#~a wise flame: rei mekaru~
Mikado stared at the two, not expecting to see the Kinjo and Mekaru again, he huffed a bit to himself. Not really knowing how to speak to them, the A.I was trying to find a reason for them to not lash out on him.
The two were busy, cleaning the foundation and placing back equipment, without context it just seemed like it was a cleaning day or something. The two didn't notice Mikado for awhile so it gave him a bit of time to think of what to say to them, but inevitably one of them noticed the first being Rei. She stared at him in disbelief before turning her expression into mild annoyance. She spoke up calling tsurugi's name to get his attention.
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"Tsurugi we have company.."
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"Wh- You...!?"
Of course neither seemed to react well but...That was an expected reaction right?
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馃挐 everyone
馃挐 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
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"Well all you really gotta do is be nice, and gestures aren't really necessary."
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"Just be polite and on your best behavior, that's good enough for me."
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"I agree with rei, and as long as the person hasn't committed any severe crimes I think i'll get along with anyone okay enough."
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"Just be chill I guess, I don't really need a reason for any big gestures really."
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"Same, just be kind and we'll be fine."
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"Yeah!...Although a gift would be nice."
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"Just being polite and not interrupting my work, good enough for me."
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"Someone who gets along with my friends gets along with me, and as long as they don't hate ag or yuri i'll get along with them anyways just fine."
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"Get along with kisa and i'll try to get along with you."
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"I'm not sure...But I gave gifts to everyone in the virtual sim so that's a good gesture right?"
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"Ice breakers would be nice, i'm usually kind and patient with anyone by default but actually getting to know me would be nice."
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"If they have class and aren't an asshole, you'll be okay on my book."
Bonus 2 electric boogaloo
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"If you know some games to play that's a really good ice breaker for me, and a simple handshake would be fine."
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"Get me a drink and i'll like you instantly."
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Razzle dazzle dog to all!
Razzle Dazzle Dog- What is something your muse wouldn鈥檛 be caught dead doing?
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"Committing a crime."
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"Wearing casual wear."
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"Wearing a headband..? I guess?"
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"Wearing brown."
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"Eating a snowcone."
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"Wearing my pj's in public."
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"Wearing my blazer unbuttoned."
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"Going in a courtroom."
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"Being out after twelve am."
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"Saying I hate someone maybe..?"
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"Hm, Teruya and Tsurugi are handsome gentlemen, there that should satisfy you yes?"
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"Gladly. Teruya's hot, And I love his flustered face its adorable."
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"And yoruko is even better, flustering her and seeing her reaction is priceless, and I love her style I just wanna cuddle her."
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"Nikei....His eyes are pretty, I could stare into them for hours."
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"I did not take you as someone who has a type sora."
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"Eh? I have a type?"
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Dang Yuki, you snapped
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"I...I am sorry, I didn't mean to upset kinjo really...I didn't know my words could affect him so much."
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"You...Mean a lot to him, even if you never truly met each other. You didn't do it on purpose yuki, its fine."
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"I wish I did get to meet him...And you and all our classmates..."
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"Well you are meeting us now, and you have new classmates and friends. There is that plus side, don't forget that yuki."
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"Right...Just keep moving forward."
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"Yeah, I'll just keep moving forward that's the best I can do now."
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"Me too, and we'll have each other to help through it."
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"At least as long as you decide to stay around I mean."
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"I still need to think about that, but i'll stick around the hotel for the time being."
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"Take your time with it, and we can just hang out a bit while we figure things out."
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"Yeah, I'd like that."
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"Uh....Rei...? Its getting really late so you should probably get going, right?"
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"Ah yes, We need to get to work. We should be ready to go...I just need to go outside and see if those two are ready."
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"And of course while you're here I hope you are reassured on everything and that you enjoy your stay, both of you."
Rei gets up and gets ready to go
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"So what exactly are we talking about...?"
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"Akane and Utsuro, everything they did. And yuki's involvement."
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"Yes, we are making sure this situation does not occur again, and to do that yuki needs to know everything. Including the hard to hear stuff."
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Sora along with rei went through the nitty gritty details of the faux test killing game, akane's deception and utsuro taking yuki's name and appearance, what was done to yuki's parents...All of utsuro's crimes against yuki were laid bare, even ones before utsuro had entered hopes peak.
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"Yuki...You know by now i'm not akane taira, but I have her memories, and I use her body...I have no right to even try to apologize for her or utsuro I know she doesn't deserve one."
