Talontale AU
12 posts
An Undertale AU with dragons instead of monsters. It is a work in progresses. Master Posts: Fan fiction, World, Characters
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talontaleau · 7 years ago
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For week two’s theme of “Interesting Places to Rest” I thought of a dragon AU like my TalonTale. I love the idea of dragon Sans cuddling up to a fluffy Toriel dragon who wraps around him. She has to be one of the best cuddle buddies. They are snuggled on a mountainside, that overlooks a forested valley.
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
Some minor things about personalities
Been thinking about the personalities of the characters. By no means do I want to do any drastic changes. I love the characters, and don’t want to mess them up. But, I think for this AU, some small twinks will help them all be more dragon like.
Like always: Questions, Suggestions, and Comments about this or other aspects of this AU are always welcome!
Asgore: He was the first that made me think of this. I consider Dragon King Asgore having a slight aggressive edge. He is king, after all, and most likely had to compete for the rights to that title. But, he is still gentle hearted, and the sweet fluff monster we all know and love. Just don’t cross him or mess with his little ones. He’s not one to start of fight, but he sure will end it... And in his anger and grief, he will, without hesitation, declare war against human kind. Just, normal Asgore, but would react to getting pushed by the human with a disciplining smack upside the head.
Toriel: She’s pretty much the same, just more aloof. If you’re not young and/or helpless there is a good chance she wants nothing to do with you. She is smart, witty, quick with a joke, pun, or riddle; but she is not keen on socializing. This trait only got worse after leaving her long time mate, Asgore, for the Ruins.
Sans: In this AU, there are a lot of dangerous things that would attack the human, and even a dragon. Especially if the dragon is smaller than most, and has a weak defense. Sans with his 1 in every stat is an easy target, and when he isn’t around his brother, Toriel, or in the safety of his lair, he can be a little jumpy. Not the the extreme, though, but he is alert. (And if you put a cucumber behind him, when he isn’t paying attention, when he sees it he would jump.) Still, he has a calm, cool, demeanor which masks his alert nature. He’s still prone to random naps, but will do so in a position he could easily bolt from, or hidden among a pile of bones.
Mettaton: I wouldn’t change much from him, other than his prideful behaviors have a more sophisticated edge to them. He is a dragon with high standards.
Alphys: I wouldn’t change much, story would explain why she seems to lack some dragon traits. But I would say, she is proud of her hoard and would be inclined to show it to the human.
Undyne: She is still loud, stomps around, prone to outbursts. But with her bio-luminescence, when she is “hunting,” she is surprisingly stealthy, and very deadly.
Papyrus: ... nothing, Pap is the perfect dragon the way he is. Granted, he could afford to have some typical dragon laziness. (I’m sure Sans would appreciate it) But I don’t think he would be as fun if he did. ...maybe he sleeps... like longer than a nap sleep. Maybe a 6 hour rest period of sleep every other week or something.
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
Talontale Fan Fiction Master Post
This is a master list for the Fan Fictions for Talontale. If you write one send a link or submit it so it can be added here.
Chapter Stories:
one in the works ;3
Short Stories:
Stories by: Topaz Shadowwolf
Only One Of You Characters: Sans and Toriel (strong hint of Soriel) Summary: Sans promised to go flying with Toriel, but he’s feeling unwell. 
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
Update to Characters
Starting to think about some of the minor characters.
Gerson = A large dragon turtle with a miniature environment on his back. He looks like he is part of the scenery when he is resting, as is scale is covered in grasses, trees, shrubs, and even animals living  on him. He is an old and wise turtle, and he used to be very dangerous; now, though, he would rather not fight.
Grillby = In truth he's not that that large. He is a small fire Salamander, which humans often mistook for being fire elementals. His magical strength and control allows him to make a fiery body around him. He can appear as anything, but he prefers to look like an adult dragon made of flames.
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
Update and Announcement
Okay, the announcement first. I have... I have started writing a TalonTale story... Chapters will be short, updates spaced out due to other projects taking priority. And I if there was any question, yes, Soriel will be a thing.
