暑い(>_<) | Hot (>_<)
(Manpei | 2007-04-14)
こんばんは☆ 今日は朝5時起きで撮影に行ってきました(^^ゞ 今日は一日天気良くて、かなり暑かったね(*_*) 今日の 撮影は結構体を動かす撮影だったから、汗ダラダラかきましたf^_^;現場に子供達やファンの子達が応援に来てくれて、めっちゃパワーがわきました☆★あ りがとうございます( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ )みんなの応援があってこその俺なんで、これからも応援よろしくお願いしますo(^-^o)(o^-^)o じゃ今日はゲキブルーの高木万平を載せます☆★やっぱりブルーの衣装を着ると気合いが入ります(^_-)-☆
____________________________________ Good evening☆ Today I woke up at 5am and went to set(^^ゞ The weather was nice all day today so it was pretty hot(*_*) Today’s filming was quite physical so I was streaming with sweat f^_^; Some children and children of some fans came to give support where we were filming, so I felt a lot of power form☆★Thank you ( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ )Given that I’m actually getting support from everyone, korekaramo ouen yoroshiku onegaishimasu* o(^-^o)(o^-^)o But yes, I’m posting a picture of Gekiblue Takagi Manpei☆★Yep, wearing blue clothes gets me all fired up (^_-)-☆
* I translated this really badly. I think this is meant to sound humble, rather than arrogant. Like, he's validating the 'korekaramo' (from now on as well) rather than emphasising that people are giving him support at the moment. Like I think it might be more like "Although I'm not sure why people are supporting me now, but please continue to do so" or something along those lines... maybe? Manpei's Japanese is so difficult for me to translate u.u Actually Shinpei's as well but for different reasons (why am I doing this again? XD)
For some reason Tumblr doesn't think this title needs a translation. I don't know why it's not showing up. But it says 'hot'.
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こんばんは☆ | Good Evening☆
(Manpei | 2007-04-12)
昨日に続いて今日も更新です☆ 今日は朝から一日アフレコでした(>_<)叫びまくって声ガラガラですf^_^; かなり気持ち込めてアフレコしたので、オンエアが楽しみです( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) 今日は9時頃にアフレコが終わって、9時30分頃家に着きました♪家に着いたら、なんか無性に走りたくなって、ジョギングしてきました★そしたら一気に疲れがきて……… ソッコーベットに倒れこみましたm(__)m 今からゆっくりお風呂入って、寝ようと思います(*_*) じゃ、おやすみ(^_-)-☆ 最近冷えるから、みんな風邪引かないようにね☆★
____________________________________ Continuing from yesterday there’s an update today too☆ Today I had ADR the whole day since the morning(>_<) I was shouting like crazy so now my voice is all raspy f^_^; Because I put quite a bit of feeling into the ADR, I’m looking forward to when it comes on TV( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) ADR finished around 9 today and I got home around 9:30♪ When I got home, I really wanted to run, so I went jogging★ And then I instantly felt tired……… I collapsed suddenly on my bed m(__)m Now I think I’ll go have a long bath, and then go to sleep (*_*) So, goodnight (^_-)-☆ It’s cold lately, I hope you don’t catch a cold☆★
____________________________________ If you were curious, apparently saying things like ‘I hope you don’t catch a cold’ or ‘stay warm’ is almost a greeting in Japanese. So it’s more a form of smalltalk than much else, which is why both of the twins say it all the time.
  Also who took this photo? Shinpei? XD “Shinpei, I need a photo for my blog, come over here a sec…” or did he take it while he was collapsed on his bed? “Oh this will be excellent for a new blog entry!” XD
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★おっす★ | ★’Sup★
(Shinpei | 2007-04-11)
おっす★ 今歩いてたら急に雨が降ってきて、ビショビショになってしまった心平です(^O^)笑 今日は事務所に5月のイベントの打ち合わせに行ってきましたーo(^-^)o イベントの中でまたトークがあるみたいで、また俺のスーパー天然ぶりが発揮されるのかと思うと…(^O^) それにクジラちゃんタオルも登場するかも!?(覚えてるかなぁ??) 皆お楽しみに~( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) またね★
____________________________________ ‘Sup★ It’s “totally saturated because it suddenly started to rain as he was walking just now” Shinpei(^O^)笑 Today I went to the agency for a business meeting about an event in Maaay o(^-^)o It’s seems there’s going to be a talk during the event again so I guess I can show you my super natural style…(^O^) Moreover, Kujira-chan* towel might also make an appearance!? (I wonder if you remember??) Look forward to that~( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) See ya★
* Kujira-chan is the guy who plays Kaidou - the character Shinpei’s character doubles with. He’s in the song where they swing the towels around, hence the mention of towels! But I’m not sure if he’s calling Kujira-chan a towel, or if he just left out the ‘and’ particle.
