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An Indepth Description of Tantra and Tantric Practices
Tantra (Sanskrit: tan = expansion; tra = liberation), also called tantric yoga or tantra yoga, is a ritual practice from the Vedic tradition, aimed at spiritual expansion and liberation. In tantra, the emphasis is on the development of human strength, both through meditation and through direct confrontation with difficult conditions for overcoming fears and weaknesses. Tantra is one of the esoteric traditions that are part of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. The Buddhist tradition that is strongly influenced by the scriptures of Tantra is particularly vajrayana, also called tantric Buddhism.
The term tantra Yoga (with a large Y) refers to the dharma (philosophy) of tantra. By tantra yoga (with a small Y) is meant the yoga techniques that are part of the practical practice of tantra.
Development of the tantra
There is evidence that the origin of tantra lies in the indigenous spirituality of the indigenous people of India under the Indus civilization (not to be confused with the later introduced proto-vedic religion), thousands of years before the present era. It was only much later that the individual currents would develop, such as the jain tantra, Buddhist tantra, shivottara (post-Shiva) tantra and the poeranic tantra. The Buddhist version of the tantra originated in India in the third century AD, after which it spread to Tibet and the Far East in the eighth century thanks to Padmasambhava, among others, where it is still found today in the many currents of the Vajrayana or Tantrayana ("tantra vehicle").
Tantric practices
Because of the wide range of practices in tantra, it is difficult to describe tantric practices unambiguously. The basic practice can include any combination of the elements described below.
Tantra's specific ideal is not to avoid problems and obstacles, but to take responsibility for one's own life and therefore directly confront and overcome difficulties and conditioned emotions. Spiritual growth is created by transforming all characteristics and tendencies.
In order to achieve this goal, all kinds of meditation forms and ideation methods have been developed. In contrast to most religions, tantra is a science of experience: based on practice. The philosophy consists for the most part of descriptions of practices and has few purely theoretical aspects.
The soft natural form is the selfless intimacy between people. Exercises can make use of mantras (special sounds), yantra's (special forms) and ideations on personal aspects of the Cosmic Consciousness to help focus the microcosm (individual consciousness) on the macrocosm (Cosmic Consciousness).
In fact, there should not be an ultimate goal, as, for example, in the Taoist concept of wu wei. Theoretically it is about merging (symbolically) the fundamental darkness, negativity, femininity (Shakti) into the fundamental light, positivity, masculinity (Shiva). This can be done by bringing up the energy of the kundalini (the curled up snake in the sacrum) through the spine. There the fusion of the male and female energy can take place.
In the selfless intimacy between man and woman, a higher divine consciousness can arise. This unification of the microcosm with the Macrocosm can take place in the highest chakra above the seventh chakra when the crown chakra is opened. Depending on tradition, these practices are dressed up with various supporting practices (such as from yoga) in order to bring and keep body and mind in better balance.
Very important in the more result-oriented "hard" (non-self-explanatory-natural) form of tantra is the guidance within a religious tradition, see kundalini yoga The sudden uncontrolled (lightning) discharge through the sushumna channel can cause damage. The result is madness. The ancient devadasi tradition of the sacred temple dance, which lives on in the contemporary Bharata Natyam, is also an example of a form of meditation from the tantra. Divine love is expressed in Sringara and Bhakti.
Concentration on chakras in the body
Practitioners of tantra generally see the individual mind including the body as a microcosm. According to tantra, the body has a series of seven subtle energy centers (chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disc), which are the control points of the seven fundamental factors (elements) that shape a person.
By living ethically and purely and/or doing special exercises those chakras can be "purified" and the individual consciousness (microcosm) can become increasingly subtle and thus grow closer to the Macrocosm in order to eventually achieve self-realization or redemption. The highest chakra, the 'Shahasrara' chakra, is the seat of the Supreme Consciousness and is located above the human body.
Tantric Variations
The five main branches within the tantra have developed (painca Tantra), each with its own specialty. These are:
shaeva tantra or shaevacara
shakta tantra or shaktacara
vaeshnava/vishnu tantra or vaeshnavacara
ganapatya/ganapati tantra or ganapaticara
surya tantra or saoracara
These five tantra forms originated around 1400 years ago when the Puranic doctrine emerged (which would reduce Buddhism in India). Of the shaeva (shiva) tantra, the ganapatya tantra and the saora (surya) tantra hardly any writings have survived today. None of these tantra cults has ever become widespread.
