tank-witch · 5 years
Enchant an Amulet
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To enchant an object is to infuse it with magickal energy. The energy you're putting into your object can come from you, or it can come from crystals, herbs, etc.
There are several ways to enchant an object, for example:
Surround it with crystals of corresponding intent
Surround it with herbs of corresponding intent
Meditate on the object with your intent
Visualize it filling with the appropriate energy
Hold the item in your hands and speak your intent aloud
Pass the item through incense smoke that matches your intent
When enchanting objects, I typically go all out just to make sure that the object is definitely filled with the energy that was intended for it. You don't have to do that though! Enchanting objects is simple, it doesn't have to be a complex process.
How I enchant an amulet
Step 1: Cleanse
Cleanse whatever it is your enchanting. Cleanse it with all of the elements, cleanse it with white light, with sound frequencies, cleanse it however your want. I cleansed my amulet during the actual ritual. But if you're not doing a ritual, if you're just going to meditate with the object or bury it or surround it with crystals, you should cleanse it first.
Step 2: Basic setup
You don't need to have some kind of fancy altar setup for this. Just sitting in the middle of your floor with a single candle is plenty. But I like to go overboard đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ So what I did - I set up four things for the four different cardinal directions and elements. North (salt for earth), East (incense for air), South (a candle for fire), West (water).
Step 3: Cast your circle
This step is not necessary, but like I said, this is MY way of enchanting objects. I didn't feel the need to cast a whole circle around myself, so I just casted a circle around the objects on my altar (hence the white string). A lot of people cast their circles aloud, and call upon the elements or the directions aloud, I do that all in my head, especially when the circle isn't going around me.
Step 3: The ritual
First, I took the amulet in my hands, held it to my mouth, and whispered my intent into my hands. Then I held the amulet over the North direction, dipped it into the small container of salt and said:
"powers of the North, guardians of earth, I infuse my energy as well as yours into this amulet and charge it with empath protection."
Then I moved the amulet towards the East and ran it through the incense smoke, and I said the same thing as before, except I replaced North with East and earth with air. I moved it towards the South, ran it through the candle flame, repeated the saying, replacing the words as needed, and moved it West and dipped the amulet into the water.
I took the amulet in my hands and whispered into it one more time, and said:
"By the powers of earth, air, fire and water, I enchant this amulet with empath protection energy and make it mine."
I placed the amulet in the center of my altar space, and I pricked my finger adding a couple drops of blood onto my newly enchanted amulet, completing the process (blood is completely optional, I don't recommend it unless you're familiar with blood magick).
And that's it! Now you can wear your amulet/talisman, put it in your pocket when you go out, hang it from the rearview mirror in your car, anything you want.
And don't forget, you can enchant anything. A ring, earrings, a bracelet, a stone, a coin, a hair tie, your favorite shirt, literally anything.
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tank-witch · 5 years
Do you think its wrong to use blood in magic? After all, something/someone has to be hurt to get the blood, whether that is the person themselves or not. Im just wondering cause I was wanting to try it out but not sure if it was okay...
I do not think it’s wrong to use blood in magick, or to practise blood magick in general.
When you draw blood, if you do so willingly, yes you are wounding yourself but you are not doing so out of malice. The same goes for taking blood from another, because the only way you could get blood from them would be with their consent and willing participation,
 or, rather, that is the only way you should get blood from another. 
Being a practitioner of blood magick does not exempt you from law, rules, and morals.
Practising Blood Magic Safely.
Blood Magic 101.
B is for Blood.
What Is Blood Magic, Where Do I Start?
Ethics & Safety in Blood Craft.
Blood Magic vs Self Injury.
How To Use Blood Magic Safely.
Blood Magic - Intermediate Stuff.
PSA to Blood Witches.
Blood Magic and Paradigms.
Witchcraft for Beginners: What You Should Know About Blood Magic.
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tank-witch · 5 years
❣ 15 Alternatives to Blood ❣
These are substitutes and not necessarily meant to be as powerful, less powerful, or more powerful than the use of blood. 1. Copper 2. Salt mixed in moonwater 3. Carnelian-blessed apple juice 4. Hair 5. Red Candles 6. Nails 7. Fingerprints 8. Fallen Eyelashes 9. Oranges and Apples 10. Cherries/Cherry Juice 11. Energy Stones (Stones you can feel have a strong energy) 12. Gold and Silver mix 13. The Scent of Apples and a Dark Red 14. An Athame Anointed in Citrus Extract 15. Lavender Oil
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tank-witch · 5 years
Can you post anything about blood magick please?
Blood Magic:
[B is for Blood]
[Blood Magic]
[Blood Magic and Paradigms]
[Blood Magic- Intermediate Stuff]
[Blood Magic vs Self Harm]
[Ethics & Safety in Blood Craft]
[PSA to Blood Witches]
[What is Blood Magic, and Where Do I Start?]
[Witchcraft for Beginners: What You Should Know about Blood Magic] *
* = external resources
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tank-witch · 5 years
BloodMoon Power Spell / Blood Magick
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A spell to heighten your spiritual power and increase your abilities/become more spiritually ‘awake’.
Five candles (Preferably black or purple)
A sterilized athame or needle (soaked in alcohol and kept wrapped in a clean cloth or napkin.)
Sticks, flour or cascarilla powder (Anything to form a circle)
Dragons Blood Incense
A fireproof bowl of soil
A bowl of water
A biodegradable print of your picture (printer paper)
Do this spell from 12 am to 3 am if possible outside under the blood moon.
Form a circle, this not only protects you but creates a funnel for your energy.
Put five candles around you in the circle in the shape of a pentagram. Each one symbolizes the elements and their powers, powers you wish to awaken inside you.
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Water = Intuition, Fire =Feeling/Empathy, Earth = Grounding and Focus, Air = Invention/Dreams and Spirit = Energy/Power.
Place the water bowl at the right, leave the candle at the fire in the bottom right, put the bowl of soil in the bottom left, put the incense on the left point and the picture of yourself at the North.
