#~Harley Finally writes somethingđŸ«Ł
tiredmetalenthusiast · 6 months
And another for the 50 word challenge by @deadbranch
“Simon, what do you feel like eating tonight?” you called from the kitchen as you searched the fridge. “Whatever ya wanna make lovie.” He sounded nervous. Shuffling caused you to face him, eyes growing large seeing him kneeling. “I want to eat everything you make for the rest of forever .”
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 6 months
Here's another for the 50 word challenge by @deadbranch
“Alex! Please, please don't stop!” You whined. Why would he? He had you, the most beautiful person he's ever seen, under him. Screaming his name, writhing in the pleasure he was giving her. “Oh trust me, I don't plan to sweetheart.” His grip on your hips tightened. Ecstasy took over.
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 4 months
Monsters walk at night (Monster!Price x f!reader)
Another one for @glitterypirateduck Price writing challenge!
Scenarios used, 16. ‘A Pursuit takes place’ and 44. 'A world where mates exist':
Warnings: monster fucking, NSFW, unprotected p in v, partial smut, literally getting chased down.
It started off as an innocent walk through the woods by the large cabin Price had rented, (seemed more like a house when you saw it), stating you all needed a break. He had distributed the rooms when you all had arrived, securing the perimeter and making sure the security cameras and alarm system worked. You remember the day clearly.
The fridge was fully stocked as were the bathrooms, all the amenities needed for a few days stay away from civilization. You walked into the kitchen getting ready to make some food, the drive there was long and you were absolutely starving. “What are ye plannin ta make and can I have some because I am famished.” You turned to find Johnny strolling into the kitchen. “Well I wasn’t offering to make dinner just looking for a snack, but it’d be a shame to have the cabin burn down.” Johnny groans from the table, “It was one time bonnie! Was nae like I was plannin on burnin the place up!” “Johnny you set the place ablaze tryin to make CUP OF SOUP!” “I was tired!”
Price walked in shaking his head as Ghost and Gaz came in behind him chuckling. Simon piped up, “So you makin food or not?” You roll your eyes, “I’ll make a steaming pile of dog shit just for you Ghost.” “Make sure it has garlic and potatoes, yeah?” After dinner was decided on, (not dog shit), everyone settled in for the night with the exception of you and John. “Fancy a walk luv? There are lights on the trails.” You think about it for a minute and nod, “Sure. Seems like a nice night, gotta walk off that meal too.” You both chuckle and walk outside, the night warm so there was no need for jackets.
You both had been walking for about 20 minutes, the scenery beautiful and calming, making small talk as the scent of Price’s cigar smoke wafts around in the night air. The light from the cigars burning tip gave Price’s already attractive features a boost, almost making him look scary in the dark of the woods. “You know, I could use a bit more exercise. Up for a chase?” You look at him confused as he takes a hit from his cigar and blows the smoke upwards, the red embers showing in his eyes.
He leans closer as you take a step back, his eyes gleaming, his teeth seeming sharper. “Run.” That was all you needed as you took off into the trees. You don’t know how long you ran before you finally heard his boots hitting the ground behind you. He was far but not by much, the sound of his boots thudding loudly, almost like he was heavier now. You had briefly stopped behind a large rock but continued when you heard his voice ring through the forest, loud and strange. “Run all you want sweetheart. I can smell you from a mile away.”
You had barely made it to a clearing when you were tackled from behind. You managed to turn over, finding Price but he looked different. Horns protruded from his head, a spiked tail swaying behind him, teeth razor sharp and eyes glowing like the flames of hell. “Caught you darling. Smelled you the second you started running. Getting chased down turn you on?” You blushed, turning your head away. Sure you had always found Price attractive, you knew he wasn’t totally human, and maybe you had some disrespectfully spicy dreams about him, so who could blame you for being turned on.
He nudged your cheek before moving to your neck, inhaling your scent. “My mate.” “What?” “You’re my mate luv. Smelled it the second you walked onto base.” “ O-oh, um I-“ “Do you accept? I may be a monster but I’m not an asshole. I’ve seen your dreams, heard your whispers.” “This isn’t a joke right? Because
I love you, have for a while and if this is some weird or cruel joke just so you can get laid it’s not funny.”
