15 posts
Reach Out. Get Discovered. Connect.
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tagtooth · 10 years ago
Even Lady Gaga may be reached on her high-school phone number. Here's how!
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TagTooth, is the newest app that allows any one to retain their 10 year old phone number even if they do not use it any more. So if Lady Gaga so wishes she can be contactable to her selct school friends with TagTooth
Even  you can do  have your old friends and colleagues can reach you, even if you have changed your phone number. TagTooth is a free and fast mobile messaging service that can keep you connected, even on your old phone number that you use no more.
Unlike popular messengers of today, TagTooth uses Tags to define the user. These tags (words or phrases) describe you in some way. Tags could be new or old phone numbers, car number, college or company name, nickname, etc. The more tags, better are chances of your friends reaching you. With the concept of Tags, TagTooth has done away with age-old practice tying the user with a telephone number.
You can simply sign-up using popular social networking services like Facebook or LinkedIn. With TagTooth, you can receive instant messages for even for multiple telephone numbers on the same device. Since, there is no exchange of phone numbers unless the users want to share, privacy is maintained.
The service itself works on a proprietary algorithm and uses standard data networks like 2G/3G or Wi-Fi, you save massively on SMS charges as your messages can swing across continents, between mobile phones and tablets.
TagTooth is available for iOS devices and is downloadable FREE on iTunes App Store.
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tagtooth · 10 years ago
TagTooth can help retain your old phone numbers, something WhatsApp cannot!
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Now, with TagTooth, your old friends and colleagues can reach you, even if you have changed your phone number. TagTooth is a free and fast mobile messaging service that can keep you connected, even on your old phone number that you use no more.
Unlike popular messengers of today, TagTooth uses Tags to define the user. These tags (words or phrases) describe you in some way. Tags could be new or old phone numbers, car number, college or company name, nickname, etc. The more tags, better are chances of your friends reaching you. With the concept of Tags, TagTooth has done away with age-old practice tying the user with a telephone number.
You can simply sign-up using popular social networking services like Facebook or LinkedIn. With TagTooth, you can receive instant messages for even for multiple telephone numbers on the same device. Since, there is no exchange of phone numbers unless the users want to share, privacy is maintained.
The service itself works on a proprietary algorithm and uses standard data networks like 2G/3G or Wi-Fi, you save massively on SMS charges as your messages can swing across continents, between mobile phones and tablets.
TagTooth is available for iOS devices and is downloadable FREE on iTunes App Store.
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
What if You Can Seamlessly Connect with Anybody?
What if you could seamlessly connect and communicate with anybody, anytime with the same ease, as you do with your immediate network? Even if you are not connected.
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TagTooth makes it possible. You can now connect with people, that you do not have in your phone book or address book.
Download Tagtooth from the iOS Appstore - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tagtooth/id880704339?mt=8
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
Your real network is much bigger
Your real network is much bigger. It is way bigger than you can imagine.
Let us take an example – an example of this person, that is YOU.
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Strong Ties: You may have very very strong ties with say 50, 10 or 15 people. These are your family or your very close friends or your confidante. You are connected to them in more ways than one - Phone Numbers, WhatsApp, Facebook, Email, etc.
Weak ties: These are your colleagues, school friends, some neighbors, family connections. You may not be contacting them regularly but you are still connected through at least one medium. It could be that you have their phone number or their email ID. You may have about 150-200 of such contacts in your phone book.
Temporary Ties: These are those people that you have met a once or a few times but never really have their contact details. Examples of this could be your son’s friend’s parent that you met at a school function, or a mechanic that once fixed your car or your co-passenger on that three-hour flight. You have met them, you remember a few attributes and want to reach out but you do not know how. Examples are –
-       James’ Mother-Broadrick Primary-Fremont-USA-British-Citibank (she mentioned to you that she works there)
-        Mechanic-Kaki Bukit-Singapore-Volkswagen-Peter
-       Vice President-Barclays-Hong Kong-Wealth Management-Sailing
How would you connect with them again if you want to?
