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thewarmestplacetohide · 1 year ago
<3 your blog! trying to watch more international films and i know there's some classics from Asia. do you have any recs for Asian horror
thank you!!
here are my favorite Asian horror films (note: a lot of these contain triggering content, so please do research beforehand if that's an issue):
ゴジラ/Godzilla (1954; creature feature, science fiction): US nuclear testing off the coast of Japan creates a giant lizard creature that rampages through Tokyo
藪の中の黒猫/Kuroneko (1968; ghosts): a woman and her daughter-in-law come back as vengeful spirits after they're murdered by samurai
ハウス/House (1977; horror comedy, ghosts): a group of schoolgirls visit a haunted mansion
天使のたまご/Angel's Egg (1985; dark fantasy, surrealist, animated): in a ruined world, a young girl cares for a giant egg
吸血鬼(バンパイア)ハンターD/Vampire Hunter D (1985; vampires, animated): when a woman is betrothed to a vampire, she hires a vampire hunter in an attempt to escape
アキラ/Akira (1988; science fiction, animated): 31 years after a nuke was dropped on Tokyo, a young man tries to save his friend from government experiments
鉄男/Testuo: The Iron Man (1989; techno horror, body horror): a man finds his flesh is cursed to turn to iron
パーフェクトブルー/Perfect Blue (1997; psychological horror, animated): a pop star is driven mad by a stalker
リング/Ring (1998; techno horror, ghosts): a videotape curses anyone who watches it to die in seven days
オーディション/Audition (1999; psychological thriller): a widower auditioning women to be his new wife makes a deadly choice
バトル・ロワイアル/Battle Royale (2000; science fiction, psychological thriller): a group of students are put on an island and told to slaughter each other
回路/Pulse (2001; techno horror, ghosts): a group of young people in Tokyo discover a website that claims to show you ghosts
殺し屋1/Ichi the Killer (2001; psychological thriller, slasher): a sadomasochistic Yakuza enforcer goes on a rampage
仄暗い水の底から/Dark Water (2002; ghosts): a divorced mother and her young daughter move into a haunted apartment building
ノロイ/Noroi: The Curse (2005; occult, found footage): a paranormal investigator tries to tie together a series of supernatural events
シン・ゴジラ/Shin Godzilla (2016; creature feature, science fiction): a giant lizard kaiju attacks Tokyo
カメラを止めるな!/One Cut of the Dead (2017; horror comedy, zombies): people making a cheap zombie flick find themselves in the middle of a real zombie outbreak
South Korea
올드보이/Oldboy (2003; psychological thriller): after being imprisoned in a room for fifteen years, a man hunts down the ones responsible
괴물/The Host (2006; creature feature, science fiction): a monster made when American chemicals were spilled into the Han River emerges to attack a community
박쥐/Thirst (2009; vampires): a Catholic priest is turned into a vampire by a blood transfusion
악마를 보았다/I Saw the Devil (2010; psychological thriller): a man goes on a brutal revenge mission after the murder of his wife
늑대소년/A Werewolf Boy (2012; werewolves, dark fantasy): a girl moves to a country home, where she befriends a strange, feral boy
부산행/Train to Busan (2016; zombies): a zombie plague breaks out on a train
서울역/Seoul Station (2016; zombies, animated): a zombie plague breaks out at a train station; companion film to Train to Busan
아가씨/The Handmaiden (2016; psychological thriller): a woman hired to be a handmaiden to a Japanese heiress plans to defraud her
곤지암/Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (2018; ghosts, found footage): a group of influencers livestream themselves exploring a supposedly haunted institution
#살아있다/#Alive (2020; zombies): a young man is trapped in his apartment during a zombie outbreak
Hong Kong
殭屍先生/Mr. Vampire (1985; horror comedy, vampires): a Taoist priest must fight jiangshi that descend upon a village
