tagn3n · 3 years
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“You’re the person I trust most in the world.”
The lie burned her tongue as it left her throat. 
She could tell immediately she miscalculated. She recognized that expression. The pain and isolation in his eyes, it was the one she had sworn with everything she had that she would make sure he never wore again… 
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tagn3n · 3 years
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tagn3n · 3 years
Ref sheets I've done !!
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tagn3n · 3 years
Working on a clay sculpture !! Currently I'm away from my workspace and stuff so I'm just trying to cope with vibing here. Also, I have drawn a lot, so, art dump haha
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tagn3n · 3 years
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Steeb! (I forgot where the base was originally from, but if I find it, I'll link it)
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tagn3n · 3 years
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