Rest of your World: Then there is the entire universe where you are not connected today but you want to reach out. Examples again would be -
-       CEO-Malaysia-Harvey Norman
-       Starbucks- Brookhurst St-Manager- Anaheim
-       Freddie-Curtins-MBA-2006-Australia
Almost all messengers connect you those strong and weak ties, since you have their contact details.
TagTooth goes one step further can connects you with the Temporary ties and Rest of your world.
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
Tagtooth: In 140 characters
With so many possibilities that TagtTooth can do, it is always difficult to define it in 140 characters. Over the week, we did spend some time on what defines us - not just on what we have now, but in light of what we will share with you soon. And yes here goes TagTooth in 140 characters -
TagTooth is a free and fast instant messenger app connects you with people instantly beyond your address book or social network. Discover, Reach out, Engage.
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
3 key differentiators - TagTooth vs. WhatsApp or other messengers
In this post, I am going to answer the most asked question – How is TagTooth different from WhatsApp or other messengers?
Yes, I agree that there is a glut of messenger apps today with little or no differentiation between them. Having said that, TagTooth is different from WhatsApp (and the likes) in at least 3 ways – 
Reach Out to people beyond your contact list or address book: TagTooth can help you reach out to others, even if you do *NOT* have their mobile number in your address book or contact list. This unlike WhatsApp or most messengers.
Connect beyond traditional Social Networks:  TagTooth connects you to others even if you are *NOT* connected on the same social network like a LinkedIn or a Facebook or Twitter.
You do not even need a mobile number: You can use TagTooth even if you do not have a phone number. What that means is that your phone number remains private. You can also use multiple devices simultaneously your mobile phones and tablets (and a few of them, if need be) simultaneously.
 PS: Currently we officially support iOS and planning to launch an Android version in near future. Stay Tuned!
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
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#ReachOut #TipsAndTricks - 3 key things about Reach Out
Reach Out is where you send a message to someone that you want to connect with.
You can think of the tags that would most possibly define that person, and enter a minimum of 3 tags and reach out. The more the tags, the higher the chance that your message reaches the right person.
Type in your message. There is no limitation on the number of characters. However, we suggest that you be precise and crisp, as your message may go to more than one person. You are essentially casting your net in a hope to reach out to that person.
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
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#Chat #TipsAndTricks - 3 key things about Chat
When you respond to a message from a sender, your messages are moved to chat. Chat is the simplest functionality.
You can now have a private 1-1 conversation and continue the engagement.
It is here that your identity becomes known to the sender of original message.
This is where you start to expand your network.
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
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#Discover #TipsAndTricks - 3 key things about Discover
Discover Tab is where you will see messages from people that are trying to reach you.
Messages from senders that had 3 or more tags matches for you will be seen here. Hence, only some of these messages could be for you.
When you receive the message in Discover, the sender does not know that you have received the message and your identity is not disclosed.
Only when you start to chat (see our post on chat), you will connect with the sender of the message.
The more complete your tags, the more the chance that you will be discovered.
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
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#Tags #TipsAndTricks - 3 key things about Tags
Tags define who you are.
Tags are words or phrases that may describe you.
The more tags and more complete your tags, better are the chances that people can reach you.
Examples of tags could be nickname, email address, new or old phone numbers, car number college, company name, designation, etc. These tags (words or phrases) describe you in some way.
Barack Obama’s tags  for example could be could be – “Barack Obama”, “President USA”, “Senator Illinois”, “Michelle”, “white house”, “Harvard Law School”, “lawyer”, etc. and there could be 50 more.
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
Congratulations! Thank You! on Day 1
A big congratulations to all the of you that have started using TagTooth. Welcome to the TagTooth community.We believe, TagTooth will be a game changer in messaging industry over time and thank you all for your encouraging response.