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"Its okay sora...I just...I knew the basic's of it, that she worked with utsuro and kidnapped me...And utsuro cost me my future but..."
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"I didn't....I didn't think they'd take all of it away....I thought it was the tragedy that killed my parents....I thought I was living a normal life before...!"
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"Yuki I had no idea utsuro had been watching you even before he took your place I...I suppose that answers some things....I hope you'll be able to understand now why tsurugi reacted that way...And that you'll be okay."
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"Yuki are you going to be okay....? You won't- This won't turn you will it?"
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"N-No its fine...I'm still myself....I just....I could've made so many friends....Made so many memories....And they took all of it from me....Even my own parents I-"
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"He...He really took everything...! He took everything from me.....!!"
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"I'm so sorry...I'm so so sorry!! I'll never be able to live with myself, having these memories and knowing how much they hurt you...!! And then I helped put you through even worse, i'm so sorry...!"
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"...N-now now, sora you aren't akane you couldn't do anything about what happened you being here for him is enough and you were originally just an algorithm you can't be blamed for something you couldn't control."
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"And yuki....Nothing I can say or do will be able to undo the pain that utsuro and akane's done to you, but I will say i'm proud of the person you've become, and i'm glad you didn't have to witness some of the awful things in our killing game or certain classmates poor behavior...I'm sure your parents are proud of you yuki, i'm certain of it."
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"They're....Proud of me...? You're...Proud of me...?"
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"Yes...You've grown up well yuki, you've made good friends all on your own and have already learned some things all on your own. Who wouldn't be proud of you for accomplishing so much despite everything you've had to endure? You deserve to be happy yuki, you deserve this future made only by yourself."
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"I....I.......Thank you...I'm glad i'm moving forward too...And i'll keep moving forward, with sora and yoruko too."
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"I'll...I'll look forward to it too...Moving toward our futures..together...!"
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Sora's and Yuki's bond increased!
Rei and sora's bond increased!
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Oh no, they鈥檙e gonna get grounded-
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"I don't want to hear excuses, I explicitly told you all to behave and not go out, I was fine with your planned outing with teruya and company but this was completely unauthorized."
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"For goodness sake it was a dinner outing, it didn't take too long and it wasn't even too far!"
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"You don't know the full capacity of our current situation, stay out of this."
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"Well I know enough to know your full of bullshit!"
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"Everyone calm down, this really is not the time to argue!"
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"Listen, we did not specify the place we were going to or any specifics of the place. I even cut the feed so not even the anons would see us eat, it was perfectly safe and were fine."
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"Cutting the feed implies you used your luck, that's not even safe to use anymore we shouldn't be risking it whats so ever."
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"What does THAT mean?"
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"I get that you're mad and I understand why but I am really careful with how and when I use divine luck, I swear nothing would happen-"
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"NO YOU DON'T! You have no idea what i've seen and witnessed! Using it at all is a risk to everyone especially your safety!"
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"From now on you do not go out without me, rei's, or teruya's explicit permission. Do you all understand."
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"You know what, no."
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"I don't want to argue and I stand by that so i'm making it clear now: I am not going to stick around one place and just wait for you guys to solve the problem, i'm either helping too or i'm going out and you do not get to say when I do so."
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"I never asked for any of this...And I wish we could've met again without the whole fucking town on our shoulders, but this is how it is and whether you like it or not we have to deal with it, ALL of us."
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"Yuki's right, you don't get a say on how sora and yuki deal with this whole..whatever this is! They can handle themselves, and syobai's more than capable of dealing with shit on his own!"
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"...Well she isn't wrong there."
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"Everyone please your ganging up on him-"
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"And he isn't entirely wrong it can get really weird out there so maybe lets be reasonable-"
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"I'm standing by what I said, I'm not going to stand by and do nothing so either you let me help or i'll go on my own-"
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"I...'ve...Lost too many people already...I'm not ready to lose yuki maeda again...So please just let me do this for you...."
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"Its...Been a hectic day...We should get moving."
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So what's the meeting about?
Everyone has gathered in the lobby minus ryutaro and ag
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"alright, since everyone's now present we should catch each other up on everything."
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"Yeah sounds good."
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"Well I guess i'll start...We had a pretty big fight at the hospital, I gave me, sora, and a few others some scars."
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"Do they hurt?"
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"Not anymore but unfortunately my face scary might be permanent."
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"That's awful..."
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"Eh theres been worse."
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"After that everyone got treated, Ms. Rei took teruya's phone and we found...that."
