out of my league
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MULTIMUSE RP ACCOUNT semi-selective, mun/muses 18+ ( please read MY RULES before interacting with ) - - - - - - - - - - last night i lay in bed so blue 'cause i realized the truth, they can't love me like you i tried to find somebody new baby they ain't got a clue
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
this blog is currently going through a revamp! so please bear with me as i wipe my drafts and pages clean, and begin starting anew. 
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
this blog is currently on a ??? hiatus. my muse is at an all time low, and even the sideblog i created to help it out isn’t having the effect i wanted it to have (i ended up getting attached to everything there, instead of creating the writing muse to do drafts for this blog). stay tuned because i may just archive this blog and start fresh, or just stick with my sideblog. we’ll see!
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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     "i just said that,” tobias footnoted at his roommate’s sudden realization, mouth still chewing at the first spoonful he had been working on. it takes a couple of more beats before he swallows, gaze finally averting from the child-intended games that was plastered upon the box of cereal. when tobias spots a semi-frantic man, his brow creases at the image before him, spoon dropping into a semi-full bowl for the dramatics. “imagine how less poor you’d be if you kicked your nasty habit,” the male commented, just like he always had to whenever jean and his cigarettes were brought to tobias’ attention. after delivering a look - one that was meant to say ‘you know i’m right’ - tobias picked up his spoon, along with his second helping. “just the usual: water gallon, banana and coffee,” tobias answered, scooping up the flakes that flew from his mouth and back into the bowl as he talked, only to put them right back into his chewing, “want me to come with?”
              Nothing exists before his morning smoke: not the dull, incessant ringing of his alarm, nor the haphazardly tossed dirty clothes he nearly trips over. The haze of sleep sweeps over the words of warning Tobias offers, as Jean continues through the small kitchen, passed his housemate, and opens the fridge. He stares blankly into it, his vision adjusting through the lingering sleep, until he notices something peculiar, “I don’t have milk.”
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              A low sigh pulls from his core and airs the world around him. Jean lifts his body to shuffle his way towards his jacket, his hand feeling his pocket for his last pack. When he finds it empty, he groans, “I need to go to the store.” Habits die hard, and priorities fall where they may. “If you need anything I’ll pick it up.”
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
     “thanks.” with a proud enough expression, taz looked down at the underwear she had on, shoulders lightly shrugging as she said, “you’re lucky i had a job interview earlier, or else you probably would’ve caught me in spiderman-colored boy shorts and a mismatched top.” even if she was being casual, taz liked to dress nice, never knowing when or who her outfit could make a lasting impression, but if she knew she’d be spending time during a hang out with a friend, then she’d dress herself a bit more... well, like a slob, basically, without any care in the world. she had gotten gage’s invitation while on the way home, and it would have been pointless to drive all the way home first, when she was passing through gage’s neighborhood anyway. with a finger gun pointed in the other’s direction, taz soon used it’s “chamber” to poke gage right back in the stomach. “you and me both. you order the pies, i’ll set the mood.” familiar with gage’s bedroom, taz treated it as if it was her own as she allowed her body to fall onto the bed, hand frantically searching for the remote so that she could put netflix on. without giving gage much of an opinion, taz quickly searched for the program that she wanted to watch, holding open the opening menu, wanting gage to be on the bed and comfortable, first, before starting the first episode. “tell me what’s been new with you, girl, what’s the scoop? what have i been missing out on? tell your tazy poo everything.”
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“true, i didn’t think about grease, we’ll just have to be careful when eating the pizza not to get it in any place that could potentially be… not so nice.” gage made a slight shiver, running her fingers through her hair, watching as the brunette started to strip out of her clothes, a smile spreading across her lips. “delivery since i can’t have anymore frozen pizza, i might actually die.” gage said, standing up and pulling off her tank top, throwing it in to her hamper, knowing she’d change into pajamas afterward so there was no use folding it. “i like the set you got there.” she motioned to zyla’s little matching bra and panties set, gage wasn’t nearly as put together, oh good thing was her bra was black so it matched the blue panties she had on no matter what. “don’t worry, feelings are pretty much the last thing on my mind, well aside about my feelings for food, those i am very clear on, i’m starving.” a laugh fell from her lips as she moved over to poke the other girl’s stomach with a smile.