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久しぶりです☆ | It’s been a while☆
(Manpei | 2007-04-11)
みんな元気ー??しばらくblog更新出来なくてスイマセン!!!!!!! 俺は最近体調が良くなくてm(__)mずっと頭痛が治んないんだ(*_*)でも今日は一日休みでゆっくりできたから、大分良くなりました(^^ゞ い つの間にか桜も散っちゃったねー(>_<)撮影所の近くに桜の木があるんだけど、昨日みたら全部散ってて、なんか少し寂しい気持ちになりまし た(*_*)みんなは花見とか行った??俺は友達みんなで”花見行こう!!”って話してたんだけど、結局みんなの予定が合わなくて行けませんでした f^_^; 来年こそは絶対行きたいです(>_<) 明日は朝からアフレコだぁ☆気合い入れて頑張ってきます( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) じゃ今日は昼に食べたアイスクリームの写真を載せます★すごい美味しかったです♪♪
____________________________________ How’re you aaall??I’m sorry I haven’t been able to update the blog in a while!!!!!!! Lately I haven’t been very well m(__)m I have a constant headache that won’t go away(*_*)But because today is a day off I could just take it easy so it’s gotten much better(^^ゞ Before you know it the cherry blossoms disappear* doon’t they(>_<)There are cherry trees near the film studio but when I looked yesterday they had all gone, I felt a little lonely(*_*)Did you all go cherry blossom viewing or something?? I had said to my friends “let’s go cherry blossom viewing!” but in the end not everyone’s plans fit together so we couldn’t go f^_^; I definitely want to go next year for sure(>_<) Tomorrow I have ADR in the morniing☆I’ll give it my all( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) So then, I’m posting a picture of the icecream I ate at lunch today★It was soo good♪♪
* Not that it’s important, but literally he says ‘fall’ when he talks about the cherry blossoms disappearing. But disappearing felt a bit more natural in English. Falling has a nicer image though XD Which is why I felt compelled to write about it here XD
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大好物☆ | My Favourite Food☆
(Shinpei | 2007-04-05)
みんな久しぶり☆ ドリライ以来だね(^O^) 元気してる? 俺は相変わらず元気だよ☆★ ブログに沢山のコメントありがとう!一つ一つ大切に読んでるよ☆本当に皆ありがとう(^O^) そういえば今日歩いてたら街中の桜が満開になってて、しばし桜に見取れてましたo(^-^o)(o^-^)o 桜って本当に綺麗だよね! 皆は花見した?? 俺は忙しくてしてないんだ(´~`;) でもこの季節は街中が桜が満開で、歩いてるとハッピーな気持ちになるよねo(^-^)o 今日は友達と夕飯食べに行ったんだけど、俺の大大大大好物のオムライスを食べに行ってきました★☆ 種類も豊富でスープオムライスっていうのもありました★次はスープオムライス食べてみるね☆★ ではまた更新するね! 明日も皆にとって良い一日でありますように(^O^)またね( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ )
____________________________________ It’s been a while, everyone☆ Since DoriRai, huh(^O^) How’ve you been? I’m fine as always☆★ Thanks for all the comments on the blog! I read them carefully one by one☆Really, thanks everyone(^O^) Which reminds me, walking around town today the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, so I was charmed by them for a moment o(^-^o)(o^-^)o Cherry blossoms are so pretty aren’t they! Did you all go cherry blossom viewing?? I’m busy so I won’t be going(´~`;) But this season with the cherry blossoms being in full bloom around town, walking around makes me so happy, you know o(^-^)o Today I went and had dinner with a friend and we went and had my aaaaaaaabsolute favourite omurice★☆ There were a lot of different kinds, even soup omurice★Next time I’m going to try soup omurice☆★ So then, I’ll see you when I next update! Hope you all have a good day tomorrow too(^O^)See you( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ )
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記憶中☆★ | Memorising☆★