His eyes widened, stunned. “You think so low of me? That I would make a joke of something so serious?” You shake your head no and he sighs in relief. Nuzzling into your neck, he licks and groans as he tastes your flesh mixed with sweat. “Do you accept?” You nod, “Words, dearest.” “I accept.” A rumble forms in his chest as you kiss him and you both begin to undress. You had felt the bulge of him rubbing against your thigh through the talk and it had you needy.
To say he was large was an understatement as you openly stared at the size of him. “It’ll fit fine luv, no worries.” You nodded hesitantly, “Please be gentle.” He kisses you to smooth your nerves as he slowly pushes in, catching all your pretty noises in his mouth. “That’s it darling. You were made to take me.” He was only half way in but you already felt so full of him but he continued to slip inside unhindered. When his hips finally connected with your’s he left out a drawn out moan into the night air and pulled back slowly. “I hope you’re ready sweetheart, because it’s about to be a long night.” Running a hand over the obvious bulge in your skin, you clench and that’s enough to get him started.
The night is spent surrounded by the sound of his hips meeting your’s, breathy moans, the name of your captain loud on your lips and hands firmly gripping his horns for the ride. He didn’t let up until the sun had almost broken the horizon, both of you spent and newly mated.
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 4 months
A Date With Joyous News! John Price x F!reader
This is for @glitterypirateduck John Price writing challenge! Wanted to try doing a longer fic. Scenarios used were 7. ‘Date Night’ and 8. A confession or secret is made, revealed, or discovered’
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, mention of pregnancy, implied NSFW.
The day had started off as a soft morning, slowly waking up to John’s arms wrapped firmly around you and softly snoring. When you both had finally woken up and gotten out of bed he brought up the plans he had for the day.
”How about a night out today, Love?” You giggled and leaned into his shoulder. “John, we're married, you don’t have to try and win me over anymore.” He kissed the top of your head and breathed in your scent, “Well I’m going to anyway. I’m taking you on a date tonight, be ready by 7pm sweetheart.” “Where are we going tonight?” “It’s a surprise.” You nodded and kissed his cheek before the two of you went off to do your daily tasks, excited for the date later on.
John stood at the mirror trimming his beard to look presentable, from the corner of his eye he spots you in the bathroom. Dressed to the nines and looking just as ravishing as when you both got married. Red dress fitting you in all the right places, makeup dark and seductive, the dark red lipstick doing things to him. “Are you ready to go luv?” You peeked from behind the door and nodded, walking out of the bathroom to grab your heels and purse. He holds out his arm and you take it giggling, as he leads you to the front door of the flat and to the car, letting your arm go to open the door for you. After you had gotten in he went to his own side and the drive to the date began.
Your eyes lit up as you saw the restaurant John had pulled up to. “Really? You got a reservation?!” “I did luv. You’ve mentioned wanting to go here for some time. Let’s go.” He gets out and walks around to your side, opening the door and helping you out. The Maütre D’ greets you both upon entrance.
The young man seems nervous, glancing at John before speaking, “How can I help you both today?” “Reservation for 2, Under John Price.” The young man, Sam, checks the list before motioning for the two of you to follow. “This way please. Your table is ready.” Following Sam towards the back of the restaurant, he stops at a table and allows you and John to seat yourselves before handing over two menus. John watches you as you gaze around the restaurant in amazement. 
“The decor is so beautiful! How far ahead did you have to book?” “A few months, but seeing you happy is worth it.” The waitress came, took both of your orders, and went on her way. Dinner came and went, conversation was had, but John had noticed your lack of wine, deciding not to comment.
After dinner the drive home was spent discussing the food and how amazing the service was. “The lemon chicken pasta with alfredo was so good! The sauce was so smooth and had a nice flavor to it! How was your steak? It looked juicy.” “The steak was delicious sweetheart. The meat was tender and well cooked.” John smiled as he watched you beam brightly and gush over the food again, particularly dessert.
Once home you took off your heels with a pleased sigh, groaning low in relief. As you went about your routine to get ready for bed you noticed John standing by the door, shoulder leaning against it as he watched you slip out of your dress. “How about a movie before bed?” “That sounds lovely John.” He leaves to pick out a movie and you head to take off your makeup and change into pjs. Once dressed and noticing that John was changed as well, wearing those sinful gray sweatpants you loved so much and no shirt. You sat with him under the blanket and cuddled into his side, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and you turned his head to give him a kiss, tasting the whiskey he had for dinner. “I love you so much John.” He kisses you back, hand wrapping around the back of your head to hold you there, “I love you too, so much luv.” You smile wider and watch the movie.
