If nothing is going right, try going left!
272 posts
Ojiro Mashirao. 16. Newcomer. housing: APARTMENT 318power: Tail Quirk! joined: 7/3/18| Ojiro Mashirao of MHA/BNHA RP blog affiliated with Isola Radiale|
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
The tail disappears under his armor, like it was absorbed by his own body. Like it was never there, how could he hide something that big? Simply. The tail is not made of flesh, but sheer energy gathered into one being. 
But still-
 “Its different.” He says as explanation for why he has a tail and that its not out all the time. 
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 His five minutes are up. 
Like nothing, Han zipped it right up! Mashirao balks, unable to fathom how his armor didn’t inflate with the sheer mass of his tail-- “It sure is! By the looks of it... it’s almost like a sword you can sheath!”
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Mashirao pumps his fists, dark eyes shining under the awed furrow of his brow. “You’re incredible, Han-san! You took those things out like they were nothing at all!”
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
     To say she was okay would be putting it lightly– rather, she was absolutely fine.
“Easy! If they can’t even take a bullet, then what good are these guys? But, well, what else is there to expect from monsters like these? It can’t be helped!”
     With a toothy grin, Nobunaga soon burst out laughing– fallen goblins laying by her armor-clad feet. Hovering arquebuses disappearing as she sheated her uchigatana away for moment, the warlord would link her gloved hands together and stretched.
It’s then that the taller boy would come into range of the short woman’s eyes– and in a moment, a rifle had appeared in her hands, soon pointed at Mashirao. … But, she didn’t fire.
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“… Haah? It’s just some kid… with a tail?!” Nobunaga instead rests her gun against her shoulder. “And of course I’m okay! Do I look like I’m in trouble? Wahaha!”
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A bead of sweat trailed down the back of his neck as Mashirao watches her gun fall back into her shoulder, a breath of relief slowly flowing from his lips. He can’t blame her for being too careful, though...
“You seem to be in good spirits and health,” Mashirao amends carefully, his arms half raised on instinct. Would it be weird to set them down now?
An eyebrow shoots into his hairline as he notes the goblins at her feet and he decidedly scratches at the back of his head. “I heard noise and I assumed the worst, but that was hasty of me... Are you among the people trying to subdue their numbers for this point?”
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
@enginesoul liked for a starter! [x]
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He had to be more careful about where he sent the creatures flying-- this was twice already that he nearly nailed an ally with a soaring goblin! “I’m so sorry about that... You have quite the reflexes--”
Hold on. Mashirao’s panting ceased and he stiffened into his full height. “Iida-san...?!”
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
You noticed that a group of gerblins have tantalized somebody’s tail with their malevolent maws. You noticed it’s a giant squirrel no wait..fox? Tail? Whatever the case, the fact the creatures were attacking him meant that he was like you. You pick up your broom handle and in a form that would the most renowned javelin throwers proud, toss the wooden staff at the green menace.
[Roll for attack: 14+6=20]
Oh nice, your throw knocked one of the mini beasts down and rolling to the ground.
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“Nice throw!” The weight that lifts from his tail is enough for Mashirao to raise it again, taking the goblin clinging to him with it-- “HYAH.” --And into the ground it sails, Mashirao’s tail slamming it in with the force he can manage.
It’s enough to stun the growling creature for a minute-- which is more than enough time for Mashirao to switch back into a ready stance and thrust his tail at it once more, this time directing it into a caving building.
“Phew...” He stretches his tail out behind him and glances toward his savior. “I really owe you one for that, pal!”
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
@owarinooutsuke liked for a starter! [x]
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Was it really possible that an area had been cleared out of goblins? Mashirao wasn’t so sure-- and the resounding BOOM and shouting that shortly followed the silence was enough to start him dashing around the outskirts of what looked to be like an abandoned residential area.
“Hey-- who goes there?! Are you okay?!”
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
@bewareforswear liked for a starter! [x]
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“Lure them out this way!” 
Mashirao had witnessed her holding her own, but the sheer numbers of the monsters were a problem alone-- he could help pick them off by rolling pieces of demolished building at them if she led them toward him, though!
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
It was practically one sided, One giant white tail, slamming into the monsters with precision as Han himself comes into the fray, his whole armor steaming. His kick sending the enemies far away like a rampaging horse.
Damm, his tail is out.
“You should be…more careful.”
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“Han-san!” Mashirao’s cheer breaks through his fatigue and he breathes out relief as he releases the tension of defense in his shoulders. His excitement recoils before drawing back up in full force as he takes in the sight of Han’s choice battle-- tool?
“You’re-- you were like me? This whole time...?” With the exception of the steaming armor, but it’s definitely different. 
With the enemies cleared back, Mashirao is free to squint at him with increasing intensity. “W--WHAT?!”
