tangyhululu · 1 month
Give me a chance
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tangyhululu · 4 months
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i watched america phycho a while ago and finally got around to doing something about it.
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tangyhululu · 4 months
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tangyhululu · 4 months
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tangyhululu · 4 months
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tangyhululu · 5 months
This is the post about Damian Wayne being whitewashed that will probably go ignored because it dives deeper than pointing at a Damian Wayne and urging DC to draw him darker. I don’t particularly care about likes but I feel like we should emphasize whitewashing in detail and not just pointing at Damian and being like “he should be darker than this!”
What is whitewashing?
Whitewashing is deeper than the color of someones skin, it boils down to the way they act, are perceived and is portayed over all. If you take away a character’s cultural roots in any way then you are whitewashing them.
Let’s start with The Brave & The Bold. No one talks about this but this is a perfect example of whitewashing. In the Brave & The Bold writers took Damian Wayne and just emphasized the Wayne in his name. Damian’s culture did not fit their narrative so they entirely erased it.
Bruce Wayne married Selina Kyle and after had a baby, no, that baby was not Helena. It was Damian. Damian Wayne and only Wayne. He had no connection to Talia whatsoever. They erased Talia and the Al Ghuls entirely from Damian’s story.
This is an example of how his whitewashing goes deeper than skin. He’s now entirely white, drawn as white and lives as a white kid. They changed the way he acted, was perceived and portrayed.
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Then because that’s not enough. His identity was a very blatant copy of Tim Drake. He takes Tim Drake’s suit, he takes Tim Drake’s backstory and he takes Tim Drake’s iconic catchphrases, its extremely jarring. This is another example of whitewashing, taking away his personality and to fit a white character.
The Tim Drake curse.
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Another example of whitewashing would be the continuous attempt to make Damian Wayne more relatable by watering down his personality and making him reflect Tim Drake. Tim Drake was Robin for so long and so loved that it has a lasting effect on other characters as well. As long as Damian wears that “R” that was celebrated at its highest when the character wearing it was fair skinned then I doubt he’ll ever escape this. This is whitewashing because erasing his personality is also erasing his roots on the most basic level. In his stories, he becomes an average highschool student, pursues romances, indulges in feel good family fun, gets bullied, and wears suits and changes his hair once again to reflect Tim Drake. I don’t even have to mention how light he is.
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The Three Horsemen of The Pale-skinned Apocalypse.
On the left we have a portrayel of Damian Wayne with light skin and blue eyes. Not only that but in this comic, they didn’t even get his culture right… the writer must had thought he was japanese… he’s not… he’s part Arab and Chinese but genetically dominant and visually POC.
In the middle we have a Damian Wayne called “Ian.” It’s just Ian. This is an example of whitewashing because if you didn’t know; Talia named Damian after the word “Damianos” which means ‘to tame’. To erase his cultural roots in his name then you are whitewashing him. And Jonathan Kent, a visually and socially white character regardless of the immigrant-kryptonian allegory, did not get this treatment. Those characters seem to never get this treatment as we know.
On the right, we have Damian’s newest installation, the one DC twisted their comically large spoon into their Witch’s caucasian cauldron and used their magic to zap Damian with that Tim Drake curse. Damian’s eyes are green, not grey or blue and his hair is thicker than that, not straight and thin. Nor does he act like this. This is an example of whitewashing. You are changing how he acts, is perceived and portayed.
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How to avoid this?
It’s simple actually, just exercise the way he was originally portayed which sadly has never been wrote exactly right since he was first introduced but as you can see:
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This Damian Al Ghul-Wayne flaunts his culture in the way he dresses and acts. This Damian Al Ghul-Wayne speaks his native languages when it’s convenient to him. This Damian Al Ghul-Wayne is connected to Talia and grew up in the league of Assassins. This Damian Al Ghul-Wayne made his own Robin suit.
He has brown skin, he has soft green eyes, and look at his monolids, his hair is also thick and his face is dinstinctly shaped as well. The easiest way is just to portay Damian as he is; An Arab-Chinese kid.
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For example, this artist made a conscious decision to study the way Damian Wayne looks before drawing him. Even adding distinct features like a nose bump which we never get to really see from him.
Why does whitewashing happen?
The idea that a person of colors’ features and culture are not appealing to the audience and needs to be altered to fit the norm in order to be palatable.
In fandom.
If you portray Selina Kyle as Damian’s mother then you are whitewashing him. If you change the way he acts in fanfiction because you don’t like it then you are whitewashing him. If you draw Damian Wayne lighter than what he’s supposed to be than you are whitewashing him. If you demonize the Al Ghuls and put the batboys in place of them then you are whitewashing him. If you change the meaning of Robin for him then you are whitewashing him (this does not include reverse robin AU’s for example) and if you make him do any action that’d align him with what an American kid is supposed to be doing then you are whitewashing him. But let’s say you make a AU where the point is his personality is different or his upbringing is different, this is not whitewashing, this is having fun. To have an initial subconscious mental bias when it comes to a POC character is different, entirely different.
And about other races… Damian Wayne is one of the few Arab-chinese portrayels in Media, please do not alter this, even if its to make him any other variant of POC. Damian Wayne is Damian Wayne and if that’s not interesting enough for you then use a different character that is that race. <- do not fight me on this.
We as a collective should focus on portaying Damian Wayne. It’s deeper than skin. It’s crazy because its really not that complex…
In conclusion, be mindful of why you were invited to this Damian Wayne function…
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tangyhululu · 1 year
You and Mammon falling asleep in his room while watching a movie.
You wake up to the dim sound of the TV and the sight of Mammon's head on your shoulder.
His hair slightly messy and his face uncharacteristically peaceful, you admire him for a little. Remembering how he is when it's just the two of you.
You were going to stand up to go back to your room when he tugged on your shirt with a pleading look on his face.
"Don't go," he moaned. Without the normally energetic hint on his voice. "Just.. Just stay here, alright?" He wraps his hands around your arm and nuzzles himself onto you. "With me." His eyes softly closing. The TV painting a side of his face golden.
The suddenness made your heart drop and bloomed flowers in your stomach. You rest yourself back against his couch, snuggling your head against his.
You close your eyes as the smell of his shampoo tickles your nose and pulls you right back to sleep.
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tangyhululu · 1 year
seonghyuk☆〜(ゝ。∂) (김성혁)
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tangyhululu · 1 year
Hello! I love your writing! Especially your sick fics. Would you be willing to write one with mammon? Possibly just forcing a very sick/stressed reader to rest. Or if you want to go further the fever getting high enough for reader to hallucinate and they keep trying to get up and he's trying to stop her. Either would be very appreciated 😊
Yeeessss, I will always write a good sickfic! It’s one of my favorite tropes, it’s just too good! Thank you for the request, anon! I hope you enjoy!
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Let's Go Home
"...This isn't good..." Whispering, you looked into the mirror, not that you required a reflection to be able to tell. The facts were simple. You were coming down with something. There was a dark corruption stirring and settling inside your body. It felt off, and you could easily assume why. It didn't help that your throat was sore either. A telling sign if there ever was one. Of course you would have the luck to catch something just before a big assignment was due. Now you could spend the next few days being sick and stressed. Yay for you. The dread and anxiousness did little to ease the symptoms that seemed to slowly creep up on you the more you woke up. As much as you'd like to throw yourself back into bed, you couldn't afford to miss these next few days of classes. So, tugging on your uniform with harsh irritated movements, you headed downstairs.
Breakfast was already done for the most part, the sounds of the table being cleared and the last few munches of Beel could be heard from behind the dining room door. You'd given up food this morning for that last little bit of rest. You'd need as much as you could get right now. You could only hope the brothers didn't find your absence suspicious. If they knew you weren't feeling well...you could only imagine the kind of hovering they would do. They meant well, truly, you knew as such, but sometimes they never knew how to let you breathe. Plus, they did have a tendency to overreact, and you didn't need seven different worried voices buzzing through your head when it felt like it was buzzing enough already.
Adjusting your school bag, you twisted the handle to the entrance hall open, ready to make the journey to RAD on your own. That had been the plan, but a demon-shaped wrench was thrown into it. Mammon went through a short series of varying emotions, all of which could be seen plainly on his face as his eyebrows danced up and down. He had been pleased to see you, then confused, then panicked as he looked over his shoulder to ensure none of his brothers were following him out before shutting the door behind him. After that, he seemed rather smug about the fact that it seemed you two were going to head off to school alone together. "Mornin'!" He spoke softer than he normally did, trying to keep this little moment a secret. He slipped out of the main entrance you'd already opened and pulled you outside by the sleeve around your elbow. As the door shut behind you both, he stretched, his arms straight up above his head. He pulled them tightly before his hands dropped back to his sides. "Missed ya at breakfast--I mean, I didn't miss you, I just meant I didn't see ya there," he proclaimed, a little flustered but apparently getting more adjusted to sharing his feelings with you. "Stay up a little too late, huh?"