Now the updates are for Toriel, Asgore, and dragon Asriel
Toriel and Asgore = Falcor/eastern style dragons. Falcor was my inspiration for them, though with traits that define them. Like goat horns that are pure white. Their fur normally white and has a pearly sheen. In the right light they can make them stand out and shimmer when flying. This can be controlled though, and their coats can take a matted looked and even darken for camouflage. When upset (for example: angry, sad, depressed) their fur will lose the glossy look and also gray. The longer they are upset or the more upset they are the darker it gets until they look like a stormy sky. When they roar it is like thunder, stunning most foes and causing the earth to tremble. They are capable of sitting on clouds, and are dragons that prefer being in the sky. They can let their magic flow into the cloud they are on to allow a friend or ally to sit with them. Toriel: has a white pearly sheen and deep red eyes. Asgore: has a golden cream pearly look to his coat, golden beard and mane, eyes are a dark red with some orange to it. Asriel: Silvery pearly look to his fur, and bright red eyes. (Older Asriel's black markings still have a pearly look to, but it is rainbow colored.)
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
A few things I want to say:
1. While I will claim TalonTale, I am opening up content creation to fans of AU. I do plan on writing my own story/stories eventually, but right now I’m a bit busy. The only thing I really ask is that any major details that define this AU stay the same. So, if there is one or two little things you dislike about my ideas for this AU you don’t need to follow them. Or if you want to just write a story or create some art that stands out from the rest by making a few alterations, again, that is fine.
2. If you do create anything Talontale related let me know so I can reblog or link it. (I don’t think I need to say this, but just in case: Please bare in mind this is TalonTALE. If it falls into the “tail” category I’d rather not read or see it. I will not be reblogging or linking it. I would like to keep this blog around the “teen” rating.)
3. I do not plan on doing any kind of ask story, or anything like that, but for now I will allow direct asks to characters. This allows both you and me get a better understanding of them. (All ask will be answered in the time before Frisk, still working on that one) And, of course, you can always just ask me if it is a general question.
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
Update Made
Alphys =  Alphys is a bipedal drake that is similar in style to a raptor, just cute and chubby. She wears goggles to protect her eyes and correct her poor vision. Her front claws have shorter talons and her thumbs is more dexterous compared to the larger dragons. Alphys built Mettaton’s clockwork body. She likes the steampunk style and actually made a outfit, with Mettaton’s help with design.
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
Hey dragons? Can monsters/dragons die of a broken heart? Is it possible for monsters/dragons to die of sadness? Emotions can either increase or decrease the production of important hormones such as adrenaline. Adrenaline has the effect of narrowing the main arteries, putting a person in a situation where they may die of heart failure. Humans can die of sadness and a broken heart. I just wanted to know about the monsters/dragons can die of sadness and a broken heart.
Wow, this question is still being asked? Okay... let’s see.
As someone who has studied physiology I can tell you that, yes, narrowing of the main arteries is not healthy in over an extending period of time. What it is good for is survival since it is part of the stress response. The stress response helps you get through whatever is threatening you whether it is a tiger chasing you or a book report due tomorrow. And while stress wont kill you, poor coping and understanding of stress over an extended period of time will. (Watch this video about stress and you’ll understand)
This is true for a broken heart or sadness.  For dragons, I don’t think the broken heart or sadness kills them, though it will weakens them for a period of time. What I do think would kill them is poor coping. Considering that Asgore and Toriel would have had their hearts broken with Asriel died, and they are still alive, I think it would depend on how the dragon reacts. Both of these dragons/monsters had a reason to carry on. While both still grieve for their son, and Chara, they didn’t let this sadness swallow them up.
A dragon who mourns but carries on, or finds a new goal or hope, will survive even though they still may be sad. In comparison, a dragon that let’s the sadness take over their life will not be healthy. They may not hunt and starve. They may be stressed and have cardiovascular problems. They may be susceptible to illness due to weakened immune systems and poor self care.
Basicially: If the dragon let the sadness consume them, then yes, it would kill them. But it is not the broken heart that kills them. It would be a secondary condition(s) caused by the broken heart.
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
Had a thought, want some opinions. Would it be cool if sea dragon Undyne’s red areas were able to light up with bio luminescence? They could even flicker when she is angry, or something like that.
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
This is what we have on the characters so far. There is still so much more to build. Feel free to send asks about them.
Main Characters:
Undyne = sea serpent, bio luminescent that reflects her skills in cyan and green magic by flashing and shimmering between those colors. She also has normal dark blue coloring with red markings. (Undyne the undying has red bioluminescence lighting) Long, flowing, back fin that starts on her head and ends at tail tip. Long, slender, though muscular body. Head fins and clawed feet that work well on land. When swimming she tucks them to her sides, though they are webbed. Lost her eye in a fight and proudly wears the battle scars from it.