餃子/Dumplings (2004; psychological thriller): a woman obsessed with staying young eats dumplings stuffed with strange meat
維多利亞壹號/Dream Home (2010; slasher): a woman goes on a killing spree to get her dream apartment
Bhoot/Ghost (2003; ghosts): a Mumbai businessman and his wife move into a haunted flat
Ek Thi Daayan/Once There was a Witch (2013; supernatural horror): a magician seeks protection from a witch who has haunted him since childhood
Tumbbad (2018; dark fantasy, occult): a father and son seek treasure in a castle inhabited by an evil god
Bulbbul (2020; dark fantasy): the village of a child bride, now grown, is attacked by a chudail
Pengabdi Setan/Satan's Slaves (2017; occult): a woman returns from the dead to haunt her children (this is a remake of a film from the 80s, which i have not yet seen)
Sebelum Iblis Menjemput/May the Devil Take You (2018; occult): a woman and her step-family visit her sick father's old home in search of what ails him
دختری در شب تنها به خانه می‌رود/A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014; vampires): a vampire targets a small Iranian town, attacking men who mistreat women (technically an American production)
زیر سایه/Under the Shadow (2016; occult): during the War of the Cities, a woman and her young daughter are haunted by djinns
ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ/Shutter (2004; ghosts): a man begins capturing strange figures in his camera
Baskin (2015; occult, dark fantasy, surrealist): a group of police officers discover a gateway to hell
哭悲/The Sadness (2021; bio horror): a virus spreads through Taipei, compelling all who are infected to commit the worst crimes they can imagine
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sympathyforlady · 1 year ago
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doitinanotherlanguage · 2 years ago
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July 2023: 1960s
(You can read more about the Reading Through the Decades reading challenge on my post introducing the challenge. Basically, it’s a year-long reading challenge where we read books - and explore other media - from the 1900s to the 2020s, decade-by-decade.)
My Recommendations for July
🎬 Hidden Figures (2016), dir. Theodore Melfi 🎬 A Single Man (2009), dir. Tom Ford 🎬 The Shape of Water (2017), dir. Guillermo del Toro 📖 The Bell Jar (1963), Sylvia Plath 🎬 Dirty Dancing (1987), dir. Emile Ardolino 🎬 The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015), dir. Guy Ritchie 📖 Brokeback Mountain (1997), Annie Proulx 🎬 늑대소년 (2012; A Werewolf Boy), dir. Jo Sung-hee 🎬 Last Night in Soho (2021), dir. Edgar Wright 📖 Babel-17 (1966), Samuel R. Delany 🎬 The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020), dir. Aaron Sorkin
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movie-bed-ott-2025 · 3 months ago
수위 높은 한국영화 베드신 엑기스 하이라이트 시간
수위 높은 한국영화 베드신 엑기스 하이라이트 시간 알려드립니다.
수위 높은 한국영화 베드신 엑기스 하이라이트 시간 좌표 <
위에 가서 보시기 바랍니다.
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수위 높은 한국영화 베드신 엑기스 하이라이트 시간 한국 영화는 최근 몇 년 간 성적 표현과 베드신의 양상이 크게 변화했습니다. 과거에는 보수적인 시각으로 인해 성적 장면이 극히 제한적이었지만, 현재는 보다 자유로운 표현을 허용하는 경향이 있습니다. 이 글에서는 수위 높은 한국 영화에서 베드신이 어떻게 활용되는지, 그 의미와 문화적 맥락을 살펴보겠습니다.
베드신의 진화 수위 높은 한국영화 베드신 엑기스 하이라이트 시간 한국 영화에서 베드신은 단순한 성적 표현을 넘어서, 캐릭터의 감정선과 관계의 깊이를 드러내는 중요한 요소로 자리잡고 있습니다. 예를 들어, <버닝>이나 <아가씨>와 같은 작품에서는 베드신이 단순히 성적 욕망을 표현하는 것이 아니라, 인물 간의 복잡한 심리적 관계를 탐구하는 매개체로 사용됩니다. 이러한 변화는 관객들에게 보다 진솔한 감정의 경험을 제공합니다.
사회적 맥락 베드신이 포함된 영화들은 종종 사회적 이슈를 반영하기도 합니다. 성적 표현이 금기시되는 한국 사회에서, 이러한 장면들은 대중의 시선을 끌고, 성에 대한 담론을 촉발하는 역할을 합니다. 영화는 성에 대한 다양한 관점을 제시하고, 이를 통해 관객이 성에 대한 자신의 생각을 되돌아보게 만듭니다.
인기 있는 수위 높은 베드신 한국에서 수위 높은 베드신으로 유명한 영화들은 대개 강렬한 스토리와 감정적인 깊이를 가지고 있습니다. <오욕>(2018)이나 <늑대소년>(2012)과 같은 작품은 이러한 장면을 통해 인물 간의 갈등과 사랑을 표현합니다. 이러한 영화들은 관객에게 강렬한 인상을 남기며, 때로는 논란을 일으키기도 하지만, 동시에 그만큼 많은 사랑을 받고 있습니다.
