taikennking · 2 years
Cpr simulation over the chest of my babe. 🫶🏽
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taikennking · 2 years
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taikennking · 2 years
Intubated women
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taikennking · 2 years
Her frail body, her eyes locked at the ceiling, Her lips dry and pale, Her chest not moving, Her heart not beating
I stood in front of her and took a deep breath, I pinch her nose and breathe for her. Her chest is rising as I breathe for her and fall as I stopped. I pressed my hands on the center of her chest to help her little heart beat, everytime I press makes her body move; her feet, her stomach, her chest, and her head. I continued this motion for 2 minutes yet I received no response from her. I took the AED and stick it on the the left part of her chest and to the center. "analyzing heart rhythm" "do not touch the patient" "shock advice" I push the red botton and her body rose "shock delivered" I did this two times until I got a response. Her chest heaves up and down, Her eyes closed, I covered her body with a blanket, and I let her sleep in. "I thought I lost you" I said while caressing her hair.
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taikennking · 2 years
His chest is so deep I don't know if I can pump it like it needs to be. I settle myself into the position and try anyways, forcing myself down on his unmoving chest in a desperate attempt to resuscitate him.
Fuck, he is gorgeous even like this, eyes wide open and staring, lips slightly parted. I count to thirty and bend to share my breath with him. He tastes like ash.
I'm already tired from trying, but I continue, slamming the heels of my hands down over and over again. I vaguely wonder if I should call for help, but I'm afraid to stop for even a moment.
I pump until my arms grow weak and I am so winded I can't give enough air to make his chest lift. Tears are stinging my eyes now.
Then I see it.
There, between his ribs, movement! I press my ear against his chest and am greeted with the slow, soft beat of his heart.
"Good...girl." I must be mistaken, but he speaks barley above a whisper.
"I knew... you'd bring me... back."
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taikennking · 2 years
"1, 2,3,4, and Breathe! 1,2,3,4, and Breathe! Still flatline! Charge to 300, Clear! "
I couldn't feel my body yet I hear such words. "Still flatline! " I hear him say yet I can't clearly see him, oh that's right, I told him to stop my heart. "Don't die on me! " I keep on trying to breathe, but I can't. I see him, only him; I see his face full of sweat, I see his eyes that are in the verge of crying yet he is still trying. I see his lips mouthing numbers as he pump my chest. "I'm not going to give up on you girl, So please.... Don't.... Die on me" he pumps my breast even harder that my every part of my body moves everytime he pumps. He went closer on my lips and breathe; He grabbed the defibrillator and immediately pressed it on my chest "Clear! " my body jolted "Clear! " my body jolted again "Please! " my body jolted again and again "Clear! " my body jolted as I feel the pain rush through my body. He put on the oxygen mask on me and said "I thought I lost you baby" "Breathe slow and deep" I followed what he said and I grabbed the nape of his neck and pull him towards me. "I know baby, I know" he hugged me. I am still naked but I don't care anymore, We hugged each other like there was no tomorrow and sobbed at each other's shoulder. Both of us.
"Thank you for not giving up on me babe"
"Of course baby, but as promised you do me next"
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taikennking · 2 years
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taikennking · 2 years
Goddamnit, don't ever do that to me again. Do you have any idea how scary that was for me? I thought I was going to lose you. I mean, your heart stopped. I couldn't feel it tapping against your ribs like it's supposed to, I couldn't find your pulse anywhere, I couldn't hear it beating when I tried to listen. You weren't breathing.
I don't remember most of what happened, but I do remember repeatedly shoving on your sternum. Every time I forced it to dip low beneath my hands, I felt something crack inside you, and I was so certain I was making things worse. Just look at you, your chest is black and blue from my ministrations. At least none of your ribs broke. Maybe that means I wasn't pushing hard enough.
And I know nowadays they say you're not supposed to breathe for someone when that happens, because you're sending carbon dioxide into their lungs instead of air. But I thought to myself, "Fuck it, it probably can't hurt, right?" Besides, your chest was so still when I paused compressions. It was scary, and I needed to see it move. So I tilted your head back, like in those videos they showed us in high school. Remember those? They should have used hotter actors, in my opinion. Maybe I would have paid more attention to them. Anyways, I had paid enough attention to remember to press my lips to yours and breathe into you hard enough to fill your lungs. It was a relief to see your chest expand, even if it wasn't moving on its own.
I probably shared too many breaths with you, but after I exhaled, when I pulled away and your ribs collapsed, it... I won't lie to you, it felt good. Not just because I could pretend you were breathing for yourself, but because no matter how hard I tried to convince myself you were fine, part of me knew you were entirely dependent on me to make your chest rise and fall. And after I realized that, and I resumed working on your heart, I was beginning to enjoy it, as strange as it sounds. Your heart was completely helpless, and I was pumping it for you. It needed me. It needed me to compress it with all my weight, to force the blood through your system. It needed me to release it, allowing it to fill with blood before I slammed down on your sternum again, and again, and again.
