takoyakimidora · 8 months
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takoyakimidora · 8 months
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On where we will go.
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takoyakimidora · 9 months
If it's a sin to take my own life, can I just get an amnesia instead?
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takoyakimidora · 9 months
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I just want to be ok, why is this so hard?
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takoyakimidora · 9 months
As we approach the end of 2023, many will begin sharing their cherished moments from the year—travels, personal acquisitions, investments, achievements, parties, the highlights that lit up their days. It's a parade of victories, a showcase of joy on social media.
But let me share something with you. You, being here, reaching this moment, it speaks volumes about your journey. This year hasn’t been a walk in the park for most of us, yet you’ve persisted. Amidst challenges, you’ve stood strong, a testament to your resilience. Maybe you haven't noticed amidst comparisons and feelings of being left behind, but I am genuinely proud of your determination to keep moving forward, to keep fighting.
Take a moment, look back, and embrace every small step you've taken. Even the tiniest victories count—a full night’s sleep on a weekday, treating yourself to a Korean barbecue after a payday. These seemingly small things are your triumphs. I'm proud of you, and you should be immensely proud of yourself too.
As we step into the new year, my wish for you is unwavering happiness and continuous success by your side. Challenges will undoubtedly arise, but I know you'll overcome them. I believe in your strength and awesomeness. One day, when you reflect on 2023, you’ll see the remarkable distance you've traveled.
Cheers to your journey!
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takoyakimidora · 10 months
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takoyakimidora · 10 months
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takoyakimidora · 10 months
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takoyakimidora · 11 months
Have you ever found yourself shedding tears when someone simply asks, "Are you okay?"
Often, we carry a significant burden silently for an extended period, clinging to our feelings and desperately wanting to maintain the image of strength, happiness, and independence that those around us perceive.
You've been clutching onto those emotions, trying to embody the strong, cheerful, and self-sufficient person everyone believes you to be. You hide what you truly feel because, in your mind, it's the only way to move forward.
At times, there's a fear that revealing any hint of vulnerability might be mistaken for drama or overreacting. It's a delicate balance between presenting a composed "you" outside and grappling with the internal struggles that often go unnoticed by others. Perhaps, the smallest display of concern can trigger a flood of emotions because the weight of everything has already been bottled up inside.
Maybe? Just a thought.
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takoyakimidora · 11 months
Spoiler alert: You will never reach a place in life in which you experience constant happiness or never experience challenges. What you can achieve is learning to find joy in as many moments as possible, fully embracing the good when it graces your life, and navigating the challenges life throws your way with greater ease. It all has its place; it all contains a blessing. Beauty can be found in every season of life. 
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takoyakimidora · 11 months
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takoyakimidora · 11 months
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takoyakimidora · 11 months
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takoyakimidora · 11 months
I turned 26 this October, and as part of my birthday tradition, I like to take a moment to reflect on my life, which can be a bit stressful.
Honestly, I can't be the only one doing this, can I? While I do want to stay positive and appreciate another year of life, I often find myself comparing my life to others my age who seem to have achieved more success. It's hard not to feel like I haven't made much progress in the past five years; in fact, sometimes, it feels like I might have gone backward.
You know what I mean? At 26, I'm still not entirely sure if the career path I'm on is the one I want to commit to for my entire working life. I'm lacking that burning passion, and I can't even pinpoint a specific career direction that genuinely excites me. I'm not even sure if I'm particularly good at anything. To make matters worse, I strongly feel that my boss doesn't like me, and my work environment isn't the healthiest. If it weren't for my family and some relatives who depend on me financially, I'd probably have walked away from this job already. I just can't afford to lose my job right now, which leaves me with no choice but to put up with some less-than-ideal situations. I envy those who can leave a bad job when they want.
Perhaps things would feel lighter if I had someone in my life to offer support as I navigate these challenges. Don't get me wrong; I have my family, but I rarely open up to them about what I'm really going through because everything I do is for their well-being, and I don't want them to feel like a burden. You know, sometimes, I wish there were someone out there willing to lend a shoulder when I need to let out a good cry, someone I can share all my dramas with instead of posting them on social media where no one really knows me personally. I'm not even always looking for advice; I just want someone to listen and to remind me that I'm not alone in this battle.
You know, if there's one thing I'm truly proud of myself for, despite all the challenges, it's that I haven't given up, and I don't plan to give up—ever. I always look forward to the day when I can look back at these posts and say, "Hey, I'm proud of myself. I've been through all that and look at me now, successful and content." I can't wait for the moment when I can treat myself and my loved ones without worrying about a thing.
For those of you going through similar experiences, life can be tough, but let's strive to be even tougher.
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takoyakimidora · 1 year
Must be nice to have someone you can talk to about your problems.
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takoyakimidora · 1 year
I sometimes wish I can take a day off from the chaos inside my head.
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takoyakimidora · 1 year
“I just feel so fucking empty sometimes and it’s so exhausting to feel nothing and everything at the same time.”
— Unknown
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