tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000171 EndHTML:0000047358 StartFragment:0000041585 EndFragment:0000047318 SourceURL:file:///C:/Users/tanya/Desktop/Concept%20statment.docx
The outrage of artists around censorship is one that draws attention to societal construction. As Steve suggests art is being “attacked and censored”, and if we only “permitted to view correct works then art's primary function is destroyed”.[1] ‘AM I NOTICEABLE?’ develops the need for change in social media as a priority to reduce the confinement and stereotypes of the female species. It builds upon the artistic illusion of society as a box in which “since childhood a female forsakes her liberties”[2], as she is moulded and shaped in accordance to our systems rules and regulations. Social media further illuminates this restriction of individual and artistic freedom as Instagram uses the beneficial title; ‘community guidelines’ as an attempt for us to see these female nudity bans and censorship as simply a way of guiding us whereas it is indoctrination. 
Discussing the interference and glitch presented by our system, the 3D female figurine begins as wrapped up in black wire. She argues how society has molded her by having these soft edges of her body and being wrapped up delicately, a representation of the stereotypical standards of female beauty within our system. It was through practice led research that I found within building this 3D female, I could modify and alter the surface of her body to my liking. Where I developed an artistic approach into resembling the irony of societal modifications.
The illusion of beneficial acts within my works helped visualize the ideology of society as a box digitally. As I crafted together these 3D border boxes, at first sight simplistic in nature, but in fact is a motif which builds and paves its way around the female as she grows older, resembling that we are in fact a product of society, packaged and marketed.
Visually, on a design angle within my works the use of colour represents the misrepresentation of colours as positive reinforcement that everything is perfect within our society to highlight the glitch present. The nude tan becomes this symbol of nakedness within itself and shows that as we are a child we are born with these parts of our bodies, born free with no confining or having to conform. But eventually this dark black growing glitch takes over as disease. As I completed a list of colours in relation to mood and state of being, I realized that I myself had stereotypes built within me. When I saw the word PNK, I wrote beautiful, bringing to my attention pink is the colour society allocates to a girl as describing herself as beautiful, whether it be in what she wears or how she feels. As an accomplice I aligned dark purple as I felt this sadness and rage, towards discovering myself as embodying these stereotypes.
Researching further into Instagram guidelines, I found that photo posts was not the only thing social media could control, they impacted and shaped the way we talk and what we can say by banning hashtags. Whereby within the approach of my 2nd print it aimed to shake people by making them notice the words is because we don’t use them or because we can’t. To change this stagnation, I started collecting images of boobs of all different shapes and sizes, my own rebellion against Instagram. As I saw nipples on Instagram allowed to be posted if they had little flowers over them I thought about the irony of nature being used to cover up our bodies. Flowers and nature are clearly a naked species whom require no covering yet they are referred to as beauty. 
Through the power of my artistic capabilities I built on the social glitches that have been present within our world historically and whether the world is noticing them or not. It is important we seek to give women their rights and artists their freedom.
[1] Steve Cox 2013 , The Guardian - Censorship is stifling Australia's artistic freedom of expression. 