(Manpei | 2007-04-03)
こんばんは☆ 今日は寒かったね(*_*) 今日は朝からロケの予定だったんだけど、雨で中止になって、昼の12時頃から撮影でした(>_<) 5時頃に撮影が終わって、帰りに照明さんと寿司を食べて帰ってきました♪美味しかったぁ( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) 明日は朝4時起きで撮影すo(><)o気合い入れて頑張ってきます!! それじゃ今日は久しぶりに自分の写真を載せます(☆_☆)寿司屋で台本を記憶中です(笑)台本に集中して回りが見えてない俺ですけど、そこは気にしないで下さいm(__)m じゃ(^_-)-☆
____________________________________ Good evening☆ It was cold today, wasn’t it(*_*) This morning I was scheduled to film on location, but it was cancelled cause of the rain, so we filmed from around 12 in the afternoon(>_<) I finished filming around 5 and on the way home ate sushi with one of the lighting guys and then came home♪It was gooood( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) I’m waking up to go to set tomorrow at 4 am o(><)o I’ll go give it my all!! Well then, I’m posting a picture of me today for the first time in a while(☆_☆)I’m memorising the script in the sushi restaurant(笑)I’m unaware of my surroundings as I concentrate on the script, but don’t worry over there m(__)m So then(^_-)-☆
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こんばんは☆ | Good Evening☆
(Manpei | 2007-04-02)
こんばんは☆★ 今布団の中でblog更新してますp(^^)q みんな起きてるかな? 今日は昼から心と二人で、自分達が通っていた保育園に遊びに行ってきました☆当時の自分達の担任の先生達がまだ現役で先生をやっていて、びっくりしました(☆_☆) 俺と心の事しっかり覚えててくれてて、すっごい嬉しかった♪ 保育園に通ってる子供達みんなにも挨拶したんだけど、子供のパワーはやっぱり凄い!!!なんか圧倒されちゃったもんf^_^; でも子供達からたくさんパワーをもらったから、明日からまた撮影頑張るゼィ( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) またまたたくさんのコメントありがとうございます★もちろん全部読みました(>_<)コメントを読んですごく感じた事があります。それは…… みんなが凄い優しい事!!!(:_;)自分で言うのもおかしいけど、こんな優しい人達から応援してもらえる俺は幸せ者だよo(><)oホントに。。 これからも”高木万平”一生懸命頑張っていくんで、応援よろしくお願いしますッo(^-^o)(o^-^)o じゃ俺そろそろ寝るね♪ みんなも夜更かしは体によくないから、早めに寝るんだよ(^_-)-☆ おやすみ☆★
____________________________________ Good evening☆★ I’m updating now in my futon p(^^)q I wonder if you’re awake? This afternoon with Shin, we went and played at a nursery we used to go to☆Our homeroom teacher from those days is still working as a teacher, we were so surprised(☆_☆) They fully remembered both me and Shin, we were sooo happy♪ We greeted all the children who go to the nursery, but the childrens’ energy was amazing!!!It was kind of overwhelming f^_^; But I got a lot of energy from the children, so I’ll go work hard on set again tomorrow, alriiight( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) Once again, thank you so much for all the comments★Of course I read them all(>_<)Reading the comments, there’s this thing I felt very strongly. That is….. that everyone is so kind!!! (:_;)It’s strange for me to say this, but I’m a fortunate person getting support from you kind people, you know o(><)o Really. “Takagi Manpei” will continue to go and work very hard so kouen yoroshiku onegaishimasu o(^-^o)(o^-^)o Well, I’ll be going to sleep soon♪ Because staying up late isn’t good for your health either, you should go to bed earlier(^_-)-☆ Night☆★
____________________________________ The next post of Shinpei’s was exactly the same thing, except with the title Thank You instead of DoriRai, so here’s Manpei’s instead!