You remained silent for a moment, focusing on trying to sound as normal as possible. Although, as you attempted to reply, your throat squeaked out the answer. Clearing your throat in an attempt to sound clearer only made the pain in your esophagus worse. Instead, you just nodded your head, hoping that it would suffice.
Suffice it hardly did. Mammon already seemed suspicious, nearly making you sweat under the pressure. Or perhaps that was caused by something else... "You alright? Something seems off with you today.
"Mmhm," you hummed affirmingly, giving him a smile to show that you were fine. With any luck he'd just write off your strange behavior as lack of sleep. Before he could investigate any further, you took rapid steps down the path towards RAD, feeling his eyes track you while you did so. But for now, it seemed you were safe.
Classes at RAD had hardly ever felt so grueling. They were always difficult, seeing as how they were all about subject material you didn't even know existed until you'd been dropped down here. Now that you were sick, focusing almost seemed impossible. But you had to. You had to pay attention. There was a test coming up, and if you got another bad grade... You couldn't stand it, the look on the other's faces whenever you did. With pity. Or even worse, like they expected it. Like you were nothing more than just a human who couldn't hardly be expected to do well. Is that why you had been pushing yourself so hard these last few weeks? Of course you had to fall ill right when all that hard work was supposed to pay off.
The bell for lunch rang cacophonously through the halls. Other demons grabbed their bags and scrambled for freedom. You remained seated till the herd thinned, slinging the bag over your shoulder. Just a little longer...Just a few more classes. You could do this. You would do this. While a demon would've given up already out of temptation, you would show everyone a human's determined spirit!
Outside seemed like a nice place to spend the break. Fresh air might do you good, not to mention it would be quiet. As for lunch...Hm, what would you do? You didn't pack anything this morning...and Devildom food wasn't exactly easy on a sick human's stomach. Maybe you still had some snacks for Beel packed away somewhere in your bag. You stepped through the halls as you rummaged through your things, eyes straining to look into the darker depths for something that might provide you temporary sustenance. If you tried to skip a meal, Beel would know. Somehow he always knew, and a disappointed Beel was ten times worse than a disappointed Lucifer.
"Oi! Watch it!" Two hands quickly grabbed your shoulders, tugging you backwards and slightly off to the side. You raised your head as it happened, able to glance forward at one of RAD's stone pillars that occasionally adorned the walls. You were about to face whoever grabbed you only to be turned around against your will. Mammon's hands lowered, trailing down to your upper arms where he firmly grasped them. "You're kiddin' me, right? Are you really that stupid to be walkin' face-first into the walls?" He sounded astounded. Exasperated. You knew that he had the tendency to sound like that when he was simply just concerned, but somehow the tone still dug into you anyway. You looked away from him, shrugging off his hands and heading down the hall again. "Wait!" Mammon lunged, reaching out and grabbing the nearest part of you. Your hand.
The action had you stop, but you stayed where you were, looking away from him partially out of spite but also because you didn't want your secret to slip. Mammon grasped your hand a little tighter, his palm moving against yours till he seemed to find where his hand fit perfectly. He was warm. Hopefully he would be too distracted by his embarrassment to notice that you were almost warmer. And not from the embarrassment. Perhaps you were worse off than you figured.
"I didn't mean to come off so harsh, You know I didn't mean it that way," he spoke, his voice softer than usual. You still looked away from him, waiting for a real apology. You could hear him shift on his feet, uncomfortable with the silent treatment, although most of it was due to your throat. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice like that." Better, but not all. You tugged a little on his arm to tell him to try again. "And for callin' ya stupid. I know you're not." You sighed, taking the apology and turning to face him once more. "You're weirding me out today. Somethin''s been bothering me all day-- actually, this whole week-- but I didn't know why. What's going on with ya?" He looked deep into your eyes as if he could pull the answer out from there. It was hard to look at him with such a genuinely concerned face. He almost looked wounded that you would work so hard to keep something from him. Maybe somewhere in his mind, he felt as if he did something to deserve your actions.
You sighed, head drooping a little. "I don't...feel great," you whispered, your voice weak, coming out still a little scratchy despite the low volume. "I'll be okay."
"Not great?" He raised an eyebrow, dropping his hold on your hand to raise it up, approaching your forehead. "Like sick or somethin'?" Suddenly his eyes widened. "You're warm! Freakishly warm! I'll go get Lucifer--"
"No! That's not--" You pressed a hand to your throat as you swallowed, the pain making your fingers tremble. You had raised your voice a little too much. "I can make it through the day. Don't bother him."
He shook his head a bit at you, eyes narrowing. "Ya don't look like you can make it that long, we should get some help and go home."
"I can't, Mammon. I have to go to class. I can't let my grades slip lower."
With that, he actually huffed, almost scoffing in a sort of confused laughter. "Screw grades! This is you we're talkin' about!" One hand settled on his hip, the other gesturing as he talked. "Who cares about a few grades?"
"I do!" Your voice raised again, emotions as well as pain brought a few tears to your eyes. "I'm one of the exchange students. Everyone already looks at me like I'm destined for failure, like I'm not cut out for the Devildom, like it's only to be expected because I'm nothing more than a simple human. I'm going to prove them wrong. So if I have to suffer through a few classes while I'm sick, so what?" You stood your ground, mouth a tight frown.
Mammon took a step back, a bit stunned at your tone, but he seemed to understand. Although you could tell he was beating himself up a little on the inside. Had he looked at you like that? Had he made you feel that way? "So you've been stressed, huh? It's worn ya down." You couldn't quite deny that statement. The demon of Greed shook his head a little. "Hey, can you promise me something?"
Exhausted by your small outburst, you pressed the back of your own hand to your head, shoulders sagging. "Depends on what it is."
"Can you forgive me?"
You could only raise an eyebrow at that strange question. "Forgive you for what?"
All the sudden you felt yourself being swept up, body off the ground, your vision a blur of colors. Mammon's arms held you close, preventing you from falling in your small struggle. "Grades might be important to you, but...you're important to me. Let's go home." He watched your head fall against him dejectedly before rushing down the halls.
Your head had felt light the entire way home. Everything was filled with that dreary fuzziness that came with dreams. You didn't pull yourself back together till you felt Mammon follow a familiar path. Sounds of home flooded your ears. The common squeak of the House's hinges. The echoing footsteps against the Entrance Hall's marble floors. The sound of Mammon's comforted sigh that he unconsciously made anytime he entered your bedroom.
You were sat on the side of your mattress, shoes being tugged off you and haphazardly and frustratingly tossed aside like they had been the source of your troubles. With two hands on your shoulders, you were quickly pushed down into a laying position, the covers being pulled over you and tucked around you so tightly it felt like you could hardly breathe. Or maybe that was just due to the sickness constricting your lungs. Everything was warm, every breath a wheeze. But worst of all was the feeling of defeat. Of the shrinking pride of Mammon being right. You were too weak to make it through classes.
"Hey, forget about RAD," Mammon spoke up suddenly, shaking his head at you. Somehow he had those moments where he knew exactly what you were thinking. You had never thought yourself that transparent, but maybe it was a pact thing. More than likely though, Mammon was just good at this sort of thing. "Your grades ain't gonna change the way we all feel about ya."
"You know what Diavolo and Lucifer expect of me. If I let them down, I'm ruining the image of the program. And I'm not like Solomon, or Simeon, or even Luke. I feel like I have to work ten times harder then the rest of them only to just barely pass. I..." You hesitated with your words, not expecting yourself to become so emotionally vulnerable, but here you were. Almost in tears, crushed under the weight of unbelievable expectations. "I can't take much more of this." Your nerves felt like frayed burning wires, the tips of your fingers trembling.
Mammon fell silent for a long while, glancing at some random spot on your floor. Finally, after you had both marinated in the silence, he lifted his chin, looking directly at you, rubbing the warm and pounding spots of your temples with one of his thumbs. "Forget about all that for just a little bit. Thinkin' about all that stressful nonsense won't do nothin' but make you feel worse." He suddenly stood up, rubbing the back of his head in thought. "Lemme get you somethin' to eat." Before you could say anything otherwise, he was gone. You stared up at the ceiling, a few tears leaving your eyes now that you were alone. This...sucked. But at least...you were no longer alone. Crying did nothing but exhaust you further, so by the time Mammon returned with some food, you were convinced you wouldn't even have the energy to eat it. He used one hand to help you sit up while the other placed a plate in your lap. It was a simple meal, but one that would probably help. Just a sandwich he had made with simple sliced meat and veggies. He even cut them into small little squares for you. His eyes were shining, like he was proud of himself, that he was glad at least that he got to do something like this for you. Then he suddenly looked at the watch on his wrist. "Crap, lunch is about over already." His mood tanked, apparently not intending to stay which surprised you a bit. You had assumed he'd give anything for an opportunity to skip classes with you. "Eat as much as you can, and then sleep long enough so it won't even seem like I'm gone, okay?" He tried to flash a signature smile, but it was filled with worry. "Call me if you need me. And make sure you call me and no one else, got it?"