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
@reveuraventurier liked for a starter! [x]
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Mashirao slides into the scuffle with just enough time to counter a couple of goblins’ blows, throwing them off of their balance and away from their target. He shifts his stance and throws a look at her-- “Have you been by any of those Construction Points, by any chance?”
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
@bxsiliisk liked for a starter! [x]
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He catches the man’s attention by waving him down, the soft patter of his boots against the sidewalk slowing to a stop when Mashirao stands before Romanus. “Are you heading out there, right now?” 
A bruise has swelled about Mashirao’s cheek, but scuffing aside, he’s raring to go. “I know you don’t remember me, but... if you don’t mind, can I tag along?”
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
@tanrosei liked for a starter! [x]
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He’s crossed into the alleged safe area for a break, but one of the goblins wraps their grimy hands around the end of his tail still flitting outside of the safety zone’s borders, stopping Mashirao in his tracks.
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
@flyingspinkicks liked for a starter! [x]
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Now that a couple of the goblins had jumped on his tail, Mashirao struggled to shake them off, gritting his teeth against their pinning-- his ability to turn was constricted and his jabbing at them wasn’t proving effective. “Get... off...!”
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
@sunstarish liked for a starter! [x]
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He runs into the clearing and immediately spots someone-- are they okay?! “Hey, you, there! Are you-- assisting out here? Are you alright?!” 
Mashirao’s calls are punctuated by his boots hitting ground as he dashes out toward them, tail swinging out behind him.
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
@fcvetailed​ liked for a starter! [x]
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There are too many of them and Mashirao finds himself backing into a corner, sweat trickling down his temple. He holds fast and hard to a sturdy stance, bracing himself for any of the four monsters circling around him to attack. He’d have to defend for now...!
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
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What in the world was happening?! Just when they’d appeared to have restored some form of order in the strange, new world-- an infection? On everything save for the Construction Zones that Ofiuco had pointed out?-- Mashirao couldn’t believe with what velocity it all started to go downhill, but once the monsters came roaring to life, instinct snapped him into motion.
“Fujisaki-san, stay close!” He’d already backed up next to them, charging forward to smack an incoming creature with the full force of his tail, sending the snarling, clawing green thing flying back into another fiendish looking monster-- that would give them time to slip away!
On the same breath, Mashirao grabbed Fujisaki’s wrist and pulled them toward a site of a fallen building, hastily ushering them behind the safety of cement wall on one side. He crouched and indicated for them to follow suit, peering out over the ledge with the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end-- “They’re focused on those areas, it seems... But there are barriers there...?”
There was no question on what had to be done next. He turned around to face Fujisaki, his face drained of color from the jolt of fear prickling at him every which way-- for himself, and especially for Fujisaki. “Please remain calm. We have to get you over there. ... And this time, I will protect you.”
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
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HELLO, HELLO. I would like to humbly apologize for my lack of activity—REPLIES ARE COMING SOON. I was going head-to-head with a cold, but it’s mostly gone AND I AM BACK. AHAHA.
WITH THAT SAID, please like this for a short OVERLAY PART 2 starter feat. Ojiro aka Tailman here!
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
“Plus Ultra, sir!”
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“Plus…. Ultra…?”
Hearing Ojiro speak those words, he began to reflect on the exact meaning of those words.  He knew it to be a creed toward the students of that academy.  He knew it to be the phrase that those kids looked up to just like their heroes, especially.  Plus Ultra … To go beyond.  To go beyond one’s limits and tap into that hidden power.  What could he possibly do in a situation like this?  His chakra was nearly exhausted at this point or so he felt it.  His body’s limitations was at its peak, and he knew his body never truly recovered from illness.  These artificial humans were too much even for the Uchiha.  Amaterasu could burn away one, but he did not have enough reserves in him for all of them.  What else could he possibly do…? 
Eyes stared up at some of the beings flying and the red hues would then glance around at the others on ground.  Everyone was doing their best, yet he sat there trying to think of something … anything.  What could he possibly do?  To defeat creatures that could regenerate so fast?  It was beyond his power right now.  He couldn’t kill them, and his illusions seemed to be useless against them.  He couldn’t stop them, and he couldn’t kill them.  Were those his only options?
Keep reading
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tailented-blog · 7 years ago
@handsel -> @horsefacedliar ->@tailented -> @affectedamygdalae
It was something of a ‘right place, right time’ kind of coincidence. Chihiro had met up with Ojiro after the two agreed that exploring the city was a smart move– but doing it alone might have not been too safe. Or, well, Ojiro said that, and with Chihiro’s less-than-threatening silhouette they couldn’t find it in their heart to disagree. Of course, the first logical place to look was the large sinkhole in the middle of the island– but there the two were greeted by a large crowd… And a floating, angel-like girl.
