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American’t is the superlative that highlights my vexation when America disappoints me, and I know that the many annoyances are shared by so many other non-white people through conversations, music, art, and yes, my contribution, to the plethora of other agitated Black authors��
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Attend LibLearnX 2023 to experience an in-person fair showcasing popular events such as award ceremonies, publishing exhibitions, and the gathering of renowned speakers and thought leaders to share their insights about the art of publications…
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But now, there is a renaissance, a resurgence of interest, in due part to works from people like Ronald Lee Harden, who examine the silenced contributions of Black America and want to showcase them to the world… Read more
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For the first two dimensions of learning, the womb and the home, parents are in charge. Author Dr. Carolyn Nooks Teague encourages parents to develop resiliency in their children to help prepare them for life outside of the home…
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Joyce Nealy loved his Family and Friends and Sparky was a special Friend and they would spend a lot of time together…
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Georgia Louise Harris Brown, Julian Francis Abele—these names do not hold much weight in the public consciousness. But now, there is a renaissance, a resurgence of interest, in due part to works from people like Ronald Lee Harden, who examine the silenced contributions of Black America and want to showcase them to the world…
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Vincent G. Bivona Jr.’s approach to epic fantasy isn’t what you might expect from a swords-and-sorcery tale of monsters, dragons, and war. First, the “Blood of Deception” universe is more intense in terms of its blatant and straightforward description of bleakness and violence...
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If you are a caregiver or about to become a caregiver, “One Caregiver’s Journey” is a MUST read. This personal memoir will make you laugh or tug at your heart as the author shares her experiences about providing 24/7 care to her mother for 9 ½ years until her mother’s death at age 102…
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W. Clark Boutwell is a gentleman of a certain age who has spent most of his time since he was eighteen-years-old learning to be a physician, practicing his craft, and teaching it to others…
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Vincent G. Bivona Jr.’s approach to epic fantasy isn’t what you might expect from a swords-and-sorcery tale of monsters, dragons, and war…
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The Color of Love by Raymond Quattlebaum is a book of poetry. At the same time, it’s a book of romance. Love is the most Powerful Emotion in the Universe. God is Unconditional Love…
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A perfect book example is My Wonderful Nightmare: Spiritual Journals Inspired by Cancer by Erin Higgins and co-authored by Alma Lightbody. It is about a woman’s journey and struggles with Ovarian Cancer…
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For the first two dimensions of learning, the womb and the home, parents are in charge. Author Dr. Carolyn Nooks Teague encourages parents to develop resiliency in their children to help prepare them for life outside of the home…
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In the same way, Walter Clark Boutwell, the author of OMAI (Old Men and Infidels), said in much of the world, the average age has fallen to the teens, fully half of the inhabitants are younger than my favorite dress shoes, and the socks to go with them…
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Joyce Nealy loved his Family and Friends and Sparky was a special Friend and they would spend a lot of time together…
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A perfect book example is My Wonderful Nightmare: Spiritual Journals Inspired by Cancer by Erin Higgins and co-authored by Alma Lightbody. It is about a woman’s journey and struggles with Ovarian Cancer… Read more
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