid. Super big fan of all his work! http://blog.stuntkid.com/
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tattoosonfruit · 10 years
Finally! 26 weeks (?) later and able to sit down to tattoo again! Bought a pomello at the co-op here in town which was INSANELY expensive (like almost $8 expensive), but worth it because I will still eat it later. 
I haven’t worked on this type of surface in a while, considering the time spent away from my machine but also because the previous tattoos I tried to do on a yellow melon, which doesn’t bruise as easily. 
I think it turned out pretty okay for how out of practice I am, yay! My friend Mathieu tattooed the other side which I will post next with some more pics and the graphic that my design is based on. :)
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tattoosonfruit · 10 years
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New tattoo of a made up moth on the melon! Based on patterns of Tiger Moths. Kinda don't like it but guess i'm just out of practice. 
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tattoosonfruit · 10 years
Oooohkay. have a new yellow melon and my equipment on hand to tattoo a new design FINALLY. Now I just need to figure out what to tattoo a picture of,,,
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tattoosonfruit · 11 years
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Gorilla Tattoo based on this art I found on tumblr. Sorry I don't know who the original is by!
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tattoosonfruit · 11 years
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"Monkey" but really a gorilla I guess.
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tattoosonfruit · 11 years
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Tattooing a weird gorilla monster while watching lord of the rings. good times.
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tattoosonfruit · 11 years
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Skull and random box
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tattoosonfruit · 11 years
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