tanisha128 · 26 days
I feel like no one actually cares about how I feel. I mean, I get that to some extent that I need to be social and such, but why cant I try to be social my way?
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tanisha128 · 1 month
Dealing with a manipulator in the fanfiction community
There's a problem in the fanfiction community. There's this girl name Cheyenne. She's autistic and has a lot of issues. What kind of issues you may ask? Well, on two of the websites that I use, she has accounts with, and I had to change my username. That way, she doesn't have to contact me 24/7. I get that those with Autism are not good with social cues and such, but personally, I dont think she ever had ABA Therapy in her life.
Long after I first created my first account on Fanfiction.net, she contacted me because she liked my Yugioh fanfic. When she started reading it, she wanted me to change the name of my OC to a different name and later on, she accused me of basing my Yugioh OC on her profile picture when I never did. I have always based my OCs in every fanfic I write to a main character.  For example, my Power Rangers SPD fanfic, I based my OC Leah's looks on the actress who played Kat Manx in that season. I imagined Leah as a 12-year-old girl of the actress. Another OC example, my Pokemon Fanfic, I based my OC Jordan's looks on a combination of Ash and his mother, Delia.  In the past, Cheyenne has threatened not just me, but other fanfic writers as well by saying that she will hurt herself or that she will call the parents of that writer have them call the police because she didn't get her own way. So, a friend of mine had suggested that I change my username on Wattpad so that I wouldn't have to deal with Cheyenne anymore and I did that. In all honesty here, Cheyenne needs to understand she should respect the fact that when someone tells you no, you need to respect the boundaries they set up and not threaten them. I check on her Wattpad account from time to time, just to see if she's still alive but other than that, she needs to respect the boundaries the writers have set up.
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tanisha128 · 1 month
Some People thinks its ok
I doubt that anyone cares, but a while back I had this fanfic reader on Wattpad who wanted me to change four out of six Power Ranger OCs personalities because she wanted those OCs to be more nicer. It's obvious to me that at the time, she didn't care about how I felt when she said that to me. Honestly, I would understand if someone else was writing it, but I worked hard on my fanfics and people need to understand that. 
How would you feel if someone had suggested that you should change one (or more) of your OCs personalities to make them nicer?
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