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☆ドリライ☆ | ☆DoriRai☆
(Shinpei | 2007-03-31)
おっす☆ みんな元気~?? 昨日はドリライ初日お蔭さまで無事終わりました(^O^) ありがとうございました☆ 一発目舞台に出る時は心臓が壊れてしまいそうなぐらいドキドキしてました(^O^) でも舞台に出てからは… めちゃ×∞気持ち良いし、めちゃ×∞楽しかったです☆ タオルもサンキュー!! 今日来る人もタオルを忘れずに(^O^) 今日でドリライ終わりだけど残り3公演、みんなで最高のステージにしようぜ!! 今日も思いっ切り暴れるぜぇー☆ 応援よろしくo(^-^)o
____________________________________ ‘Sup☆ How are ya~?? The first day of DoriRai yesterday thankfully ended safely(^O^) Thank you very much☆ When I first went on stage I was worried my heart was about to break, I had such butterflies(^O^) But once I got on stage… It felt so (x infinity) good and it was so (x infinity) fun☆ Also sankyuu* for the towels!! People coming today don’t forget your towels either (^O^) DoriRai ends today but for the remaining 3 performances, let’s have the best stage together!! Let’s make a riot with all strength today tooo☆ Kouen yoroshiku o(^-^)o
____________________________________ *I’m sure you’re all aware, but sankyuu means thank you. I kept it as sankyuu because… because!
This is the end of the next month for Shinpei's entries!
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ドリームライブ | Dream Live
(Shinpei | 2007-03-30)
おっす★ 心平です!! ついに今日はドリームライブ(^O^) ドキドキワクワクo(^-^)o 更にパワーアップした桃城を見てやるぜぇ★☆ みんな応援よろしく! あっ、タオルだけは絶対持ってきてね(^O^)/ みんなで最高のライブにしようぜ!! ライブ中はなるべくブログ更新するようにするねo(^-^o)(o^-^)o ではまた更新します☆ またねー(^O^)
____________________________________ ‘Sup★ Shinpei here!! Finally Dream Live is today(^O^) I’m so nervous and excited o(^-^)o Let’s go see an even more powered up Momoshiro*★☆ Everyone, ouen yoroshiku! Ah, make sure you come with a towel**, ok? (^O^)/ Let’s have the best live ever***!! I’ll try to update the blog as much as possible during the live*** o(^-^o)(o^-^)o So then, see you when I next update☆ See youuu (^O^)
____________________________________ * This is a TeniMyu reference. One of the songs his character sings is about gaining more power.
** His character wants to swing a towel around while he sings. There’s a singer who made that popular, but I can’t remember who. So that’s what he’s referring to.
*** Live is used to mean concert/live performance but because it’s sort of…slang…y, I kept it as ‘live’.
**** He didn’t actually update during the performance, so I’m guessing he means over the next few days that it’s on.
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たぎれ、獣の力!!! | Come Forth, Power of the Beast!
(Manpei | 2007-03-30)
こんばんは☆ やけにテンションの高い高木万平です♪ じつは、昨日から……… 四連休なんですo(><)o 四日も休みがあると、何をすればいいか逆に分からないよ(-.-;)とにかく筋トレはしまくる事に決めてます★ 昨日朝は凄い雨だったけど、昼から快晴で暖かい一日だったね☆ 一日代官山で買い物してました♪でも見るもの全て値段が高くて…何も買えなかったぁf^_^;  いつもたくさんの書き込みやファンレター本当にありがとうございます☆ もちろん全部読んでます♪みんなからの応援メッセージを読むと、俺凄いパワーがわいてくるんだぁp(^^)q本当ありがとう☆★   それでなんだけど、その中に俺に対して質問とかがたくさんあるんだけど、色々決まりがあってこたえられないんだぁ(:_;)本当ごめんね。。なんかみんな を無視してるようで凄い嫌だったm(__)mだからこれからはなるべく自分から自分の事をたくさん書くようにします( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ )もっと皆に俺の事知ってほしいしo(^-^o)(o^-^)oだからこれからも応援宜しいお願いします!!!  じゃ今日はゲキブルーと深見レツのツーショットを載せます☆これは俺のお姉ちゃんが3000円かけてゲットしたゲキブルーです(笑____________________________________ Good morning☆ It’s ‘very high spirits’ Takagi Manpei♪ Actually, starting yesterday……... I have 4 days off in a row o(><)o If I have as much as 4 days off, I don’t know what I should do, you know(-.