Stand in the circle and let yourself slip into a trance, Invision your energy sprouting roots into the ground. Let your energy mingle with the Earths.
Prick your finger with the athame or needle (If you have period blood then that works too
 Don’t side eye me either, blood is blood idgaf how 'dirty’ vaginal blood is viewed. With all the diseases, ALL bloods nasty. That’s why you have to sterilize everything with blood magick.)
Let the blood drip into the water. Reprick your finger if you have to.
“Give me the power of intuition. Let me feel with my gut before my heart.”
Drip the blood over the flame
“Give me the power of feeling. Let my empathy guide me not rule me.”
Drip the blood in the soil
“Give me the power of Grounding. Let my mind never stray from my focus.”
Drip your blood over the incense
“Give me the power of invention. Let my mind receive information and not be stagnant.”
Finally, drip the blood onto the photo
“Give me spiritual power. I invoke the power the universe has to offer.”
Take your photo and catch the corner on fire. Set it in the bowl of soil. Sit the incense stick and any ashes in the bowl as well. Pour the water in the bowl.
Go counter clockwise and put out all the candles.
Take the bowl of contents and either bury it(not the bowl itself) in your front yard to welcome new abilities or bury it in a pot with a plant. The plants growth will mirror your own.
Make sure to take care of yourself and properly bandage and clean the finger where you took the blood. Eat, drink and sleep as well.
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This spell will NOT make you a witch that can fly, move objects, change into a cat etc. This is simply to help you become more spiritually awaken and in turn help your spiritual power and magick.
You can use any taglock of yourself instead of blood. Saliva, hair etc.
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tank-witch · 5 years
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Blood salt
What is blood salt? Blood salt is a salt used to negate magick. Think of it as a nullifying substance. If you need to halt a spell or break a working done on you blood salt is what I use. I came up with this recipe when thinking of a substitute of black salt that had anti-faery capabilities (we don’t all get along with the wee folk of the Glen or whatever) so first and foremost this is an anti bad spirit and fae substance.
Why is it called blood salt?
Because it contains iron. The most famous anti magic substance known to folklore and that fun element that turns your blood a red color (hence the name “blood” salt). Iron has been used for centuries in Europe against evil spirits and fae, due to the fact it seems to repel or on some accounts hurt faery and spirits that come into contact with it.
How do I make it?
It’s a very simple recipe, much like black salt which is salt and charcoal. This one is salt and iron. Iron is actually very simple to obtain. I used crushed chelated iron which you can find in most vitamin stores and aisles. However if you can get a hold on some good old FeO2 (iron oxide) or rust that’s even better. Don’t be afraid of making it your own and adding other ingredients that you feel would be useful in this mixture to you.
One caveat DO NOT ADD YOUR BLOOD OR ANY REAL BLOOD TO BLOOD SALT. I know is said earlier that iron is what makes your blood red. However it is not a good substance to use as a source of iron as its also what we would call a taglock, personal effect, or power item. By adding your essence to the mix it could be like offering it to spirits and fae, and you really don’t want either to have power over you. It’s like giving your real name or eating what is offered. Blood is also used commonly as an offering to feed spirits, so it’s kind of like tossing loaded guns to the psycho killer that’s chasing you through the woods. Just use good judgement here and practice safe casting.
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tank-witch · 5 years
Benign Blood Magick
Disclaimer: Artwork belongs to their respective owners.
Trigger warnings: blood (duh), needles and cutting, mentions of suicide (anti-suicide message) and violence, cancer, blood diseases, etc.
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Blood Magick is evil, right? It’s one of THE grand taboos for witches that don’t consider themselves Bad Witches ©
You’re wrong.
In fact, you’re not only wrong, but you are missing out on some of THE most benign and altruist spells you could perform that will up your karmic balance several notches (see number 3 below). I don’t really believe in karma but point stands because it’s always good to help a stranger.
I hardly think there are many ways to be a gooder (? witch than through blood magick.
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Plus look at that, being a blood mage is freaking badass
Let’s quickly clarify a few things before we start:
Blood magick consists, basically, of any sort of esoteric practice that involves your own blood or someone else’s.
If you come to shame blood mages here I WILL curse you with constipation or diarrhea and you won’t know which until it happens.
I don’t condone nor encourage cutting. If you’re depressed, suicidal, or addicted to self harm, please find professional help. I’ve been there. Trust me, you can get better.
You can’t use your blood to represent another. It WON’T work no matter how much you try it. The only exception is your blood related direct family and here it’s quite the poor substitute. Although, spoiler alert, there’s a little exception to this rule. Your blood is, however, the most powerful representation of yourself you could use in any spell.
Blood cursing can fuck you up. Thread carefully and don’t mess with that shit if you’re a noob.
Blood willingly given is very different from blood forcefully taken. Don’t EVER try to involve robbed blood in spells that go against the owner’s free will. It WILL screw you over in ways you can’t even fathom. Blood has ways to defend itself.
Same way, dead blood doesn’t behave the same as living blood. Thus why animal blood obtained from your local butcher tends to be less potent, although still effective.
If you kill an animal to take its blood and don’t thank its spirit and/or make the best out of the rest, I will curse you with something far more serious than diarrhea, trust me.
Never, NEVER, NEVER! try to take blood from anywhere but your lip or the tips of your fingers unless you’re trained to draw blood. You can (AND VERY PROBABLY WILL) bleed out if you screw up. I’m not even kidding, people, I have first aid training. The smallest cut in the wrong place or under the wrong circumstances can cost you your life. 
If you’re thinking of committing ritual suicide by slicing your wrists or otherwise bleeding out, please don’t. Really, please don’t. Your life and blood could be put to much better uses. Once more: seek professional help.
If you’re gonna be drawing blood, I highly recommend you don’t take aspirins or any other vasodilatings close to the time of your extraction or ritual. Also avoid doing blood rituals while menstruating or anemic. If you carry any blood diseases, make sure to dispose responsibly of the elements used in the spell or sterilize them thoroughly. Get checked up regularly.