She spoke of beacons, placement, and reward. People ate it up immediately. Exploration with reward– it seemed to be too good to be true, but the angell-like doll didn’t actually seem to mean any harm. Chihiro could only wonder what kind of A.I. was controlling the thing; it spoke with a human-like smoothness that was extremely difficult to code. Even Alter-Ego had it’s conversational hiccups.
“A team… I wonder if we should help too?” Chihiro let out a sigh, asking the question aloud, though mostly to themself. Looking around, they noticed more and more people lining up, in groups of two, three, even four. It was then their their eye caught onto someone familiar. 
“Ah, Celestia-san!” Chihiro called out. The gambler wasn’t too far either, and Chihiro noticed a second later she had company as well. It was nice to see another familiar face. With more help, perhaps it would make the beacon placement easier– that is, if she was willing to help. Perhaps Chihiro was being a bit overzealous, but they couldn’t help but be just a little excited. The programmer waited for her approach before speaking again.
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“You heard the announcement, right…? Are you thinking of helping too?”
Admittedly, she had immediately gone on edge when the announcement had been made. Who did anyone think they were? She didn’t like being forced to play games, and objected to her current state in as many ways as she possibly could. How dare this place subject her to another? So, she had been angry, pacing about and ready to give the world a piece of her mind. 
Running into Ouma had probably been her ticket to not screaming her head off in a fit of anger. After a brief bit of speaking, as well as some griping about the current situation, the tentative agreement to stay together had been issued. It put her at some ease, knowing that with at least two of them, nothing could go incredibly wrong. From here, it was best to try exploring.
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Upon having her name called out, Celestia had perked up, moving her head to get a better look at Chihiro and the fellow with her. She didn’t recognize him from anywhere, and found herself raising a brow in reply, before moving in their direction, leaving Ouma to move as he wished. 
“I have no intentions of allowing what Monokuma-san started to be finished. So, it’s only right for me to do as this asks. And ah, perhaps try to find a way to work around it. All things have loopholes after all.” And she has no intentions of playing by the book. It’s not quite cheating, and therefore, she can let it slide. 
affectedamygdalae –> handsel –> @horsefacedliar​ –> tailented
What were they, errand boys? What, were they gonna be asked to grab sandwiches next by the weird robot thing? Speaking of robots, he was beginning to get pretty sick of them. Though at least the one that kinda just, randomly popped up seemed cooler than most robots he’s seen thus far…
Wait, actually, was that even a robot? Ah, whatever, looked like one, acted like one, who cares. He didn’t!
At least among this mess, Celes-san seemed to have found a friend of hers… ‘Friend’? He doesn’t really care either way as long as they didn’t try anything. Though, they sorta seemed like the type of person who didn’t have a mean bone in their body. Or at the very least, it seems as though may not be too physically fit… 
The person with them, though, kind of irked Kokichi. What even was that weird piece of flesh? Was that a tail? He couldn’t tell, what he could tell was that he was in shape. He hadn’t spoken yet, either, so Kokichi couldn’t get a read on his personality. 
He’ll just have to be a bit cautious for now. In any case, He’s curious about what’ll happen if they go through with it, so. Might as well.
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[+ | ;] - “Right, right, soo… We’re gonna be a team right? There’s even 4 of us here, c’mon, it’s destiny! Do you really wanna go against destiny?” He teases slightly, beaming at the other three. 
affectedamygdalae –> handsel –> horsefacedliar​ –> @tailented
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What colorful characters-- visually alone. Fujisaki-- were they actually the type to attract very strong personalities? Mashirao inclined his head in greeting at the two of them, his tail flicking behind him as it came to rest up on his shoulder. 
The android girl’s speech had stunned him, her challenge striking up memory of the Sports Festival and all that’d come of that-- but he shook off the feeling of failure, a spark of desire to do well at such a similar challenge blazing up in inferno in his chest by the time they’d come to meet Fujisaki’s friends. “There are four of us here,” he agreed with the incoming boy, gesturing to each of them in turn, “and everyone seems eager to participate.”
Fujisaki’s acquaintance-- Celestia...?--’s words incited a sense of discomfort in Mashirao, his mouth twisting quizzically-- would searching for loopholes really be okay...? Taking on the assignment fair and square would have been his choice tactic, but if he was to learn anything, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to dismiss her idea just yet. 
(Monokuma-san...? The name was familiar, but it escaped him in the moment.)
His shoulders pulled back and he tapped a hand to his chest. “I am Ojiro, Mashirao. If you would have me, I would be happy to work with all of you!”
@affectedamygdalae​ --> @handsel​ --> @horsefacedliar​ --> @tailented​
Ultimate Plus Ultra! Overlay P.1
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