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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CLEO: hey if I’M yelling at YOU for being late, that’s saying something CLEO: i bitch, you let me punish you, we move on - that’s our friendship core values CLEO: sure you can!! that’s what matt damon has ben affleck for CLEO: oh and can you do s/t and spot me this bill, too? i might’ve had three glasses of something expensive already
snapchat ↪ emotions
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RYAN: if you do that i’m not even getting out of the car RYAN: why are you so determined to make my life hell? RYAN: i can’t be known as the oscar winning actress RYAN: with the batshit crazy ‘friend’ 
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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EM: i’d love to see someone top date night in another county EM: i was thinking leaving friday night, be home before sunday roast EM: wait, you’re for real agreeing to this trip, right? EM: it’s hard to tell if you’re being genuine or sarcastic over this app
snapchat ↪ cutie
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ROCCO: i was always good at taking tests ROCCO: are we announcing our engagement or something ROCCO: kidding but… i’d have to get someone to cover my shifts ROCCO: sounds fun though, never been outside of the us
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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[ text ; brooklyn ] i’ll be the goddamn best host, shit [ text ; brooklyn ] yeah but i do the better edibles and yours... taste like stale shit i’m sorry someone had to say it [ text ; brooklyn ] damn, i’m going to get fuuuuucked up. i can already tell [ text ; brooklyn ] dude she’s hot so totally idec. you should give me her number so we can all be on the same page [ text ; brooklyn ] you’re really going all out with this party, huh? you seem to have everything covered
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[  text ; brandee  ]  man i’m blunt what can i say.  [  text ; brandee  ]  hey, be a good semi-host and we’ll see.  [  text ; brandee  ]  don’t bring it man i’ve got plenty.  [  text ; brandee  ]  plus i’ve got some cool-ass designer stuff coming it’ll be fine. [  text ; brandee  ]  i mean adrienne is bringing some weird shit so i had to invite her too but she said she wasn’t going to bring anyone else so that should be okay. 
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
     "i didn’t draw you just ‘cause you were in a bikini, rhea,” jordyn clarified with an embarrassed sigh, eyes rolling to the point where they felt strained ( she was having weird deja vu to when she had to explain to her mom why she wasn’t hip ), “you have this... kind face, and a body with perfect proportions. you’re kind of like an artist’s wet dream.” jordyn didn’t know what better way to explain it that wasn’t on her own terms. to her, it made sense. rhea was gorgeous, there was no doubt about that, but jordyn’s reason behind penning rhea was much more deeper than rhea’s looks. with growing eyes, jordyn’s caught by surprise when rhea asked if she could keep it. that was... definitely not the direction she saw this situation going. “um,” she paused, momentarily, brow creasing as she mulled over it, “y--eah. yeah, dude, it’s all yours. i got the final copy finished in my computer, already.” with a hitched thumb over her shoulder, jordyn watched as it went inside the palm of the other’s hand. eyebrows raised their way up the girl’s face as she chose to be weary over rhea’s reasoning behind her snooping. “just so you know, if you bring up the drawing one more time after today, i’m cutting all ties with you,” jordyn warned with a semi-serious expression, fingers easily lacing through rhea’s as the girl stood up, guiding the other across the room. “-- all this coming from the girl who draws vagina-shaped shrubs, by the way,” jordyn smoothly countered as she threw a challenging glance over her shoulder, her own mischievous smirk present, “you’re not the only one who snoops through other’s work, babe.” she only lets go of rhea’s hand so she can grab her pack of cigarettes from the kitchen counter, immediately putting one of them between her lips. “quick smoke break on the fire escape and then i’ll entertain your sorry ass. come soak in the sun with me.”