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"I assume you mean the ai."
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"Yes, and it was quite quick in threatening everyone and attempting to rile us."
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"Syobai came in and threatened it back and got it to go away."
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"And then it went over to kagarin's place, said some bullshit, And by the time I got there he was completely out of it."
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"We were caught up thanks to monocrow recording everything."
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"So that's why he was so upset...Poor yuri, this is the third time too."
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"This has happened three times before!?"
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"Unfortunately yes, we'll be taking precautions and learn from all this so it does not happen again."
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"Adding to that, Juu kinjo is heavily involved in all this and apparently he's after me and yuki."
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"Wha- Why!?"
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"Sins of the past and all that."
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"And what's happened on your end?"
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"Well ag started going haywire, some kind of video in his code fucked him up real bad."
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"Yuri came and fixed him but he and ag got into a really bad fight and ran away..."
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"This should've been expected...Literally saved and the first thing he does is start a yelling contest."
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"In his defense though if its like hibiki's case he probably just woke up out of nowhere and didn't know what was even going on..."
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"He was like...Hibiki...?"
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"Yes, the video he saw in his program was so bad he was completely out of it after a few minutes."
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"Why would something like that be in his program though?"
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sooo....what do we do now?
~Awhile later~
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"Were here."
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"Good timing, my body was getting stiff."
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"Same here...I just want to eat and then sleep..."
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"Before we do that we'll have to talk with the other bozo's yeah?"
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"We plan on doing that yes...But it isn't necessarily your responsibility."
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"It kinda is, i'm going."
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"If Syobai's going I am too."
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"I guess i'm kinda involved by default so yeah.."
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"Well if everyone else is I guess i'll join too."
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"While the help isn't necessary...its appreciated."
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"Well lets go then."
Everyone exited the car and headed inside the hotel."
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yeah, yuri and ag had a big fight, so yuri left...
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"What is with everyone today!? First tsurugi now him!? Everyones losing their minds!"
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"Rei please calm down you don't drive safely when you're mad!"
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"*sigh* I'm sorry...Its just been a very long...And very excruciating day."
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How ate you gonna help Yuri?
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"We'll try asking around first, but our best bet at getting results is to start monitoring town as much as possible for him."
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"We can also wait for syobai to deliver...Whatever it is he's getting for yuri, and see if he's there."
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"No bets it'll work but worth a shot i guess."
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maybe we should just kill yuri? or lock him up or something like kanade?
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"yuri is a bit chaotic, but he's no criminal, and he's already been through enough already we aren't killing him after all the bullshit he's had to go through."
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If Yuri is in a despair state, can it be reversed like with Teruya if you knock him out?
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"Yuri's case is...very different from teruya's, so its not as simple as that."
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"His family has a...Complex history with despair, and some other additional things...So we can't simply knock him out, or slap him back to normal like with Tsurugi. The best we can do is try to talk him out of it."
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Rei, get rid of the phone
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"You...How dare..."
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"Why can't you just leave us alone!? All you've done since we found you was hurt people!"
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"And while you're at it, maybe leave ag alone too? He has a life outside you now ya know you shouldn't force him to become something he's not just because you deem his actions as too imperfect."
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"One, I merely stated facts and thoughts. You all asked me questions, and I answered. I didn't have to waste my time by talking with you all, but I decided to be polite."
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"Second, I made him and therefore he is MY property. I am aloud to do whatever I wish with him once I find him, besides its not as if he can do anything right now with the state he's most likely in right now."
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"What does that mean...?"
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"Just like how I programmed him with instructions, I programmed him to have a stand by program using a unique method, he won't be going anywhere until I find him."
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"...You know what? I have had quite enough of you, you said you didn't have to talk to us...Well then we don't have to tolerate you."
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"You have already attempted manipulating the others and its only been a few minutes! I am quite sick of it, so i'll be shutting you off now, you damn son of a bitch-!"
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"Go ahead, that just means I can go find "Ag" and continue with what I was doing before meeting Mr Otori."
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"...And while I'm at it, I might as well pay a visit to a certain space man as well, seeing as I have certain words for him."
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teruya and tsurugi technically had their parents to at least look for,,, what happened for you rei? if its not too much for you to answer
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"That...Is complicated, There really wasn't anyone waiting for me when we returned so,,,I just took to helping make the foundation what it is today, and of course keeping those two out of trouble."
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Damn, there's someone out there who's gonna be just right for Rei
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"Well right now i'm not focusing on that...Work must come first and foremost."
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