Oh, thank you, I didn't know there was an issue with robotic entities on this site!
(npc voice) Hey, stay back! I’m warning you… wait a minute… you’re a human! Oh, thank goodness, I thought you were another one of those bots! You know, it’s dangerous for a human like you to be walking around these parts without an avatar. Here, let me loan you one of my spares.
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[ You got the Jigglypuff icon! You can use this to get closer to other humans! ]
There you go, quite cute if I do say so myself. Just remember to be more careful from now on!
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It's primarily based on region, but some of us do grow winter coats. I personally lived on a warmer area on my home planet, so my fur is thinner overall.
how fluffy are andalites? like 20% fluffy or 50% fluffy?
Okay, you know beagles? You know how their fur is mostly coarse and tough to protect them from branches and thorns, but their ears are so so soft? That's my headcanon for andalites. They mostly have coarse deer-like or rabbit-like fur on most of their bodies, but their faces and ears are as ridiculously soft as a well-groomed golden retriever.
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You wouldn’t think that flamingoes are extremophiles just from looking at them. It’s like somebody tried to build the vertebrate equivalent of that fungus that lives inside nuclear reactors, and ended up with a gangly pink dinosaur with a spoon for a face.
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This is an animal from Australia, I believe? I don't know why any human would want to live near this creature, it seems terrifying...
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Indeed. It's also a good way to learn about huma culture!
Ah! It's nice to see a fellow Andalite on this site!
Yes. This is a nice way to interact with humans from far away.
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Earth animals are truly bizzare
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Is this food? Because I would very much like to consume this
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Human intuition with food is something else, my kind could never think of doing anything like this
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Oh! I forgot about this blog! I am very sorry.
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I have made a discovery
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I have been informed by my human friends that 69 resembles a human intercourse position.
I am mildly disgusted and now even more confused about the relation between 69 and weeds...
IT'S 6-9
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Can anyone explain what this means? Weeds are invasive or unwanted plants, I know that much, but what relevance does the number 69 have with them? Is it considered an unlucky number to humans, like the number 13?
IT'S 6-9
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I recently discovered my human friends Raymond and Lukas spend some of their free time making art! I'm not much of an expert on art myself (human or Andalite), since it never seemed to interest me, but seeing their depictions of themselves and friends was interesting.
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I decided to ask them, along with my other human friend, Melissa, to draw themselves on a page in a notebook (I decided to draw myself too)!
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I reccentlyt rjed cofre because of thhis blog, and haje tosay, it js a flavourful bjt terrifying experience. I consumeds e veral cupz, much to my friend rAymonx'z disnmay, Nd fewl like I may collapse.
I do not reoccomwd consuming coffee.
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Food: “Coffee”
Rating: 7/7
“Coffee” is a remarkrable and extremely flavorful food, and is actually the first food that I tasted after my arrival in this area! It has been some time since I have had the chance to taste it - I am pleased that I may finally include it in my rsearch. “Coffee” comes in many varieties, but is generally consumed as a dark liquid with a strong, appetizing scent and an instense flavor. The taste is bitter and sharp, vaguely reminiscent of the food called “chocolate,” which is similar in that both are derived from certain seeds that have been exposed to high temperatures. The resulting substance is then mixed with heated water to produce “coffee.” I am not certain how this ingenious method was discovered, but it is yet another sign of humanity’s remarkble skill in discovering new, delicious foods and amazing techniques for improving flavor. “Coffee” is produced in both heated and cooled forms, sometimes with the addition of ice, and several substances are often added to enhance the flavor or texture. These most often include sweet substances such as “sugar” and various animal-derived secretions, such as “cream” or “milk,” although “vanilla” and “chocolate” are also utilizaed fairly often to add flavor. The popularity of these flavors also appears to vary seasonally, as lately I have seen much enthuusiasm surrounding beverages flavored with “pumpkin spice,” which I believe is a flavoring obtained from an orange vegetable known as a “pumpkin,”/.
The various types of “coffee” may be procured from many different estbalishments, as it is a widely-consumed beverage. ; ,It is prepared in a container and covered with a lid, which contains a small hole through which the “coffee” may be ingested. I have also seen several beverages served with a long, thin tube known as a “straw” which allows one to move the liquid out of the cup by manipulating air pressures. These clever methods are both simple and reamarkably effective in prevetning spills! Many heated drinks are also provided with a small sleeve to prevent one from sustaining burns while holding their bevferage, a very thoughtful gesture, although it does not prevent one from injhuring their mouth if they attempt to consume the liquid immediately. .. One wonders why they do not simpl yserve it at a safe temperature to begin with? 
The consumption of “coffee” shortly after awakening is a commonly followed morning ritual in human society, particculalry among adults. One of my friends has even infforme d me that their parents are unable to function and shouldnot be a pproached before consuming this beverage, a fascinating and somewaht alarming aspect of the practice which requires further investigation. There is a complex terminology used to refer to the various varieties of coffee, which I have not yet been able to investigate and which requires ffuture research. Many of these terms make very pleasingg sounds when spoken aloud, such as “macchiato” or “cappuccino.” Mah-kee-ah-to. Kyah-to. The “kuh” sound is a strrange and amusing sound,. especially when combined with the “ee” and “ah” sounds. The terms used to describe “coffee”’ are often very entertainign to say!
One of the more interesting aspects of “coffee” the physiological effects that it elicits. I have consumed several of these bevvergaes in one of your hours and I am ebginning to notice seveeral effects.. Recording this research is somewaht difficult as I am exprienccing tremors in my hands. It aslo appears to have a stimulating effect on heartbeat.,, which has noticealby become fastrer and at times irregular, a fairly alarming effect considrign that the human body has the sever e design flaw of posssessing only one heart. Remaining still is somewhwat difficult.. I can detect a high -pitchhed rigning sound ,. I believe I would like to consume some more “coffee.”
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Today, my friends took turns exchanging devices to share bizzare images, which led to them all making a strange noise, which I now know is called "laughter"
(the images in question)
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I do not understand the humor in these images at all...
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Hello, my name is Tarrasil-Maraim-Kirrand, and I am an Andalite. I am very excited to learn about this planet and teach those on this tumbler website about my kind!
I would post a photo to better introduce myself, but my friends, Raymond, Melissa, and Lukas, all say that I am very "unphotogenic"
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