Other witches will tell you blood can be used as any other ingredient/correspondence in a ritual, just like adding rosemary or cloves! Personally I don’t agree. The same way you carefully pick the right herbs, either at the store or growing them, you should be aware of the limitations of your blood. If you’ve been going through a passing ailment, your blood will be less powerful than it can actually be (like withering herbs instead of fresh ones or broken crystals instead of whole ones). This is a very open criteria, to make your blood more potent you can exercise, eat healthy, have sex, get an endorphins rush etc. Just remember you will be literally spilling your blood for this, better make it as strong as possible!
Now let’s begin
Blood magick is very versatile, as much as crystal magick or herbal magick, so it all depends on your intent and how you handle this powerful raw energy. I’m only going to cover BENIGN blood magick in a couple of ways I’ve seen haven’t been addressed much or at all by other witches, since there are tons of resources for blood mages, so we can skip most of the typical uses and focus on less heard stuff.
1) Blood magick without extracting blood
Yep. No, I’m not crazy. Well, actually I might be but this doesn’t invalidate my point.
You can perform blood magick without taking a single drop of blood from anyone’s body. And this is very good for benign blood mages.
There are basically three ways of doing this:
- Waiting for the blood to come out naturally (through a fateful cut that just happens, menstruation, etc.)
-Working with your own body heat. Holding crystals and warming them up is as good as bathing them in your blood, after all, that’s what’s making them warm!
- Working with the blood inside the body. This is SPECIALLY good for spells cast over ourselves or healing magick. Hand impositions, crystal healing, chakra alignment, whatever. ALWAYS take into consideration the blood flow and use it to transport energy across the body. It’s an inner river, make the best of it and never swim against it’s current or you could harm the person.
2) Blood magick and meditation
Sit in silence. Close your eyes. Breathe steadily and slowly.
Feel that?
Your body swaying back and forth almost imperceptibly?
That’s your beating heart. Your heart LITERALLY moves your body when you’re sitting still.
Focus on that, that’s YOUR rhythm, that’s your soul’s tempo.
Related to point 1. Your heartbeat can be one of the most powerful tools to aid meditation. USE IT.
Now this is the reason I’m writing this post.
I’ve never in my life performed a spell for myself. All of my magical practices have been targeted to someone else. So I’ve got some experience in altruistic magick.
And guys

I personally donate blood at least twice a year since I’m 0+ so my blood can benefit anyone no matter their blood type. It’s a little ritual my mom and I have. We’re also organ and tissue donation advocates and are registered as bone marrow donors in our local children’s hospital.
If you’re not sure about blood donation because the syringes freak you out, try platelet donation!
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Platelets are mostly destined towards cancer patients on chemo. The needles are a LOT smaller than in regular blood donation, and the process can a while.
You know what you can do in the meanwhile if you’re not interested in the awesome movies they play?
Meditate and let all your energy flow through you. Perform a strength and purification ritual before the donation, let it get to others through your gift of blood.
HEAL through it. If you’re a witch healer, PLEASE use your blood in this manner. Lives could depend on it, and it could be you, IT COULD AND WILL BE YOU, that makes the difference.
I always try to donate as often as possible, and platelets donation has become my preferred method because unlike regular blood donation that shouldn’t take place more than once or twice a year, PLATELETS CAN BE DONATED EVERY FOURTEEN DAYS AND CAN BE THE EQUIVALENT TO EIGHTEEN REGULAR BLOOD DONATIONS.
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As I said, I’ve never performed witchcraft for myself, but don’t think I’m calling myself some martyr witch. I just don’t NEED to.
When I started donating blood and platelets for my local children’s hospital’s leukemia center, I was suddenly blessed with the BIGGEST streak of good luck you could possibly imagine and it has repeated without miss since I started when I turned 18. From finding $700 innocently lying on the floor to making new friends that would later end up changing and indirectly saving my life, I was just on a roll and it repeats without a miss after donating blood. It lasts for about a week after donating.
And I think this comes from the relief and gratitude of the people you’re helping.
I’m a big fan of charities for a similar reason. Your life WILL be blessed if you bless someone else’s.
So, bless others through your blood, which is the closest physical manifestation there is of your raw soul.
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How to do this?
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As I said before, strength and purification rituals before the donation are really helpful. Pro tip: carry the strength card in your wallet or pocket while you’re getting your blood extracted.
The night before as you begin your fast, draw sigils on your skin using lotion, water or other things. I DON’T RECOMMEND USING INK. Some inks -even non toxic- can be absorbed by the skin and transferred through blood to the other person and it is still debated if it could cause complications. (This is not the reason people with tattoos that are less than a year old can’t donate, this is to prevent crossed contamination).
I personally use this sigil:
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“Good health and happiness”
You can also bless the water you drink (and, seriously, drink as much of the stuff as you can, it’ll make it easier for the nurse to find your veins) or use (DRINKABLE!) moon or sun water. ESPECIALLY sun water. People that require blood transfusions sometimes have spent a long time away from sunshine.
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Charge yourself with non-toxic crystals (always, guys, not just for this).
If you believe in spirits or deities, ask them to enter your body and let you borrow their strength to pass onto another (depending on what deities you believe in, don’t be an ass and pass your evil little fuckers along to other people, I told you I’ll curse you with constipation).
Before the donation, exercise, eat something yummy (out of fast time), watch a comedy movie, take a nice nap, enjoy your hobbies, laugh a lot, kiss somebody, joke a lot, have (PROTECTED!) sex. Pass those endorphins along, bring joy and happiness to the recipient of the blood. There’s debate on how long the endorpins last, so doing this within 4-5 hours before donating is recommended.
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I always try to donate to someone I can follow up with (in case they need more platelets in the future). Keep them in your thoughts, cast healing spells in their name (you don’t need something from them to represent them now because your own blood is in their body! YOUR BLOOD IS THEIR BLOOD NOW! You can use it!).