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“well, it’s definitely the term i’d use. and i make a great muse, excuse you.” another grin spread across her face, still resorting to take it with humor rather than anything else. it was a situation she wasn’t sure how to deal with or what it even meant, if there was a meaning at all. maybe it didn’t even matter to jordyn. “thanks for calling me beautiful, gorgeous. but if you thought i looked hot on that bikini you could have just said so, you know. but i like the drawing, will you let me keep one?” rhea kept on going, noticing the exaggerated sigh and how she sat down at her desk chair. clearly the entire situation wasn’t as funny to her as it was to rhea. which was basically why she was aiming for making her friend laugh. “pretty please?” she almost begged with an adoring smile, knowing how to work the other girl out to get what she wanted. it wouldn’t be the first time she convinced jordyn to whatever crazy idea she had the time. her smile turned into a pout, perfecting her best puppy face to accompany her words as she took one of the brunette’s hands on her own as well. “and i was looking for you. i’m bored and you have to entertain me.” she casually complained, a devious smirk making its way onto her lips. “although i guess finding your cute sketch of me was entertainment enough.”
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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     "that’s the best non-promise you could make with me, babe.” now, manny was totally eager; it had become clear as day that malika was just as game as he was, and he didn’t hesitate in making the next move. with his grip on her loosening, manny brought himself to his knees. to simply kiss her felt like a predictable move, and manny was on a mission to not only prove that he was unpredictable, but to also show that he was serious about being up with her the entire night. his strategy was to start low before making his way up. “you’ve been with a lot of guys?” manny questioned as he opened up malika’s legs, soon positioning himself in between them, encouraging her thighs to rest easy upon his hip. after bending over, his head tilted as he delivered yet another brief, and soft, kiss to the inside of her leg, repeating the action as he came across the top of her thigh, his hand slowly moving up the fabric of her shirt so that her stomach became exposed for him. “how many guys got you to squirm?” manny soon rephrased his own question right before he bit playfully at the skin that was below her navel, his hands already working on getting her bottoms open and down her legs.
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she didn’t think manny had ever really noticed her before, at least she didn’t expect him to. malika couldn’t remember a time when they were anywhere with just the two of them so why would he. “oh no, i’m not gonna inflate your ego.” she shook her head with a light laugh, not entirely denying his question but not giving a straight answer either. “it’s really not that surprising when most guys i’ve met so far are jerks.” she spoke softly before tilting her head slightly to the side allowing him more access to her bare skin as she felt his lips brush over her throat, sending chills down her spine. her eyes closed and a small smile on her lips. malika bit her lip when manny gripped her leg. “all night long?” she moved her hand up his side, her fingertips tracing over his skin. “well you have me tonight,” she encouraged. she didn’t care about if it would be weird the next day or anything else. in the moment, she only saw him willing to make her feel good and wanting to do the same for him. “and i can’t promise that i’ll keep my hands to myself.”
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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NELLIE: alright, ma’am NELLIE: not really? i have issues, i know NELLIE: i know, i’ve seen oitnb NELLIE: babe, if i freaked you out, then i’m sorry NELLIE: but i can’t promise i won’t go all “seeing red” again the next time i see someone bothering you, but if i do i’ll try to at least check and make sure that there’s no po-po around NELLIE: besides even if i did go you’d be in there with me for being way too fine for this world and we’d have hot sex in the prison chapel
snapchat ↪ main
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DOLORES: you’re in the dog house until i say you’re out of the dog house DOLORES: aren’t you even the least bit sorry? DOLORES: i don’t know what i would do if you went to jail or s/t DOLORES: they might not allow conjugal visits you know
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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     "you’re not gonna die. not with me you ain’t,” cooper assured once more, making sure his grip was strong and tight once he had sydney’s hand, pulling her weight up onto the escape. as soon as they were back to being on eye-level, cooper smiled big and wide. it felt like an accomplishment in itself just to get her off city grounds. “right this way, ma’am.” the building was a couple of stories - eleven, to be exact - giving the duo quite a hike towards the top. cooper rushed, excited about the moment, not really holding back and checking to see if sydney was following behind him or not. “you’re never going to see anything like this, syd,” cooper spoke in an attempt to keep her motivation high, continuing to stomp up metal grates in a diagonal motion, “you ain’t got any issues with heights, right?”