You let out a breathy sigh. Just sleep and forget about it all, huh? Sure. "Okay." It's not like you could do much else. Plus, this demon was giving you some serious puppy eyes, and you had no idea if he was even intending to do so or if it just came naturally. Before he left, you took a few of the finger-sandwich squares and handed it to him, so at least, even if he was leaving, it was like you were having lunch together. He took them gently, that giddy glow that usually formed around him returning. He took a munch of one before running off, giving you one last glance before he shut the door. You looked down at the plate and tried a bite of your own. It was pretty light as to not upset your stomach, but filling enough to stop the slight hunger pains you were already feeling. How precious of him to make you lunch like that. It was a short time before they were all gone, the empty plate resting on your nightstand. Lying back down, you turned over in bed, groaning under your breath as you did so, closing wearily eyelids. With a full stomach and a sore body, sleep seemed to barrel into you like an overdue train. You might've been hearing things, but you could've sworn you heard Mammon's voice muttering something to you before you drifted off to sleep.
The sound of a sharp breath had you open your eyes. You stared at the ceiling of your bedroom blankly. It took you quite a while to realize you were even awake. Slowly turning under your covers, you tried to figure out what or who had woken you up. "Mammon?" You called out, voice weak, throat dry. You knew you felt warm but you couldn't help but shiver anyway. Shaky and weak hands gripped your bedsheets as you pulled yourself out of bed, your head swimming from the movement. You noticed a shadow flash across your eyes. Something moved right outside your door. "Who...is it?" A few trembling steps and you were at the door, swinging it open. You craned your neck to look down the hallway. Nothing was there. Some sort of hum filled your left ear. It was hard to discern what it was, but maybe whoever had been outside your door went in that direction. So, you left your room, turning left to wander down the hall.
How long had you been sleeping? Were you still sleeping? No, everything felt too real to be a dream. And yet, everything in your mind was hazy. Thoughts were hard to keep ahold of, slipping from your brain almost as soon as they were manifested. You were too preoccupied with the pain in your body, and whoever was in the house apparently. You continued to shuffle past windows and doors, trying to keep an ear out for another noise. Something caught in your peripherals. As you turned to look out the window you were standing by, you caught the last bit of a blur running past the frame. It jolted you back, almost causing you to fall, but you stumbled into one of the hall's little dressers.
Now you were irritated. You didn't feel good enough for games. You were going to find who had just scared you and give them a piece of your mind. You marched the rest of the way through the House, ending up in the entrance hall. You only mildly regretted your decision when you opened the door, the cold air outside almost making your teeth rattle. You took a few steps outside anyway, glaring as you scanned your surroundings. There seemed to be nothing out here. Just as you were about to turn around to go back inside, a hand grasped your shoulder. You jumped, smacking the hand that had touched you as you swirled around.
Mammon looked dumbfounded, only to then turn his expression into one frighteningly close to Lucifer's. "What do you think you're doin' being outside like this? You have a death wish? I said to stay in bed!"
The shock rattled your lungs, a few coughs shaking your frame. "What the hell, Mammon? Why would you do that to me? You think skulking around the House is funny? Some caretaker you are!" You pressed your palms to your throbbing temples.
"Whad'dya mean?" His eyes went a little wide, looking wounded, but mostly confused. You straightened your posture, glancing behind him to see the front gate slightly ajar. Had he just gotten here? Then you spotted the papers he was holding under his arm. A large stack of them. "No one should be home but us. Even Levi was dragged to classes today." You raised an eyebrow at him, trying to go over the details in your brain. Before you could try to figure out if you were crazy or not, Mammon took your arm and led you back inside the House, dragging you along till you were back in your room. He was clearly worried, hardly able to stand still on his feet, his heels tapping against the floor as he helped you into bed.
"Where did you go?" You couldn't help but wonder. You didn't want to outwardly say you had wished he stayed here, but...maybe his tsundere nature was rubbing off on you.
He moved to settle the papers he was carrying onto the table in your room before coming back to you. "I had somethin' important to do is all..." He didn't seem to be very forthcoming with information at the moment. Well, when did he ever? You didn't have the energy to press him on anything. His hand suddenly cupped your cheek as he cursed. "You're even warmer than before..." He got on his knees by your bedside so he could be level with you as you rested. "How do I help you feel better?"
"Some water might be nice, and maybe a cool rag," you shrugged a little. There weren't too many remedies for humans easily accessible down here.
He shot up to his feet. "That's easy! I'll be back!" He dashed off, moving so loudly you could hear him move all the way to the kitchen. He came back just as quickly as he left, putting a cup of water on your nightstand and holding the rag in his hands. He suddenly turned a bit sheepish, slowly getting back down to his knees on the floor, glancing away from your gaze. He was fidgeting with the rag in his hands for a moment before briskly placing it on your forehead. "Why'd you have to go and get sick, huh?" He asked in a huff, pressing the cooler parts of his hand against your burning cheeks. "I can't stand the way you look right now. Hurry and get better, dammit..."
"If I could will it away, I would," you assured him. He stayed by you in a bit of silence, looking down at the floor as he fretted, muttering things about 'finding a magical cure' or something of the like. You couldn't help yourself. He looked a bit like a bruised puppy. Your hand found it's way into his hair, causing his head to snap up and stare at you, embarrassed, but clearly not backing away. "Thank you for being here with me. I always feel a little better when you're around."
It was his turn to feel warmth in his face. "Don't say stuff like that! No gushy stuff! 'Cuz then..." He quickly went silent, enjoying the feeling of your fingers in his hair. "I...uh..." The subject was suddenly changed. "I know you've been stressed out about classes and stuff, so I...went to all your classes for ya and took notes." He took a moment to relish your pleased look. You could only imagine the confusion of your professors. "But I'll only give them to you on one condition!" He shook his head firmly, letting your hand fall back to the bed. An accusatory finger pointed sternly in your direction. "You can't get burnt out like this again, okay? I'm serious. Deadly serious." He leaned forward, flipping the rag over on the now-cooler side. "Nothin', and I mean nothin', ever takes priority over you, okay?"
A little hum left your throat, almost cooing over him. A little tease left your lips. "Aww, so you do care for me."
He sighed, looking a little annoyed before his eyebrows softened. "Of course I do, ya dummy. That's why I'm here, right? Me and no one else...I won't let anyone else take care of ya."
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tangyhululu · 1 year
Snippet - Last Name
How would each of the demon brothers react to MC saying that they’ll give him their last name?
“There aren’t any demons or angels that have last names, right?” MC randomly questioned the demon brother they were spending time with.  “Why is that?”
The demon explained how the beings in the Devildom and Celestial Realm were given one-of-a-kind names to distinguish them from others, unlike how many humans can share the same (first) name.  As such, having a second name was unnecessary.  Titles were more common to further establish their individuality, such as “Morning Star” for Lucifer and “Jewel of the Heavens” for Asmodeus when the two of them were angels.
“Do you wish you had a last name?” MC inquired.
The demon was mostly indifferent on the matter, but he did mention how he particularly liked MC’s last name. 
“In that case, I’ll give you my last name someday,” MC remarked in a casual manner.
He opened his mouth to reply but paused upon realizing what MC might’ve been implying.  A human typically would only share their last name with someone else when they were getting married to that individual.
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Lucifer felt a surge of pride in his chest at the notion that MC intended to offer their last name (and their hand in marriage) to him alone.  Still, from how nonchalantly they had presented the notion, he had to make sure that both of them understood it in the same way. “You’re aware of what that would mean for us, right?” he asked them.  “It’s not something to take lightly, even if I’m not human.”  After watching MC nod their head confidently, a small grin tugged at Lucifer’s lips.  “Good.  Seeing as how you already belong to me, MC, it’s only natural that your last name would become mine, as well.  I look forward to when that day officially comes.”  (Time to start planning a real marriage proposal, Lucifer thought to himself.)
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Mammon managed to choke on his saliva when he pieced together what MC likely was implying, which, on the bright side, provided him with an excuse as to why his cheeks were flushed.  All the money and rare treasures in the Devildom could never compare to the value of having MC’s last name all to himself.  “Th-The Great Mammon accepts your gift!” he declared once he finished coughing.  “If you’re gonna give your last name to anyone, obviously it’s gonna be me.  That means no one else can have it, got it?  No changin’ your mind, either!  A-And...don’t take too long to hand it over to me, ‘cause I’m ready to take it anytime.”  (Well, first, Mammon just needed to narrow down the best ring to give MC from his secret growing collection.)
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Leviathan could've probably rattled off the long title of a human world anime that had a scene similar to this—that is, if he wasn’t currently short-circuiting in front of MC.  “Y-Y-Y-You’d give your l-l-last name to a gross shut-in otaku like m-me?!” he asked incredulously.  “You mean it?!  Are you sure?!”  Once MC reaffirmed their promise, Levi was certain he could die happy (but not right now!).  “Oh man, it feels like I just unlocked the highest ranking class in an RPG!  MC, I’ll wear your last name proudly and do everything I can to make sure you won’t regret choosing me to have it!  ...Uh, when I do get your last name, I mean.”  (Levi started focusing more on anime and game content that included marriage as references for how to be a good husband for MC in the future.)