Every time I donate, I feel myself grow stronger. The process is a bit depleting and requires rest afterwards, but guys
Your soul becomes mingled with other people’s
It spreads out and becomes larger, wider, the reach grows and grows
You wouldn’t believe the powerful magick behind blood rituals such as this. It’s wildly agreed that blood magick is the strongest kind regardless of the witch, but guys, this?
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It’s something else altogether.
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-Semiramis, the Magpie Witchling
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tank-witch · 5 years
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Blood Magick 101
One of the most common things I am asked besides how to begin in witchcraft is, “What is Blood Magick? Is it real?”
The short answer is
yes, but not in the way you think. Please keep in mind while you read this that a lot of closed religions use blood as an integral part of their practice and how it affects their practice is usually very different from how it affects the general open practices. This post does not apply to those closed packages as I do not practice them or possess any in-depth knowledge of how they work, but rather the general open practices with blood. If you are a member of one of those closed religions, however, please feel free to add onto this post with your experiences!
What is Blood Magick?
When we hear the phrase, “Blood Magick”, we might think of sacrifices, cutting our hands open with sacrificial blades, or, if you’re like me, you think of the big “no-no” practice that universally brands you as evil in the video game series, Dragon Age. This is all a result of popular media displaying this magick as such. In reality, blood magick is not as exciting as it is portrayed in media and can, in fact, be totally painless! General Blood Magick is when you use blood as a source of energy for your spell, ritual, charm, etc. It can reap benefits, but it very unstable and your results might not be what you expect. While the blood used is usually your own, it doesn’t need to be. I have known witches who have used game animal blood! Wherever you get your blood, it is important to receive it ethically!* 
How can I be safe when using Blood?
It is important for you to use certain protocols when dealing with blood, before any magick is in involved. Here are some general ones I’ve learned from a phlebotomist:
Never reuse needles
Never share needles
Do not attempt if you are anemic or you have any blood clotting disorder/ are on any blood-thinning medication such as Plavix
Always dispose of needles properly so that there is no chance for children, animals, garbage men, or even yourself can get poked. They actually make containers for you to dispose needles in. 
If you use a sharp object to acquire blood, ensure that the area you are using it on is clean and the needle is always sterile beforehand
Always know the source of the blood you are using, but also be sure to never get blood in any open wounds, cuts, or in your eyes. If this happens with blood you are not familiar with, immediately go to an emergency room to get preventative care. 
It’s actually preferable if you use sanitary disposable gloves when handling blood, but at the very least, thoroughly clean any skin that got blood on it immediately.
If, at any time, you can not control the bleeding, go to the emergency room. You might need stitches. 
Do not try to acquire blood from any vein or vessel nor should you use any sharp object near one.
DO NOT HANDLE A SHARP OBJECT WHILE INTOXICATED IN ANY WAY. Look, I drink and don’t judge others who do so or like to get high. I know a lot of witches incorporate drugs into their craft. However, never use a sharp object when intoxicated. Your control and judgement will be compromised and you could seriously injure yourself without knowing. If it is absolutely necessary, collect the blood beforehand. 
Why would I use Blood Magick?
Blood magick is used when you need to infuse your very essence or a small part of your life energy into a spell, if using your blood, or the essence of a particular animal or their life energy. It is one of the most powerful ways you can charge give energy to a spell. If you are not very experienced in this, you should only use it in very desperate circumstances when all other options have been exhausted. I have seen witches use deer blood in a spell calling upon Artemis, the Greek God of the Hunt (among other things) and I have a friend who used blood magick when trying to save her house from foreclosure when she was told there was almost no chance she could save it, even with the proper budgeting and payments. 
Wait, you said I should only use it regularly if I was very experienced in it
 what are the Magickal dangers of it?
Think of using Blood Magick as if using rocket fuel in a normal car. If you are an engineer, you might be able to build a car that can use rocket fuel reliably, but, if not, you most likely would build a non-functional or unreliable car, or worse, a car that just explodes. 
When you use blood, I mentioned that you are putting your very essence and energy into the spell. This very much ups the chance that you will be directly affected by the outcome of the spell, even if it was done for or on someone else. This goes double with any curses or hexes. It is also possible that you might get too much of the result you wanted or your result way too soon. If you are using animal blood, it is possible that it’s correspondence won’t agree with the purpose of the spell or the animal’s essence is just plain unwilling to cooperate. 
If you use unethically-sourced blood, you also open yourself up to the negative energies of the source including unsavory paranormal activity. It might take several rounds of cleansing to get rid of that energy. 
How much blood would I need for most spells?
Usually the tiniest drop of blood is necessary, if even needed. It would be equivalent of a finger prick when checking blood sugar levels. 
How would I use the blood?
It depends on the spell and the caster! I’ve seen it dripped on paper where the incantation is written out and I’ve also seen it mixed in a bowl of herbs (not for consumption). Generally, if you ask me, I will tell you that you most likely don’t need it for the spell you are doing. 
Please be safe, everyone!! 
*Ethically sourced is a very broad phrase, but I am referring to blood that is retrieved either from yourself, a willing participant who know what you are using it for and has given consent, animals that have respectfully and lawfully been hunted and consumed, or animals that have been respectfully and lawfully hunted and honored. You should never poach animals or steal blood from any scientific/medical institution, deceased persons, or receive the blood from a living human who is misguided or unknowing of your intentions with the blood.
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tank-witch · 5 years
Sorry to bother, but do you have some resources for starting making sigils? Some methods maybe, I'm new at this and want to know a little bit and your sigils are so gorgeous!
Thank you very much! I’m so glad you think my sigils are gorgeous, gosh >thesigilworkshop for you to go through and hopefully you can find something that can help you in there!! :)
*The ~ symbol means those articles are posts on Tumblr
Sigil Crafting:
A Beginner’s Guide to Sigil Craft
Ways to Use Sigils ~
Sigils Reboot: How To Get Big Magic From Little Squiggles
An Essay On Sigil Crafting ~
Practical Sigil Magic- Frater U. D.