Shaeva tantra
In summary, the Shiva Cult means that all outwardly directed life expressions are diverted to the inner world to eventually culminate in Shivasamadhi or the Unification with the Supreme Being. Because hardly any competent masters remain, the original characteristics of the shaeva tantra have been watered down. There are, however, the derived forms, such as the Siddhantacara, Vamacara and Kulacara, which are practiced in both Hindu and Buddhist tantras schools. There is also the rajadhiraja yoga in which the purest form of the shaeva tantra is processed.
Shakta tantra
This cult emphasizes transforming the static principle (tamasika shakti) to the moving principle (Kalika Shakti) and then back to the pure principle (Bhaeravi Shakti) and finally withdrawing it and merging it into the spiritual radiance (Kaoshiki Shakti or Mahasarasvati).
Vaeshnava tantra
Vishnoe is the all-pervading principle. The essential characteristic of the Vishnucultus or Vaeshnavacara is to realise the all-pervading Vishnu. Someone who practices this cult in a devotional way sees Vishnu in everything and everyone in the world instead of the limitations or peculiarities of the various individual expressions.
Ganapati tantra
Until the Puranic period in India there was still worship of the group leader as in the ganapativada, vinayakavada or ganeshavada. During the Puranic period this worship was transformed into a real cult with the worship of the leader of the universe (the Cosmic Consciousness). So in the ganapati tantra one tries to satisfy the group leader or ganapati.
Saora tantra
This cult originates from the Brahmins of Shakadviipa (present-day Uzbekistan, Greek name Sacdonia). They came to India quite late and were astrologers and teachers in Ayurveda. Saora means "someone who worships the sun god (Surya)". When it became a real cult, people started to see the sun god as the Father (creator) of the universe. This cult hardly got followers in India.
Tantra in Hinduism
Because tantra has existed alongside the Vedic religion for thousands of years, all kinds of aspects of the tantra have penetrated to Vedic Hinduism (and the Vedas). One difference with Vedic Hinduism is that the diksha or initiation is open to everyone, regardless of one's origin or status and that there are no castes within the tantra. Because the tantra has much more direct methods than the Vedic approach and moves outside the caste system (with its Brahminese priestly caste), the tantra occupies a somewhat separate place within Hinduism.
Tantra in Buddhism
The Theravada tradition contains no tantric elements. The Theravada generally takes a more conservative attitude towards changes in the content of the original teachings of the Buddha, and the scriptures in which they are preserved (the Pali-canon). The Mahayana, however, had a more open attitude to the introduction of new concepts and writings, which could complement or deepen the teachings of the Buddha.
Because of the practical nature of tantra and because it was less associated with the vedic religion, it was integrated into Bengali Mahayana Buddhism by Bengali Buddhists in the third century, after which this new form of Buddhism spread to India and other countries. In Buddhism, the tantra can be found today in Vajrayana, which occupies an important place in Tibetan Buddhism, but can also be found in China (Chen-Yen) and Japan (Shingon).
The current Mahayana, which is practiced in countries such as Taiwan and Korea, does not contain explicit tantric elements. Here the Tantra has become much more of a vision of life. Thus there is a tantric kitchen, way of architecture and urban planning, education and didactics, healing and guidance of people (Swedana), emotional body work and (Sweda).
Right-handed and left-handed tantra
Where the left-handed tantra believes that the individual need not be bound to what is considered socially acceptable, this is the case with the right-handed tantra. The sometimes extreme expressions of the left-handed tantra explain the distrust that exists among vedic priests and within the Buddhist Theravada tradition towards everything related to tantra. In India, the small minority of left-handed tantra practitioners is almost entirely outside of society.
In Europe and especially in the Netherlands, thanks to the sexual inhibition, since the 1960's a special attention for one of the partial aspects of left-handed tantra has arisen. The right-handed tantra emphasizes the control and transformation of the sexual energy that is dangerous for spiritual development.
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Healing Power Of Tantra
Yoni Massage For Women
A Tantric massage is primarily a spiritual technique conducted by a professional to stimulate your senses and help you achieve ecstasy. The Tantra God(dess) redeems the individual spiritually and increases the spiritual awareness of an individual.
This allows the individual to reach union with the Divine Energies of the Universe. Tantra is mostly famous for its ability to get rid of energetic and sexual blockages.
It is believed that individuals experience total arousal with profound efficacy on a mental, physical, sexual, spiritual and emotional level. For women this is known as the tantric yoni massage. Our sexual energy has outstanding potency and power, as can be verified by any psychologist.
Yoni refers to the vagina, when we think of the vagina we tend to link it immediately to pleasure, but it is much more. The yoni possesses a lot of energy it is a powerhouse, which lays stagnant and dormant because most women are unaware that this type of massage can bring you to the highest levels in your life.