We have got a shot in the arm with the massive downloads on day 01 and we have seen a 1000% increase in the number of Likes on our Facebook Page. Thank you!
Many of you have written in, offering ideas and suggestions and we value your inputs. Almost all of you are excited about TagTooth's new way of thinking. You are asking us to share the various new ways in which TagTooth can be used to expand network, connect and communicate with contextual communities. Precisely towards that end, over the next few posts, we will be evangelizing and sharing some ideas.
Stay Tuned!
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
Great News! TagTooth available on iTunes AppStore.
It is June and we have this exciting news for you. TagTooth is now available for download on the AppStore!
Download Link - Look for TagTooth on AppStore- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tagtooth/id880704339?mt=8
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You can now reach out to your friends, other people even if they are not on your contact list or phone’ address book.
We recently had a story during our Beta, where this lady was able to reach out to a car owner whose car was blocking the driveway. She had to get to a doctor’ appointment with her son, who was running a high fever. She used TagTooth to reach out this unknown owner of the car and well, she made it to the doctor in time.
What is your TagTooth moment. Share with us!
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
What can TagTooth do for you today?
Meet Bob. He has just started a small business and things are looking good for him.
Well, today could have been a very tough day for him but with TagTooth’s help it turned out to be a happy one!
You see, this morning Bob drove a hundred miles to a city to attend a meeting and his car broke down. His regular mechanic would have taken hours to get to him but with TagTooth he was able to find one a few miles away. With car repaired, he got to the meeting in time.
During lunchtime, he gets a message on TagTooth by some kind soul that his website is down. This is loss in business. He was able to call his technical guru and get it to fix it immediately. Also, he sent a note of appreciation to the person who had informed him.
Driving back, he realised that he had left his book at Starbucks this morning. There is an emotional value attached with that book. How can he reach out there? But through TagTooth he was able to send a message to that Starbucks. Someone by name of Jeff replied in a couple of minutes acknowledging that he had found the book and will keep it safe for Bob to collect it.
Some business work required Bob to think of David who he knew over 10 years back. He called David’s 10 year old number and as he suspected, it had changed. With TagTooth, Bob could still send a message to David on his old number. By evening he had connected with him.
Tucked in bed, Bob’s thought went back to Julia who he knew in school days but had lost touch. He had tried to search for her on facebook, LinkedIn and other social media but had not been able to connect with her. A thought crossed his mind – he takes out his phone, opens TagTooth and starts typing with a smile on his lips…
TagTooth – Reach Out. Get Discovered. Build New Relationships. Connect. Now.
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
Special 50 for approved Beta from TagTooth.
At TagTooth, we are working hard to get you your special beta of the magical software. We encourage you to sign in at www.tagtooth.com to get your exclusive beta invite. Once approved, we will also be giving you another special. The select beta users will be given 50 tags free. That is our way of saying thank you for your enthusiasm. Hurry! Visit www.tagtooth.com now.
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tagtooth · 11 years ago
Hello World!
Hello Everybody!
This is the first post from all of us at TagTooth.
This is an exciting time we are living in. Internet + Mobile has changed the way we live, eat and sleep. Whilst there are countless Messaging applications in the market today, a bunch of us feel that they do not not address one big pain area. “How can I reach out to some one who is not in my address book?” In pursuit of that quest, TagTooth was born.
TagTooth enables you to reach out and get discovered beyond the address book. Can you remember that neighbors’ phone number?  Would you not want to reach out to that crush in college that you lost contact with years ago?  Or did you ever want to reach out to that office colleague from your first job and did not know how?
Imagine WhatsApp beyond your contact list.  The real world is much bigger than the list of names on your phone. It is full of opportunities, possibilities and fun.
And we are here, working hard to get you that fun of reaching out to unimaginable opportunities. Sign up at http://www.tagtooth.com/ to be one of the first to receive the beta version of this magic app.
All things TagTooth – visit at TagTooth.com | follow on Twitter| friend on Facebook | subscribe to our blog.
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