Sigilmaking with Lee ~
Sigil Magic: Making a Magical Sigil
Sigil Daily: Creation & Activation
Magic/Sigil Circles ~
Chaos Magic: Basic Sigil Magic
Sigils ~
A Brief Overview of Sigil Magick
Sigils and Seals 101 ~
Sigil Crafting Method ~
Creating a Sigil
Sigil Masterpost ~ (gif warning!)
Sigils in Theory and Practice
How Do You Make Sigils? ~
On the Preparation and Usage of Sigils
Sigil Magic
Sigil 101 ~
Practical Sigil Magick
The Sigil Bowl ~
Sigil Basics
What Are Sigils? ~
Making Outdoor Sigils
Online Sigil Generator
Sigil Magic
Sigil Making Process, by Rook ~
Sigil Making Process, by Richtor ~
Sigil Charging:
My Super-Physically-Mentally Intense Method of Charging Sigils

How to Charge Sigils ~
Firing Off Sigils
A Personal Method of Charging Sigils ~
How to Charge a Sigil Playing Video Games
Charging Your Sigils- A Brief Explanation ~
Charging and Firing Sigils ~
How to Use Sigils ~
Chaos Magic:
Chaos Magic in a Nutshell
What is Chaos Magick? ~
Chaos Magic- The Misunderstood Path
Chaos Magick (a multitude of articles pertaining to chaos magic)
Introduction to Chaos Magic
Chaos Magic Theory
Chaoism & Chaos Magic: A Personal View
Oven-Ready Chaos; Phil Hine
Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic- Peter J. Carroll
Good luck!! :D
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tank-witch · 5 years
Posting this great info
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This is a compiled list of all the works I’ve posted here thus far. I will attempt to do my best to reblog this periodically with updates, in hopes of making more blog more easily navigated. You’ll find below the links to all my (applicable) posts – arranged alphabetically and by category instead of simply chronologically. Hopeful this will prove helpful!
Sigils & Seals
Atropa Datura Seal
Baron Samedi & Maman Brigitte – Combined Veve
Catcall Hex Stone
Channel of the Sulfuric Moon (Love)
Circle of Convergence 
Control Sigil
Cosmic Channel
The Dream Key
Finding Meaning Sigil 
Grounding the Nexus
I Will Learn Patience Sigil
Labyrinth Labrys 
The Left-Hand Serpent
Lords of Day and Night
The Lunar Serpent
Maria Mulambo da Lixeira  – Ponto Riscado
Marinette Bwa Chech – Veve
Mingling Hearts Sigil 
The Oracle
Paths That Cross Sigil 
Qedava’s Seal
Qedava’s Seal #2 (seen above)
Revival of the Moon Sigil
Rosa Caveira – Ponto Riscado
Rosa Caveira da Lixeira – Ponto Riscado
Rose of Intimacy ;; Lover’s Embrace
Seal of the Great Goddess 
Seal of Lucifer, the Destroyer 
Seal of Lucifer, the Mourner
And his story
Seal of the Moirai
Seal of the Planets
Seal of Pomba Gira 
Seal of Premonition
Seal of the Scorpion 
Seal of the Three-Headed Serpent
See Me As I Am Sigil
Seed of Life
The Seeing Star 
Sigil of the Sacred Bull
Sign of the Hooded Serpent 
Symbol of the Labyrinth
Traveler’s Protection Seal
Triangle of Existence
A Little Weather Witchery 
Black Dog Cross 
Blood Oath to the Goddess
Cats and Dogs Curse 
Communing with the Dead
Constructing a Spirit Vessel
Demon Conjuration 
Door-Bar Boundary
Evocation of The Devil
The Exorcism
Feeding the Black Serpent
Flying With Fire: Hedgeriding Tutorial
Hear Not, See Not, Speak Not Hex 
Ignus Faatus Curse 
Know What You Have Done Spell
La Danse du Macabre (The Macabre Dance)
La Muñeca de Tutela 
Little Love Spells
Love Me Tender Gris Gris 
Mirror, Mirror Reversal
Mother Protect Prayer
The Night Whisper
Offerings to the Dead 
(Past Life) Recollection Gris Gris
Removal of the Heart
Selective Spirit Door-Bar Ritual
Simple Love Drawing
Simple Love Drawing #2
Simple Truth Spell
The Soul-Alchemist’s Trap Box
To Ribbons Curse
To Poison the Mind (Curse)
Transmogrification of the Spirit
Walk-A-Mile Hex
Walking on Water – Hedgeriding Tutorial 
The Witches’ Baptism
Wheel of Misfortune 
Magical Recipes
Attraction Oil
Conquered Heart Oil
Crown of Thorns Oil
Goofer Dust
Guierda’s Philtre (Potion) 
Ivy Purse Recipes
Money Power Glory Oil
Whore of Babylon Oil
Dreams, Visions & Anecdotes
Creatures of the Hospital
Dreams of the Aztec Gods
Great Goddess Vision 
Nazirite Dream
Red Palms Dream
Red Women
Red Women, Response 1
Red Women, Response 2
Spider Queen
Beliefs Behind the Trap Box 
Breathing Life (into Poppets) 
Cigarettes & Witchcraft
Cleansing Without Sage
The Crossroads
The Devotion of Sound
Divination With Playing Cards 
Hierarchy of the Soul
The Lines of Ancestry
The Minoan Great Goddess
Music In Witchcraft
Practical and Ritual Correlations Between Cooking & the Craft 
Qedavian Apocrypha
Qedavian Apocrypha 2
Rosa Caveira 
Sacred Fire (with recipe) 
The Spider 
Sulphur: The Indispensable Mineral (Element)
Throwin’ the Bones (Bones Divination Tutorial)
Tutorial on Qedavian Script
Seal of the Black Mother
Seal of the Earth Mother
Seal of the Lady of the Depths 
Seal of the Queen of Heaven
Seal of the Red Queen
Wheel of Archetypes
Evocation of the Black Mother
Evocation of the Earth Mother
Evocation of the Lady of the Depths
Evocation of the Queen of Heaven
Evocation of the Red Queen
“Unholy” Saints
Candace: the 4 Kandakes of Kush
Resolution of the Kandakes
Deborah: The Prophetess
To Overcome Any Odds
Delilah: the Temptress
Dominion of Delilah
Dinah: Of Rose & Honey
Binding Hearts The Flames of Retribution
Huldah: the Prophetess
Key of Huldah
Queen Jezebel, the Fierce
Curse of Jezebel
Queen of Sheba
Sheba’s Bath
Rahab: the Harlot
The Coin of Favor
Witch of Endor
To Acquiesce Information from the Dead
Witchy Playlists
Elements: Air
Elements: Earth
Elements: Fire
Elements: Spirit
Elements: Water
Hymn of the Black Swamp
Maria Padilha
Mistress Mary/The Black Cathedral
Ritual Music
Ritual Music II
Serpent Mother
Rosa Caveira Playlists:
Rosa Caveira (never before posted on tumblr)
Lady of the Boneyard
Fire in the Bones
The Garden of Your Birth
The First Witch & the Birth of the Devil (Poem)
The Labyrinth – Prayer to Ariadne
Lady of the Boneyard – Rosa Caveira “Hymn” (Ponto Cantado)
Let Us Ride Poem
Love Rhyme
Qedavian Script
Qedavian Tarot 1
Qedavian Tarot 2
The Serpent Song
New additions appear in bold.