[2]   Pussy Riot 2012: Maria Alyokhina's Closing Statement.                                        
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assessment 2 - Experiment 14 After my 3rd print I had realised within my last experiment that I had come across this new idea of how females are told to be covered up. Yet females are also told to be a Symbol of nature and a "beautiful flower". This print really drawer on the sarcasm of the covering up the human body with nature and the flowers as nature and everything are naked themselves.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assesment 2 - Experiment 13 Instagram has a huge censorship around female nudity. So I randomly collected different types nipples. When I placed them together there was this box shape but no outline of the box. It showed to me that even within that box we can still be free and maybe it is a starting point within my art to advocate the need for change. I started by drawing dots over them and began to experiment with the positioning. I left the placement at half way so that I showed the nipples should slowly stopped being told to be covered which links to my first prints idea of the boxes only covering half of the human figurine.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assessment 2 - Experiment 12 I decided to further experiment with the idea of a social construct. I played with lines and boxes but this time I started producing my own quotes and text to really raise the argument. When putting the lines on I realised I had created this image that resembled a ladder. The ladder I then discovered connected to the building but also of all the problems and stereotypes females have to climb.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assessment 2 - Experiment 11 I started developing my 2nd print more and I decided I was actually getting along with my experiments of the hashtags before. I combined the 2, producing this asymmetricalness. When reflecting on our class activities on Moodle it asked us too really think about interference and glitch and when I though about it, a glitch remains if it's not noticeable. And when I layered the 2 just one because I pasted it like that and the other I zoomed up on the other side. And realised it really demonstrated noticeable and glitch.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assessment 2 - Experiment 10 Researching around Instagram's Censorship and female nudity ban I really wanted to slam Instagram. So I started playing around with the Instagram logo and coloured it in black to make it a bit more statement. I continued to hold the box like construct to connect my 2 pieces and realised i had started building these series of prints.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assesment 2 - Experiment 9 I wrote all the the names of the hashtags that are banned and started playing around with them. When I placed them on the page it really reminded me of a glitch you see on TV with lines going down vertically. However I think it's too simple and plain and would like to experiment more with this in regards to glitch and noticeable
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assesment 2 - Experiment 8 Researching Colour, Tone, Hue. For a while in project I was trying our all different colours to place this object on so that it would make it a statement or keep it as the focal point. I really failed at this point as I was trying to make the colour fit my project and not committing to doing practice led research. So I decided to complete an activity on the side; make a list of colours on the side of different moods and states of being. When I saw the word pink - I wrote the feeling of beautiful, and this really brought up the recognition of all that stereotyping of pink being the ultimate colour to link to a girl, and how my perspective had been so adjusted to define this as the colour of beautiful. I decided to accompany this with a dark purple as when I saw my list for purple I wrote sadness and rage mixed. The feeling I had towards this topic were in fact sadness and Rage so I figured these should be the colours I place under my 3D Design. I also played around with the different visual feature of the background attempting to make something like a glitch and found that the clarity is all at the bottom and the top it is this blurred colour. Which was really cool as it represented society blurring the world to us and making us their canvas and deciding how they paint us.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assessment 2- Experiment 7 Within this experiment it is heavily linked to one of beginning experiments of confining the surface of the individual further. So I used more wire to cover all the boxes and the human figurine this time. I believe the choices of colour that just happened with the tan and black have a lot say. The tan nude becomes this symbol of nakedness within itself and shows that as we are a child we are born with these parts of our bodies, born free with no confining or having to conform. But the black represents this growing glitch that society has produced as this kind of disease taking over our worlds. I also developed the positioning on my layered boxes abs decided to just walk away from my computer for 5 mins and come back. When I came back more relaxed the positioning of the boxes seemed to me as a perfect fit and showing the in between process similar to the idea of social construct I wanted to develop.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assessment 2 - Experiment 6 Finally through a lot of attempts I thought that this box was a well representative of Society. It was simplistic at first sight but the layering of the boxes reminded me of how we are slowly becoming a social construct. So as we grow older the boxes increase and keep growing around us simultaneously to show we have more restrictions as we grow older. Something I found really difficult in this experiment was the placement of these boxes. I wanted to show the confinement as well as the individual growing up and having more restrictions around her placed.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assesment 2 - experiment 5 I was developing what society meant and through research I found a critic saying society is like a box. It's important we live inside this box to succeed. So I started developing some cubes and boxes within my project to figure out how I could represent society as confining and moulding the individual to live within this box. I believe within this experiment I recognised failure and don't think I will end up using this cube in my final project as I thought it was an overly complex design and would like to develop the box more.