TATINOF Illustration Project
337 posts
Artists coming together to illustrate the phantastic Dan and Phil production that is TATINOF || EDITING IN PROGRESS 
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tatinof-illustration · 7 years ago
HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! Thanks again to everyone who participated in this awesome project! I can't believe it’s been a year already! And that Dan and Phil are on another world tour - those guys don’t know how to relax haha. Thank you again everyone! 
We’d like to give a huge thanks to everyone who participated! This would have not been possible without your help, and of course the biggest thank you goes to Dan and Phil for putting on such a phenomenal show! 
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tatinof-illustration · 7 years ago
Türk müsün? dqşhdöfş
No we are not Turkish haha
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
I just wanna say that I appreciate all your effort immensely. I'm not an artist, just a casual observer of this project from the start. I've been enjoying all the art you posted and I was very excited when I saw the video. It was really great!! You'd tried so hard to be allowed to use the real tatinof audio, and you did. That alone counts as a huge success in my book. All the art in the video are cute and very creative. Thank you so so so much. :)
Thank you for such a nice supportive message!! 
We didn’t actually get proper permission to use the audio, but we decided to go ahead and make the video regardless, because it meant too much to us (and everyone else) NOT to. 
Thank you ^_^
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
Theres been a somw negative criticism about the final piece of this project, but i just wanted to let you guys know that, as someone who didnt get the chance to participate in this, i thought the final piece was wonderful. All you guy's hard work is tremendously appreciated, and im pretty sure im not the only one who feels this way. This is such a wondeful way to bring the phandom's artists tgt, and appreciate all the hard work they put into their art! Thank you guys so much! 😊❤❤❤
Thank you for your lovely message. We appreciate the support. Sorry you were unable to participate. Hopefully a future project will come up!
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
Oh no, that anon is not correct!!! You've worked so hard (and so have all the artists), which is absolutely wonderful!! I love the video and I can say with pride that it's absolutely amazing!! Well done to you! Thank you for doing such an amazing project and don't ever let anyone say it's not good! Be proud, I know I am :)
Thank you so much! The support we’ve gotten has been so amazing! We’re proud of everyone that contributed, and very proud of the end product :) 
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
Ngl the final video isnt great. You left giant gaps of the same picture where something could have been placed..... Disappointing considering you rejected offers to draw more yet clearly its not good enough
We are very sorry you feel this way. I am a bit confused as to why you are saying we rejected offers to draw more when we were very clear that anyone was allowed to request new scenes/moments and quite a few people did so.I don’t think you are comprehending the organizational scale of this project. We wanted to make sure that every claim was fulfilled by only one person. Sign ups were very stressful and perhaps not run as smoothly as possible but this was the first time either of us tried to organize something this huge.
So yes, after the signup dates, we closed signups in the hopes of being able to control submissions and keep things organized and ensure that everything be completed.
We are not saying it’s perfect, we know there are gaps (which was why we put out the request for people to draw the title cards to fill the gaps) but we are incredibly proud of the 158 submissions we received.
We are very sorry that you did not enjoy the video. However, we are very happy with it and proud to have worked with so many artists.
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
Why has the final video got loads of the same pictures but they stay on the screen for minutes... U said there wasnt any spare places left for us to fill in but there clearly is......
We welcomed any requests for new scenes to be added to our initial list scenes and moments. Quite a few people did so. Unfortunately, this had to be done in the signup dates. Every project needs deadlines otherwise things would never get completed. We also wanted to make sure the project was completely finished before Vic left for the summer. Yes, there are gaps. That’s why we put out the request for the title cards.We are sorry that you are disappointed and/or missed the deadline for signups.
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
I participated in this but my art wasn't put in the video even though I tagged it and did everything I was meant to do :\
Can you DM me ( @gilove2dance ) so I can look into this? Thank you!
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
We’d like to give a huge thanks to everyone who participated! This would have not been possible without your help, and of course the biggest thank you goes to Dan and Phil for putting on such a phenomenal show! 
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
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Submitted by @ekuinox ~ Thank you so much!
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
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Submitted by @gilove2dance
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
We are in the end stretch of our race to finishing the TATINOF Illustration Project video!
We are currently compiling the list of usernames for each artist and we need YOU to double check the list. Find your username. If it is an old username, if it is misspelled, if you want to go by a different social media username, or if you can’t find it in the list, please DM @gilove2dance
Click the read more to see the list of usernames. THANK YOU!
@_ashhirt amazingnerx amxricanasian aph-fangirl-stuff art-esque artishima @attoichi azuritelester becklechu beeken beginblu bellathekat berasart (instagram) blurryxpastel breezypov bumblebirdy Calowater cassbshaw catearphanatics cats-are-where-its-at catsnbooksnpens caveghost1 cersperce chairman-meow3 charlenkapics chillphann ciel-cant-tie-his-shoes clodlester cosmic-dipper cosmicmat creativestyler cris.criss (instagram) cryxngxstxrs cuppaint cyanbowAzaza daninthesheets dansavocado daphnekruemel dapperlester daydreamer-artist dianaisinterseting doctorqueue doodled doodleswithangie doodley-noodley drawasaur ducktyrant edhelwen1 @ekuinox elanae evermoredeath ezrial franklyshane galeoxy genanne-art gilove2dance glitterlava1234 gogglescat @greywick gryphll hails-the-geek heyphil httpsmileyphan ideafeastbeast incaseyouart insane-rainbow-flakes ironicallester itsloadingpleasewaitaminute jadalayda kaisykoo1 kauriso laura-sketches LauraHunter24 @lavendula_ @lilydzieart lindseysketches lizetteweirdkid marketakindlova maskedclarity @mayberayven mesmericphilip michaelakindlova mintyhippobiz mistxel moonyismoony mortallyvirtualphan mulberryhowell mzch3y natitodoodles niikiharae (instagram) ninjagab noogaloo nymphdan pasteidans peetaphanart phancakeshowell phankatsu phantastic-demigodishness philphandanphan philslesters philsnose planetarylester pluminkdot poptarts-and-salt prettyprettypretties pro-phan-ity pstlmaple psychicmoth rachellesdoodlecorner rainlilyy ren-sei sad-banana-peel salviarose seeminglyvia sexyunicornprincessbadassici skittles190900 @skyybridge sleepyblxr soniiaaal @spacko spicy-latte spoopymarauder standardjelly starcookiechu starrydans strngghost sunshineemonoodles swagmon94 tadabaka the-squirrel-queen theamazingdandle themessafterthemarty thundersxrising tugophelly twilightciel underwaterpocupines undynepml velesteraptor very-happy-bubble @vicemir vivianadichiara warriorsmokey weirdopj whasting wingedpurplewords yahnicowrn yelly-the-jelly ymirsworld zzzoehsu
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
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Dan freaking out about doing the same things for the next 68 years
Submitted by @insane-rainbow-flakes ~ Thank you so much! These are awesome
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
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Opening sequence title card submitted by @lindseysketches ~ THANK YOU!
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
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The Magic Show title card submitted by @genanne-art ~ Thank you so much!
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
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Uncle Dan’s Support Hotline title cards submitted by @themessafterthemarty ~ These are so great, thank you so much!
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tatinof-illustration · 8 years ago
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Welcome to Crafty Corner!
Submitted by @starcookiechu ~ Thank you SO much!
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