Halfway through he brings up the wine, it's your favorite thing to have when you guys go on dinner dates. “Didn’t feel up to the wine tonight?” You stop mid laugh and turn to face him. “Thought I wouldn’t notice? What’s wrong?” “John?” “Yes luv?” “Do you remember when you came back last month? And we had that wonderful, earth shattering sex?” “I do. Dream about it when I’m away. Did something happen? I didn’t hurt you did I?” “No! No nothing like that. Uhm
I just
” “Darling if I did something wrong please let know. I could never live with myself if-
” “John, I'm pregnant!”
He was absolutely stunned into silence. “Pardon?” “I-I mean I’m only a month along but-!” “I’m gonna be a dad? You’re really pregnant?” You nodded nervously, tears starting to well up in the corners of your eyes. “Who else knows?” “I tried calling you but Gaz had answered the phone, saying you were on the line with Kate. Told Gaz all about it.” Price thought for a moment. “Ah guess that would explain his sudden excitement that day.” He hugged you close and kissed you passionately. “So I’m gonna be an actual dad then?” “Baby you’re already an actual dad.” You snickered. “The boys don’t count.” 
You both laughed, falling back onto the cushions to celebrate the wonderful news with a night of steamy passion.
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 4 months
Emotions and promotions (Price x reader)
On a roll with @glitterypirateduck Price challenge! Scenarios used 31. ‘A confrontation takes place’ and 48. ‘A character tries to hide that they are crying or upset’:
Warnings: Cursing, yelling, crying, verbal and physical assault, threats of harm, writer is not very knowledgable on the inner workings of the military.
You had entered Price’s office after knocking and receiving the go ahead. He gives you a confused look as you set the folios and papers down on his desk, “Why isn’t the doctor on site bringing me the paperwork? She’s here isn’t she? Could swear I saw her an hour ago.” You tense up as he leans forward, hands folded as he stares at you expecting an answer.
“She was busy with patients. No need to worry Captain.” Not wanting to unload your woes on your captain but judging by his unwavering gaze he isn’t buying it. You shuffle the papers into place nervously and began at the top of the pile, explaining that the soldier in question was injured too badly during his last mission and will require a fair bit of rest. He nods and reads over the paper.
“You know you can talk to me, sergeant.” “Yes I know sir. There’s nothing to talk about.” He signs the paper and places it off to the side face down. “Clearly there is. It’s showing on your face. A couple of recruits have mentioned you and Dr.Alice having a few choice words.” You place another paper in front of him and reads it over, waiting for you to explain. “Just a
misunderstanding, Captain. That’s all.” “A misunderstanding that lead to you mumbling about wanting to put laxatives in her coffee? Interesting.”
”Did she call and make a complaint about me, sir?” He signs off the paper and you hand him another. “No she didn’t, but Soap and Gaz have both mentioned some tension. So tell me about it.” You sighed, eyes welling up a bit and you quickly wipe at them. You go on to explain how she acts, showing off her assets, flirting with the men that come in instead of doing her job, forcing all of her paperwork onto you and making you deliver it. You often have to stay after hours filling out HER reports and have lost sleep, which Ghost had noticed and brought to Price’s attention.
He nods and makes a quick phone call. You briefly hear Ghost’s voice over the line as Price tells him to meet up at the medical ward, explaining the situation. He hangs up after getting a confirmation. He turns back to you and you straighten up, “How qualified are you as a nurse?” “I was a doctor before I joined the service, sir.” “Great, you’re about to get a promotion. Follow me.”
You follow him out the door and within minutes you’re waving to Ghost who waits at the door to the medical ward. He opens the door for Price and you three enter to find Dr.Alice sitting at her desk asleep. Price nods to Ghost who proceeds to yell in his lieutenant voice, thoroughly spooking the woman awake. “O-oh Captain Price! Lieutenant Ghost! H-How can I help you both?”