The yoni also stores a lot of emotions and traumas, which is caused by the ability women have to link the yoni and their problems and experiences they internalize daily in the outer world. Knowing everything about the yoni now, the tantric yoni massage releases the dormant energy, and causes the woman to experience the profound effects we stated previously.
Why a Yoni massage is beneficial for women:
1. The tantric yoni massage is the portal between ordinary and extraordinary sex, being an ordinary woman or tantric woman, an ordinary life and an extra ordinary life.
2. After the massage you can live or have access to a life of fulfilling, deep, sexual intimacy and pleasure without guilt.
What to expect during a session:
To relax our female clients we use Tantra massage techniques on the abdomen, the back, legs and chest. This is not just done to comfort the client but to open other important canals of energy.
The yoni is prepared for its massage by massaging the pelvis first.
After the preparation the outside of the yoni is massaged.
This is the step where a professional therapist is definitely needed, because the yoni will be entered and important areas like the g-spot and canal will be liberated. This is done for detection, and alleviation of blockages.
The massage is ended with an exercise to circumvent the energy, and relax the client and the client’s body and yoni.
Yoni massage also applies to women who have vaginosis, sexual hindrances, menstrual symptoms, low libido, and cystitis, do not experience orgasms, or have painful intercourse.
Regular Yoni Massage Can Lead To:
Imprisoned sexual energy is redeemed.
Confidence, contentment and happiness become a regular part of life.
Delicates the yoni, freeing the individual from guilt and negative energies.
Lingam Massage For Men
Males can experience the tantra lingam massage for multiple orgasms, increasing their level of intimacy or sexual experience. Lingam refers to the penis, and is seen a symbol of fertility. This organ holds a lot of energy and power. The person’s whole body will experience the massage, not just his penis. Tantra lingam massage, helps getting rid of sexual dysfunctions, the stress due to the challenges the man faces daily, and (sexual) blockages.
Tantra lingam massage helps with:
Activation of the sexual energy.
Experiencing deep sexual pleasures.
Experiencing multiple orgasms.
The skills to groove and move his energy and that of his partner.
The same steps that were used for the yoni massage will be used for the lingam massage, but the fourth one is different because we are dealing with a male. During the massage when the client is already relaxed, and ready for the big step pressure will be applied on the lingam, testicles, and perineum. During this step the male can experience outstanding energetic, and spiritual effects. He can even experience an orgasm or even better, multiple orgasms.
A tantra massage is beneficial for both males and females. Both parties can feel great, relieve depression, and also experience a very sensual intimacy with one’s partner.
The blockages we stated previously are not the only type of blockages people have. The root cause of a blockage can be a trauma, stress, negative habits, and other things. Repeating old patterns, or routines becomes a part of who we are, which will lead to depression, anxiety, health issues, mental confusion, sexual dysfunction, health issues, and more.
Uncontested benefits of tantra massage:
Gives you the ability to love yourself and others unconditionally. The therapists uses his/her techniques to increase sexual energy.
You become self-aware. We already know that blockages are removed with this massage, which leads to clearance of confusion and ignorance. You than have the ability to reflect on yourself more, and introspect. (self)empowerment and wisdom are gained, which will lead in a redefinition of who you are, and development of who you want to become.
Happiness and satisfaction. You learn to let go of past experiences, and focus and work on the here and now.
Better and stronger relationships. Tantra results in a transformation on the inside which will lead to deeper connections, and more intimacy.
Better energy circulation through your whole body and spirit. Often when people have sexual intercourse the orgasm is only felt in the genitals, but after a tantra massage the orgasm is felt through your whole body, because of the pure energy circulation.
When the walls come down (releasing blockages), impotence, low libido, and premature ejaculation and other sexual dysfunctions are resolved .
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The Tantric Bath Ceremony
In Tantra, water has long been considered a sacred element, revered for its healing, balancing, purifying, cleansing and detoxifying properties. Beautiful Goddesses used water in rituals to cleanse the karma and purify the spirit. The bath ceremony is often used as a preparatory session and a transition from every-day-life to a more relaxed and slower paced world of the spirit.
In this very loving ceremony you will be completely nurtured, pampered, and worshipped by the loving hands of your beautiful Goddess. The warm water creates a safe, soothing "womb" like environment that is ideal for opening and balancing the chakras. Indulge in your preference for detoxifying mineral and sea salts, essential oils, rose petals, and heavenly bubbles. This is a great way to relax and prepare the body for a Tantra massage and may be combined with other sessions.
