What the Tapes Didn't Catch Zine
77 posts
As we all know, The Magnus Archives is actually an office comedy. This zine reveals all the unrecorded office gossip! ZINE WILL BE PUBLISHED MARCH 28TH
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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oh it was @jonsimsandcats day? perfect time to post my piece for @tapesdidntcatchzine! šŸˆšŸˆšŸˆ i had a lot of fun working on this & the zine as a whole so please check it out here if you havenā€™t already :)))))
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan ā€œJonā€ Sims | The Archivist Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan ā€œJonā€ Sims | The Archivist Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, season 2 divergence, First Kiss, hand holding, No beta we kayak like Tim, Rating for Language, Paranoid!Jon speedrun, Paranoia to Friends to Lovers speedrun, Bonding, What the Tapes Didnā€™t Catch Zine, What happens in the tunnels stays in the tunnels, Jonathan ā€œJonā€ Sims | The Archivist With a Cane, Canon Asexual Character, Pining, Assumed Unrequited Love, Liberal use of Italics, Jonathan ā€œJonā€ Sims | The Archivist is Bad at Feelings Summary:
Jon explores the tunnels, Martin goes with him. In the dark, how else are they supposed to not get lost except hold hands?
At long last lol, Iā€™m excited to share my piece for the @tapesdidntcatchzine in collaboration with @hihereami! She made the most beautiful piece of art, I am so obsessed with it yā€™allā€“Martinā€™s wearing my glasses!! Jonā€™s holding my cane!!! Itā€™s Amiā€™s Argentinian Martin!! All together in this beautiful piece!!Ā 
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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My piece for @tapesdidntcatchzine!Ā 
Itā€™s based offĀ @magnetarmaddaā€™sĀ beautiful fic IN THE TUNNELS!Ā 
Go read if you want a paranoia to friends to lovers speedrunĀ šŸ¤¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¾ā€ā™€ļø
(+ details because LOOK AT THEIR SOFT GAZESSS)
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
Go apply for this other zine!! Their applications recently opened!
Contributor Apps are NOW OPEN!
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We are looking for writers, page artists, and merch artists! Apply from now until 05/25.
Apps Carrd
Thank you!
@zineapps @zinecenter @all-zine-apps @fandomzines @faneventshub @zineforall @zine-scene @zinesunlimited @zinefans @welovezines @zinesubmissions
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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[ID: A drawing of Sasha, Jon, Martin, and Tim from The Magnus Archives. Sasha is a thin black woman with long dark hair tied back in a low ponytail. Jon is a small thin British-Indian man with short dark hair. Martin is a large fat white man with short red hair. Tim is a thin Latino man with short dyed purple hair. There are two cots set up perpendicular to each other, lined up against the filing cabinets that line the walls. Sasha sits at the foot of one cot, and Jon is sitting cross legged further up on that same cot. Martin sits on the other, with one foot up on a cardboard box. All three are looking at Tim, who is standing and facing away from the camera as he stretches. The filing cabinets behind the group have sticky notes and papers taped to them with illegible communication between the group, and a couple magnets- an orange cat head, and a bee. Some of the cabinets are open, revealing the papers inside. The top of the filing cabinets are littered with cardboard boxes and books. Above the cabinets two things are hanging on the walls: a "hang in there" cat poster, and a half visible list of rules for the archives, which reads:
Do not feed the Archivist
Keep your trousers on at all times
No chocolate allowed
Stop stapling the statements
There are also two rolled up sleeping bags dropped on the floor- one black and yellow striped, and one solid purple. /end ID]
Now that we're past Jonmartin Week, time to post my piece for @tapesdidntcatchzine !!!!
I'm still super honored to have been a part of this, it was so much fun tysm to the mods and everyone involved.
I went with the idea of a full archives crew sleepover to keep Martin company while he was staying there to hide out from worms :)
(Click for quality I beg)
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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office antics with your disaster host timothy stoker šŸ¤Ŗ
in collab with the lovely @inthewild-flowers for @tapesdidntcatchzine!! read dan's fic here :]
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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kept forgetting to post this but here is the piece i did for the @tapesdidntcatchzine! it's a little thing about touch. what the tapes didn't catch is a tma zine about unrecorded lighthearted things that supposedly werent mentioned in the podcast :) you can download it for free here
[image description: a five paneled comic done in warm colors of sasha, tim, martin, and jon from the magnus archives. the first panel is a closeup from sasha's back of her and tim hugging. the second panel is of martin looking up at tim as he is explaining something, his hand on his shoulder. the third panel is of sasha, asleep, resting her head on jon's shoulder in front of some shelves. the fourth is of martin brushing his fingers against jon's as he hands him a mug of tea with bookshelves behind them, and the fifth and final panel is of the whole archives crew all together, linking arms as they walk down a street.
sasha is a thin, dark-skinned black woman with long braids tied into a ponytail. tim is a chubby, brown-skinned filipino man with short, spiky dark hair. martin is a fat, light-skinned mixed white and filipino man with short dark hair, and jon is a thin, brown-skinned pakistani man with short dark hair streaked with gray. end id]
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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my piece for the @tapesdidntcatchzine! tim and jon sharing a cup of tea :)
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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My piece for the @tapesdidntcatchzine!! S1 Jon and Martin justā€¦ having a normal conversation :ā€™)
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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my piece for @tapesdidntcatchzine ! I wanted to draw the season 1 archival staff hanging out :) I might revisit this to fix some things but it was fun to do!