”You’re being removed from your job. Effective immediately.” Silence hangs in the now charged air. “Excuse me? I’m being what?” Ghost steps in front of Price, “You’re fired. Pack up your shit. You have an hour to get off this base before you are escorted off. Captain’s orders.” “ON WHAT GROUNDS?!” She turns on you, trying your hardest to look small and invisible before she lunges.
”WHAT DID YOU TELL THEM YOU LITTLE BITCH?! ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS YOUR JOB NOT GO OFF AND FUCKING COMPLAIN TO THE CAPTAIN!” Ghost catches her, holding her back from tearing your face off as Price moves you behind himself. “It’s come to our attention that you are, in fact, not doing your job. Making the nurses pull your weight, flirting with the men instead of tending wounds, abusing your nursing staff, and a long list of other things.”
She screams and thrashes against Ghost’s hold before running out of steam. “You have an hour. Ghost make sure she cleans up and leaves.” “Rog.” Price turns to you and holds out his hand, “Congratulations. You’re now the new doctor on base. I expect great things from you sergeant.” You shake his hand, thanking him profusely but before you could follow him out Alice lunges again, taking hold of your hair and pulling you to the ground. 
“SO WHAT YOU WENT AND FUCKED THE CAPTAIN FOR A PROMOTION?! I’LL FUCKIN KILL YOU!” You yell as you struggle to get away from her, her fist making contact with your cheek. “ENOUGH! Ghost, apprehend her!” He grabs Alice, getting an elbow to the gut in the process but manages to remove her from your shaking form, Price helps you up and looks at the bruise forming on your skin. “Now you have assaulting a fellow officer added to your list of reasons. Take her to processing, she’s on the out.” Ghosts nods and leads Alice out the door.
”You broken?” “No, my face just hurts a lot now. Thank you Captain.” Price nods, “Let’s go. You’ve got more than just medical paperwork to do now.” You attempt a laugh but stop at the sting in your cheek, following Price back to his office.
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 6 months
Okay and one more for the 50 word challenge by @deadbranch
Date night with Keegan was usually quiet. Stay at home, order take out, watch some movies. Today was different though. You walked through the door to Keegan's home, everything was decorated. “Keegan?” You called. His answer came from the bedroom, where you found him on one knee. “Love me forever?”
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 3 months
Poems of Love (Gaz x F!Reader)
This is part one of the Love letter series (In slow process, please be patient). Starting off with everyone’s favorite pretty boy Gaz! This is just a love poem from reader to our helicopter surivor!
Warnings: Violence against another person, mentions of racism, hurt with written comfort, fluff, writer has very, very little military knowledge!
If you could have had it your way which you did but only a little bit, you would have scarred up the bitch that decided it was a great idea to talk shit about your sergeant. Price had intervened when he was brought in for the commotion, finding you and her in a pile on the ground of the mess hall, your fist repeatedly meeting her face. The guy she was with looked just as bad as she’ll look after Price had Ghost pull you off of her.
”Alright! What the hell is going on here?!” He turns to you expecting an answer, before you can speak however the girl you had been wailing on decided to speak up.
”She just went mental and attacked us!” Ghost scoffed, “Sounds like a load of shit private.” Ghost looks to Price who says nothing, still looking at you for an answer. “What happened, sergeant? I won't ask again.”
You took a breath to center yourself, placing a hand on Prices wrist, a sign you were truly pissed and grateful for your captain holding you back. You looked at Gaz who was staring at the floor, with Johnny patting his back. “Sir, the guys and I were simply enjoying our lunch, when Private Downs and her buddy Private Fallow decided it was an amazing idea to address Sergeant Garrick by racial slurs. I took it upon myself to defend his honor.”
Price looks at Gaz and Johnny, who confirm the story. Price turns you loose to Johnny so you can see if Gaz is okay. He had told you not to worry about it, to leave it be as it wasn’t anything he hadn’t heard before, he admired your sense of violent justice and need to defend him.
Price clears his throat, “Well, as it stands we here in the military, especially the 141, don’t take kindly to that sort of talk. You both being in the military, fairly new or not, should probably re-evaluate your life choices. If you find joy in tormenting your fellow high ranking officers perhaps we should remove you.”
”Remove us how?! It’s just words! W-we were just joking!” Ghost rolls his eyes and jostles Private Downs to shut her up. “You’ll shut your bleedin mouth! Sergeant Garrick is more of a soldier than you and your friend’ll ever be in your whole career!”