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syd gave him a look, before looking away and chewing on the inside of her cheek. she wasn’t used to doing things that might land her in trouble; after all, sydney astor wasn’t one to take gigantic risks and she always liked to play it safe. hearing cooper rattle the ladder of the fire escape, she turned her gaze back on to him, still highly unsure about this. but she trusted him and so she decided just this once, she would follow him. “i better not die,” she warned, reaching out to grab his hand as she jumped on the escape. maybe she was being a little over dramatic but she didn’t know where they were going or if this fire escape they were on was actually stable enough for the two of them.
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
     emerson could hear the entire commotion from inside the car. with a rather frigid stance - annoyed that her dinner had to be cut short - her leg kicked at the air after crossing over her knees, sighing out loud from the boredom of just sitting there, with nowhere to go. her phone only held her attention for a short period of time before the voices outside started to become clearer, and she indirectly started to piece together the conversation. before em could get anything solid put together, the door was flying open, and the princess jumped to make herself look entranced with something on her phone, and not look like she had been eavesdropping the entire time. from the corner of her eye, she glanced, catching a glimpse of the dramatic entrance before forcing her thumb to scroll through her phone’s home screen. emerson tried her best to ignore the other’s presence, figuring that’d be the best approach, but the girl made it hard to do so when she basically addressed emerson. em sighed out loud as she dropped her phone onto the seat next to her, looking over. “yeah,” she answered, arms opting to cross over her chest, completely ignoring the outreached hand, “the one who just paid for another bail-out of yours, i’m sure.” the truth was that emerson didn’t know any personal details about her security team, but she found them to be nice people, so it was hard to wrap her head around having such... such a spawn to deal with and not get paid for it. em knew she was a handful herself, so, she felt a little bit threaten, actually, because it felt as if all the attention couldn’t be strictly on her, like it should be. “whatever you were up to, your father made sure i couldn’t finish my third course with my friends. so, i’m assuming it was an issue of national security, right? that i’m basically sitting across from a semi-terrorist, or else there wouldn’t be a good enough reason for my night to be ruined.” with flashbacks of speech provided by her parents ruminating through her mind, emerson felt confident in her words as her posture became completely straight, her kicking leg coming to a halt, “you owe your future queen an apology.”
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“sweet ride, dad!” giggles punctuated her sentences, tone slightly higher pitched than usual even if her father’s tone was stern, both her slight intoxication and disregard for his scoldings contributing to her inability to keep a straight face. it wasn’t the first time she’d had a stint with the police, but it was the first her father had been unable to break away from work when coming to get her, and though reed knew better than to cause any more trouble for the night, the perspective of riding in the royal family’s limo had her too excited to contain herself. “are you sure i can go back there? aren’t you supposed to protect them from people like me?” her joke wasn’t received well, the lack of amusement in her father’s features only working to dim her wide grin into a mischievous smile, stumbling a little over herself once he opened the door for her and conducted her into the vehicle. “ow, ow, okay, i’m getting in!” an over reaction, surely, but reed wasn’t about to let go of her knack for dramatics, body slumping down on the nearest available seat before her eyes immediately found the gaze of the other occupant of the car. it was only when she heard the slam of the front door, confirming that her father was back into the limo, that reed said anything, legs stretching out over the seat next to her and crossing at the ankles as she nodded briefly towards the other. “so you’re the princess, yeah?” unceremoniously extending a hand forward, as if this was just another acquaintance, her fingers waved slightly at the other girl, the multiple rings she wore clinking against each other and her grin refusing to be wiped off of her expression. “pleased to meet you. i’m reed.”
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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cesare: i prefer the world without it cesare: a man with my taste isn’t suppose to be “adorable” cesare: unless you know someone going through a messy divorce, then i highly doubt it cesare: we should spend the rest of the day together cesare: we both know that if i go home i’ll just be spending it with that pile of paperwork that’s on my desk, so consider this a one time offer - take it or leave it
snapchat ↪ amoroso
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giovanna: i wonder what it would be like if snapchat never existed hm giovanna: no, no you look adorable giovanna: maybe, possibly it could pick up later today? giovanna: i most currently do agree.. wish i was outside rn
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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talkiingbody-blog · 9 years ago
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