23 posts
The gang is back.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
A short and quiet walk brought the trio to an apartment complex, slightly run down but overall livable. Before he brought Arc inside he mentioned his appreciation for making her appearance, then opening the door and featuring her inside a quaint room well kept, contrasting the rundown exterior.
Sal and Wil were walking around, not entirely sure where they were but not concerned about it, either. It wasn't the first time they were lost, and the different scenery was a nice chance of pace for the two of them. (@tale-of-our-eden)
Arc was floating around in a forest she didn't quite recognize, which was a bit odd to her as last time she checked she was still in Subcon forest, well at least till she saw that bright flash of light. Maneuvering around the very much alive trees the ghost spotted two figures up ahead. Thinking that they might know where she was Arc decided to head over to them to ask for help.
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
“Thanks for the ride,” Sal said as the two got off Arc. “Luckily we’re close by my home so the walk won’t be long. You’re welcome to follow us and stay for a bit if you don’t have anything passing to attend to.” Sal didn’t give Arc much time to respond however, as he was already turned to head to his abode.
Sal and Wil were walking around, not entirely sure where they were but not concerned about it, either. It wasn't the first time they were lost, and the different scenery was a nice chance of pace for the two of them. (@tale-of-our-eden)
Arc was floating around in a forest she didn't quite recognize, which was a bit odd to her as last time she checked she was still in Subcon forest, well at least till she saw that bright flash of light. Maneuvering around the very much alive trees the ghost spotted two figures up ahead. Thinking that they might know where she was Arc decided to head over to them to ask for help.
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
“Oh don’t worry about him. He’s just a bit reluctant to trust strangers because of things that’ve happened. He’ll warm up soon, even he’s aware that if you weren’t harmless we wouldn’t be riding on your back.” Sal chuckled, although Wil stayed quiet. “Once we get into the city we can head to my home. Shouldn’t be too hard to find once I get my bearings.”
Sal and Wil were walking around, not entirely sure where they were but not concerned about it, either. It wasn't the first time they were lost, and the different scenery was a nice chance of pace for the two of them. (@tale-of-our-eden)
Arc was floating around in a forest she didn't quite recognize, which was a bit odd to her as last time she checked she was still in Subcon forest, well at least till she saw that bright flash of light. Maneuvering around the very much alive trees the ghost spotted two figures up ahead. Thinking that they might know where she was Arc decided to head over to them to ask for help.
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
“I wasn’t expecting to be flying today... But I suppose if it’ll help us get out of the forest.” Sal proceeded to climb onto Arc, but before he got on Wil tugged on his arm to express his discomfort. “It should be fine. Don’t worry I’ll be with you the whole way.” Wil reluctantly climbed on Sal’s shoulders before Sal got on Arc. “I hope you know which was south is.”
Sal and Wil were walking around, not entirely sure where they were but not concerned about it, either. It wasn't the first time they were lost, and the different scenery was a nice chance of pace for the two of them. (@tale-of-our-eden)
Arc was floating around in a forest she didn't quite recognize, which was a bit odd to her as last time she checked she was still in Subcon forest, well at least till she saw that bright flash of light. Maneuvering around the very much alive trees the ghost spotted two figures up ahead. Thinking that they might know where she was Arc decided to head over to them to ask for help.