성적 표현의 예술적 가치 베드신은 단순히 성적인 콘텐츠가 아닌, 예술적 가치가 있는 장면으로 여겨져야 합니다. 감독과 작가가 의도적으로 설계한 이러한 장면들은 영화의 전반적인 메시지를 전달하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다. 성적 장면이 상황과 캐릭터에 잘 ��물릴 때, 그것은 영화의 감정적인 힘을 배가시킵니다.
수위 높은 한국 영화의 베드신은 단순한 성적 행위가 아니라, 이야기를 풍부하게 하고 캐릭터를 심도 있게 탐구하는 중요한 요소입니다. 이러한 변화는 한국 사회의 성에 대한 인식이 점차 열려가고 있음을 보여줍니다. 앞으로도 한국 영화에서 베드신이 어떻게 진화해 나갈지 기대해 볼 만합니다.
수위 높은 한국영화 베드신 엑기스 하이라이트 시간 이 글을 통해 수위 높은 한국 영화의 베드신에 대한 이해가 깊어지길 바랍니다. 성적 표현이 담고 있는 복합적인 의미와 그 문화적 맥락을 함께 생각해보는 계기가 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
한국 영화의 베드신은 단순히 성적 요소를 넘어, 인물의 내면과 관계의 복잡성을 전달하는 중요한 장치로 기능합니다. 이를 통해 관객은 등장인물의 심리와 동기를 더 깊이 이해하게 됩니다. 다음은 이러한 베드신의 다양한 측면에 대한 추가 설명입니다. 베드신은 특정한 영화 언어로서 기능합니다. 감독은 이러한 장면을 통해 감정의 깊이를 전달하거나, 긴장감을 조성할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 적절한 카메라 앵글과 편집을 통해 베드신이 주는 감정적 효과는 극적인 요소를 강화합니다. 이처럼 베드신은 영화의 서사와 스타일을 더욱 풍부하게 만드는 중요한 요소로 자리잡고 있습니다.
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enterweek · 4 months ago
제29회 부산국제영화제 개막식 사회자 배우 박보영·안재홍 확정
오는 10월 2일(수)부터 10월 11일(금)까지 열흘간 영화의전당 일대에서 개최되는 제29회 부산국제영화제 개막식 사회자로 배우 박보영과 안재홍이 확정됐다. 사진제공 – BH엔터테인먼트, 매니지먼트mmm 오는 10월 2일(수) 오후 7시 영화의전당 야외극장에서 진행되는 제29회 부산국제영화제 개막식 사회자로 장르를 불문하고 개성 있고 사랑스러운 캐릭터를 소화하며 폭넓은 팬층을 보유한 배우 박보영과 안재홍이 확정됐다. 배우 박보영은 2006년 드라마 『비밀의 교정』으로 데뷔한 후 영화 <과속스캔들>(2008)의 흥행을 이끌며 충무로 대표 신예로 급부상했다. 이후 <늑대소년>(2012), 『오 나의 귀신님』(2015), 『힘쎈여자 도봉순』(2017), <너의 결혼식>(2018) 등 영화와 TV를 넘나들며…
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khaoray · 2 years ago
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⤷ A Werewolf Boy (2012)
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where-starsland · 3 years ago
A Werewolf Boy (2012)
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늑대소년 A Werewolf Boy (2012) written and directed by Jo Sunghee
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love-me-a-lotta-whump · 4 years ago
늑대소년 - Werewolf Boy - Whumplist - 🇰🇷
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Whumpee: 김철수 (Kim Cheol Soo) played by 송준기 (Song Joon Gi)
Synopsis: One day a mother and her oldest daughter find a hungry boy hiding away. They feed him and house him... but is he dangerous?