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tank-witch · 5 years
Journals, articles, books & texts, on folklore, mythology, occult, and related -to- general anthropology, history, archaeology. 
Some good and/or interesting (or hokey) ‘examples’ included for most resources. tryin to organize & share stuff that was floating around onenote.
Journals (open access) – Folklore, Occult, etc
Culutural Analysis - folklore, popular culture, anthropology – The Mythical Ghoul in Arabic Culture
Folklore - folklore, anthropology, archaeology – The Making of a Bewitchment Narrative, Grecian Riddle Jokes
Incantatio - journal on charms, charmers, and charming – Verbal Charms from a 17th Century Manuscript
Oral Tradition – Jewish Folk Literature, Noises of Battle in Old English Poetry
Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics – Nani Fairtyales about the Cruel Bride, Energy as the Mediator between Natural and Supernatural Realms
International Journal of Intangible Heritage 
Studia Mythologica Slavica (many articles not English) – Dragon and Hero, Fertility Rites in the Raining Cave, The Grateful Wolf and Venetic Horses in Strabo’s Geography
Folklorica - Slavic & Eastern European folklore association – Ritual: The Role of Plant Characteristics in Slavic Folk Medicine, Animal Magic
Esoterica - The Journal of Esoteric Studies – The Curious Case of Hermetic Graffiti in Valladolid Cathedral 
The Esoteric Quarterly
Mythological Studies Journal
Luvah - Journal of the Creative Imagination – A More Poetical Character Than Satan
Transpersonal Studies – Shamanic Cosmology as an Evolutionary Neurocognitive Epistemology, Dreamscapes
Beyond Borderlands  – tumblr
GOLEM - Journal of Religion and Monsters – The Religious Functions of Pokemon, Anti-Semitism and Vampires in British Popular Culture 1875-1914
Correspondences - Online Journal for the Academic Study of Western Esotericism – Kriegsmann’s Philological Quest for Ancient Wisdom 
– History, Archaeology
Adoranten - pre-historic rock art
Chitrolekha - India art & design history – Gomira Dance Mask
Silk Road – Centaurs on the Silk Road: Hellenistic Textiles in Western China
Sino-Platonic - East Asian languages and civilizations – Discursive Weaving Women in Chinese and Greek Traditions
MELA Notes - Middle East Librarians Association
Didaskalia - Journal for Ancient Performance
Ancient Narrative - Greek, Roman, Jewish novelistic traditions – The Construction of the Real and the Ideal in the Ancient Novel
Akroterion - Greek, Roman – The Deer Hunter: A Portrait of Aeneas
Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies  – Erotic and Separation Spells, The Ancients’ One-Horned Ass
Roman Legal Tradition - medieval civil law – Between Slavery and Freedom 
Phronimon - South African society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities – Special Issue vol. 13 #2, Greek philosophy in dialogue with African+ philosophy
The Heroic Age - Early medieval Northwestern Europe – Icelandic Sword in the Stone
Peregrinations - Medieval Art and Architecture – Special Issue vol. 4 #1, Mappings 
Tiresas - Medieval and Classical – Sexuality in the Natural and Demonic Magic of the Middle Ages
Essays in Medieval Studies  – The Female Spell-caster in Middle English Romances, The Sweet Song of Satan
Hortulus - Medieval studies – Courtliness & the Deployment of Sodomy in 12th-Century Histories of Britain, Monsters & Monstrosities issue, Magic & Witchcraft issue
Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU
Medieval Archaeology – Divided and Galleried Hall-Houses, The Hall of the Knights Templar at Temple Balsall
Medieval Feminist Forum  – multiculturalism issue; Gender, Skin Color and the Power of Place 
 Romance of Moriaen, Writing Novels About Medieval Women for Modern Readers, Amazons & Guerilleres
Quidditas - medieval and renaissance 
Medieval Warfare
The Viking Society - ridiculous amount of articles from 1895-2011
Journals (limited free/sub/institution access)
Al-Masaq - Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean – Piracy as Statecraft: The Policies of Taifa of Denia, free issue
Mythical Creatures of Europe - article + map
Folklore - limited free access – Volume 122 #3, On the Ambiguity of Elves
Digital Philology -  a journal of medieval cultures – Saracens & Race in Roman de la Rose Iconography
Pomegranate - International Journal for Pagan Studies
Transcultural Psychiatry
European Journal of English Studies  – Myths East of Venice issue, Esotericism issue
Books, Texts, Images etc. – Folklore, Occult etc.
