tasmith · 1 year
I think tonight will be my last night here.
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tasmith · 1 year
Can someone please just come and shoot me. I’ve seen all I need to see and lived through all I needed to live through. I’ve been suicidal since I was 9 and kept getting told it would get better and here I am at 27, still wanting to kill myself. Life doesn’t get better, it continues to show me why I am not deserving. It continues to show me why I don’t matter and why no one cares. I have loved myself and became confident only for life to rip that down. I have put my heart on the line only for it to be played with. I have continued to have a big heart and love and care for people and I’m still just used. When is it my turn to be happy? When is it my turn to be loved and cared for? When do I get my dreams to come true? I have worked so hard and it’s just never enough. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep going like this. I can’t.
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tasmith · 2 years
Every single one of my friends have come to the conclusion that I can no longer talk to them about what’s going on in my life. I truly have never felt so lonely or unwanted. I just can’t do this anymore. I’m done.
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tasmith · 2 years
When will I deserve happiness
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tasmith · 2 years
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tasmith · 2 years
My boyfriend just told me that he’s not sure if he’s in love with me. For the love of fucking god when will it be my turn to get a happy ending. I guess I’ll live forever with a broken heart
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tasmith · 2 years
It’s so hard watching someone just fall out of love with you
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tasmith · 3 years
For the last 8 months, I have made a life with you and tomorrow might be the last time I ever see you. God can this year just give me a break.
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tasmith · 3 years
i think it’s time for me to be my own bestie
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tasmith · 3 years
I’m so close to just ending it all and finally getting the peace I need and deserve. There’s nothing I want more in this world than to experience peace and pure happiness. I’ve done my time in this mental prison so someone please fucking release me from it
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tasmith · 3 years
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tasmith · 3 years
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tasmith · 3 years
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tasmith · 3 years
It feels like my heart is being ripped from my chest.
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tasmith · 3 years
I’m really sitting here with my favorite person just enjoying life. I never thought this day would come.
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tasmith · 4 years
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tasmith · 4 years
the earth right before sunrise is filled with an implacable energy i want to be surrounded by constantly
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