tangelo-jay · 4 days
"how did you forget XYZ?!" I didn't, I didn't include it because it would wreck the curve. If you think one was left off in error, pick one of the provided choices and then leave your suggestion in the tags
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tangelo-jay · 4 days
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tangelo-jay · 4 days
Looks like you guys got hit by some ratfuckery as expected from the Trump Party. All of those who plan to vote by mail buckle up because many of your ballots could be thrown out. Corruption at its finest. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4880186-pennsylvania-supreme-court-ballot-reversal/
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tangelo-jay · 4 days
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tangelo-jay · 4 days
Okay so I should probably start uploading my oil paintings here.
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tangelo-jay · 4 days
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tangelo-jay · 4 days
One should always have at least 2 craft projects going. That way, when one of them is messed up and misbehaving, you can switch to another, and let the first one sit there and think about what it's done.
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tangelo-jay · 5 days
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Origami by Toyoaki Kawai, Japan, 1982 
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tangelo-jay · 6 days
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tangelo-jay · 6 days
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Barrister wishes everyone a safe and peaceful Caturday😻🐈‍⬛🐾❤️😸
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tangelo-jay · 6 days
oh my god finally I found it, the original audio
years I have spent convinced the other video wasn't the original source with absolutely no evidence and now I am vindicated
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tangelo-jay · 7 days
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tangelo-jay · 7 days
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My contribution for black cat Friday. He likes to be a part of the dinner making process. 
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tangelo-jay · 7 days
A list of things that have gone wrong recently
Dad getting covid and then giving me and my mom covid. Fortunately, though, we're all recovering.
Fairly minor but I dropped my Owala bottle on the sidewalk and the lid broke off the top with no hope of putting it back on.
Air fryer stopped working. Fortunately (/unfortunately) my mom has a terrible habit of buying too many kitchen gadgets and then just putting the older ones "in storage" because "they're still good yet" but "this one's newer and better." So there's another one we ended up using.
Regular oven decided to take a crap too. Dad's not good at going around to find the soonest available/yadda yadda and was like "Yeah sure an October delivery will be fine." No it won't be. Go look at a different store. Don't fucking settle for bullshit.
The SECOND air fryer stopped working. There.....apparently is a 3rd in the house. Haven't tried it yet. Don't have a lot of hope for it.
Whatever the doohickey is that keeps your car trunk from just falling and clunking you on the head? Yup. That broke too. On it's own. Out of fucking nowhere. Don't worry, I got my arm up in time.
Can this shit PLEASE stop happening now? I'd very much like it to, thank you.
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tangelo-jay · 7 days
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On the roof of a building (any kind of building)
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tangelo-jay · 7 days
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Little Treasures: an old key that doesn't go to anything anymore
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tangelo-jay · 7 days
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Spangle-cheeked Tanager
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