Magical Gem Database - Greek/Egyptian gems & talismans [x] [x]
Biblioteca Aracana - (mostly) Greek pagan history, rituals, poetry etc. – Greater Tool Consecration, The Yew-Demon
Curse Tablets from Roman Britain - [x]
The Gnostic Society Library – The Corpus Hermeticum, Hymn of the Robe of Glory
Grimoar - vast occult text library – Grimoires, Greek & Roman Necromancy, Queer Theology, Ancient Christian Magic
Internet Sacred Text Archive - religion, occult, folklore, etc. ancient texts
Verse and Transmutation - A Corpus of Middle English Alchemical Poetry
– History
The Internet Classics Archive - mainly Greco-Roman, some Persian & Chinese translated texts
Bodleian Oriental Manuscript Collection - [x] [x] [x]
Virtual Magic Bowl Archive - Jewish-Aramaic incantation bowl text and images [x] [x] 
Vindolanda Tablets - images and translations of tablets from 1st & 2nd c. [x]
Corsair - online catalog of the Piedmont Morgan library (manuscripts) [x] [x]
Beinecke rare book & manuscripts  – Wagstaff miscellany, al-Qur'ān–1813
LUNA - tonnes from Byzantine manuscripts to Arabic cartography
Maps on the web - Oxford Library [x] [x] [x]
Bodleian Library manuscripts - photographs of 11th-17th c. manuscripts – Treatises on Heraldry, The Worcester Fragments (polyphonic music), 12 c. misc medical and herbal texts
Early Manuscripts at Oxford U - very high quality photographs – (view through bottom left) Military texts by Athenaeus Mechanicus 16th c. [x] [x], MS Douce 195 Roman de la Rose [x] [x]
Trinity College digital manuscript library  – Mathematica Medica, 15th c.
eTOME - primary sources about Celtic peoples
Websites, Blogs – Folklore, Occult etc.
Demonthings - Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project 
Invocatio - (mostly) western esotericism
Heterodoxology - history, esotericism, science – Religion in the Age of Cyborgs
The Recipes Project - food, magic, science, medicine – The Medieval Invisible Man (invisibility recipes)
Morbid Anatomy - museum/library in Brooklyn
– History 
Islamic Philosophy Online - tonnes of texts, articles, links, utilities, this belongs in every section; mostly English
Medicina Antiqua - Graeco-Roman medicine
History of the Ancient World - news and resources – The So-called Galatae, Gauls, Celts in Early Hellenistic Balkans; Maidens, Matrons Magicians: Women & Personal Ritual Power in Late Antique Egypt
ΔÎčÎżÏ„ÎŻÎŒÎ±Â - Women & Gender in Antiquity
Bodleian Library Exhibitions Online – Khusraw & Shirin, Hebrew Manuscripts as a Meeting-Place of Cultures
Medievalists – folk studies, witchcraft, mythology, science tags
Atlas Obscura – Bats and Vampiric Lore of PĂ©re Lachaise Cemetery 
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tank-witch · 5 years
“Feel The Pain You’ve Caused Me” Curse
Sorta, loosely based off the concept of the “Injury Transference” ability from AHS: Coven. It’s a curse to send back pain that a person has caused you, a get even sort of deal. I would recommend this for an abuser who refuses to admit they’ve wronged you and/or still continue to hurt you.
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What You’ll Need
A poppet of the target
Bloodroot powder
New moon water
Black candle
Red sewing thread
Sewing needle
What To Do
Light your black candle and start to write down on the paper everything they’ve done to hurt you.
Take your candle and (carefully) drip the black wax on the edges of the paper.
Fold your paper into a small square as much as you can.
Open your poppet and stuff the bloodroot powder, chicory, and the paper with the wrongs written on it inside it, then after you put enough in sew it back together with the red thread.
Take your bindweed and start wrapping it around the poppet while saying/thinking “Every wrong you’ve done me comes back to you. Feel what I’ve felt, feel the pain you’ve caused me.” as many times as you wish.
Take your poppet wrapped in bindweed and “drown it” in the moon water while saying/thinking “While you feel my pain you will drown in your guilt.”
Once the ritual is complete blow out your candle and put that poppet in a place where it won’t see the light of day. 
To break the curse take it out of the dark place, unwrap the bindweed, take out the chicory, and soak it in sun water.
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tank-witch · 5 years
Sick Witchery
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Because everyone gets sick, even witches! Witchcraft is to be used in addition to proper medical care, and please be cautious when using herbs and do your research*
Teas and potions:
Sore throat potion
Sore throat sage tea
Cough/cold tea
Mama’s cold curing tea
Cold banishing potion
Us witches get colds too
Feel better tea spell
Fire cider recipe
Sick witch’s brew
Flu and cold buster
Milly’s “the flu can f*ck off” brew
Soothing tummy tea
Vitamin C healing potion
Easy DIY cough syrup
Soothing lemon cough syrup
Simple elderberry syrup
Magic cold syrup
Honey fermentation
Swamp’s immunity boosting noodles
Faye’s patchwork soup
“I am not getting sick!” broth
Simple sickness spell
Simple healing spell
All-purpose recovery spell
Christian witch healing spell
Bath magic:
Anti-nausea bath
Healing milk bath
Healing bath
Shower meditation
Odds and ends:
Cold remedies and tips
Healing in the kitchen
Lil’ witch tips for sickness
Immune system sigils
Herbs for a sick witch
Coriander seeds
You may also like:
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Witchcraft and meds
Witchcraft in the hospital
My spoonie sigils: (1) (2) (3)
Spoonie witch masterpost
*Resources for herbal interactions*
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tank-witch · 5 years
Useful Spices
Cayenne: Promotes circulations and boosts metabolism.
Turmeric: This spice is an immune champion. It boosts production of antioxidants and helps in the reduction of inflammation. Some claim that if you drink Turmeric-root tea daily you will live a long, healthy life.
Cumin: Is loaded with Phytochemicals, antioxidants, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc, magnesium, and high amounts of B-complex. It also helps with insomnia.