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assessment 2 - Experiment 4 Playing with my 3D nude figurine, I found my way into being able to modify the surface of the body to my liking. Which I thought was ironic as I was trying to show how society has shaped and moulded us and has control over the way we go about our daily lives. Whilst experimenting with the surface I developed this roped and thread like filter in which I overplayed it over the figurines body to symbolise how society confines Individuals.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assesment 2 - Experiment 3 Experimenting around with my 3D moulding of the female human body, I experimented using the different types and ways I could carve the figurine. I started off with a flat image using photoshop and then developed it on a 3D Builder. This figurine I decided at the point was very important for me to play with the different positions it can be in physically and metaphorically. I think I really want to play with colours, tone and hue and the elements and principles of design to further convey my message.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
Assesment 2 - Experiment 2 Research into Censorship. In regards to my first assessment, I was working around the Instagram censorship bans they have particularly when it comes to female nudity. I started researching further into this and found out that it isn't just photos that could be banned, Instagram had also started banning hashtags. It then clicked to me that social media has started to not just control what we post but impacted the way we talk and forced us to confine ourselves. I think this is a huge thing my practise in designing writhin female nudity amongst all my artworks has led me into researching the constraints of woman in society. But we now have a bigger glitch and Interference prevailing which is social media attempting to confine us through not just what we post but even the way we talk. I found a list of banned Instagram hashtags and was shocked at the amount of words on this. I have decided that I would somehow like to incorporate this within my assessment and will be developing my ideas furthermore around this banned hashtags.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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ASSESMENT 2 - Experiment 1 Reflecting on class notes. I was looking at the interpretation of Interference and Glitch. I really wondered what the focal point my project started off and discovered that it was; that society shapes and moulds individuals today. This is our true glitch within a living world. So I decided to experiment with softwares. I sketched up designs in photoshop and then built them into a 3D design so that it would resemble something present within the real world within its shape. I also played with carving a moulding the shape as I wanted to figure out how I could incorporate the way society shapes us.
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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FINAL SUBMISSION ASSESSMENT 1 300 Word Rationale CENSORSHIP A GLITCH BY SOCIETY – This piece is inspired from the debate, whether the Instagram Censorship Policy around female nudity has a positive or negative affect on our future world. I personally believe the ban has a negative effect as it confines women, limits the worlds understanding and once again objectifies and categorises us to the point where it controls what we wear, how we act and now even what we post. I chose the topic of Glitch when I started reading about Censorship, as it led me to believe that this is one of society’s biggest glitches in the world taking place. I came across artists working in a similar field such as Evelyne Wyss, Morgan-Lee and Marco Russo, after these 3 artists came together to launch the Instagram account “Genderless Nipples”. They post close-up photos of male and female nipples to demonstrate how indistinguishable nipples are, aiming to change Instagram's contradictory nudity policies. When I first started my research, I thought censorship and female nudity and what automatically came to mind was the number of celebrities Instagram uses to make an example out of. So, I started putting together photos of nude celebrities that had been censored on Instagram. When doing this I realised the number of articles, debates and cases that were made, and realised each article title symbolised individuals trying to fight against this policy. So, I decided to screenshot the article titles and layer them on to my poster. I used the same strategy with the genre of glitch by typing into the search engine “Glitch”. I found that whenever the average person thinks about glitch we automatically think hardware or a tv problem. So, I decided to use the tv glitch as my poster background as it aimed to attract viewers by being relatable and something they would be familiar with viewing. In doing that, I then layered my article titles so audiences didn’t just look at the glitch, they also looked at the text, allowing their minds to ponder about the issue at hand. Lastly, I looked at contemporary artists and activists working around the Free the Nipple Campaign, where I gained a broader understanding on how we have different sizes of women, different types of nipples and bodies all over the world. Hence, I layered sketches of nude female bodies on top of the glitch and article titles to direct the conceptual message with clarity. In conclusion, I looked back at my topic and thought how I would answer it now in one sentence, which is where I came up with the tag line ‘Censorship a Glitch by Society’. Tanya Batra
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tanyabatra-blog · 7 years
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Assessment 1: Research and Experimentation. Many Creative artists are currently working in the censorship area. However in particular Instagram account artist of genderless Nipples seeks to provoke the Instagram company to try and sensor his photos. As the ban only works around female nudity, the artist continuously posts cropped photo of just nipples, without knowing the gender. It was through this artists work where I saw the possibility of embracing female nudity and taking this debate further by in my poster showing the nipples of women. Thee Free the nipple campaign also helped me develop my piece as I looked at the different sizes, shapes and types of nipples women all over had and attempted to layer it on top of my glitch.
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