”Ghost take ‘em to my office. Sergeant!” “Captain?” “Good work defending your colleague, next time though try to make it a bit less bloody, eh? Cleaning duty for a week.” “Totally worth it sir!” Price and Ghost leave with Downs and Fallow in hand ready to put them through back to basic for behavioral and tolerance training.
Gaz had thanked you but told you it wasn’t necessary, he seemed distanced after that. Only saying hello in passing, you thought it was either what the two idiots had said or that he was mad at you, possibly both. Johnny and Ghost had assured you it wasn’t anything you did.
Taking the time you had to sit around after hours you penned him a letter. A poem really but you were hoping it would put him in a better mood. It took you a few hours but once you had finished it and read it over, you folded in up and went to slide it under his door for him to read in the morning.
-The next morning- Gaz pov-
He really wasn’t up for dealing with anyone today, especially not after yesterday's events, but none the less he had to get to up and start his day. Duty called and he had to be at morning training to help Ghost with recruits. He thought back to you and how fast you were to defend him, he was appreciative yes but it really wasn’t a big deal, it came with the military. Some people are just stuck in the Middle Ages like and you can’t help them.
Freshly showered and changed he was about to leave when he noticed a letter on the floor, his name scrawled across the front in beautiful script. He picked it up and sat at his desk to read it.
It looked like your hand writing but he doesn’t remember it looking so nice and neat, havin only ever seen you writing reports in messy, somewhat legible chicken scratch. As he opens it and begins to read he feels his heart swell.
‘To the prettiest man I know
Your bravery knows no bounds, leaving me breathless at your wonder. Akin to a warrior, a deity, war and peace become you. An angel.
Your beauty would be compared to that of Narcissus, of a warm summer day and lovely autumn nights. Your eyes bring delightful thoughts of dark chocolate in the shade and shine like the brightest amber whiskey in the light.
Skin aglow in the afternoon sun and glistening with sweat,  who could ever deny you? Aphrodite herself would bargain with you for your secrets. Would regale you with tales of beauty and mark you as one yourself and no one would bat an eye in disagreement.
I look upon your beauty and heroism with awe and hope that one day I could stand in even a shred of your greatness. If you were a god I would worship at your alter for all of my days, the most devoted supplicant, spreading your praises through any means.’
Gaz must have read it 4 times and he didn’t know what to say, his eyes were a little bit misty. Others had praised him yes, for his efforts on the field, his medals, but no one had ever called him a deity. No one had ever complimented his eyes like that. He rubbed at is eyes, letting out a huff, before folding up the letter and placing it in his desk drawer before heading out to morning practice. His heart feeling lighter.
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 4 months
Keegan makes an attempt at cooking
And another for @deadbranch 100 word fic challenge!
Keegan didn’t know what to do. He planned on making you a nice dinner for date night, even going as far as being on the phone with his mom as he was preparing the meal so he’d get it right. “Don’t worry sweetie, I’m sure she’ll love it.” “I really hope so mom.” Now as he airs out the house of smoke, attempting to calm his racing heart. He turns quickly as he hears the door open. “Keegan? Baby why is the house so smokey?” You round the corner and find him holding the burnt meal. “Uh
 I love you?”
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 4 months
Running into the Captain (Price x reader)
For @glitterypirateduck Price writing challenge. Scenario used was 41. ‘Price and reader run into each other (literally)’:
Warnings: thoughts of wanting to do harm to someone that annoys you, cursing.
You were absolutely cursing the doctor on site at base right now. Having decided she didn’t want to do the paperwork or deliver it and leaving that for you to do while she ‘took care of’ the soldiers coming in for treatment. ‘More like she’s just flirting and enjoying the attention’ You frowned and closed your eyes, folios of medical documents pressed tightly to your chest.
”If I could fuckin strangle the woman I would. I don’t get paid to do her fucking job just so she can shove her cleavage in the faces of the soldiers.”
So caught up in ranting to yourself, you sped up your steps, attempting to make it to Captain Price’s office to drop off the paperwork that needs his signature and to let him know of the officers that will be put on temporary leave or desk duty. You hadn’t heard the boots heading towards you, let alone the sound of an opening door.
