tarotalks · 5 years
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tarotalks · 5 years
our venus is simultaneously our most attractive and most unattractive qualities. it’s usually the thing people love in the beginning but after you part ways it becomes the ‘ugliest’ feature
taurus venus: “they’re an anchor and they never rush” can quickly become “they never did anything adventurous and nothing moved them”
gemini venus: “they’re fun to talk to and keep me on my toes” can quickly become “they talk but they never really say anything and i never know where i stand with them”
libra venus: “they’re charming and easygoing” can quickly become “they’re deceitful and weak-willed”
capricorn venus: “they’re assertive and unbothered by others” can quickly become “they do whatever they want and lack consideration”
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tarotalks · 5 years
You know the whole overdone knight-in-shining-armour-saves-the-damsel-in-distress scenario? 
I want someone to write a completely non-romantic version of that. More specifically, I want someone to write a familial version of that (or like chosen family).
Like, give me a brave knight who goes up against the possibility of death every day to protect his daughter. Give me two women battling dragons in defense of their son– and then taming a dragon so they know someone will take care of their son even when they can’t. Give me the teenage hero who learned how to use a sword and pieced together their own armour so they could take care of their younger siblings while their parents were away. Give me the knight who does fight for the princess, who is a child who he acts as a father figure to in the absence of her own father, and then give me that same knight teaching the princess to use weapons when she gets older so she can take care of herself, and defend the queen in her old age. 
Romantic relationships shouldn’t have such a slanted power dynamic where one person is totally dependent on the other and can’t function without them. However, a parent-child relationship inherently demands that one party is completely dependent on the other, so this idea suits that dynamic much better.
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tarotalks · 5 years
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tarotalks · 5 years
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tarotalks · 5 years
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tarotalks · 5 years
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tarotalks · 5 years
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By: Melissa
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tarotalks · 5 years
Capricorn decans pleasee 💕
Hey there! 💚 I’m here to deliver! 💚
[Below Cut: Capricorn Rising + different decans 💚 ]
Keep reading
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tarotalks · 5 years
Nodes in Synastry
Sun to Nodes has a lot of talk about soulmates and knowing each other in a past life. There is recognition in each other. Challenging aspects like square or opposition can indicate a lesson they need to still teach each other. Easier aspects such as trine or sextile indicates finding each other again in love or friendship.
North node: Challenging or easy their relationship pushes each other forward in growth. South Node: Even with easy aspects there is a feel that they hinder each other’s growth or they echo the problems or challenges of a previous life together.
Be careful of losing identity in each other with Sun to Nodes Synastry aspects.
Moon to Nodes has a lot of talk about soulmates much like the Sun aspects. This karmic feel can be really FELT in the union. Hard aspects indicate a challenge in emotionally getting lost in one another along with easily being manipulated by each other. Easy aspects indicates emotional nurturing with the north node but possibly enabling with the south.
North node: The Moon person sets an example and emotionally guides the node through their life lessons. South node: Habits, enabling, possessiveness, and over protectiveness can harm each other’s growth.
Mercury to the Nodes indicates a lot of mutual learning from each other. With harder aspects Mercury becomes more of a teacher but this can indicate a part of them that is closed off to what the Node partner has to show them.
North Node: Mercury through communication and curiosity lights up the path for the Node person’s karmic lessons. Hopefully this can turn into a mutually enlightening bond, but some aspects can make this harder. South Node: With harmonious aspects Mercury may pin point where the Node person is stuck in their karmic journey. Challenging aspects can make the Mercury person less receptive. Easy or challenging aspects there is still a risk of the two forming an echo chamber where new ideas are rarely presented.
Venus to the Nodes indicates a strong bond. Some point to this as past-life lovers. Easy aspects can indicate familiarly, they grow comfortable with each other almost instantly. Challenging aspects can mean an attraction they don’t understand. Confusion and frustration can happen. 
North Node: They move forward together. The lessons they learned in the past help them change and transform together. South Node: Can indicate a relationship that they need to let go of. Without leaving each other this can mean a relationship where habits need to change.