-;)But at any rate, I decided to work out like crazy★ It rained a lot yesterday morning but in the afternoon the weather was good and warm the rest of the day, wasn’t it☆ I shopped at Daikanyama all day♪But all the things I saw were expensive… I couldn’t buy anythiiing f^_^; Thank you so much for all the comments and fan letters☆ Of course I’ve been reading them all♪ When I read the messages of support from everyone, I get a huge surge of power p(^^)q Really, thanks☆★ Although, there are a lot of questions for me in those, but because of various rules, I can’t replyy(:_;)I’m real sorry.. I really couldn’t bear looking like I was ignoring you all or something m(__)m Therefore, from now on, I’m going to write a lot about myself as much as possible ( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) Cause I want you to know more about me and stuff o(^-^o)(o^-^)o So korekara mo ouen yoroshii* onegaishimasu!!! Anyway, today I’m posting a two-shot of Fukami Retsu and Gekiblue☆ It’s a Gekiblue my older sister got for 3000 yen(笑
____________________________________ The title of this entry is a catch phrase from Gekiranger. They say it when they transform into their geki-red/blue/yellow characters ^^ (or, when their stunt doubles come in xDD). In the Japanese it’s “Tagire, Kemono no Chikara” ^^; Tagire actually means ‘boil’ or ‘seethe’ XD But this is what the subtitles had so… XD
  * I’m not entirely sure if this is a typo, or what. The twins both like to write adverbs as adjectives (yoroshii is the adjectival form of yoroshiku) but… I dunno. It means the same, anyway.
  This is the end of the second month of Manpei’s entries!
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☆ネバネバ☆ | ☆Gooey☆
(Shinpei | 2007-03-26)
お疲れ様☆ 心平です!! 今日も一日稽古でしたぁ(^O^) 稽古場にいると時間が凄く早く感じる★ 今日稽古終わりにみんなでカレー食いに行ったんだけど、(カレー食い過ぎかな??笑)スゲー美味そうなカレーを発見した(^O^) 名前はオクラ豆腐納豆カレー!! うっ、うまそー!!! ネバネバカレーだ★っていうか名前なげぇ!! 迷わずオクラ豆腐納豆カレーを頼みました★ 食べてみたら、やっぱりネバネバして、すっげー美味かったo(^-^)o 健康オタクの俺には、たまんない一品でした★ みんなも見つけたら是非食べてみて! かなり美味いからさ(^O^) 明日も稽古頑張るぜぇ★ ではまた更新します! またねぇo(><)o
____________________________________ Otsukaresama☆ It’s Shinpei!! There was rehearsal all day today tooo (^O^) When I’m at rehearsal it’s like time goes so fast★ After rehearsal today we all went to get curry (do I eat too much curry??笑) and discovered curry that looks so good(^O^) The name of it is Okra Tofu Natto curry!! S-so gooood!!! I should say it’s “gooey curry★” The name is so loong!! Without hesitation I ordered Okra Tofu Natto curry★ When I tried it, as expected, it was gooey and soooo good o(^-^)o Being a health-otaku*, this dish was irresistible★ If you happen to come across it, by all means try it too! It’s pretty good, you know(^O^) I’ll work hard at rehearsal tomorrow too★ See you when I next update! See youu o(><)o
____________________________________ If you were curious, Shinpei uses a masculine colloquial word for ‘eat’ but I couldn’t think of an equivalent way of writing it in English without making him sound like a disrespectful teenager/rapper XD “We went to munch on some fucking grub, aye!” XDD
* otaku is added to the end of things in a similar way to how ‘nut’ is added in English. So I could’ve translated this to ‘health-nut’ but I liked his use of otaku, so I kept it in XD
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携帯が…。。 | My phone…..