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Satan was left dumbfounded for a moment as he processed what MC was telling him.  “So then, you’re saying...you want to marry me at some point, correct?” he bluntly questioned them.  MC confirmed his suspicion, which brought a light blush to his face coupled with a pleased smile.  Although there was no record of a demon and human ever marrying each other, he couldn’t deny that he also wanted this with MC.  “All right.  I’ll make your dream a reality, and in return, you’ll share your last name with me.  This means we’ll spend the rest of your days together, too.  Let’s build a love so strong it’ll be the envy of all romance novels and poetry.”  (Afterward, while he was researching human marriage customs, he suddenly wondered if the cats he wanted to adopt with MC would also acquire their last name.)
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Asmodeus squealed and bounced cheerfully in place before wrapping his arms around MC in a tight embrace.  Normally the concept of being permanently tied to someone would be unappealing to Asmo, but those qualms became nonexistent when it involved MC.  “I love you so much, MC!  I’ll make you the happiest human in all the three realms as Asmodeus [Last Name]!  Oh wow, my name was already gorgeous by itself, but with your last name added to it, it’s even better!  Come on, let’s get a pre-engagement photo together.  I can’t wait to brag to everyone on Devilgram about this.”  (Since MC already offered him their last name, Asmo decided that he’d be the one to get them an engagement ring.  But if MC buys him one, too, he certainly won’t complain.)
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Beelzebub’s eyes twinkled with pure joy at MC’s promise.  “Really?  I’d like that a lot, MC,” he told them.  His words may have been a bit of an understatement, considering MC’s declaration filled him with so much glee that it was enough to satisfy the seemingly endless void in his stomach.  He couldn’t hold back his wide grin as he took their hands in his own and continued, “When I have your last name, we can finally be our own family.  We’ll wake up together, make breakfast together, go out for lunch together, eat dinner together...  Oh, yeah, I guess we mostly do that already, but it’ll be even more special than it is now.  Hehe, I can’t wait.”  (Despite the frequent distractions of thinking about wedding cake, Beel did take active steps to ensure that he’d be able to actually receive their last name.)
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Belphegor perked up in surprise from MC’s words, the constant nagging urge to sleep vanishing in an instant.  He feared he may have accidentally dozed off mid-conversation and only dreamed of MC wanting him to have their last name.  Fortunately, the look on their face assured him that he had been awake, so his expression softened into genuine delight as he replied, “Okay, I like the sound of that.”  Rather than ending it there, his mischief (and inner excitement) got the better of him, causing him to add, “Although, if you’re planning to give your last name to me, then that also means I can take it anytime I want, right?  Even if it’s sooner than you expect?  Because I might just do that.”  (Belphie now had an unusually high level of motivation to take the next step in his relationship with MC.)
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tangyhululu · 2 years
🪙my favorite om! mammon works 🪙
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minors please dni
fluff ☁️:
just mammon being adorable
fake proposal
forgotten movie night
certified idiots (AHHHHHH I MIGHT HAVE CRIED)
no title but OHOHOHO 🥹🥹🥹
you would look pretty with a ring
mammon being nice to luke 🥹
mc's fall
things mammon would definitely do
devil's luck
painting his nails
playing dress up
to capture a demon's heart
crack 🤡:
when ___ is mad
shut up kiss
lilith's otp
demon form
angst 🌧️:
hes angry...
feels like home
can i stay?
he makes you cry
mature 🔞:
he loves you 🥹
mammon + 👀
THEY'RE BUSES (thats not the actual title lol... anyways him calling mc darlin' im gonna faint and the way the author writes mammon omigosh i just 💗💗💗 #treatingmclikeagoddess #keyboardsmashmoment)
be honest
show me how you like it
>:) (headcanon list)
its always been you
not really a fic and more so an analysis of the relationship between mamo and mc
series by devildomditzy: pacts (not rated yet but the first chapter is GOOD), a little accident (angsty?)
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tangyhululu · 2 years
See You Later
Mammon x GN!Reader - Mod August
The story so far
part 1
part 2
part 3
Side Story - Barbatos
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7 
part 8
part 9
part 10
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tangyhululu · 2 years
mc's ultimate guide to visiting the devildom!!
a comprehensive guide to being an exchange student to the devildom by yours truly, mc.
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ch: diavolo, barbatos, lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor
cw: none (relationships between the characters are meant to be platonic, though i could make a nsfw version of this)
a/n: this is a long ass post ‼️‼️ i tried to be as objective as possible but idk if any biases came through. i also literally thought of this while i was cleaning my bathroom so the idea may be shitty,,, get it?? cause i was,,, cleaning my bathroom,,,, , , the idea may be shitty,,,,,, ,,,, okay so the punchline is that since i was cle-
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wear gloves. for everything
trust your sense of smell. if something smells too good or too bad, get the fuck away from it
write your name on the hem of your clothes
always check if something can be consumed by humans. trust me, you'd rather go hungry for a little longer than grow a limb from your stomach
don't look people in the eye when walking past them. stare straight ahead, shoulders square
learn who you can lie to and who you can't. trust your gut with that, though most demons have tells you'll need to learn
keep track of your health and request check ups from human doctors
generally, don't be afraid to ask for anything. you deserve nice experiences, as well as, ,,, yknow,,,,, checkups
take pictures of everything
don't touch books unless a trusted demon tells you it's okay
don't lose touch with your culture. implement it everywhere, from your room to your food to your music. teach your housemates all you know about it
remember you are surrounded by demons. don't tease them, don't tempt them (unless you have a pact or a pretty decent relationship with them)
the royal family:
the devildom is currently under monarchy. you will only interact with the prince, diavolo, and his butler, barbatos.
diavolo knows. he always has, he always will. don't lie to him
don't be too friendly with him for the first four months
absolutely be friendly with him after those four initial months
between us, he needs friends. and beings who don't treat him like he's fragile.
he likes games of any kind. use that to your advantage
barbatos seems scary, and he is. but you can trust him
do go over for tea if he invites you. he has an affinity for cooking and baking (mostly baking – teach him any cool recipes you may know!), and likes to serve whatever he makes with a warm cup of tea
do not, under any circumstances, even so much as mention anything about rats to him. for interworld peace
diavolo will always come first for him. don't test or question their bond, our brains are probably incapable of perceiving its magnitude
the king is just. there. but like, not even there. currently asleep
the queen is dead (unfortunately, this phrase is not seen as something positive in the devildom. don't ever say it)
the brothers:
probably the ones you'll be living with. then again, maybe not. part of the student council, and diavolo's closest companions (you'll be seeing a hearing a lot from them).
lucifer is... nice. once you get to know him. give him some time
he's very sad, very overworked. kinda like a wet cat with a family to feed. stroke his ego about twice a week and you'll be good
don't put up with what he says if it makes you uncomfortable, and don't be afraid to speak up. if you need backup, go to satan and/or belphegor
he loves music. if you want to get to know him better, ask him if he would like to talk to you about his favourite songs (they're most likely from cursed records, so listening to them is not an option)
mammon will most likely steal from you. again, put your name on everything, take pictures of everything.
the friendliest of all of them, along with beelzebub, and one of the most loyal ones
loud and a tsundere. don't ask how that works. also, very funny (laugh at his jokes even if you don't like them)
he doesn't know what boundaries are. set yours early and don't follow along with his schemes if you don't like them. he's got puppy eyes, don't fall for them
leviathan is an introvert, and antisocial. don't pressure him to talk to you.
if you're dead set in getting closer to him, do it through asking what game he's playing, or what anime he's watching. his interests are the only way he will open up
he will talk a lot if he likes the subject. he also knows every meme out there, so you can be free to say anything
he's very insecure, and will sometimes guilt trip you without realising. stay firm in your beliefs and be honest with him (do not anger him unless you know how to swim)
satan being the avatar of wrath shouldn't scare you. just don't mention anything good about lucifer during the first few months of you being there, and you'll be good
he likes books, and has learnt to be very open with his affections through them. if he likes you, you will know
again, he likes books. want him to like you? ask for recommendations, plots, ideas, poems. he's got you covered
he also loves cats. like, a lot. so if you're not the biggest reader it's time to be the biggest petter
asmodeus is touchy, but he never crosses any boundaries once they're clear to him. if you don't like physical touch, make it clear to him
the first being you should go to if you want to have any sort of physical relationship with someone there. it could be awkward to just... ask, but he's not held back by any prejudice, and would love to help
pay attention to him when he speaks. he may seem like too much sometimes, but he will be even more if you don't look him in the eye and nod (at least).
tell him he's beautiful, cause he is. and also cause who would call aphrodite themselves ugly like??
beelzebub is chill, for the most part. just don't disrespect his family or eat his food.
he's the number one demon to go to when you're having issues and want to vent it out. doubles as someone you could hug after and get a pat on the head from, but only if he's comfortable.
always have a snack in your pocket for him, you'll never regret it (but don't make it a regular thing)
he will eat anything. that is both a warning and a piece of advice.
belphegor can have a sharp tongue, so if you're sensitive it's better to either be vocal about not liking certain things he says or not be around him all together
very knowledgeable about the human world, probably the most out of all the brothers. go to him if you feel homesick
also a scholar. no he won't do your homework for you. yes he will pass every class even though he's asleep in all of them. just don't pick him as your study buddy.
doesn't hide his feelings well – you can tell what he's thinking about just by looking at him
enjoy your stay, little sheep~
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tangyhululu · 2 years
No Dinner For You (Lucifer x GN!MC)
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Warning. (Most of) the Brothers doesn’t care about MC/Reader (the story takes place in season 1 when nobody in HoL gives a damn about MC). Hunger. Slight mention of demon eating human. Please tell me if I miss anything :3
Not thoroughly proofread
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Your first day in the Devildom was hectic. You were dragged down to Hell without your consent and without any prior warning and were forced to participate in an exchange program in order to promote peace between the three realms, the dream and desire of the Demon Prince - Diavolo. Living with you were the seven six demon brothers, who could kill you and eat you on a whim. At the end of the day, you were again dragged into another mess between the second born Mammon and the third born Leviathan, the latter of whom you had to help against the former. Needless to say, you were extremely tired, both physically and mentally.