Mars to Nodes indicates fire, passion, magnetism, and an attraction that makes them feel like they are truly meant to be together OR with say challenging aspects, like they emotionally and spiritually need to be together but the world keeps getting in the way.
North Node: Their will, desire, and spirit merge on impact. They push each other through this life’s lessons and maybe into the next life. South Node: A war between them from a past life still rages in their relationship. They must make peace or move on.
Jupiter to the Nodes can be quite a spiritual experience. In this relationship there is a focus on beliefs, questioning, and faith (whether it be faith in one’s self, in others, or in something bigger than them). With easier aspects Jupiter shows the Node person honesty, openness, and goodness or “righteousness”. Jupiter sets an example somehow. With challenging aspects the example Jupiter sets isn’t always welcomed or easily understood by the Node person.
North Node: Can have more of a mutually beneficial influence on the relationship. Being together may attract “luck” or at least a sense of happiness and fulfillment. They are on a spiritual and karmic journey together. South Node: Jupiter could actually pull the Node person out of their old habits or ruts. This can also be an area where Jupiter’s expanding tendency enables or creates a feeling of indulgence and consumption towards what the Node person wants to leave behind. In some cases the Node individual eventually is done or surpasses Jupiter and wants to leave the habits or thoughts they’ve cultivated together behind.
Saturn to the Nodes we have the famous theme of maturity. Saturn plays a role in helping the Node person mature. Sometimes the Node individual may remind Saturn of some principle or self-promise that they may have become relaxed on or forgotten about.
North Node: With easy aspects Saturn guides the Node through trails and the Node person through their own lessons help Saturn become more free and unburdened. With challenging aspects they may be the turning point for each other towards maturity, toughness, success, self-reliance. South Node: While trying to move on the Node person may recognize their own struggles in Saturn. Taking responsibility for each other and depending on each other to a healthy extent can be good for this relationship. But Saturn with hard aspects can restrict the Node’s growth.
Uranus to the Node we see liberation, disturbance, and maybe a form of enlightenment. With easy aspects Uranus liberates and with hard aspects Uranus disrupts. The Node shouldn’t always seem passive in synastry. The Node can reflect the Uranus’s person higher mind or maybe show them where obstacles are that can get in the way of Uranus reaching for their freedom, what they want to change, or their expression. 
North Node: Uranus assist in bringing the Node person out of the past, especially in an unexpected or radical way. Challenging aspects can indicate Uranus is an actual challenge the Node person must overcome to keep going forward. South Node: Uranus could bring chaos to the Node person’s learning, maybe not always being the best influence. Sometimes with easier aspects Uranus vibration can help the Node person feel more accepting of leaving the past behind or going out of their comfort zone.
Neptune to Nodes can indicate mutual healing. Feelings from the past can grow strong for the Node person in this relationship. Easy aspects indicate moving on while challenging aspects could present each other with long-standing insecurities.
North Node: Neptune may softly or harshly face the Node person towards emotions that are hard to shed like guilt, regret, or betrayal. What the Node is moving towards may be a goal or lesson Neptune highly understands and sympathizes with. South Node: Neptune at times can induce the emotions that keep the node person held back. Depending on what the Node person is leaving behind may be something the Neptune person is currently going through. They must work together to bring each other out of the muck.
Pluto to Nodes comes with lessons about listening to your intuition, trusting in your power, and carving your own destiny. Easy aspects indicates intense closeness to help each other grow. Challenging aspects can give power struggles to their relationships. Each other’s path in life can feel like a threat to the other for some reason.
North Node: Pluto gives the node person empowerment to learn and to grow. The Node person’s path may somehow help Pluto to transform. Together they may learn how to have greater control over themselves as individuals. South Node: Pluto may be attracted and become attached to the old self of the Node person and in turn makes the Node person attached to their old ways, to their comfort zone. But Pluto’s transformational power may still aid in the Node’s life lessons.
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tarotalks · 5 years
It's time for you to start taking the necessary steps to become that version of yourself that you can't stop dreaming about.