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
* twitter meme starters
‘ i refuse to listen to reason, i have to listen to so much already. ’
‘ if i was famous i would just knock on people’s doors and be like hello, yes, it’s me. ’
*eats a snack while looking for a better snack*
‘ taking a nap is always so risky like when will i wake up? in thirty minutes? in 2 hours? in 3 years? ’
‘ i’m wiping the slate clean, so i have somewhere to spill all the blood of everyone who has ever wronged me. ’
‘ horrified that other people have decided to leave their house tonight. ’
‘ to me, the cookie jar is the modern day treasure chest, and you don’t have to brush off  any skeletons to get to it. ’
‘ my morning routine includes 10 minutes of sitting on my bed and thinking about how tired i am.  ’
‘ grab your own butt. love yourself. ’
‘ on the moon if you don’t like something you can just throw it upwards into space. on earth if you try to do that the enemy known as gravity gets in the way. ’
‘ my stress stresses me out to the point where i’m too stressed to deal with my stress. ’  
‘ don’t worry, password. i’m insecure too. ’
‘ i should have thought about that? you know i don’t think about things. ’
‘ when you live the bart life you say ‘whoa, mama’ to the good and ‘ay, caramba’ to the bad. ’
‘ i got 99 problems but i’m gonna take a nap and ignore them all. ’ 
‘ i love the sound you make when you shut the fuck up. ’
‘ everything’s my fault when you just look at the facts and information. ’  
‘ why insult someone when you can say something nice in a very sarcastic tone. ’    
‘ do you like bad boys? ‘cause i’m bad at everything. ’
‘ i never argue. i just explain why i’m right. ’
‘ if robbers ever broke into my house and searched for money, i’d just laugh and search with them. ’  
‘ if your family members share one of those articles about how millennials can’t do anything right, consider countering by sharing the page of a below average nursing home or even just a photo of bones with the caption: sooner than you think. ’
‘ yeah, baby, i am an animal in bed. more specifically a koala. i can sleep for 22 hours a day. ’  
‘ can i sell my feelings on ebay. i don’t want them anymore. ’
‘ coffee is just baby formula for adults. ’ 
‘ i think i speak for all of us, just in general. ’  
‘ i get ignored so much my name should be terms and conditions. ’
‘ can you lose weight by running away from your feelings? ’
‘ do not beef shame me. ’
‘ later is the best time to do anything. ’
‘ trying to decide if i should spend my evening reading a book or browsing social media for two hours in stomach churning guilt while thinking about how i should read a book. ’
‘ if you cannot handle me at my worst, that is fine. i am a powerful and terrifying thing and all should live in fear. ’
‘ people pretending to be cats is fine and cool but if some sort of huge animal wanted to pretend to be people then everyone is all, ‘please leave the bank’. ’
‘ are you bad wifi ‘cause i’m feeling no connection here. ’
‘ in the mood for a hug and 69 chicken nuggets. ’
‘ some times you spend so much time getting revenge you forget about getting retribution. ’  
‘ never underestimate yourself. but also do not overestimate yourself, that’s bad too. ’
‘ you will never be a billionaire but there’s still time to see what they taste like. ’  
‘ i don’t say this to everyone but i will barn shuffle dance on your grave. ’
‘ they will never do a live action reboot of your childhood. ’
‘ i could learn a thing or two from this? thanks for the warning, i will avoid it. ’
‘ you would think that wouldn’t you, always with your thinking things. that’s what separates me from you, the thinking. ’
‘ i’m putting free wifi on my gravestone so people will come visit me. ’
‘ sea shells, or the beach’s potato chips, are free to anyone who can find them. ’  
‘ learning is the fool’s errand. ’
‘ is your name dunkin’ because i donut want to spend another day without you. ’
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
your muse is allowed to underestimate my muse 
your muse is allowed to disrespect my muse
your muse is allowed to provoke my muse
your muse is allowed to be a little asshole to my muse
and more – !!
So long as you, the mun, understand the consequences of your muse ticking off my muse your muse is allowed to be not nice to mine. Confrontation can be interesting and fun to rp! I welcome it! While you, the mun, should know better than to provoke my muse your muse might not and that’s okay! Mun does not equal muse and vice versa. When your muse provokes mine, disrespects mine, underestimates mine, I am trusting that even if your muse doesn’t know the consequences that you, the other mun, understand there are repercussions for your muse being an asshole.
you want your muse to be an ass to mine? that’s fine – just don’t whine when your muse doesn’t come out of it unscathed. 
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
Wil instinctively gripped Sal's hand as he quietly watched the ghost float around.
"You aren't bothering us at all, but to be honest we're a bit lost ourselves. Pretty sure we're in the green belt north of Delveburg, last I checked, but we've been walking around for a bit now and haven't really focused on finding a way out." Sal chuckled while he picked up Wil and placed him on his shoulders.
Sal and Wil were walking around, not entirely sure where they were but not concerned about it, either. It wasn't the first time they were lost, and the different scenery was a nice chance of pace for the two of them. (@tale-of-our-eden)
Arc was floating around in a forest she didn't quite recognize, which was a bit odd to her as last time she checked she was still in Subcon forest, well at least till she saw that bright flash of light. Maneuvering around the very much alive trees the ghost spotted two figures up ahead. Thinking that they might know where she was Arc decided to head over to them to ask for help.
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
Someone's coming, hun.
Sal turned, noticing the floating figure approach him. He hasn't seen anything like the ghostly presence that was making its way to the duo, yet that put him at ease. It wasn't a demon, that much he was sure about, so he just waved at the ghost with a tilted head, smiling.