Genre: Werewolf, Supernatural, Fantasy, Found Family
Watch On: Dramacool, KissAsian
20:03 - hiding, scared, hungry
22:00 - cut on his nose, scared, quickly lashing out
24:33 - looked after, asleep
30:16 - protective
37:26 - feeling guilty, puppy eyes
38:01 - asleep
40:45 - using himself as a werewolf shield, support beam fell on his back, concern for him
21:28 - red back, small scar
58:47 - protective, angry, turning, fought
1:01:45 - protective, manhandled briefly
1:03:35 - arrested, scared, manhandled
1:03:47 - in a cell, struggling in the handcuffs, scared
1:05:50 - locked in a room, curled up in a corner
1:15:30 - manhandled, restrained (collar), locked in a room with a collar and chains
1:18:59 - upset, chained up behind bars
1:19:27 - locked in a room with a collar and chains, scared, struggling to get through a door to her, obeyed an order to wait, threatened
1:24:20 - asleep, hugged
1:29:45 - upset, chained up behind bars, sad
1:31:24 - locked in a room with a collar and chains, curled up in a corner, scared
1:35:29 - at gunpoint, concern for him, shot at, protective, shot at, angry
1:40:46 - wound reveal (GSW), treated, yelled at, cut cheek
Want to see more from Song Joon Gi? Check him out in The Arthdal Chronicles! >>> {×}
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rye-views · 8 years ago
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늑대소년 (2012) dir. 조성희. A Werewolf Boy (2012) dir. Jo Sung-hee. 7.3/10
About a werewolf boy who gets attached to a loving family.
Why is she being dumb and going to where the noise came from in the middle of the night?
I hate that arrogant, misogynistic, rich boy. Someone punch his weak ass.
LOL at this need for head petting bc same. Love skinship and physical intimacy being a universal language.
Amazing how everyone just expected that Cheol Su can understand Korean.
Cheol Su is so pure for being so obedient.
I’m dying at the hanbok and makeup scene.
Love their attachment issues.
Loyalty is the best.
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refreshdaemon · 4 years ago
A Werewolf Boy hits fantasy romance wish-fulfillment tropes hard, but pushes its antagonist to such cartoonish villainy and gives up on story logic so much that it devolves into nonsense.
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weeguttersnipe · 6 years ago
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A Werewolf Boy (Korean, 2012)
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alvie-pines · 6 years ago
I never thought I’d be head over heels for a werewolf romance movie, but DAMN, the Korean entertainment industry is no fucking joke.
Anyways, watch A Werewolf Boy if you want to cry!
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psalm40speakstome · 7 years ago
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"The synopsis was more tragic." So I'm assuming in the original synopsis he died or they never meet again? Because my brain is struggling to find. Ways it could have been more tragic? Also that last thing the director says....my heart "That's Chul Soo."
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monstax-info · 3 years ago
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220212 @OfficialMonstaX Twitter Update
늑대소년 민혁의 여행기... #민혁
werewolf boy Minhyuk's travel story....
translation by monstax-info
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timetominhyuk · 3 years ago
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"늑대소년 민혁의 여행기..."
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bodashiri · 5 years ago
Space Sweepers (2020)
█  Space Sweepers (2020 Korean Movie)
Official English Title : Space Sweepers
Korean Title : 승리호
Director : Jo Sung-hee 조성희 (A Werewolf Boy 늑대소년, Phantom Detective 명탐정 홍길동)
Cast : Song Joong-Ki 송중기, Kim Tae-Ri 김태리, Yoo Hae-Jin 유해진, Jin Seon-Kyu 진선규
Genre : Science Fiction
Release date : 2020
Synopsis : In 2029, space is full of dangerous waste such as satellites. A Space junker 'Victory' looking for valuable garbage in the orbit of satellite finds a humanoid robot 'Dorothy' known as a mass destruction weapon, and jumps into a dangerous transaction.
Probably the first science fiction movie in the history of Korean cinema, with the highest budget of $20.8 million. 
South Korea's Dexter Studios (Along with the Gods 신과 함께, Ashfall 백두산) takes charge of its VFX which incorporates motion captures in robotics for the first time in Korea. Though its design seems to be strongly inspired by Hollywood (especially Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy), it's not bad for a first try. I think it's a welcome change for Korean cinema which needs more diversity in genre.
Actor Song Joong-ki 송중기 was filming this while the Arthdal Chronicles was on TV/Netflix last year. The actor and the director worked for A Werewolf boy 늑대소년 (2012 Korean movie) together. It also means the return of Actress Kim Tae-Ri 김태리 after Mr. Sunshine 미스터 션샤인 (2018 tvN/Netflix drama).
Teaser Trailer
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