It's incredibly rejuvenating as well as relaxing. Wash away all of your worries and concerns of the day. This is about how much energy you can allow yourself to receive, you will be shown ways to run even higher levels of pleasure without fear of premature ejaculation, because you'll be the moving orgasmic energy through your entire body.
Some people describe it as feeling like the whole body were a lingam and energetic ejaculate streams out the top of the head. It is totally different from the way people typically think about sex and sexual energy and it transforms it into a whole body experience which includes all chakras or energy centres. True Tantra has a powerful healing effect and relieves stress like no other practice can. It is ideal for people with high tension jobs and will help them to relax and release the tension in the body, mind and spirit.
Erotic Touch Techniques
The bodywork is a combination of therapeutic and erotic massage, as well as specific Tantric bodywork. It is designed to clear any blockages in your body, mind and spirit due to emotional stress or physical tension, and open the nadis (energy channels) so that nothing is limiting your potential for more full body ecstasy. Bodywork is a term used in alternative medicine. In addition bodywork techniques aim to assess or improve posture, promote awareness of the "mind-body connection", or to manipulate a putative "energy field" surrounding the human body and affecting health.
Some of the best known forms of consciousness and energising non-touch bodywork methods include: Body Talk System, Reiki, Yoga, Pranayama, as well as other non-touch methods: Breathwork respiration techniques, Therapeutic touch, Bates method for sight training, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi.
The better known forms of manipulative bodywork include Alexander technique, Applied Kinesiology, Bioenergetics, Bowen technique, Chiropractic.Feldenkrais method, Polarity therapy, Postural Integration (PI), Reflexology, Rolfing, Shiatsu, Structural Integration, Somatic Experiencing, Trager Approach. One form of bodywork is deep tissue massage therapy, and the terms massage and bodywork are often used interchangeably. While bodywork includes all forms of massage techniques, it also includes many other types of touch therapies.
Sacred Spot Massage - Lingham Massage (Male)
Orgasmic Yoga Training includes basic yogic breath, sound, and movement techniques that you will need, to be a master of Tantric energy. Yogic asanas (postures) energy healing classes and sessions include a variety of educational modalities such as breathwork, conscious movement, touch, erotic massage, pelvic release bodywork, and tantric masturbation coaching to help you achieve higher states of consciousness.
Sacred Spot Massage - Yoni Massage (Female)
To get a better understanding of how yoni massage works and how it can improve your love life, let’s first take a look at what the word “yoni” means and how it relates to this particular type of massage. What is a Yoni Massage?Remember, you can get a detailed look at a full yoni massage by visiting Hegre Art. The word “Yoni” in Sanskrit means vagina. Tantric philosophy views the vagina as a place of respect and love. Yoni massage is also intended to honor women. While this Tantric massage is sensual and pleasurable for her, it’s main goal is not to bring her to an orgasm. Instead, yoni massage is intended to put her in touch with her own sensuality and generate a close intimate bond between her and her partner.
Rumi Temple Dance
Rumi Tantric Temple Dance
"Intoxicated with love, I too dance the rhythm of this moving world."
Tantric Temple Dance is a sacred dance to invoke the Goddess energy and entertain the Gods to receive blessings of wealth, virility, and happiness. The preparation of this dance may take many months, to even years. Goddesses undergo extensive training to create a harmonious union of body, mind, and spirit. As the Goddess channels sacred sexual energy, she moves in hypnotic sensual snakelike movements; slowly swaying to the rhythmic beat, she shows you the Gateway to Nirvana. This trance dance is beautiful and mesmerizing to watch.
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The Quest For Sexual Freedom
We live in a sex-negative society. People suppress sex because they fear its powerful energy. Sex is condemned as sinful, ugly and dangerous. As a result, sexual repression is rampant. But a glimmer of light can be seen in the darkness. Around the world, people are taking steps to transform sexual repression into sexual freedom.
The Sexual Freedom Coalition has published an excellent description of sexual freedom, which can be summarised as the freedom to enjoy sex just like any other human instinct, such as eating, sleeping and soaking up the sun, without apology or attracting stigma.
How can this vision of sexual freedom become reality? How can we create a society in which people are free to live their sex lives to the full; free to experience maximum pleasure and fulfilment? Some advocates of sexual freedom think the answer lies ‘out there’ – in religious institutions, the media, the government, the educational system, the readership of any newspaper.