Cilantro (Coriander): Is a good source of iron, magnesium, Phytonutrients, flavonoids, and are also very high in dietary fiber. Cilantro as been used for thousands of years as a digestive &  helping lower blood sugar as it has hypoglycemic properties.
Parsley: Is a nutrient-rich and detoxifying herb which acts as an anti-inflammatory  and anti-spasmodic, helping conditions from colic to indigestion.  Rub it on itchy skin for instant relief.
Sage: Very beneficial in treating gum and throat infections. Sage tea can help ease depression and anxiety as well. 
Ginger: Stimulates circulations and it is an excellent digestive, aiding in absorption of food and minimizing bloat.
Cinnamon: Can help lower cholesterol.
Thyme: Is a cure for hangovers and doubles to alleviate colds and bronchitis.
Clove: Is an anti-fungal and alleviates toothache.
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tank-witch · 5 years
Plants you can grow from easy to hard
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Culinary Sage 🌿
Indoor/outdoor: Best Outdoor, start indoors.
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Rich, fertile, well-drained soil
Water: Likes drier soil, let it dry out a bit between waterings. 
Zone: 5-10
Germination: grows well from cuttings. If starting from seed, start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Takes 3 weeks to germinate. 
Width/Height: 18-24 in/12-30 in
Cold: Can tolerate cold, add mulch for extra protection. Hardy to -30 F. 
Parsley 🌿
Indoor/outdoor: Start indoors.
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade. 
Soil: Not too picky, moist and fertile. 
Water: Moist, don’t overwater.
Zone: 5-9
Germination: Soak in warm water overnight, then plant no deeper than Œ inch in the soil. Germinates in 10-25 days, grow for 6-8 weeks. Thin out the weak ones when it sprouts. 
Width/Height: 12-18 in/?
Cold: Hardy.
Oregano 🌿
Indoor/outdoor: Start indoors. 
Sunlight: Full sun.
Soil: Well-drained. 
Water: Needs drainage, don’t overwater. Drought-tolerant. 
Zone: 4-9
Germination: Start from February to April, should germinate between 7-14 days. Let them sit on top of the soil, don’t bury the seeds, or barely cover them. 
Width/Height: 10-20 in/24 in
Cold: Cut back and cover with mulch for the winter. 
Mint  🌿can be invasive!
Indoor/outdoor: Start indoors or direct sow in spring. 
Sunlight: Partial shade, tolerates sun. 
Soil: Wet soil, slightly acidic. 
Water: Likes water, but don’t overwater. 
Zone: 4-9
Germination: Needs light to germinate, start indoors. Should germinate between 10-15 days. I recommend you keep it in a container.  
Width/Height: 18-24 in/1-2 ft
Cold: Hardy.
Basil  🌿
Indoor/outdoor: Start inside or outside in early spring. 
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade.
Soil: Rich, moist soil that drains well.
Water: Likes water, don’t overwater.
Zone: 3-10
Germination: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Plant Œ in deep, should germinate in 5-10 days. 
Width/Height: 6-12 in/? I think 1-2 ft?
Cold: Doesn’t like winter and mine always dies. 
Chives 🌿
Indoor/outdoor: Start indoors.
Sunlight: Full sun.
Soil: Well-drained, rich soil.
Water: Likes water but not too much. 
Zone: 3-9
Germination: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost, should germinate in 15-21 days.
Width/Height: 6-9 in/12-18 in
Cold: Dies back in winter but might come back in the spring.
Dill  🌿
Indoor/outdoor: Best if direct sown to avoid bolting. 
Sunlight: Full sun.
Soil: Rich, fertile soil.
Water: Don’t overwater.
Zone: 2-12
Germination: Sow Œ in deep, should germinate in 10-21 days. 
Width/Height: 12-15 in/2-3 ft
Cold: Grows back in spring??
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tank-witch · 5 years
Magick: Metaphysical properties of basic shapes
Dot: Focus, Culminate, Beginning, Creation, Self
Line: Control, Direction, Channel, Boundary, Division
Cross: Balance, Elemental, Directions, Life
Spiral: Expansion, Contraction, Development, Growth, Spirituality
Circle: Unity, Cycles, Infinity, Perfection, Completion, Protection, Focus
Oval: Cycles, Infinity, Protection, Growth, Expansion
Triangle: Creation, Trinities, Manifestation, Strength, Power, Binding, Illumination, Ascension, Expansive, Active
Inverted Triangle: Creation, Trinities, Manifestation, Strength, Power, Declension, Binding, Passive
Square: Balance, Structure, Foundation, Elemental, Grounding, Directions, Limitation, Permanence, Physicality, Earth, Order, Perfection, Equality
Rectangle: Balance, Structure, Foundation, Elemental, Grounding, Directions, Physicality, Earth, Growth, Expansion
Rhombus: Balance, Structure, Foundation, Elemental, Grounding, Directions, Physicality, Earth, Wealth, Fortune, Abundance, Manifestation
Parallelogram: Balance, Structure, Foundation, Elemental, Grounding, Directions, Physicality, Earth, Duality, Relationships, Communication
Trapezoid: Structure, Foundation, Elemental, Grounding, Physicality, Earth, Determination, Strength, Endurance, Courage
Pentagram: Power, Elements, Magick, Manifestation, Energy, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Protection, Spirituality, Spiritual Manifestation, Divinity, Invocation, Banishment, Binding, Cleansing, Exorcism, Balance, Stability, Harmony, Healing, Life, Love, Communication, Psychic Empowerment, External
Hexagram: Balance, Good Luck, Love, Awareness, Physical, Nurturing
Heptagon: Magick, Powers, Cosmos, Devotion, Mysticism,  Knowledge, Truth, Spirituality
Octagon: Protection, Spiritual enlightenment, Abundance, Regeneration, Resurrection, Possibilities, Manifestation
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tank-witch · 5 years
Correspondences by state masterpost
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Colorado (eastern)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
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