Of course, I knew you were in danger, and I was so frightened and worried, but I couldn't help the way being in control of your failing pump sent my own heart racing. I remember wishing I could have shared some of my adrenaline with you. Maybe that would have kickstarted your arrested heart.
I don't know what finally did it in the end, but eventually your heart twitched. The heels of my hands were buried so deep in your chest, it felt like I was holding it as it convulsed weakly. I was so relieved, I almost wasn't even disappointed to have to let up on the pressure, allowing you to draw in a rattling breath. I kept my hands on you; I remember feeling your heart stumble over a few beats before finding its proper rhythm. I almost wasn't sad to have to relinquish my control over it.
Even so, I mean it when I say I was terrified, and I'm so happy I was able to bring you back. Promise me your heart won't stop again. Well... unless I decide I want it to. ♡
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taikennking · 2 years
"1, 2,3,4, and Breathe! 1,2,3,4, and Breathe! Still flatline! Charge to 300, Clear! "
I couldn't feel my body yet I hear such words. "Still flatline! " I hear him say yet I can't clearly see him, oh that's right, I told him to stop my heart. "Don't die on me! " I keep on trying to breathe, but I can't. I see him, only him; I see his face full of sweat, I see his eyes that are in the verge of crying yet he is still trying. I see his lips mouthing numbers as he pump my chest. "I'm not going to give up on you girl, So please.... Don't.... Die on me" he pumps my breast even harder that my every part of my body moves everytime he pumps. He went closer on my lips and breathe; He grabbed the defibrillator and immediately pressed it on my chest "Clear! " my body jolted "Clear! " my body jolted again "Please! " my body jolted again and again "Clear! " my body jolted as I feel the pain rush through my body. He put on the oxygen mask on me and said "I thought I lost you baby" "Breathe slow and deep" I followed what he said and I grabbed the nape of his neck and pull him towards me. "I know baby, I know" he hugged me. I am still naked but I don't care anymore, We hugged each other like there was no tomorrow and sobbed at each other's shoulder. Both of us.
"Thank you for not giving up on me babe"
"Of course baby, but as promised you do me next"
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taikennking · 2 years
Can somebody please do this to me
His chest is so deep I don't know if I can pump it like it needs to be. I settle myself into the position and try anyways, forcing myself down on his unmoving chest in a desperate attempt to resuscitate him.
Fuck, he is gorgeous even like this, eyes wide open and staring, lips slightly parted. I count to thirty and bend to share my breath with him. He tastes like ash.
I'm already tired from trying, but I continue, slamming the heels of my hands down over and over again. I vaguely wonder if I should call for help, but I'm afraid to stop for even a moment.
I pump until my arms grow weak and I am so winded I can't give enough air to make his chest lift. Tears are stinging my eyes now.
Then I see it.
There, between his ribs, movement! I press my ear against his chest and am greeted with the slow, soft beat of his heart.
"Good...girl." I must be mistaken, but he speaks barley above a whisper.
"I knew... you'd bring me... back."
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taikennking · 2 years
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taikennking · 2 years
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taikennking · 2 years
Her frail body, her eyes locked at the ceiling, Her lips dry and pale, Her chest not moving, Her heart not beating
I stood in front of her and took a deep breath, I pinch her nose and breathe for her. Her chest is rising as I breathe for her and fall as I stopped. I pressed my hands on the center of her chest to help her little heart beat, everytime I press makes her body move; her feet, her stomach, her chest, and her head. I continued this motion for 2 minutes yet I received no response from her. I took the AED and stick it on the the left part of her chest and to the center. "analyzing heart rhythm" "do not touch the patient" "shock advice" I push the red botton and her body rose "shock delivered" I did this two times until I got a response. Her chest heaves up and down, Her eyes closed, I covered her body with a blanket, and I let her sleep in. "I thought I lost you" I said while caressing her hair.
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taikennking · 2 years
Her frail body, her eyes locked at the ceiling, Her lips dry and pale, Her chest not moving, Her heart not beating
I stood in front of her and took a deep breath, I pinch her nose and breathe for her. Her chest is rising as I breathe for her and fall as I stopped. I pressed my hands on the center of her chest to help her little heart beat, everytime I press makes her body move; her feet, her stomach, her chest, and her head. I continued this motion for 2 minutes yet I received no response from her. I took the AED and stick it on the the left part of her chest and to the center. "analyzing heart rhythm" "do not touch the patient" "shock advice" I push the red botton and her body rose "shock delivered" I did this two times until I got a response. Her chest heaves up and down, Her eyes closed, I covered her body with a blanket, and I let her sleep in. "I thought I lost you" I said while caressing her hair.
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