Sal and Wil were walking around, not entirely sure where they were but not concerned about it, either. It wasn't the first time they were lost, and the different scenery was a nice chance of pace for the two of them. (@tale-of-our-eden)
Arc was floating around in a forest she didn't quite recognize, which was a bit odd to her as last time she checked she was still in Subcon forest, well at least till she saw that bright flash of light. Maneuvering around the very much alive trees the ghost spotted two figures up ahead. Thinking that they might know where she was Arc decided to head over to them to ask for help.
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
Wil perked up at the voice outside. A part of him felt inclined not to answer, but his better half thought against it.
“Yes?” Something prevented him from opening the door right away despite knowing exactly who was at the door. Sal wasn’t around, or at least awake, which made him feel apprehensive on letting the vampire in.
( @tale-of-our-eden liked for a starter. x )
Vlad strolled up to the home of his two old friends, knocking upon the door rather firmly.
"Hello? Are you two home??" He asked, admittedly half expecting them to be asleep.
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
Intriguing Impression Starters
“You don’t look like… much…”
“So nice to finally put a face to someone I’ve heard so much about.”
“You aren’t what I expected, but I hope to be surprised.”
“Well… this is awkward… uhhh hello.”
“I’m failing to remember what I expected when I signed up for this.”
“Not gonna lie, you were incredibly intimidating at first… still kind of are.”
“We seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot.”
“Seems that the rumors and reputation are indeed being lived up to.”
“So I’ve heard some things…”
“You were the LAST person I expected.”
“Sparring partner huh? I think I can take you.”
“Me? I’m not anyone particularly special.”
“Haven’t heard of you whatsoever.”
“I’ve known you for five minutes and I think we’re already friends.”
“You and me are gonna get along great.”
“This is absolutely not working out.”
“Clearly there needs to be some ground rules established.”
“You’re going to be my sparring partner?”
“You know what? I like you.”
“Not working out. Nope.”
“I’m sorry but looking at you doesn’t scream ‘fighter’ to me.”
“I really hope you can make a better second impression.”
“You get one more shot. I hope it will change my mind.”
“I’m here to apologize about before… can we try again?”
“Well this is certainly… incredibly interesting. Nice to meet you.”
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
About the Muse Meme!
~Pre Time-skip Sal~
Name: Saliver Jasper Bauregaurd
Nickname(s):  Sal
Age: 24
Species: Human (Contractor)
Morality: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
Sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
Virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
Primary goals in life: Survive long enough to escape the drivel of a monotonous work cycle. Secluding himself away from the judging eyes of others to pursue his dream of being a creative for himself.
Build: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese
Height: 5′10″
Weight: 170 lbs
Scars/Birthmarks: An intricate red magic-seal is engraved on his right forearm from his contract with Wilfred
Abilities/powers: Ability to fuse with his partner/lover Wilfred, increasing his combat prowess.
Favorite food: Steak and Potatoes (Although rarely has it)
Favorite drink: Apple Juice. Or a Mudslide sub Scotch.
Favorite color(s): Ice Blue, Snow White, Gold
Favorite music genre(s): Lounge, Classical, Progressive (Trance, Rock, Metal)
Favorite book genre(s): Comedy, Fiction, Supernatural, Thriller
Favorite movie genre(s): Horror, Thriller, Rom-Com
Favorite season: Winter
Favorite curse word(s): Fuck
Favorite scent: Lavender
Bottom or Top: Bottom for Wil, although he can switch
Sings in the shower: Quietly hums
Likes bad puns: Audible disgust, but deep down appreciates them
~Pre Time-Skip Wil~
Name: Balthazar Wilfred Murr
Nickname(s):  Wil
Age: 26
Species: Frost Demon
Morality: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
Sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
Virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
Primary goals in life: Survive long enough to escape the drivel of a monotonous work cycle. Secluding himself away from the judging eyes of others to pursue his dream of being a creative for himself.
Build: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese
Height: 2′10″
Weight:  39 lbs
Scars/Birthmarks: An intricate red magic-seal is engraved on his left forearm from his contract with Sal
Abilities/powers: Ability to fuse with his partner/lover Saliver, disappearing from sight and unlocking his potential with demonic energy.
Favorite food: Pancakes and Eggs
Favorite drink: Prosecco
Favorite color(s): Pastels, particularly purple and blue pastels
Favorite music genre(s): Classical, Easy-listening and Downtempo are his go-tos, but listens to anything Sal would without problem
Favorite book genre(s): Anything
Favorite movie genre(s): Animation, Children’s Cartoons
Favorite season: Winter
Favorite curse word(s): Shit
Favorite scent: Pine
Bottom or Top: Top, mostly...