”I’m gonna cut her hair while she’s asle- Ah! Fuck!” You swear as you collide with what you think is a wall, “Woah! Jesus Christ!”, a talking wall at that.  Falling on your ass and dropping the paperwork you hear the person speak again, “Are you alright, lieutenant?” You open your eyes finally as you rub your nose from the contact, staring at Price as he gets back up on his feet, before looking at the scattered papers. Sighing, you proceed to pick them up.
”Apologies sir. Was on my way to see you about paperwork that needs signing.” He chuckles, “Well I was just on my way to find you. Didn’t plan on running into you literally though.” He helps you pick up the paperwork, handing it to you. “You were looking for me?” He nods and clears his throat, “Was wondering if you wanted to get drinks later? If you’re up for it of course.” You blinked owlishly at him.
Your brain was firing a mile a minute, nerves briefly shocked by his offer. “Uh yeah. Drinks would be nice Captain. The guys coming along?” He chuckles and reaches for your hand, kissing your knuckles, “It’s John luv. None of that captain stuff now, and no. Was thinkin it could just be us.” You flush and nod. He smirks, “Now about that paperwork?” He opens the door, the two of you entering his office.
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 4 months
Being his peace (Simon ‘ghost’ Riley x reader)
One more for @deadbranch 100 word fic challenge!
Warnings: Angst, failed mission, implied almost death.
The mission was hard this time. He had almost lost not only his own life, but that of his team. Simon heaves a heavy sigh as he slings his bag over his shoulder, walking to your flat in hurried steps, eager to see you. To cling to you. To breathe you in. He raised his hand but you had beat him to it, opening the door and letting him in. Simon drops the bag with a thud and wraps you up in his arms. “Si? What’s wrong?” “Long mission. Missed you.” You squeeze him tighter, “I love you so much.”
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 6 months
For @deadbranch 50 word challenge
She was dreaming. She had to be. There was no way she and you were standing here right now. You, her little sand viper, standing in white before her. Crying and smiling as you give a speech, your vows. “Farah, I feel as though I've loved you for a lifetime.”
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 3 days
To Start Anew (TF141xLATA!Reader)
Part 2 coming up hot! Here our lovely reader finally meets the guys!
Warnings: Language
The alarm goes off at 5:30am and you’re thankful that you remembered to pack all your new clothes the week before. As you rushed to do your routine, put on nice makeup, a nice set of lingerie and one of the new dresses you bought just for the trip. A black, knee length little summer dress paired with some strappy, chunky heels.
A whistle comes from behind you and your mom, dad, and sister are standing there, soft smiles on their faces. “Honestly that guy is a fuckin idiot. Giving up my hot sister to go do god knows what.” You laughed at your sister’s comment and sighed. “Think you dodged a bullet on this one honey. Always gave off that kinda flakey vibe.” You nodded and gave them a hug. “Thanks dad. Think I dodged a bullet too.”
Your mom perks up and checks the time. “Well let’s get you to the airport then. Don’t want you to be late for your flight!” Your dad helps you with your bags as your mom leads the way to the car, your sister talking your ear off about the trip and to send lots of pics and videos and to have fun.
Luckily when you arrived it was only 6am and the line to get through security was short enough it only took you 20 minutes to get through. You made your way to the assigned gate for your plane and made yourself comfy as you waited.
It was about 15 minutes later when a group of four men came into the area, discussing something but honestly you were immersed in your podcast and couldn’t exactly hear them. That was until one of them, a handsome man with a British accent, pointed at you and approached. He was dressed in dark jeans and a gray t-shirt, showing off defined, strong looking arms, dark skin glowing in the early morning sun.
”Sorry to disturb you ma’am, but is this the gate for flight 5138 to Italy? They changed us at the last second and my boss is pretty sure we're in the right area.” You look at his ticket and then your own. “Uhm yeah looks like it! Hate when things change last minute.” The man nods, beautiful chocolate brown eyes shining. “Thank you miss
You flush, extending your hand and giving your name. He takes it and kisses your hand, “A pleasure. Thank you again.” He walks back to his group and you stare at your hand for a moment before going back to listening to your podcast. You notice them all gather around closer and sit across from each other and a seat away from you. They talk amongst themselves before the oldest, who you assume is their boss, pulls his beanie over his eyes and leans back for a nap.