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tarotalks · 5 years
haha ok “friend” where were u when i uploaded a selfie
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tarotalks · 5 years
worries you always go back to
1st house stellium: appearance. am i too much? do people like me? how do i present myself to others ? who am i ? am i the person i portray myself to be? what impact do i have on others? do i like myself?
2nd house stellium: material needs. will this be advantageous for me? am i making enough money? how will i sustain my lifestyle? do i need this? when will i ever feel secure? why can’t i let go of things?
3rd house stellium: being understood. why do i overthink so much? why is my mind always racing? why am i so anxious? is there anybody who’d listen to me? did i get my point across? do i talk too much? am i annoying?
4th house stellium: safety. am i safe? how do i protect myself? will this hurt me? is it okay to let my guard down? why can’t i open up to others? how can i protect my loved ones? where is home?
5th house stellium: pleasures. how do i manage my self control? am i reckless? how do i stop self-destrucitve habits? why is everybody so boring? why is nobody paying attention to me? how can i pursue my passions? will this make me happy?
6th house stellium: perfection. am i doing something wrong? how can i improve myself? how can i contribute to the situation? how can i make others happy? am i too hard on myself?
7th house stellium: relationships. am i too needy? will i always be lonely? why do i let people destroy me? why do i care too much about others? do i have unhealthy boundaries? who am i without my relationships?
8th house stellium: intense emotions. who is out to hurt me? why do i feel so much? why is my life so unstable? why is everyone else so shallow? why does nobody understand? am i too intense? why is the world such a dark place?
9th house stellium: learning experiences. am i getting the big picture? will i ever settle down? am i experiencing everything life has to offer? am i missing out? what if i run out of time? am i making the best out of my life?
10th house stellium: your goals. how can i get my way? how do i profit from this? will this be useful to me? why am i never good enough? why do i care so much about people’s views? am i overworking myself?
11th house stellium: social circles and society. how do i separate myself from the herd? who am i? how do i stand out? how can i do my part to improve society? how can i help others? how do i make a difference?
12th house stellium: your place in the world. why do i feel so lost? am i on the right path? does everything happen for a reason? what do i believe? what is the truth? how can i heal? won’t somebody save me?
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tarotalks · 5 years
Has anyone else noticed that as a society, we're shamed for wanting to sleep? Sleeping in is bad, naps are only okay if they're 20 minutes, you cant be tired unless you're a <insert career/lifestyle choice here>, so on and so forth.
I mean, I think we all need to spread our blankets out, cuddle a pillow, and go to sleep. Everyone needs more of it, fuck this "it's not productive" nonsense. It's okay to sleep, it's okay to want to sleep. You're not lazy because of it.
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tarotalks · 5 years
don’t ever let anyone make you feel ashamed for not going down a conventional path (e.g. not finishing college or starting college later in life, doing an internship in your late 20s, not having a "career” by a certain age). all of this is arbitrary. do not create a life that aims to satisfy everyone but yourself. you worked hard as fuck to get to where you are. don’t you dare let others including yourself diminish those efforts. you do not deserve that. especially if you did it all while battling mental illness. 
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tarotalks · 5 years
Planetary Retrograde Keywords 🔃
Mercury - communication breakdown, technological and electrical failure, failed travel plans, lost items, careful and strategic planning, resurfaced personal relationships, deviated plans
Venus - lack of affection, separation, romantic tension, conflict, lack of creativity and artistic ability, infertility, resurfaced romantic relationships, self image issues
Mars - stasis, impulsivity, lack of passion, lack of motivation, personal defense, confrontation
Jupiter - introspection, personal development, reflection
Saturn - relief, reflection, personal improvement 
Uranus - awakening, forming realistic goals
Neptune - realization, existential purpose 
Pluto - subconscious reflection, forceful changes, elimination, letting go
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tarotalks · 5 years
101 Ways to be Productive When Classes Are Not In Session
Get a job
Learn guitar
Learn piano
Study a new language
Purchase new study materials for the next semester (i.e new notebooks, a new pencil bag, a new backpack, new pencils, pens, or highlighters – 10/10 would recommend Crayola SuperTips they are extremely cheap!)
