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Tanskul Suwannakudt (Tan)
This is my summary of the ENDES lecture and the examples i am interested in
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Tanskul Suwannakudt : 5634736925
Assignment 5.1 luminosity
I choose my living room which has main warm light source which would light up the whole room with one switch. some spotlight and light through doors, bathroom and lambs
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Tanskul Suwannakudt
Project 4.1 Sign, symbol
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I choose this path because as I move along the spaces, it only changes one dimension at a time. First space = small horizontal space and small vertical space. Second space = larger horizontal space but same vertical space. Last space, large both horizontal and vertical space
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I choose this path because as I move along the spaces, it only changes one dimension at a time. First space = small horizontal space and small vertical space. Second space = larger horizontal space but same vertical space. Last space, large both horizontal and vertical space
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Tan, Tanskul Suwannakudt : 5634736925 Acoustics of 3 spaces - Recording of sounds in 3 different spaces. 1) Bathroom: is very small and covered with marble which reflect sound. result in louder sound and more reverb 2) Closet: inside the closet is filled with clothes which absorb sound especially high frequency. result in softer sound and less high frequency 3) Garden: is very big and not as much object to reflect the sound. This result in softer sound
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Tan, Tanskul Suwannakudt : 5634736925 Acoustics of 3 spaces - Recording of sounds in 3 different spaces. 1) Bathroom: is very small and covered with marble which reflect sound. result in louder sound and more reverb 2) Closet: inside the closet is filled with clothes which absorb sound especially high frequency. result in softer sound and less high frequency 3) Garden: is very big and not as much object to reflect the sound. This result in softer sound
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Environmental Design 2014 Altering human behavior By dressing in pajamas and hold a rose and pillow, the person stand still looking toward the crowd that walking toward at the long hall way by not moving at all. Observe the human reaction toward the line of sight which some avoid eye contact and act as that person does not exist. However when they walk pass his sight, they start turning back and look at what happen. Some even stop by to look at what happen Tanskul Suwannakudt 563436925 Phermphorn Petapa 5634786225 Parit Treechadarat 5634777625
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Environmental Design 2014 Altering human behavior By dress in pajamas and hold rose and pillow, the person stand still looking toward the crowd that walking toward at the long hall way by not moving at all. Observe the human reaction toward the line of sight which some avoid eye contact and act as that person does not exist. However when they walk pass his sight, they start turning back and look at what happen. Some even stop by to look at what happen Tanskul Suwannakudt 563436925 Phermphorn Petapa 5634786225 Parit Treechadarat 5634777625
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