tak3mealiv3 · 1 month
"Or, we could do literally anything else," she said, with a wide smile. Obviously, she wanted to be supportive, but most sports documentaries put her to sleep. Hell, most regular documentaries put her to sleep. "Well that's a ridiculous comparison, because you're my favorite player on any sports team no matter what. I don't even know other people's names." Angie looked around the crowd, trying to curl a little bit inward on herself as she spotted someone a few rows down with a Critics shirt. "How long does it take?"
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⸻ "okay . . . we need to watch the documentary on netflix when we get home," theo noted, making a mental reminder to himself to pull it up once they're comfortable back in the house. it would probably do way better at getting her to understand than he ever could. plus . . . maybe it was an excuse for him to watch said documentary all over again. "it's like choosing a favorite player on a favorite team in sports, babe. you choose your favorite racer and cheer for them. i - well, i don't really know why it's fancier. i didn't come up with this stuff."
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
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"Oh, that's bull and you know it. If you remembered you absolutely would have told me when we found that note."
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"And what if I told you that I remembered everything this entire time and was only saying I didn't because I didn't want to ruin our friendship?"
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
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"Bold of you to assume I know what Nascar is all about either." Angie wrinkled her nose. "I went to boarding school in Vermont, its not like they were spending a ton of time talking about race car drivers." Though, if boarding school kids were interested in anything, it was high class cars. "I just don't get it. Like you just pick one car to watch go around in a circle? And how come this is suddenly fancier than nascar when they do the same thing."
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⸻ "it's international racing, babe," theo told her, chuckling as her shifted his eyes from the race and over to angie. he was honestly glad she'd even come at all when she didn't know much about the sport. just little facts here and there that theo would ramble out to her on their flights over to the races or when they were just sat on the couch together. "think of it like nascar in a sort of way, just totally different cars. and i, arguably, believe that it's way more exciting. very high class."
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
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"If you get referred, absolutely. You are stunning, so it's like a given." Charlotte shrugged. "There's a lot going on there, I know, but every time they tried to get on tinder they were flagged for impersonation, so Raya it is." She'd seen Connor on the app a few times when she helped her friends swipe, and hoped that Alice wouldn't come across him on her quest. "You are kicking ass, though, I could never do what you do. But if you're ever looking for another line of work, I can absolutely hook you up."
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"I really appreciate that you think I'm good enough to be on Raya. Makes me feel really good about myself, actually." Laughter spilled from Alice's lips. She listened intently to all the people that Charlotte told her to stay away from and nodded. "That's..a hefty list. No family, no family friends and no ex's. That last one's kind of an obvious one. Girl code." Not like she'd ever do anything to upset her friend, she has plenty of respect for the other and wouldn't do anything to hurt her. "I'd give to have a whole lot of nothing going on. I think I picked the busiest job in the world. Being a personal assistant isn't for the weak."
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
"And need I remind you that we didn't even remember that being a thing until a few months ago. As if you haven't been desperate for me our entire relationship."
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“Come on, you know it’s the truth. Need I remind you just how needy and desperate you were acting for me that night?”
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
Carter couldn't help the small hiss that escaped her mouth when Jamie slapped her. Once, and then twice. It wasn't unwelcome by any means, but that didn't mean it didn't sting, or take her by surprise. But she easily let him move her, thankful that her dancing skills allowed her to even be stretched that far in the first place. Her body tensed in anticipation as he got to his knees, and her nails dug into the wood grain of Jamie's desk. She sputtered out a groan at the feeling of his tongue, already desperate for more. But she didn't want to let on her desperation, not for a minute. "I've got something to clean it up with if you're interested," she teased, lifting one hand off the desk to playfully tug at the waistband of her athletic skirt.
Jamie rolled his eyes, “Wrong answer.” He gave her ass a sharp slap before allowing himself to take a handful of it, groping and kneading it between his fingers. One thing he liked about Carter was how small she was, which only served to make it easier for him to manhandle her at his size. After delivering another harsh slap to her ass, he lifted one leg onto the desk before dropping to his knees, spreading her out a little further to fit himself between her legs. “You’re making a mess on my desk with how wet you are,” he said, agitation in his voice as he leaned in to just barely graze his tongue over her sensitive clit. “What are we gonna do about that, huh?”