Yes, attitudes must change if sexual freedom is to prevail. Oppressive laws must be repealed. Positive messages about sex must be spread. Sex education must be of a high quality, and provided much earlier in people’s lives. But if we try to change the world without changing ourselves, sexual freedom will never be a reality.
The greatest barrier to sexual freedom is ignorance – a lack of knowledge, insight and awareness. A great many people mistakenly believe that what they call ‘reality’, an experience of the world that is dualistic in nature (you/me, this/that, right/wrong), is the only reality. They are unaware of the existence of a second reality in which duality does not exist, time does not exist and good and evil do not exist.
But even a brief experience of this other reality has the potential to set them free from the repression that has held them captive. An experience of bliss – of Heaven and Earth united – arrived at through enlightened sex will drive out sexual fear, inhibition and shame, and bring forth sexual freedom and enlightenment.
Having liberated themselves, these people then have the power to be role models, and exemplify a different way of being that others – including religious leaders, newspaper editors, government ministers, teachers and Media readers – may choose to emulate.
That, I believe, is how we create a world in which sexual freedom prevails. Enlightened sex is sexual freedom in practice At this point in the article you may be thinking, “This is all very fine in theory, but how do I put it into practice?”
Enlightened Sex
Sexual freedom is the idea, the theory, the concept. Enlightened sex is the reality, the practice, the experience.
Enlightened sex is the halfway point between ‘ordinary’ sex, with its emphasis on sensual pleasure (kama), and tantra, which is a spiritual practice. Enlightened sex is informed and skilful, uninhibited and in the moment, heart-centred, and a combination of the erotic (kama) and the spiritual (tantra).
"Imagine if that was how we learnt to drive"
Enlightened sex is informed and skilful. In the developed world, most people learn about sex by garnering information from their friends, by watching others do it in porn movies, and through a process of trial and error. Imagine if that was how we learnt to drive. The result would be carnage.
Those who practice enlightened sex are knowledgeable about and skilled in the erotic arts. They understand how their own body works, and that of their partner too. They are free from sexual taboos, inhibitions and hang-ups. They know the many different ways to give and receive pleasure. They are good communicators. And, like good drivers, they are fully present to the experience. They are not worrying about how well they are performing or deciding what their next manoeuvre will be.
Everything Simply Flows...
A person who has mastered an art is able to practice it without conscious thought. This unconscious competence is the result of intentional knowledge acquisition, skill building and on-the-job application. Mastery cannot be achieved by any other means.
Here is a small selection of sexual activities that you and your partner are unlikely to accomplish by happy accident or by doing what comes naturally:
These are technical skills that must be learned deliberately and practised diligently until they have been mastered. Once mastery has been achieved, the skills can put into practice spontaneously and without thinking.
Characteristics of Enlightened Sex
Enlightened sex is uninhibited
Enlightened sex is in the moment
Enlightened sex is a mind-body-spirit practice
It is a product of the three aspects of sexual freedom:
Freedom of thought
Freedom of action
Freedom of spirit
These freedoms are acquired through enlightenment, which itself has three aspects: knowledge, insight and awareness, gained through study and experience. The free individual has no constraints limiting his or her behaviour, and is at liberty to do or say anything without fear. Free from inhibition, he or she can be fully present to the other and experience bliss moment by moment, with no concern for past and future.
Enlightened Sex Is Heart-Centred
Ordinary sex is focused on the sexual organs and is mostly governed by the mind.
Enlightened sex is focused on the heart, while enjoying sensations in the body and the machinations of the mind.
The love that is experienced during enlightened sex is not romantic love, but pure cosmic love. Sexual partners open their hearts to each other, connect their chakras and allow heart energy to move between them.
Tantric masturbators open their hearts to the creator and project their energy outwards to the whole of creation. By bridging mundane reality and what I call ‘second reality’ (also known as second attention, ultimate reality, the nagual), practitioners of enlightened sex transcend their fragmented, conflicted minds and experience bliss. This is the case whether enlightened sex is being practiced alone, with a same-sex partner, with an opposite-sex partner, or in a group.
Enlightened sex combines the erotic (kama) with the spiritual (tantra). Practitioners of enlightened sex enjoy sensual pleasure to the full, while simultaneously experiencing a reality that lies beyond their bodies and their ego-minds. They see no conflict between the erotic and the spiritual, and regard them as complementary and equally legitimate aspects of human experience.
Erotic sex occupies the low ground of human sexual experience. The spiritual dimension is often absent . Spiritual sex occupies the high ground. The physical dimension is sometimes dismissed as gross and profane. Enlightened sex occupies the middle ground, and places equal value on the physical and spiritual dimensions.
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