The one that asked you about the gate earlier sits next to you and pulls out his phone to play some game. The other two, one with a skull face mask and the other with a Mohawk talk amongst themselves. You hit an interesting point in the podcast you’re listening to, as the narrator retells a scary experience story someone sent in. Under your breath you unconsciously mutter out a ‘Oh my fuckin god why? Wouldn’t have let the spooky batch in my house to begin with.’ Drawing their attention to you.
”Aye, letting spooky bitches into your home would nae be the smartest move.” You glance at the Mohawk guy and apologize. “Ah sorry I didn’t think I’d said out loud.” He shakes his head and laughs. “Nah don’t be. What’s so spooky anyway?” You show him the podcast on your phone, him and the masked guy looking and nodding. “The woman likes scary stories. Got any recommendations?” The masked one speaks and his voice is gravel, you absolutely love it.
”Well this one is pretty good. Active too, about 400+ stories with some of them compilations.” You give him the name of it and he searches it up, popping a headphone in and scanning the area. The Scottsman brings your attention back to him, more interested in having someone to talk to. “What are ye headin to Italy for? Family? Friends?” You hesitate. You don’t know these men and having four strange, and extremely handsome, men knowing you’re by yourself seems like a bad idea.
”Uh, Honeymoon for one.” His face drops and his frown surprises you. “That a thing? Did nae ken you could have one a those.” Beanie guy chimes in, “That’s not a thing Johnny. Quit bothering the poor lady.” “Aye Cap, just makin friendly convo with Bonnie.” Chocolate eyes smirks and leans in, “If he’s bothering you we can muzzle him for ya.” You giggle and shake your head. “No no, he’s fine.” “So what’s the reason fer the solo honeymoon if ye dinna mind me askin?”
You look at him for a solid minute before replying. “You don’t gotta answer him. You don’t know us, you’re not inclined to share.” You nod, but politely give them your name. Beanie guy introduces himself as John, mask dude says his name is Simon, Mohawk is John but says you can call him Johnny, and chocolate eyes says his name is Kyle, you make a face before furiously apologizing. You slap your hands over your face, trying not to ruin your makeup. “Oh my fucking god that was so rude! I’m so sorry.”
”Gave ‘er the ick and all you did was give the poor girl your name Garrick. That’s a new one.” “No no I’m sorry. My ex fiancé’s name was Kyle. Stupid asshole literally left me at the altar yesterday. Hence why I’m on this solo honeymoon. His parents spent the money and they didn’t want to let it go to waste.” The men stare at you in shock, taking in your outfit, the nice makeup. “”What fuckin muppet. Was he cheating?”
You shake your head. “His best man is an absolute madman with any kind of tech and went through all of this socials and electronics, even the phone records. Didn’t find anything.” The men nod and hum. “So what are you guys heading to Italy for? Business? Overdue vacation?” “Something like that.” John says. “On leave for now.” “Military?” They nod, “What’s that like?” “Fuckin exhaustin. Wish the bad guys would take some fuckin vacations honestly.”
After that you five spend time talking until they begin boarding the plane, the stewards sending everyone to their own first class areas. You order a Jack and coke and settle in for the long flight.
Tags!: @cumikering @devcica
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 4 days
To Start Anew (TF141xLATA!Reader) Ch.1
This was just a little thing that popped into my head! Like what if home gurl got left at the altar, took the honeymoon trip and met the 141 men along the way? The Kyle mentioned at the beginning is not our boy Gaz so don’t be alarmed!
Warnings so far: Swearing, being left at the altar, unhealthily fast switch up from sad to mad.
Today was supposed to be the best day of your life. Your dream venue was decorated to perfection, all the guests had shown up minus a few because of life and other things, and you understood saying you'd send them their gift bags and photos.
You stood in the room surrounded by your bridesmaids, mother, sister , mother in law Molly and sister in law Tara. The wedding would start in a few minutes and in that time you would never have believed the utter heartbreak you would experience.
A sharp, hurried knock sounds at the door, urgency and dread rearing their ugly heads. “We have an emergency!” came from behind the door and the best man, Jack, entered.