Right after you managed to find your bedroom on your own (since you were technically abandoned by your caretaker Mammon), you threw yourself on the bed.
It’s so warm and soft. I wish my life down here would be like this bed. You said within yourself as you began to doze off.
You woke up, finding yourself still in the clothes you were in when you were dragged here.
How long have I been asleep? You yawned as you got up from the bed. You had the feeling you forgot something but couldn’t remember what it was.
Suddenly, your stomach grumbled.
Oh right, dinner. You finally remembered what the thing you forgot was. You grabbed your D.D.D and went out of your room, heading to the direction that you believed was the dining room.
However, what greeted you when you exited your room was a dark hallway.
Strange, why is the light not on? You wondered as you tried to find your way through the darkness. After 5 minutes, you reached the dining room but it was also covered in the silent darkness.
Wait, just what’s going on? Are those demons trying to scare me? You asked yourself. Let’s check the kitchen. With that thought you turned back because the kitchen was next to your room.
The kitchen was also covered in darkness. But there was a difference, the darkness didn’t cover everything completely, you could still see the light from the refrigerator. As you walked closer, you could still make out a large figure standing in front of the fridge and you could hear chewing sound.
Since you were in the Devildom, the literal Hell and the kingdom of demons, monsters and abominations of various kinds, you thought it would be better to not alert the creature and turn back.
“Oh, it’s you, MC.” Before you could make your escape, the large creature turned back and discovered you. In the darkness, you could make out the orange hair and a pair of purple eyes.
“Yes, it’s me.” The orange head demon nodded.
“What are you doing alone here in the darkness?” You asked.
“To devour whatever food I can find in the fridge of course. But I could ask you the same, what are you doing here, MC?”
“Well, isn’t it time for dinner? I came to the dining room but found no one there.”
“MC, uh…I think you should check your D.D.D. It’s midnight.”
What? At first, you didn’t want to believe Beelzebub but when you opened your D.D.D to check, you found his words to be true. The phone screen’s time showed 23:59, and you were just in time when it turned 00:00, officially ending your first day in the Devildom.
“So I missed my dinner.” You said as you tried to reassure within yourself that the demons must have left something for you, though even you doubted that.
“Yeah, we thought you didn’t want to eat dinner so we already ate your portion. There’s nothing left of it.”
“Oh, so is there anything left in the fridge?”
“No, nothing left in the fridge. I ate all of them.” Beelzebub answered then walked past you, exiting the kitchen, leaving you and an empty fridge.
Your stomach grumbled again. But you had nothing to satisfy your hunger. You could only hold your abdomen as you went back to your room. Looked like you would have to suffer hunger tonight. No one really cared about you here. You might even be dead for whatever reason that they probably not knowing anything until your body started to decompose and they only found out due to the smell. You wanted to cry but you manage to hold the tears back.
Don’t cry, MC. If you cry over a meal and the uncaring attitude of those demons, how are you gonna survive in Hell for one year? You shouldn’t cry because of those demons, they’re just like society, which doesn’t give a damn about you.
“May I ask what are you doing here, MC?”
You turned around and met a pair of crimson eyes. You knew it to be Lucifer, the eldest of the brothers.
Lucifer frowned when he saw your face. Even though it was dark, demons could see very well in the dark, they are creatures of the darkness after all. And what the Avatar of Pride saw were your red eyes that threatened to turn to two waterfalls at any given moment and quiver lips.
“No, it’s nothing.” You tried to dismiss the issue and walk away but the eldest already blocked your way.
“MC, it’s my duty to take care of your need while you are staying here and not letting you suffer any unjust discomfort. Tell me, what’s troubling you?”
You were unsure why but you felt attracted to the pair of crimson eyes when you looked at them. You felt that you could tell him any difficulty and it would be resolved.
“I’m hungry.” You said.
“Hungry? Didn’t you have dinner with my brothers?”
“I overslept and missed it. Your brothers decided to divide my portion among themselves. Beelzebub ate all the food in the fridge so now I have nothing to eat.”
“I’m sorry that this kind of inhospitality happened, MC. I wasn’t home at dinner and my brothers caused trouble for you. Nevertheless, it’s my fault for letting this kind of situation happened. Please let me make it up for you.”
“Ok.” You weren’t sure how the eldest was going to make it up for you but you agreed anyway, better than refusing and letting yourself suffer.
With your permission, Pride led you to his room, where he took out some high quality delicious dishes and a bottle of wine from a hidden cabinet.
“Wait, you store food in your room?”
“Well, yes. Sometimes, I need to enjoy a peaceful and quiet meal without my brothers’ interference, so I hide some dishes from Ristorante Six, a high end restaurant in Devildom, in there. I hope you will not tell my unruly brothers about this.”
“Ok. You have my word for that.”
“Very well.”
After the first bite, you found yourself eating the most delicious dishes you had ever tasted.
“These dishes are so good.” You praised as you were digging in.
“I’m glad you like Devildom food. Eat more.”
“Aren’t you going to eat? They’re yours after all.”
“No need. This is me compensating for you.”
“You should eat too. Or else I would be feel guilty of eating someone else’s food, being no different from your brothers.”
“Alright, if you insist.”
Then you assumed eating. You didn’t notice the pair of crimson eyes looking at you. The owner of those eyes didn’t care about eating, but only fixing his gaze on you.
It’s a good feeling. Lucifer said within himself and smiled. He even poured a glass of wine, whose name you later learnt to be Demonus, for you, saying the best food should be accompanied with best wine.
The next morning,
“MC, do you like our new chandelier decoration?” The eldest asked when you stepped inside the dining room for breakfast.
You looked above and found the five brothers being hung on the chandelier.
“Why am I hung up here? I have carefully disposed of all the bills. Why?”
“Lucifer, please let me down. I still need to watch that special episode of Ruri-chan.”
“I didn’t cause any trouble or prank you. This is you being prejudice against me.”
“Lucifer, being hung up will harm my skin.”
“So hungry.”
You looked at the decoration for a little while before smiling.
“It’s very peculiar. But I like it.” You said as you went to your seat and sat down.
“All of you,” Lucifer looked up and said, “Reflect on your action last evening.”
“Wait, what did we do?”
“Figure it out yourself.”
Why the others were complaining, the fourth born looked at you and frowned.
“Oi oi, I think it’s about the dinner last night.” Satan whispered to the others as they began to discuss among themselves.
It seemed that you would be receiving many apologies that same day. And it was all thanks to the Avatar of Pride.
Even if it’s out of obligation, at least he cares for my well-being.
Author’s words
I had this idea in my head some months ago before writing it. With the brothers don’t give a damn about us in early season 1, there’s high chance we will have to go hungry and have nothing to eat if we miss a meal or come to the dining room late.
Also, Lucifer having taken a liking of us since the start (evidence in Lesson 2-A normal) also inspires details in this fic.
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tangyhululu · 2 years
The Demon Brothers + Dateables Bodycare
Is it the domestic in me that likes the idea of helping my SO wash up and relax? Probably.
Contents: No warnings, just fluff.
Preens his wings daily, always once in the morning and once more at night.
The whole routine usually involves a shower then carefully running his fingers through his feathers to apply the right oils and get them back into place.
Loose or shed feathers are typically collected then promptly burnt (because Mammon got caught trying to sell them as powerful hex materials a couple centuries ago. He'll be damned a second time before he gets turned into a commodity! )
Before MC arrived, he used to have to go to Asmo for help getting the spots he had a hard time reaching. He'll never admit it, but he still lets Asmo help him from time to time just because he misses the bonding. Asmo is 100% that chatty hairdresser whenever he helps his brothers self-care routines, it's very entertaining.
If MC has the time to help him preen, he'll consider it the highlight of his day! The skin below the feathers is incredibly sensitive, so the feeling of their fingers running through it and knocking away any dead skin makes him purr.
It takes about an hour to get through all four wings though. Fair warning.