(Manpei | 2007-03-26)
おはようございます☆ 更新遅くなってスイマセン!! 携帯が壊れました…m(__)m いつもの様にお風呂で発汗浴しながらblog更新しようと思ったら、手がすべって電池パックの辺りが水の中に…………(:_;)はぁ~~(┬┬_┬┬)。。 でもドライヤーで携帯乾かしたら、メールは出来るようになりました(*_*)よかったです(^O)=3 いつもたくさんの書き込みありがとうございます☆もちろん全部読みました(^^ゞいい感想、よくない感想、全部受け止め、学び変わります!! 俺もリアルタイムで放送見ましたo(><)o まだまだ納得いかないシーンはたくさんあったんですけど、逆にここは自信をもっていいと思えるシーンもたくさんありましたo(^-^o)(o^-^)o これから自分の演技を磨いて、応援してくれるみんなを楽しませていきたいです!!これからも応援宜しくお願いします☆ 今日は昼からアフレコです☆気合い入れて頑張ってきますo(^-^)o じゃッ(^_-)-☆★
____________________________________ Good morning☆ Sorry for updating late!! My phone broke… m(__)m As usual, I decided to update the blog while sweating in the bath*, and my hand slipped from around the battery pack and into the water............(:_;)Haaa**~~(┬┬_┬┬).. But when I dried the phone with the dryer***, email was working (*_*) It was such a relief (^O)=3 Thank you for always writing a lot of comments☆Of course I read them all(^^ゞ The good impressions, the not so good impressions, I take all of them and learn from them!! I also saw the broadcast in realtime o(><)o There were a lot of scenes I wasn’t satisfied with yet, but then here there were a lot of scenes where it seemed I can have self-confidence**** o(^-^o)(o^-^)o I’ll keep improving my acting, so I want to go and make everyone who gives me support happy!! Korekara mo ouen yoroshiku onegaishimasu☆ This afternoon I have ADR☆ I’ll go give it my all o(^-^)o See ya(^_-)-☆★
____________________________________ * This is apparently a type of bathing. Similar to sweating in a sauna, except in a bath. There are apparently particular bath salts you use to accomplish this.
** A sighing sound
*** I’m really hoping he means a hairdryer…
**** This thing about the self-confidence. I think he means that he felt he could do better in those scenes, but then he saw people’s encouraging comments and decided he needs more self confidence, cause they clearly aren’t as bad as he thought ^^
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こんばんは☆ | Good Evening☆
(Manpei | 2007-03-25)
blog更新遅くなってごめんねー(:_;) みんな起きてますか? 俺は今ベットの上でゴロゴロしてます(>_<) 昨日は天気悪かったね(*_*)家でぼーっとしてると雨音が聞こえてきて、なんか癒されました☆★雨音は癒し効果があるみたいだよp(^^)q 今日も一日雨みたいだから、みんなもぼーっとしながら雨音を聞いてみてo(^-^)o 今 日はゲキレンジャーの放送日だね!!今日はレツがメインの話だから、少しワクワクしてますo(><)o自分なりに気持ちを込めて一生懸命演じたので、楽し んでもらえたら嬉しいですo(^-^o)(o^-^)oよかったら、見た感想などを書き込んで下さい!!お願いします(*_*) じゃ今日の夜にまたblog更新します☆おやすみ(^_-)-☆
____________________________________ Sorry for updating laate(:_;) Are you awake? I’m lying around on my bed at the moment(>_<) The weather was bad yesterday wasn’t it(*_*)It was somehow soothing just doing nothing at home but listening to the sound of the rain☆★The sound of rain seems to have a soothing effect, you know p(^^)q It seems it will rain all day today too, you should all try to just listen to the rain while doing nothing too o(^-^)o Gekiranger is on today, isn’t it!! Today the main story is about Retsu, so I’m kind of excited o(><)o In my own way I put all my effort into the part, so I’ll be very happy if you enjoy it o(^-^o)(o^-^)o Feel free to write your thoughts from watching it!! Please(*_*) So then, I’ll update the blog again tonight☆Good night(^_-)-☆
____________________________________ The episode he’s talking about it a really nice episode (I think it’s episode 5 or 6?). Also, I think this is the episode he was filming in an earlier post, when he was talking about being suspended by a wire.