Your mother and Molly look at him as the others give worried looks, your MOH Hana gripping your hand. “He's not here. He's not answering his phone, his work doesn't know where he is.” Rage flashes in Molly's eyes, the woman had loved you the moment she met you and you'd never seen rage on her like this before.
“What do you mean ‘he's not here and you can't find him’?! The wedding starts in 20 minutes and you're just now telling me he hasn't been here the entire time?!” The woman is furious. Your mom and sister are furious. The bridesmaids and MOH are furious.
Finally, Tara decides to speak up, guilt eating away at her. “He's not coming.” Molly's head snaps so fast towards Tara, you thought it would break. “You'd best start explaining right now Tara, before the consequences become severe!”
Your mom and sister drag Jack further inside the room, cornering the two of them. The explanation breaks your heart, the pair going on about how he had realized he hadn't actually wanted to get married. Your sobs break the story and everyone looks at you with pity.
“Was there another woman? Was he cheating on me?!” You managed to get out past the sobs and now raw, irritated throat. “No! Trust me I checked through everything he owned! There is no other woman!” If anyone would know it would be Jack, the man was a tech wiz.
You nodded and dropped your head into your hands. “Well, best we go let everyone know there isn't gonna be a wedding.” Tears streaming down your face you barge from the room, party trailing behind you as phones are pulled out to make calls or send texts.
Hana quiets the band as you reach the altar, mic in hand. You take a deep, shaky breath. “H
” You clear your throat as Hana brings you a cold glass of champagne and takes the mic from you.
“Hello everyone! I stand before you all to let you know that the wedding will not be happening. Kyle has decided he doesn't want to marry and has vanished. No one has been able to reach him.” The gasp from the crowd is so loud it muffles a new round of sobs. Whispers are quiet but the anger is not.
Your dad rushes to the altar to comfort you as Hana rubs a hand across your back. There are rude comments made about time and money wasted and comments made to console your crying self. The rude commentary was shut down by the bridal party immediately, especially after Becky punched someone and verbally ran them through, because they how dare they make an already shitty day worse.
The reception hall is opened as well as the bar. Your mother makes sure you don't drink yourself stupid as you wallow in your anguish. Hana and the other bridesmaids plop down around you, drinks in hand and bashing your now ex. “So, as it stands I would let him know it’s over.” “Yeah, and then after that you can hop on the honeymoon plane and relax in Italy! Drink some bangin wine, eat so much pasta you get absolutely sick of it! Maybe meet a nice Italian guy? Wink wink~!”
Hana rolls her eyes while the others smile and wiggle their eyebrows at you. You shake your head and give a small smile, pulling out your phone and bringing up Kyle’s number to begin typing. ‘Hey jackass, hope you’re enjoying wherever the hell you’re at. Sending this complimentary text to confirm that we are, in fact, over. Have fun and lose my number cuz I’ll be blocking your’s. Fuck you, sincerely your ex fiance! PS. I’m still taking the honeymoon trip.’
”Good on you dear. His father and I will be sure to tear him a new one should we be in contact.” “Thank you Molly. Don’t be a stranger and I’ll be sure to bring you and Terry something back from Italy.” “A bottle of sweet red would be lovely if you can find it!” You nod and block Kyle’s number along with blocking him on everything else. “What time is the flight?” “Oh, uh, like 7am tomorrow. I’ll be there for 2 weeks.” “Best get home and sleep then.” Your mom and sister gathered you up and got you to the room to change back into your normal clothes before heading home.
Tags: @cumikering
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 6 months
One more for @deadbranch 50 word challenge.
“They're currently in critical condition. Surgery went well enough but they'll need time.” Keegan listened intently to the doctor as she spoke. “When can I see them?” He asked. You'd finally come back to him. When you had arrived at base on the shoulders of the Walker boys he broke.
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 6 months
One more for the 50 word challenge by @deadbranch
John couldn't believe how much he needed you. When he had first met you in the pub on leave your laugh attracted him to you. Now, months later, here you were moaning, writhing under him. The sounds you made like the loveliest symphony. Taste sweet like the most addictive drug.
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 6 months
50 word challenge by @deadbranch.
Looking into Johnny's eyes always felt like drowning. Blue as the ocean and full of life, it was so easy to get lost in them. To feel as if you were floating away never to return. It was so easy to fall in love with him and those deep blues.
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