Very, VERY protective of his wings. They don't look like much, but what skin and bone are there are delicate af. He once knocked one into a bookshelf and nearly passed out from the pain.
Cleans them every other day. He doesn't use his demon form much, so he doesn't worry about them getting too dirty. That said, if a photoshoot wants him to have them out, he'll make sure to freshen up.
Mammon usually sponges off any dirt on his wings then applies some moisturizer (Asmo recommended of course). Exfoliating dead skin is... well let's say it's a process he takes only with great reluctance so he tries his damnedest to keep them from drying out in the first place.
WHEN exfoliating day comes, he used to only undertake it by himself because he didn't even trust Asmo not to rub his skin so raw that he'd be in agony for weeks. It took months for him to trust MC enough to try it. Though now that he does, he could never go back!
He adores how gently the MC treats his wings and their little check-ups like "Are you okay?" or "Is this too much?" Their attention is fully on him and he lives for it. Sometimes he'll just shyly nudge the exfoliation brush into their hands when he really wants to feel loved that day.
Has the easiest day-to-day upkeep of all the brothers, really. Dunk his tail in some water and boom. Done. It's shedding time that he actually dreads...
About once a season, Levi's tail becomes unbearably itchy as the old skin lifts off to make way for the new. The whole process lasts about a week and he calls it his personal hell.
Levi becomes a completely different person whenever he's shedding. Bitchy, irritable, and extremely quick to lash out. He stays in his room and his brothers just leave his meals outside the door, lest they risk a visit from Lotan...
Everyone, including himself, thought the MC had a death wish when they insisted on helping him but he quickly discovered that it was something he never knew he needed.
He looooves being spoiled by their attention even more than Mammon. He'll sit on their lap and latch himself on like a kola bear while they carefully work to peel the shed off of his tail. Sometimes he games, other times he just quietly basks in them even being there at all. He adores their kindness and it makes things go faster, so really it's a win-win for him all around!
His tail is a bitch to manage so it is one of the many passing irritations that irk him throughout the day.
The bone/scales collect a lot of dirt in hard to see crevices, so when Satan goes to clean it, he often has to pull out Q-tips and metal picks just to get around all those edges. He uses a magnifying glass too, so it can look like he's cleaning up some kind of museum artifact.
He can and will accept help from basically anyone who offers (except Lucifer) and Asmo is very used to him coming in to get the thing cleaned up when he's just too frustrated to do it himself.
Lowkey wishes that MC could just take over Asmo's place as his go-to helper but he doesn't want to burden them.. It takes a good 2-3 hours to get the whole thing clean and he doubts that they have the time for that every day.
Took to the idea of MC helping him the fastest out of anyone, though they needed a bit of training on his part in order to be as proficient at it as him or Asmo. Unfortunately, his tail instinctively responds to his emotions whether he wants it to or not. That means it often wraps around the MC's wrist and won't let go which complicates things...
Obviously the cleanest boy in the House.
Asmo has his self-care routine ON LOCK plus everyone else's to be quite frank. He's always on the lookout for new products or care strategies to help himself or his brothers feel their best (even the ones who don't let him help in person.)
He keeps "Care Kits" for each one of his brothers to use in the event that they have a catastrophic emergency that needs resolved. Seriously, the amount of times that he's had to pluck Lucifer's ripped feathers or cut out matted chunks of Belphie's tail fur is just...
Asmo takes his own wing care very seriously, so much so in fact that he begged Solomon to come up with the "perfect moisturizer" centuries ago which he still sells as part of his own personal product line. Even Mammon can attest to its effectiveness!
Simply loves it when MC comes in to help him! They both know that he doesn't really need it, but there's something so sweet about letting your special someone wash your hair or massage your wings... He'll melt into a puddle every time!
His wings are SO DELICATE. Mammon and Asmo go on and on about how their wings are fragile but Beel has to constantly be sure that his don't straight up break.
You would think that would make him more hesitant to clean them, but not so. In fact, Beel is right up there with Asmo in terms self-grooming as far as his wings are concerned.
The reasons are two-fold. One, because they are so sensitive and temperamental that even a small layer dirt on them feels very irritating. And two, because Beel cares a lot about his body. Not in a vain way, just in a "this is the one I get" sort of way. His fitness goes hand-in-hand with his personal hygiene!
Beel never uses soapy water to clean his wings because it dulls them out and makes them feel sticky... He's much more likely to run a damp washcloth over them a few times a day which seems to do the trick.
He prefers to have Belphie or MC help him over Asmo, as he needs to have a lot of trust in a person to let them touch such a fragile part of his body. It's almost like another bonding exercise between the three as Belphie cleans one wing and MC cleans the other. Just some wholesome pamper Beel time for everybody!
Dirty boy. Filthy boy. Bad Belphie.
Belphie is very much a "I'll only take a bath if my hair gets greasy" kind of guy. Thankfully, Beel or Asmo usually shove him into a bathtub on a semi-regular basis. It's not that he loves filth, he just loses track of the days and baths/showers make him extra sleepy... Somebody has to be around to be sure he doesn't drown.
Unfortunately, that also means his tail care is just pitiful. He'll put off brushing it because he thinks it takes too long, which only leads to it getting matted up and taking even longer to clean up.
Asmo has dragged his sorry ass down to the bathroom many times to hose him down then de-mat his tail like he's a stray dog. Belphie whines the whole time, but lets him because it still beats having to do it himself...
Thankfully, all the MC ever had to do was float out the threat of no more cuddles for him to finally take his hygiene seriously. He may still beg them to "help" him in the bathtub or brush his fur though. He claims it's so relaxing that it put him to sleep, but we all know he was already going to do that anyway...
So we know that he has a legion of servants and a Barbatos to help him keep clean, but I promise you that the MC could come up to him with a dollar store hairbrush and this man would still be over the moon.
He emphatically adores literally any kind of care or grooming the MC gives him. Even if they objectively suck at it, he'll still love it anyway.
Dia could sit for hours, completely content, while the MC brushes the same bit of his hair over and over again. He's in it for the intimacy, so who cares about the results?
He's totally down for anything they want to do to him. Put his hair up in silly clips? Sure. Tie bows and streamers to his wings? Absolutely! Give him middle-school faux tattoos with pens and highlighters?? Which arm do they start with??
Barbatos and Lucifer, however, are NOT totally down for anything that the MC wants to do to the demon prince. So, reign it in, chief, they'll be monitoring them closely...
He doesn't get a lot of time to just take care of himself, so his morning/evening cleaning routines are quite important to him. That includes the care for his tail.
Barbs' tail is more amphibious than it is reptilian like Levi's, so it's actually better for him to wash it sparingly to keep it from drying out.
That said, he is still quite defensive of it. Asmo has tried for eons to get Barbs to let him so much as massage it and has nothing to show for it.
Needless to say, he is quite jealous that the MC gets to hold onto Barbs' tail if he has it out. Even more so that they have helped him wash it once or twice before, but still not often. Barbs doesn't let them abuse their tail privileges, after all.
When Barbs does let himself relax enough for some spoiling, he's very fond of letting the MC just glide and slide their hands along his tail for a little while. He knows the texture is slippery, but warm, and can feel quite nice on the skin so he's certain they enjoy it as much as he does.
Simeon has a similar preening routine to Lucifer as their wings aren't too different, though Simeon wings are much, much bigger. His shirt isn't backless for nothing.
Simeon's wings also feel a lot different from Lucifer's. They're both soft, but it's the difference between stroking wool and petting a cloud, the two just can't compare. Simeon's wing feel light as air but brimming with sheer strength. They're just very impressive all around.
Unlike Lucifer, he doesn't burn his discarded feathers if they need to be plucked. He'll save them and either use them for writing quills or give them out to ill witches because angel feathers can be used to make excellent cure-alls. Solomon sometimes asks for a few as well.
Simeon gets very flustered whenever MC offers to help him preen. The first time they did it, he spent the whole time lightheaded and giddy. It was probably the most intimate part of his body they'd be allowed to touch for a long while, so he soaked in every moment of it.
Is always too shy to ask them for their help directly, but will literally jump at any offer they give him. Sometimes he pulls a Mammon and tries to subtly hint at it by mentioning how much his back is sore or worrying about his feathers outloud... Please help him, he is desperate.
(No Solomon, he is human, but I can assure you he bathes for whatever that's worth.)
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tangyhululu · 2 years
I was thinking to publish my smut fic about threesome with Lucifer and Diavolo but I realised how long it was so... I'm just going to keep it in my draft... I'll make a new one 4 ya! Meanwhile, enjoy my ridiculous headcanons about demons!
warning : one explicit headcanon.
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Beel thought that human is as fragile as an ant so he tried his best not to touch MC (failed, though)
Mammon has a fixation with technology just as much as how Levi enjoyed it
Lucifer have his own collection of S/M toys
Most restaurants in Devildom hang a portrait of Diavolo (it's a thing to hang a portrait of your ruler in any institute)
Satan must have wrote few books and was called an author
Barbatos hates it when someone modified his recipe
Luke once modified it to suit the taste of Micheal and Barbatos wasn't angry, rather sad.
