tansemanur · 1 year
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tansemanur · 1 year
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tansemanur · 1 year
First Learn About Stroke Then Avoid It
Stroke is a danger people should all be aware of, because there are many possibilities for being paralyzed. Stroke can cause death or disability. Moreover, stroke can affect the whole body or any part of the body. In other words, to avoid such a dangerous disease, people must have knowlegde about it. If they know about stroke they can avoid it.
First of all, people need to know the symptoms to distunguish the disease. Stroke manifests itself primarily by diffuculty in speaking and understanding, because brain starts losing the control of the body. Secondly, dizziness and loss of balance can be observed. Also, visual disturbances may occur in one or both eyes. Severe headache and loss of consciousness may also be symptoms of a stroke.
Second of all, people should be knowledgeable about how to treat stroke. Stroke treatment varies depending on the cause of the stroke. Blood thinners are used for strokes caused by atherosclerosis. Additionally, drugs that eliminate neuropathy are used in types of stroke due to nerve diseases. The only thing common to all types of stroke treatments is physical therapy. Physical therapy should be combined with drug use. In this way, muscle and bone loss is prevented.
Third of all, people should have an idea about physiotherapy after stroke. Physiotherapy should be started at the earliest twenty four hours and at the latest within six months after stroke. Stroke affects how bad the paralysis is, how much damage it damages the brain tissue, and in which area it occurs. Physical therapy process varies according to the patient’s condition. This treatment includes exercises such as stretching, strengthening and walking trainings. Therefore, it can be understood that physiotherapy treatments are indispensable for stroke recovery.
Here, it can be concluded that if people want to prevent from stroke, they should know and they should do researches about that. A disease that is deadly and requires attention, requiring us to know about stroke. Everyone should learn fully its causes and consequences, they will not be sick afterwards.
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tansemanur · 1 year
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tansemanur · 1 year
                                   Stroke’s Causes and Solutions
            Everyone, from the young to the old, is at risk of having a stroke. Stroke affects nervous system and musculoskeletal system. It causes loss of muscles and limbs. Stroke has two types such as ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke, which is the most common one, is caused by clogging of blood vessels. It obstructs the blood flow. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs as a result of any bleeding in the brain veins. Also, a ruptured vein can causes it. Stroke, aka paralysis, is a cerebrovascular disease that can be fatal. It has the second highest death rate, so it is a real danger. People should take precautions to avoid stroke, because even in a healthy person stroke risk is in high level.
            First of all, stroke’s most important reason is high blood pressure. Those, at risk for high blood pressure, should balance it and they should not miss their doctor check. In addition high cholesterol is one of the other important causes of stroke. Those with cholesterol should be very careful with their diet. Thus, they will keep their veins clean and they will let blood to flow.
            Second of all, smoking is also one of the cause of stroke to be considered. Smokers are approximately three times more likely to have a stroke than non-smokers. Those people should stop smoking for their own health. They can get help from instituations such as ‘’Yeşilay’’about this.
            Third of all, another main reason is having diebet. This person must have an adequate diet of fruits and vegetables. Moreover, obese people have risk of stroke. Consequently, they should follow this diet too. Both of them should do regular exercise to avoid that. Also, people must reduce their alcohol use. Alcohol affects heart conditions and heart rhytm disorders in a negative way. It also has a bad influence on stroke.
In conclusion, if people obey this rules they can avoid from stroke, but even if they do everything properly they still have risk. Fifteen million people suffer a stroke each year. For this reason, they should strive to be healthy. At least, they should reduce the risk. If people do not follow these rules, they will have to meet the physiotherapy field, unless they survive from stroke.
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tansemanur · 1 year
What content to be icluded?
There will be too many topics and questions to answer. In summary, readers will learn types of stroke, its symptoms, ways to avoid it and beyond it.
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tansemanur · 1 year
What the purpose of the blog?
I want the reader to know everything about stroke properly. I will read every article meticulosly, and write about it in my blog. I am aiming that.
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tansemanur · 1 year
What the blog is about?
This blog is a departmental blog about physiotherapy. Also, I will be informing you about stroke. What is stroke? Why does it happen? What should they do after a stroke? How many types of stroke are there? I will explain all of them.
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