Hoards: human weapons and armor, secretly hoards music and music players.
Alphys =  Alphys is a bipedal drake that is similar in style to a raptor, just cute and chubby. She wears goggles to protect her eyes and correct her poor vision. Her front claws have shorter talons and her thumbs is more dexterous compared to the larger dragons. Alphys built Mettaton’s clockwork body. She likes the steampunk style and actually made a outfit, with Mettaton’s help with design.
Sans and Pap = They are like gaster blaster dragons, except Sans is small and round with small wings and pap is like a whippet in shape. When they fly, and the sun hits the magical membrane, that forms between their wing bones, you can see an iridescent shimmer of their magic. It's thin and shades of blue with small highlights of yellow on Sans. Their kind is more peaceful, most likely due to their fragile frames. So they tend to take interest in books, puzzles, traps, riddles, music, word play~
Toriel and Asgore = Falcor/eastern style dragons. Falcor was my inspiration for them, though with traits that define them. Like goat horns that are pure white. Their fur normally white and has a pearly sheen. In the right light they can make them stand out and shimmer when flying. This can be controlled though, and their coats can take a matted looked and even darken for camouflage. When upset (for example: angry, sad, depressed) their fur will lose the glossy look and also gray. The longer they are upset or the more upset they are the darker it gets until they look like a stormy sky. When they roar it is like thunder, stunning most foes and causing the earth to tremble. They are capable of sitting on clouds, and are dragons that prefer being in the sky. They can let their magic flow into the cloud they are on to allow a friend or ally to sit with them. Toriel: has a white pearly sheen and deep red eyes. Asgore: has a golden cream pearly look to his coat, golden beard and mane, eyes are a dark red with some orange to it. Asriel: Silvery pearly look to his fur, and bright red eyes. (Older Asriel's black markings still have a pearly look to, but it is rainbow colored.)
Mettaton: a clockwork dragon. He likes to decorate himself since metal and gears don't match the beauty of the scales he once had.
Flowey = Is a yellow snapdragon. ;)
Omega Flowey = looks like a Hydra with each head represents the soul trait. The heads are a more dragon-y looking snapdragons.
Gaster = went into the void due to a failed spell to escape the dome. But he had made it livable before then by making an artificial sun that gives off magical energy. He is now an odd mix of void and skeletal dragon, like his sons.
Minor Characters:
Gerson = A large dragon turtle with a miniature environment on his back. He looks like he is part of the scenery when he is resting, as is scale is covered in grasses, trees, shrubs, and even animals living  on him. He is an old and wise turtle, and he used to be very dangerous; now, though, he would rather not fight.
Grillby = In truth he's not that that large. He is a small fire Salamander, which humans often mistook for being fire elementals. His magical strength and control allows him to make a fiery body around him. He can appear as anything, but he prefers to look like an adult dragon made of flames.
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
Here is what we have so far of the world. There will be more to come, but this is a start. Feel free to ask about specifics.
Instead of being underground the dragons live under a dome like sky in an alternative plane. The humans made this dome/barrier that can only be broken with seven human souls. Humans forced them into this place due to their skill with red magic (obviously determination). There is a path way leading from the normal world and this alternative plane that humans can travel through. Toriel lives within this path along with some smaller, weaker, species of dragons. She hopes to protect any wandering human from her ex-mates wrath.
There are different areas in the alternate plane. There is  a snowy area with a forest, a forest/swamp with bioluminescent plants to provide light, a volcano surrounded by dry, cracked land and lava, and lastly a tall mountain where the king lives at the peak. Although it is spacious, it is still not big enough to happily support all the dragons.
The “dump” is where items that humans tried to place in a dimensional pocket, bag, or space and failed. A lot of random loot from dungeons show up here, from adventurers with glitched dimensional bags.
To light this world is an artificial sun that also gives off magical energy that the dragons can absorb naturally through being in the sun light. The creator of this sun is unknown.
Oh, and dragons rumble when happy. Which is, kinda a weird mix between a cat purr and crocodile rumble.
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talontaleau · 8 years ago
Undertale + Dragons = Greatness!
Feel free to start sending asks about it so I can world build.
The goal is to set this up, and then let people run with this while slowly creating our own content for it. This is a project started by @topazshadowwolf and helped along with by @upperstories.
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