Sometimes, Solomon teleported himself to MC's room without any notice, and MC yelled so hard that all of the brothers broke down MC's bedroom door.
Lucifer actually love hanging people/demon from the ceiling because it felt like he has power over someone's freedom and admiring the way he tied the rope. So he always looking foward when MC causes disaster.
Lucifer like it when someone is obedient yet hard headed. It feels like a challenge to him to keep them.
Luke is terrified of dogs, despite him being called chihuahua
Mammon downloaded the app that can merge his face and MC to see how their will children look like.
Belphegor actually focused in classes and that's why he was so brilliant considering the fact he has never study and always asleep.
Outside class session, Belphegor slept a lot. Even in recess, he preferred to sleep rather than eating.
MC was once bullied by the demons in the class. Mammon then came into MC's class and preached about racism. (followed by Satan and Beel)
MC must got a lot of hates from the fangirls of the brothers in Devildom
Lucifer will be the type of guy who only post announcements regarding RAD in social media.
Beelzebub had his account on private.
Diavolo has disguised himself as a normal demon once when going out of town
There are female demons out there who have crushes on Simeon
Mammon always gets anonymous cute note and presents under his desk. It was from the demons who had a crush on him
Lucifer actually aware of demons who had a crush on him. He usually will become extremely intimate with MC when his fangirls are near, just to amuse himself with their jealousy.
Mammon watched conspiracy theories
Satan tried to solve mysteries in human world like missing plane
Asmodeus once took a photos of him and MC together in his room, which cause a sensation in Devildom. It's safe to say that Lucifer didn't let MC out from the HoL because of paparazzis camping outside, waiting for MC to give comments about that post.
Mammon was the only brother that always commented on Asmodeus's post and Asmo always pinned it.
Levi watched hentai, Mammon watched porn, Satan read smut while Lucifer indulge in explicit audios.
Before MC stayed in HoL, the brothers (except Lucifer, Belphie and Satan) have a tendency to only wear shorts in the house. Eversince MC stayed in HoL, Lucifer made a new rule to always clothed in the house.
Satan never knew about hairless cat, until MC showed him.
Lucifer have a power to fix things yet he rarely use it to teach his brothers to handle their ugly consequences without depending on his magic.
please wait for my upcoming fics! Meanwhile at that, check out my other works!
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tangyhululu · 2 years
Could you do the brothers with a vampire Mc? Like they need blood and the brothers feed them and everything, but I would like the reactions of each brother, but if you don't want to do every brother I would be fine with Lucifer, Mammon, Satan and Belphie, of course only if you want to🙂(sorry if I made any mistakes, English it's not my first language)
Ummmmm ABSOLUTELY I can. I love vampires, so much. I have one of the old Obey Me cards where MC and Levi get temporarily turned into vampires, and...love that card so much. I will always be down for vampire content. So thank you for this suggestion! And your english is great! No problems whatsoever!
The Devildom's Unexpected Undead
TW: Blood (Kinda comes with the territory of vampires).
With a flash, the program began. Diavolo opened his arms wide in welcome, inviting the new exchange student to his realm with a royal flourish. "Welcome to the Devildom," his voice boomed in glee. The rest of the student council in their seats by his side, staring down at the chosen human.
Of course, they all expected the confused look that came with being unexpectedly summoned. So when MC frantically looked around them, they didn't spy anything out of the ordinary. "Where am I?" They asked, checking off the box of questions the brothers had already planned to answer.
"You are in the realm of demons," Lucifer replied, getting a hint of something...off about them, but then again he wasn't an expert on humans anyway. "Feel proud, for you have been selected to represent humans in our exchange program."
All of the Sins had prepared different reactions. 'Demons?' The human might've screamed. 'Exchange Program?' They would've questioned. But what the demons didn't expect was for the new student to laugh in surprise. "Human?" All they did was stare and observe each one of the demons, trying to wait for them to laugh in return. None of them did. Either someone didn't do their research well enough when making the decision, or they must've blended into society a little too well.
"Yes," Diavolo went on with the explanation, a hint of hesitation in his voice, confused as to why the human was acting this way. "We have created a program with the desire to learn and grow closer with the separated realms. The mortal, demonic, and celestial realms. You are one of the two representatives for the mortal realm."
"Seriously?" MC's eyes went wide, a humorous tug to their lips, the smile fading when no one else seemed to think this was as hilarious as they did. "Well...uh, I hate to break the news to you…but I'm far from mortal."
This wasn't according to plan...Curious, Satan spoke amongst his brothers. "What exactly do you mean by that?"
"Well, I suppose I could technically count as human, compared to demons and angels anyway--speaking of, nice to meet you all, heard a lot about you. I was born a human, but uh, due to a series of certain events... I’m a vampire.” 
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They had to be joking, right? Who was in charge of gathering the information on the humans again? He would have to make sure they were fired. Promptly. A vampire? This totally threw off his perfectly made plan. There weren’t enough preparations to accommodate to a vampire! 
After he got over the initial shock of it all, he quickly adapted. After all, his brothers and Diavolo had gotten him adjusted to quickly changing plans. He would act like it wasn’t a big deal and get everything worked out right away. Simply a...minor inconvenience for someone such as him. He could work it out.
Getting enough human blood to sustain a vampire for an entire year would be difficult...
At the start, he managed, working with Diavolo to bring down a supply-- ethically sourced --for them to subsist off of, denying their curious requests to try Demon blood for a change. Who knew what kind of affect that would have? He would not risk it. 
As long as they follow the rules and keep up with their grades like any student, he doesn’t care what they are. At least he doesn’t have to worry about their safety as much as a normal human. And with no sun in the Devildom, he doesn't have to worry about them potentially bursting into flame.
Although they can occasionally give him a monstrous sized headache to the point where he wonders if a normal human would be easier. They nearly gave him a heart attack the first time he found them hanging upside down from the chandelier in the library. And that time they jumped off the roof of RAD just to turn into a bat at the last second and fly away. And the many, many blood stains he's had to clean...
He was worried at first about the exchange program, since they were counting on human culture, but they ended up getting a good deal. Since they lived among humans, they could still contribute in that regard, and now all of them were learning more about vampires as well. A pleasant surprise.
Although, they have been making plenty of unannounced visits to his office as of late, standing behind the door, encouraging him to welcome them inside...And sometimes he swears he can feel their eyes looking at him when he feels he’s alone. 
It’s driving him crazy. 
So fine. Fine. If they stop practically hunting him down, he’ll allow them to try his blood. If anyone could take their possibly frenzy, it would be him. But if anything goes wrong, he is not to blame. 
He makes sure they’re alone in his office, his jacket off his shoulders, the tie off and the first top buttons undone. They are not allowed to make a mess, else they risk further punishment.
The first time they did this, he worked on paperwork at the same time, figuring he'd think nothing of it, because why would he?
...He quickly found out that trying to do both at the same time was a futile effort. 
After that first moment, with their curiosity sated, he told them that MC was now only to have the human blood he would provide for them. None of this begging for demon blood nonsense. After he got to know them a little more, perhaps he allows them to partake what they so strongly desire as a treat, but only if they've been on their best behavior.
A VAMPIRE? Doesn’t that mean they’re undead?! Like a ghost or somethin’?! I mean, he’s not scared at all. Why should he be? It’s not like he’s heard of them in any scary stories or anything...not at all...
Why does he have to take care of the vampire first?! Make someone else do it! How is he supposed to sleep knowing they're around?
He’s extra wary around them for a while, doing his best to avoid them, but after a time, he quickly figures out that they’re not quite like the stories he’s heard. Besides, he’s a demon. Other humans were the ones that needed to be afraid...He wonders how Solomon feels. Good thing the other human is staying with the angels. 
He does enjoy MC’s super-human speed. Being the fastest of the demon brothers himself, he spends a large portion of his days imagining all the fun things and the trouble they can cause with both of them running around. Plus, it drives Lucifer up the wall. A win/win. 
With Lucifer making sure MC was properly fed, he nearly forgot about their more...bloodthirsty desires.
The day they managed to make a pact together was the first day they asked if they could have some of his blood. Said it would help bond them further, trying to convince him that it was a vampiric pact of sorts. He still doesn't know how true that was.
He denied at first, said that there was no way he was going to be some dead-human’s juice box! No way in the seven hells! Suave...But they kept asking.
Eventually, they gambled for it. A simple coin toss. Heads meant MC got to try his blood and tails meant Mammon could ask them to do anything they wanted. 
Now that was a deal he didn’t want to refuse...if only he knew what he was getting himself into. 
He lost obviously. 
But was it truly a loss? 
He had been terrified at first actually, sitting on the edge of his bed, fidgeting like some nervous child waiting for a shot at the doctor's office. This was it. This was his demise. All for some coin toss. He faced his room while he let MC come up behind him, finding it a little easier if he didn't see them coming.
Good thing he made that decision, because right after he felt that initial sting, he was glad no one could see his heated face.
He avoided them for a long while after that.