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今日も稽古★ | Rehearsal Today Too★
(Shinpei | 2007-03-22)
  こんばんは★ 心平です!! 今日は一日稽古でしたー(^O^)今日初めてドリライのメンバー45人集まったんだけど、やっぱり多い★ 稽古場は皆の熱気でかなり熱くなってました(^O^) で もやっぱり稽古の後は腹が減る!! 最近食欲がやばいー★ 昨日もカレーライスを500グラム食べました(笑) 俺って見掛けによらず大食いなんだよねo(^-^)oそれで辛さを選べたんだけど、5辛ってのがあって通常の辛さの12倍らしくビックリした(^O^)こ れを食べたら、夜は悪夢にうなされそう…だから俺は甘口を食べました!!美味かったぁ☆ 明日も稽古! 気合い入れて頑張ります (^O^) みんなも頑張ってね☆ 今日は稽古場での写真を載せます! またね☆ ____________________________________ Good evening★ It’s Shinpei!! I had rehearsal the whole day todaaay(^O^)Today was the first time all 45 of the Dorirai members gathered, as expected there were so many★ The rehearsal place got quite hot with everyone’s heat(^O^) But of course I’m hungry after rehearsal!! Lately I’ve had such an appetiiite★ Yesterday I even ate 500g of curry rice(笑) I don’t look it but I’m quite the glutton you know o(^-^)o I chose the spicy one but the one that’s normally level 5 hot seemed to be 12, I got a fright(^O^) It looked like it would give me nightmares if I ate it… so I ate something sweet!! It was so gooood☆ There’s a rehearsal tomorrow too! I’ll give it my all (^O^) You all work hard too☆ I’m uploading a picture from at the rehearsal place! See you☆
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こんばんは☆ | Good Evening☆
(Manpei | 2007-03-22)
   今日は朝4時起きでゲキレンジャーの撮影でした☆朝はやっぱり眠い!!(笑 けど朝早いのはもう慣れましたp(^^)q
    じゃまた明日も更新しまーす(^_-)-☆ ____________________________________ I wonder, are you all awake?? I’m updating while sweating in the bath today too o(><)o I woke up today at 4am to go to film Gekiranger☆As I thought, I was sleepy in the morning!!(笑 But I’m used to the early hours p(^^)q It was quite hot all day today wasn’t it★Just having no wind, the temperature was totally different f^_^; It would be nice if the weather was like today for the whole year~(*_*) Today filming on location was finished quite quickly♪And, tomorrow I get in late so I did some weight training at home like crazy and now my back muscles reaaaaaaaaally hurt(>_<) I wonder if I over did it? Somehow I get all fired up inside doing weight training, you know(☆_☆) But oh well, as long as I don’t injure myself, I think I want to keep at the weight training for a year☆ Anyway, today I’m posting a two-shot with Kyuuchan the toy poodle at my parents’ house♪ It’s cute like Kumasan right? Anyway, I’ll update again tomorroooow(^_-)-☆
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お疲れ様でした★ | Otsukaresamadeshita★
(Shinpei | 2007-03-20)
  足がパンパンだ( ̄▽ ̄;)
  最近更新出来なくてごめんね! 稽古とかで忙しくて↓ でも出来るときはガンガン更新するからヨロシク★
おやすみ!! ____________________________________ Everyone, otsukaresama!!
  It’s good-today-too Shinpei o(^-^)o
Today was also a rehearsal for Doriraiii☆★
  My feet are swollen( ̄▽ ̄;)
I gulped down Pocari today tooo(^O^)Since there are only about 10 days left of rehearsals I’ll give it my all even more and work hard for everyone, aye★
  Sorry I haven’t been able to update recently! With rehearsals and all, I’ve been busy ↓ But when I can I make an update straight away* so, yoroshiku★
  I’ll try my best at rehearsal tomorrow toooo!
So then, see you when I next update★
____________________________________ * Literally he uses an onomatopoeic word meaning ‘pounding’, which I think is meant to signify him pounding away at the keyboard/his phone’s number pad?
  Also I left a lot of idiomatic Japanese things in here. Otsukaresama is something you say to acknowledge someone’s hard work and yoroshiku is… many things. In this case it’s probably something like ‘so bear with me’ or ‘ please keep reading’.
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So I'm now helping to moderate the fuckyeahtakagitwins tumblr ^^; (thank you! ^_^) I'm still going to post translations of the twins' blogs in chronological order here, but if any of their recent entries look particularly interesting, I'll post them over there (and then in several years when I finally catch up on this blog, they'll appear here XD). Just so that this blog stays in chronological order XD Eventually I intend to tag things in such a way that you can find things by month and so on but I haven't figured out how to do that yet >.>
But anyway, this essentially means that if you follow both blogs, you'll get double ups of translation posts (due to reblogging). So I apologise in advance for that.
Aaaaand yes. That's all XD
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