Sings in the shower: Silent.
Likes bad puns: Giggles
Tagged by: Nobody, stole it from @dxmnedbloodlxst tho since quarantine got me really bored
Tagging: everyone
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
1. Who has been your favorite muse to play? 2. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what do you like to listen to? 3. Are there any particular aus or plots that you’d really like to write? 4. What are some of your rp pet peeves? 5. What is the most difficult thing about writing your current muse? 6. What is your favorite thing about writing your current muse? 7. Who was the very first muse you ever wrote? 8. Have you ever written a novel? If not, does it interest you? 9. Do you write fanfiction, or have you in the past? 10. Do you like stylized icons and formatted text or do you prefer to keep things simple? 11. When did you start roleplaying? 12. Have you roleplayed anywhere other than tumblr? 13. Who are five of your favorite characters? (In the rp community or otherwise) 14. What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise) 15. What sort of muses do you tend to write? 16. Do you like to queue your replies or just post them when you finish? 17. Do you prefer winging it or plotting everything out? 18. What makes for a great roleplay partner in your opinion? 19. Have you received anon hate? If so, how do you deal with it? 20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
Send a word and I will write a drabble or headcanon based on it
?+ add your own.
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
Perfectly Platonic Starters
“You look like you could use a coffee.”
“Is that something you want to talk about?”
“Come on, sit down. It’s break time.”
“I needed that, thanks…”
“Here’s a blanket. You looked cold.”
“Thank god you’re back, I need to rant.”
“Is my sweater ever going to be returned?”
“Bad day? Emergency plans are in order.”
“Alright your ride has arrived, where to next?”
“I’m brushing your hair, it’s a mess.”
“You happened to go get lunch and ‘bought too much’ huh?”
“Your hugs are the best.”
“Hey. Hey. Heeeeeey. Come on. We’re gonna be late, get up.”
“I’m late, yes. You should be used to that by now.”
“How long as it been that we’ve known each other? Feels like ages.”
“There was something on your face, I had to get it off.”
“You’re sure people think we’re dating?”
“I think it’s hilarious people assume they’re dating just because they’re nice to each other.”
“I need to hang out with someone I like, can we pretend to be working for an hour?”
“Tea and coffee? What happened?”
“Here you go, one forgotten, left it at home in a rush, lost item!”
“I’m going for a walk, you want anything?”
“… sorry I took a nap on you.”
“I suppose I am now requisitioned to being a napping spot.”
“We could pretend we’re dating, but that might confuse your significant other, and then that might be a waste of petty effort for the sake of rumors.”
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
just a character questionnaire.
Bold Pre Time-Skip  Italics Post Time-Skip (For Sal)
Tagged by Stole from @dxmnedbloodlxst :O
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy  / moderate / poor / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly  / disabled  / disadvantaged / deceased  (Technically)
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
✖ EDUCATION  – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily  / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered  / single / divorced / widow or widower / separated / it’s complicated  
✖ CHILDREN – has children  / no children / wants children / adopted children
✖ SIBLINGS– close with siblings / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / possibly abandoned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / other
✖ disorganized / organized / in between  
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless  / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved  / in between  
✖ leader / follower / in between
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between  
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral  / sex favorable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced  / curious
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent/ good  / moderate  / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good  / moderate / poor / none
Comparable things like skill level and status I’m comparing to what I normally see OCs and other RP characters. Also assumes he’s with Wil, otherwise that combat skill goes down two ticks haha.
Tagging: Anybody :O
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
"You know I forgive you." Sal then sat up, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes before continuing. "So, what have you been up to while I've been away?"
“Do my eyes deceive me or do I actually see the power duo before me?”
“Oh, hey! I assume you’re talking about Wil and me, right?” Sal was sprawled out on the couch, with his eyes closed and his limbs dangling off the cushions. His greeting wasn’t directed at anyone in particular, but he was fairly certain he knew the origin of the voice.
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tale-of-our-eden · 5 years ago
“I’m glad you think that, Kit. We’ll see if Vlad does show his face. Not hopeful but wouldn’t be opposed to catching up with him, either.” He smiled. “I guess the more I think about it the more I forget what happened over the years.”
“Do my eyes deceive me or do I actually see the power duo before me?”
“Oh, hey! I assume you’re talking about Wil and me, right?” Sal was sprawled out on the couch, with his eyes closed and his limbs dangling off the cushions. His greeting wasn’t directed at anyone in particular, but he was fairly certain he knew the origin of the voice.
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