Clean your room
Clean your apartment/home
Make your bed
Make a list of your goals
Find a new podcast (for my pre-law friends, I recommend Think Like A Lawyer)
Read a new book or read all of the books you have bought but not been able to read yet
Clean out your closet - donate clothes you do not wear anymore to Goodwill
Clean out your car/wash your car (actually necessary to ensure that dirt does not accumulate in its parts - TRUST ME) 
Be a tourist in your own city - find a new coffee shop you might like to study at when classes resume
Try new recipes - learn to cook by watching Youtube videos
Start a new skin care routine (I recommend Noxema {app $4} for your face wash, follow it up with Witch Hazel {app $6} and finish with Tea Tree Oil {app $8}!)
Start a new blog (or check out my new blog @tiny-personal-aesthetics-thing I know I’m shameless)
Volunteer at local animal shelters, retirement homes, hospitals, libraries, Habitat for Humanity, etc. 
Redecorate your room - try moving your bed or furniture around and see how it changes the fung shui (if you are into that)
Learn about photography
Work on your mental and physical health
Take your dog for a walk - I’m sure they would appreciate it
Ride a horse
Create a budget for yourself
Start a bujo
Watch a documentary
Create goals for next semester
Reflect on this past semester
Learn self-defense
Visit a museum or a park
Sell items you don’t want anymore on apps such as Letgo or via the Facebook Market
Start gardening
Call friends/family you haven’t heard from in awhile
Write friends/family you haven’t heard from in awhile
Go for a hike
Improve your vocabulary using resources such as: vocabulary.com, or enhancemyvocabulary.com
Fix your sleep schedule (!!!)
Learn about your family history
Utilize Khan Academy videos to brush up on math, science, or humanities
Clean out your email inbox
Get a test prep book for the LSAT/MCAT/GRE
Talk to an adultier adult in the field you wish to enter regarding your career options
Work on your resume
Increase your typing speed using websites such as: typing.com, typeracer.com, or rapidtyping.com
Write thank you notes to professors/instructors/advisors that you found particularly helpful - or to friends/family/mentors that also helped you out
Get your planner organized for the new semester (or buy a planner if you haven’t already)
Find and price the textbooks and access codes you will need for the coming semester
Jazz up/update your social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) to reflect more on your professionalism (if you have those)
Update your style - new semester, new clothes, new you
Go swimming - nice low impact exercise 
Find a professional to shadow
Find an internship
Find scholarship opportunities (create a new email account to specifically use for scholarships!) 
Get a head start on the classes you will be taking by self-studying (a plethora of free information exists on the internet)
Be a mentor - tutor high schoolers/junior high students for SAT/ACT prep, or generally for whatever subjects they need help in 
Do manual labor - fix something, build something, mow the yard, clean the gutters
Do yoga
Work on breathing exercises
Treat yourself
Learn to say no
Go on graduate school tours
Travel (can be near or far, cheap or expensive - know your budget)
Do your own research project
Take an online sample course via edX,or Coursera
Start your graduate school application
Pet sit for someone
House sit for someone
Start your own Youtube channel
Work on your handwriting
Try sculpting
Attend networking events
Attend leadership events
Start a fundraiser for a cause
Learn to code
Study abroad - or solidify a study abroad trip
Create a four year plan for your degree
Visit family
Visit a friend
Get letters of recommendation
Get crafty
Take a practice test for the LSAT/ MCAT/ GRE
Take all of your loose change to a CoinStar and exchange them for cash
Learn about where your food comes from
Drink more water
Find an audio book to listen to when you are in the car or on the bus
Catch up on your laundry
Forge new good habits such as utilizing a planner or making your bed every day
Start a compost pile 
Grow your own herbs
Start meal prepping/meal planning 
Play basketball
Play tennis 
Get a haircut
Organize your desk 
Organize your laptop
Learn about astronomy
Rest, relax, and recuperate for the semester to come   
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