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The Facade of a Faceless Man
The Facade of a Faceless Man
I am the facade of a faceless man. I do not exist. I am the projection of other people’s perspective of me. I exist to read people. I do things to get the best reading from them. I do things that I think they want me to do or they expect me to do. I do things that may give me a face. But I remain faceless, wearing a versatile mask which morphs into the desires of the people in front. I am the…
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FOWC - Somewhere - Flash Fiction
FOWC – Somewhere – Flash Fiction
Somewhere someone will be waiting for me. In an abandoned bar or a dying restaurant someone will be waiting for me. Someday somewhere I’ll enter a grocery store and find someone waiting for me. Somewhere maybe a bartender would be aggressively cleaning a glass fantasising about me walking into his bar unaware. Somebody somewhere will be waiting for me.
The fucking annoyance that comes with…
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The Muse
The muse is a clever mistress. It gives him just what he wants. Something to pen down. And he does as his mistress commands. He pens it down into a clear discernable something. Something something something. Something so inexplicable that it’s purpose of existence is only clear to him and him alone and even though he is a slave of the muse, he can’t explain why this something exists and why only…
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Write about the truth for a minute.
Write about the truth for a minute.
Write the truth for a minute. Write about the world. Write about the beauty of the world and the blood with which the portrait is painted. Write about how wonderful and breathtaking the valleys are and forget how much breath was stolen for you to be able to experience this. Write about the truth just for a minute. Write about the growth of the global metropolis and the evergreen forests and…
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OnlineBookClub Review : The Margin Of Error
OnlineBookClub Review : The Margin Of Error
I finally joined OnlineBookClub.org and posted my first review.
Check it out here –
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Blog Tour - Sangre: The Wrong Side of Tomorrow Excerpt
Blog Tour – Sangre: The Wrong Side of Tomorrow Excerpt
Today I’d like to share with you an excerpt of the book ” Sangre: The Wrong Side of Tomorrow ” by Carlos Colón, as part of the blog tour organized by Blackthorn Book Tours.
BLURB: The Story of a Reluctant, Undead Vigilante
The harrowing saga of Nicky Negron’s tortured soul continues as the inner and outer demons shadowing Newark, New Jersey’s undead vigilante have no intention of letting him…
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Flash Fiction: The Outside
This is written from the Tale Weaver prompt given here – link.
Remembring what the outside looks like beyond the sight of the windows was a feat that I was no longer capable of. The outside had become the equivalent of a fantastical land with all sorts of dangers in my time.
Today I went outside. Damn me, I went outside. To gather supplies. And just as I thought and refused to accept, there…
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Flash Fiction: Battle of Newbies
My attempt at the Flash Fiction Challenge over at Carrot Ranch – link
The King had decided to try and break the siege. No one believed it’ll work. But he was the king and following the king even if you know you’d die is the kind of stuff they’d agree to do around here. So tomorrow, they were gonna break the siege.
Aion didn’t care about such treasonous opinions, all he wanted was to live and die…
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Flash Fiction :
My first attempt at a Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge. The prompt –

Take-out. Always took it for granted. Never thought of take-out as a luxury. But in the aftermath, it has become a luxury, just like all the other edibles. The price of these had been amplifying day by day and usually, it wasn’t worth it. The farm, meagre as it was, provided enough to not have to pay the price.
But it was…
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Blog Tour: Prophet's Journey Book Review
Blog Tour: Prophet’s Journey Book Review
SPOILER FREE ! Buy Prophet's Journey here
About the Author
Originally from South Amboy NJ, Matthew has been creating science fiction and fantasy worlds for most of his reasoning life. Since 1996, he has developed the “Divergent Fates” world in which Division Zero, Virtual Immortality, The Awakened Series, The Harmony Paradox, the Prophet of the Badlands series, and the Daughter of Mars seriestak…
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ESCAPE - An interview with Susan K. Hamilton
ESCAPE – An interview with Susan K. Hamilton
Hi people, good to be back on the blog. To start off again, here is an interview with SFF author Susan K. Hamilton about her latest anthology book, ESCAPE.
Below is an author bio of Susan: Susan K. Hamilton is the author of three novels in the fantasy genre: Shadow King, Darkstar Rising, and The Devil Inside (forthcoming in 2019). Shadow Kinglanded on the Top Ten finalist list of the 2016…
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Christmas Party - Finish the Story 2
Christmas Party – Finish the Story 2
Here’s the second story in the series.
Ritu Bhathal
Ritu Bhathal was born in Birmingham in the mid-1970’s to migrant parents, hailing from Kenya but with Indian origin. This colourful background has been a constant source of inspiration to her.
From childhood, she always enjoyed reading. This love of books is mostly credited to her mother.
The joy of reading spurred her on to become creative in…
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A Leap in the Dark - Finish the Story 2
A Leap in the Dark – Finish the Story 2
Here’s my first story for this collab and the second overall. You can check out the first one here – Writer’s Block . The prompt is by Sascha Darlington.
Sascha Darlington
Tech writer, creative writer and book blogger from Washington, DC
Blog – Sascha Darlington’s Microcosm Explored
Blog – https://saschadarlington.me Twitter ID – www.twitter.com/darling_sascha
Prompt – A non-risk-taking writer…
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Who is Azor Ahai?
Who is Azor Ahai?

Azor Ahai is the prophesied hero of the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. Over the course of five books, other companion books and the tv series many information about the prophecy of Azor Ahai or The Prince that was Promised is revealed, but the identity of Azor Ahai himself remains a mystery.
Most people believe the hero to be Daenerys or Jon Snow and there are…
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If the title and the photo weren’t indications enough, there’s a finish the story 2 thin going on here.
We’re back with another round of bloggers, another round of prompts and this time it’s exclusively flash fiction.
Prompts under 20 words, with stories of under 250, starting from 11th May. I’ll be sharing all the stories on my Twitterand you can always check out my take on the prompts on the…
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1984 - Book Review
1984 - Book Review The evergreen allegory from the vastly opinionated George Orwell lives forever as a cautionary tale warning us about the importance of the existence of individuality in a larger society.

Click here to check out 1984 on Book Depository
About the Author
Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pen name George Orwell, was an English author and journalist. His work is marked by keen intelligence and wit, a profound awareness of social injustice, an intense opposition to totalitarianism, a passion for clarity in language, and a belief in democratic socialism.
‘Who controls the…
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Animal Farm - Book Review
Animal Farm – Book Review

Click here to check out Animal Farm on Book Depository
About the Author
Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pen name George Orwell, was an English author and journalist. His work is marked by keen intelligence and wit, a profound awareness of social injustice, an intense opposition to totalitarianism, a passion for clarity in language, and a belief in democratic socialism.
A farm is…
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