ID: A four-paneled silent comic of characters from the Magnus Archives season 1.
Character designs:
Martin is a fat filipino man with black hair and fading red dye. He wears glasses and a red sweater.
Sasha is a black woman with long hair partly tied back. She is wearing a loose beige sweater.
Tim is a korean man with a mullet and the front hair slicked back. He is wearing a white t-shirt.
Jon is an indian man with chin-length greying hair. He wears a purple cardigan over a grey t-shirt.
Panel descriptions:
panel one: Martin is holding an electric kettle, about to put it on the power base while Sasha is talking behind him. There are two speech balloons from sasha and martin. Sasha's has a small drawing of a cup of tea and a question mark, and martin's has an hourglass.
panel 2: Tim cheerfully talks and points behind him at Jon, who's carrying a pile of thick blanket.
panel 3: Martin looking behind the viewer, and smiling sheepishly as if saying thank you to tim and jon. behind him sasha is drinking from her mug.
panel 4: Tim backfaces the viewer while talking to sasha, martin, and jon. Sasha holds her mug with both hands while laughing at Tim. Martin comes from behind them bringing a chair for himself. Jon sits, holding his mug and listening to tim.
End ID.
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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Here's the piece I did for @tapesdidntcatchzine !
[Pre-Series, Circa 2014]
When not hunting down Leitners or helping Gertrude research the Unknowing, Gerry can often be found in the Institute library, flirting with the hot librarianšŸ˜šŸ‘ā˜•ļø
Click for better quality
šŸ’–Reblogs would be greatly appreciatedšŸ’–
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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It Only Takes A Moment
Rating: Not Rated Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Characters: Sasha James, Martin Blackwood, Tim Stoker Tags: Canon Compliant, Season/Series 01, Angst, Friendship, Interlude Summary: With the threat to the Archives looming ever closer, Sasha tries to lose herself in her work and her friendships. Written For: @tapesdidntcatchzineā€‹
The fire extinguisher on the wall glistens under the soft light, its red paint shiny and new and foreign. Looking at it, Sashaā€™s shoulder aches dully. Itā€™s there thanks to Michael, with the bones in his hands, and Jonā€™s willingness to believe her, and yet the sight of it makes her angry and sad. Itā€™s like an omen, a sign that the Institute and the Archives are no longer safe, that those bright and happy days when they discussed the statements that Jon didnā€™t need a tape recorder for over a pint at the pub are coming to an end. What she doesnā€™t know is why. Why Michael helped her, why everyone she loves is in danger. What have any of them done to deserve having that peace shattered?
Of course, their laughter had never truly covered the unease that was there from the start. Those statements that Jon did need to record always led to dangling, empty threads that none of them could follow, the static that hissed from the recorder over certain words like a snake coiling, ready to strike. Maybe there was a reason Gertrude left the Archives in such a disorderly state. Maybe that was meant to keep everyone safe.
Thereā€™s nothing safe here anymore.
Keep reading on A03!
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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My piece for @tapesdidntcatchzine! I decided to draw Ms. Agnes Montague herself, revisiting Hill Top Road and making sure that The Web was still contained in the apple.
While I can see a lot of things that Iā€™d do different if I ever revisited this piece, Iā€™m overall happy with the mood and tone of it.
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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Here are the pieces I did for @tapesdidntcatchzine !!! I wanted to do a bit with the Season 1 Archive crew doing karaoke, since we were robbed of a musical episode.
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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my piece for @tapesdidntcatchzine, a TMA fanzine! Feat. some season 1 assistants daydreaming
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
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So hey I was apart of my first zine. The Magnus Archives themed one at that. I'm very proud of the art I made for it as well as everyone else who participated. It's free! You can find it here @tapesdidntcatchzine
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tapesdidntcatchzine Ā· 3 years ago
heyyyy here's the fic I wrote for @tapesdidntcatchzine !! gorgeous gorgeous art by @pichirobi :))
[Sounds of running footsteps.]
[Out of breath and laughing]Ā Sasha, hide me!Ā [Pause, during which we can assume Sasha gives him a deeply confused look]Ā Iā€™ll explain later? Just let me hide under your desk or something for five minutes. Donā€™t tell Jon you know where I am.
Thisā€¦sounds like a game of hide and seek.Ā [Audible mocking smile in her voice]Ā Tim, are you playing hide and seek with Jon?
Obviously Iā€™m not playing hide and seek with Jon.Ā [A moment of thought]Iā€™d love to see his reaction if I asked him, though.
[More footsteps. Theyā€™re distant, but definitely approaching.]
Hide me hide me hide me hide me hide me hiā€“
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