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
"Well obviously, since you're so bent on shouting it from the rooftops." Carter pouted, though it was short lived, as she was the one that was now bent, literally bent over Jamie's desk. They really needed to stop meeting like this. And yet Carter couldn't help the tingle of anticipation that slid up her spine when her lower half became exposed to the cold air of Jamie's office. Conveniently, she had forgotten her panties in her dance bag. A minor oversight. She shuddered as he touched her, knowing that at this point, she did in fact need this. It's not like she suddenly stopped being attracted to him the moment they fooled around the first time, so she would have to be truly stupid to not be turned on by his presence now. "Only if you want me, babe."
Jamie held an intense gaze at Carter, his silence speaking louder than words could. He then let out an amused laugh at her suggestion of tattling on her, but what he had in mind was far from. “Tell on you?” Unable to resist another laugh, he swiftly got up from his chair and was standing directly behind her in almost no time at all. “You clearly don’t know me at all, Maxwell.” With that, Jamie took Carter by the shoulders and had her bent over his desk again faster than either of them could blink. His hands made quick work of lifting that tiny, little skirt up and over her waist — come to find out she wasn’t even wearing any panties, her sweetness dripping down her thighs. What a slut. “You came here to ‘talk,’ but it seems like you had other plans. Dripping fucking wet, too,” he said, running a finger through her slick folds to tease her. “You need me that bad?”
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
Almost mockingly, Carter stepped closer, eyebrows raised. "Or what?" She took another step closer, before taking another, now stood in front of his desk. "You'll tell on me?"
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"Come over here now, I won't ask you again."
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
"Oh, is that what it was?" Gabi laughed softly, shaking her head. "We only just realized that night even happened, I think you're a little far off there, mi amor. It's cute, though, I'll give you that."
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“Well, because it was obviously the day you fell in love with me. Let’s not lie to ourselves here.”
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
"I'm sorry, what is your problem?" Carter rolled her eyes, though she stayed firmly against the door. "You do know that we both work for the same organization, you don't get to suddenly act like you're in charge of me."
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“Now I want you to roll your eyes at me one more time. Come on, I fucking dare you,” he spoke through gritted teeth, motioning for her to come closer to him. “Because I’m not so sure you’d want to find out what I’d do to you if you do.”
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
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"Ooh, why, are you gonna yell at me some more?" She could have very easily turned around and walked out of the office, leaving the gym entirely and heading back home, but she was curious. She knew no good could come from the way that Jamie was speaking to her. And maybe that was a good thing. Without tearing her gaze away from him, Carter stepped backwards, slowly locking the door until she heard the soft click of the lock catching.
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Jamie was just about done sitting there listening to Carter unleash hell on him. Not to mention the fact that her rolling her eyes yet again had set him off for the last and final time. He leaned back in his chair, his demeanor doing a complete three-sixty as he folded his hands over his torso. "Lock the fucking door, Carter." His tone was ice cold and eyes suddenly switching to a darker shade of blue as he glared over at her.
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
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"Oh, were you?" Gabi grinned, knowing very well exactly why Joe was thinking about it. Though the memories were still fuzzy, the note they had found not too long ago had given them some clarity for a night they had otherwise initially forgotten. "Can't imagine why. It's not exactly something that we think about every day."
closed to: @tak3mealiv3 muse: joe burrow. connection: joe and y/m have been best friends since they were 5 years old, but unfortunately, they had a falling out right after he got drafted to the nfl in 2020. now, four years later, they run into each other again at a super bowl party back in february, and have been inseparable ever since. almost as if no time had been lost between them.
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"You know what I was thinking about again?" Joe asked, a hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "The night we had that party back at the lake house in 2020 after we won the National Championship."