But he eventually came back around, casually asking if they were feeling hungry. Just because he was curious. No other reason. As long as they don't go to any of his other brothers for...snacks.
OMG! A for real serious vampire? He’s only seen them in anime and video games! They’re like...a legendary version of a human! Kinda. Super rare pull! 
Can they turn into a bat? Please say they can turn into a bat!
He was pretty uninterested at the idea of a human staying with them to begin with. Other than making decent video games and anime, they seem so boring otherwise. Even more normie than he considered his fellow demons to be. But a vampire? That's a game changer! So different!
MC's just not like the other humans.
Although, he doesn't really have the courage like everyone else to just walk up and ask them questions. He's better off staying in his room and figuring stuff out online first, so he doesn't look like more of an idiot than he feels like he is.
He only starts to really ask them questions after they make a pact together. He relates everything he knows to anime he's seen, and it turns out, not too much of it is far off.
He encourages them to do vampire things almost more than Mammon does, which comes at a surprise from everyone in the House.
Plus he can relate to shutting himself inside his room until it's safe to come out, although his is...self inflicted of course, but he can know how it feels! He's almost disappointed there's no sun here...Not that he wants them to get hurt at all! But it would be nice knowing someone else needed to hide...so they could hide with him. Or that's just what he's seen in anime anyway!
To be honest, ever since he knew MC was a vampire, the thought had been on his mind...getting bitten...Which is totally supposed to be Asmo's department! So why is he thinking about it so much?!
Probably for the best though...his blood is probably no good...disgusting...
He obviously overthinks the situation way too much.
Eventually, MC comes to him, noticing the way he seems to act when they're around. They can tell what he wants...and they would be lying if they said they didn't want the same.
He almost passed out the first time it happened...falling to the floor. So they always make sure he's lying down now usually just on his floor.
He can never look at them when they drink, either turning his head or fully using his hands to cover his eyes and face.
No matter how long he knows them, he still can't directly tell them he wants to help feed them, but most nights he'll leave the door open for them just a crack.
Heh. He loves when Lucifer get’s that subtle look on his face that a plan has gone awry. 
Aside from that, this is fascinating. Sure, it was something none of them were expecting, but this was a perhaps once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn all about vampires from one firsthand! 
“Do you actually sparkle?” 
“...Are...Are you serious about that? No.” 
“Hm, I thought I read that somewhere.” 
He’s not worried about them in the least. He actually spends what time he can learning about them, their history, their abilities, everything. After all, this program was supposed to be about learning. He’s pleased to find that MC is just as curious as he is, seeing as they missed out on the whole ‘dying and shuffling onto a different plane of existence.’ 
They also apparently can turn into a bat. Which isn't quite the same as cat, but...still very cute. You don't always get the opportunity to pet a bat.
Why is there a little perch in his room? No reason.
They’re also very, very interested in his blood, which he’s not surprised about. He...would be lying if he said he wasn’t either. 
Would it hurt them? Enhance them? Had a vampire ever tried before? They could be on the verge of a brand new discovery! He had to be the first to find out for himself. 
He's one of the only ones to ask them himself, not needing them to come to him first. He's not ashamed. He's doing this for the pursuit of knowledge. Plus, Lucifer keeps telling them they're not allowed to try demon blood and he always tries to do the opposite of what his older brother wants.
He had everything prepared. Human blood should they need it afterwards if their body rejected his, bandages should he need it, and most definitely a journal to write down everything that happened. 
Only...his mind went blank the first time it happened...and he could hardly recall any details afterwards other than the general sensations. It was all such a blur...He was so out of it for a minute, when his mind cleared up, MC was already gone. He would've wondered if it actually happened were it not for the little mark left behind.
He’d just have to try it again...however many times he needed till he knew everything about it. 
A vampire, huh? You know what that means. 
Needless to say, Asmo is perfectly fine with this. Although...is it true about the whole ‘no reflection’ thing? He thinks he heard that somewhere in the myths. If that’s the case...that’s too sad! 
Turns out a large portion of the Devildom still carried silver-backed mirrors...Poor MC. He has to go out and buy them a modern one! But at least they can see themselves in selfies no matter where they are!
Also turns out that vampires have some form of mind control! Well, more of an extreme influence really. It usually works on humans only, but he knows MC has tried it all on them a few times. He's felt the familiar pull of allure from them on more than one occasion. On some of his brothers, it actually works. Mostly on Mammon and Levi, but he thought he did catch MC getting Lucifer to kneel down and tie their shoes for them once. So proud!
Of course, those powers don’t work on him at all. He is the master of mental influence after all. People just can’t resist him!
…Except MC. 
No matter how many times he asks, they won’t bite him! 
As soon as they said they were a vampire, he told them it was okay! He was ready! He was waiting! He was wanting! Listen, he's no stranger to bites, but there was supposed to be something particularly special about vampire ones! And not even he had gotten one from a vampire yet!
Who know he'd feel this jealous?
He spends every day for a while trying to tempt them. He wears clothing that fully exposes the neck and shoulders, tries to use his own powers on them only to find they don't work, he even tried to take some of their human blood away during dinnertime so they'd be desperate, and still nothing!
At this point he wonders if they're doing it on purpose. There's a certain glint in their eye when they tell him they're not hungry, turning away from him.
What is this?...Is he being toyed with? This is SO not supposed to be the way this goes!
Eventually, he gives up. He declares to everyone at dinner that he has a special event coming up tomorrow which means he needs to look absolutely perfect! No wrinkles, no dry spots, and no markings! So of course, as soon as his mind is finally away from the idea of MC's bite, he feels a fiery sting.
Let's just say he feels it was worth the wait. Only, now he never wants to wait. Luckily MC is done teasing him for so long.
Vampire...vampire...That’s a human turned monster right? He’s heard stories about them here and there, mostly information he’s heard from Satan, and maybe a little bit in class. 
The only thing he can really remember about them was that they didn’t eat. They only could live off of blood. If that was true...that was terrible. Not being able to eat? At all? He would have to ask them and see if that was true. Could they really live off of blood alone? I mean, he knows blood can be tasty, but only being able to have it? 
He doesn’t really care that much if they’re a vampire or not. He doesn’t see how much of a difference that makes. They’re still a student of the program, right? They were born in the human realm and lived among humans right? That’s fine. 
He forms a quicker bond with them than he expected despite not being able to share the same food. Vampires can get to the point where their hunger for blood is all they can think of, right? Their hunger is almost endless? He understands what that’s like...and he’s glad someone else understands him. 
So when they inevitably found themselves on a rampage when their blood supply was empty, he was the first to step in and solve the issue, picking them up off another demon before they became lunch and holding them until he felt their teeth sink into his skin.
They could have some of his blood if they needed. He didn’t mind. He likes knowing that they're getting well fed.
It is funny, he thinks, how he's the one being eaten. He has nightmares like that a lot where his favorite cheeseburgers become monsters and eat him in revenge. He hates dreams like that, but MC drinking from him is fine. It's pretty nice actually.
He and Asmo are the only two that let MC drink from them in public, although the both of them for very different reasons...mostly...sometimes for the same reason.
He never wants MC to be hungry, so any time they feel even a little snacky, that's what he's there for. He never feels weak after they drink either. He's got plenty of blood to go around.
Sometimes he likes to eat at the same time MC does from him. He wonders if it makes his blood extra tasty.
Well...That’s certainly a twist, isn’t it? No matter. Born a human, still a human...although that train of thought didn’t really work when compared to him and his brothers...It's not like they were still angels...
Meh. Details shmetails. 
Kinda ruined his original plans though. But he can adapt. He just has to do a bit of...extra research and put in a little more effort. If you know you know. 
Once he gets the chance to learn more about them, and without the ulterior motives, he’s pretty fascinated. Although...he has a terribly rough time trying to get them to sleep. Apparently they’ve hardly rested a wink since they’d been down here. No sun means not having to worry about bursting into flames. And it seems constantly being fed with human blood and demon blood from his brothers has just given them constant energy. MC can finally be up when everyone else is, and they’ve absolutely been taking that to their advantage. 
Which he hates. Watching someone just run around without sleeping just rubs him the wrong way. MC indulges in everyone else sin, why not his?
Even if he holds onto them and never lets them go, he can still feel their restless mind. How is he supposed to nap with them in this condition?
Does he have to order an extra large coffin? Because he will if that’s what it takes to finally have a nap with them. Sounds like it could be pretty cozy in there actually. 
Little would you know that his plan actually worked. They both managed to fit inside the coffin, and as soon as the lid shut, he could feel them finally start to get tired.
What he did not plan for was the fact that he was now in a tight confined space with a vampire who may or may not be like his brother and get a bit peckish right after they've had a nap.
Although, to be fair he didn't feel the bite the very first time. He was so deep in sleep he remembered nothing other than a very pleasant dream. He didn't even notice when he woke up. One of his brothers pointed out a little mark that had not been there before the nap.
Maybe accidently getting nibbled on by Beel has gotten him used to such things...
But he's still a bit sulky they didn't wait till he was awake.
He makes sure that they drink from him before they fall asleep. They both end up sleeping better that way...
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