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
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"That literally makes no fucking sense." In what logical world would having sex with someone suddenly make them not want to flirt? Where was his logic coming from? "Someone who wanted to keep this professional would have shut me down, told me 'hey lets just keep it chill because we work together. They wouldn't bend me over a fucking desk to try to shut me up. That's an insane mentality. I don't have time to listen to this." She rolled her eyes again, about to turn back to walk out of his office when he started talking about her getting kicked off the squad, and she turned back towards him. "So that means that you can play favorites and push me to the point of exhaustion? I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous."
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“Giving in to your advances doesn’t mean I was flirting back. Have you ever thought that maybe I finally just fucked you, so that you’d understand that we have to keep this professional?” At least, that was the logic that Blaze was going to roll with. But if Carter rolled her eyes at him one more time, he was about to let that logic fly right out the window and have her bent over his desk again in no time at all. “I push you so hard because I know how talented you are and what you’re capable of. The other girls on your squad don’t hold a candle to you and you know that damn well, Carter. Would you rather I not care as much as I do? So that I can just sit back and watch you fail? Maybe get kicked off the squad? You tell me.”
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
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What on earth was happening? One moment, she was laughing with Kate about her brother and some woman trying to hit on her dad, the next there was glass everywhere, and whoever was the cause of that somehow knew who Kate was? It was astounding, and if Charlotte wasn't absolutely terrified, she would have tried to figure out exactly what was going on. Was this an elaborate prank? If it was, Kate was a phenomenal actor. Cause she also acted like she knew these people, or at least was pretending to.
"Duck?" Charlotte turned her head, but right as she did, she heard more loud noises, and she, appropriately, hit the deck, cowering behind a chair that had been overturned in the chaos. It wasn't much of cover, but between that and Kate standing in front of her, she felt a little bit safer. She watched through the gaps in the chair, trying to keep silent in order to figure out what exactly was going on.
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“your  parents  will  be  fine,  you  just  gotta  trust  me,  alright?”  kate  continued  to  pull  her  best  friend  towards  the  exit.  she  had  no  idea  why  this  would  be  happening.  yet  again…it  is  new  york.  always  in  the  state  of  danger.  “i  don't  know  what's  happening  but  i-”  before  she  could  finish  anything,  gun  shots  began  to  fire  and  a  familiar  voice  echoed  across  the  room.
“kate  bishop!”  whipping  her  head  around,  she  took  notice  of  the  tracksuits  and  verbally  groaned,  “come  on  guys,  really?!  didn't  i  kick  your  asses  last  week?”  as  the  words  left  her,  she  soon  realized  that  a  not-so-secret-secret  was  about  to  be  revealed  to  the  other.  it  wasn't  like  kate  was  hiding  the  fact  she's  the  new  hawkeye.  it  just…  it  never  came  up.  until  now…  turning  back  to  her  best  friend,  “you  know  how  i  said  to  trust  me  three  seconds  ago?  yeah,  i'm  going  to  need  you  to  duck.”
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
"First of all." Carter held her hand up. "It's my personality, and you were flirting back. So miss me with that shit. Second of all, that is what I was coming here to talk to you about. I'm trying to keep it professional, you're the one who's been dodging me." She rolled her eyes. They were both equally to blame here, ignoring her wasn't going to work. "I only give you an attitude because you push me so hard. Some of the other girls aren't training half as hard as I am, and we're all at the same fitness level, so I don't understand why I'm being pushed so severely."
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“Maybe if you didn’t constantly hit on me, we wouldn’t be here right now. But I feel like I should distance myself from you, personally, before anything else happens. We’ll still work together, but it’s going to remain professional from here on out.” He really didn’t want to distance himself, no matter how much Carter pissed him off with her attitude or how often they engaged in activities that were far from professional. In fact, the only thing on his mind at the moment was correcting said attitude. The longer they argued, the more difficult it was becoming for Blaze not to react. “I never said you didn’t work hard, I said you were fucking difficult to work with sometimes. And your attitude is exactly why it’s difficult.”
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tak3mealiv3 · 2 months
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tak3mealiv3 : a low activity, selective & multimuse indie rp blog written by sam ( 25+ / est / she/her ). many themes / verses will be written on this blog and i am willing to add new muses.  MINORS / NON-RP / FANDOM BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED.
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