#~All the Fae~ // alyafae
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 2 years ago
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Loretta didn't like travelling. She liked staying at home, in Dundalk, either in her shop or in her cottage. She'd done enough travelling just getting to there and settling after the shitshow that was her banishment from the pack. But then Orion had barged into her life, her nephew she didn't even know existed. The boy was a sweetheart, the complete opposite of his father as Lola remembered him and boy, was Lola grateful of that.
But it also meant that he could twist her round his little finger and he did, much to their shared amusement. He would send letters, photos, videos with her of the pack and family, all without their knowledge, if they found out he had found her...Lola shuddered, it would be worse than her exile for him. With that in mind, the she-wolf had tried to keep her distance, but the boy was persistent, a family trait. He kept in touch even when he attended university in Dublin not far from her.
He, along with her business partner Janet, had convinced her to take a holiday, to New York of all places. Janet had chosen it and Orion had coaxed Lola into agreeing, hence why the pair of wolves were now sat in Central Park, laughing their asses off as they ate ice cream on the grass at one of the stories Lola told the boy of his father as a child. That was until Orion froze like a deer caught in headlights, his grinning face turning ashen and stricken, like he was seeing a ghost over Loretta's shoulder. He muttered continuously, 'We're fucked, we're fucked, we are so fucking fucked!' and despite Lola sobering up and scolding him gently for his language, he seemed to shrink in on himself.
That terrified Lola. She tried to take a calming breath because that could only mean one of two things, another rogue had found them or a member of the pack had. That calming breath confirmed the latter as the scent that had once been a constant in Lola's life hit her nostrils and she went rigid.
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 1 year ago
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Lola let her twin sink into the embrace as much as she was and vowed to herself never to let her sister go again. She had missed her hugs, missed how safe and complete she felt when they were together; she missed her sister's laughter and wit, her protective streak and her undeniably kind heart. Gods above and below how did she manage to stay away for so long, knowing that this was what she had been denying them both all those years.
She inhaled deeply, squeezing just a touch tighter for a moment before turning her head to Kat would hear her better as she all but mumbled into dark tresses much like her own, "Things quite similar to when we were youngsters. People kept calling me by your name, asking how the business was going, and after your daughter;"
She paused and pulled back a tearful smile on her face as she gently cupped Kathleen's cheeks, thumbs making feather light passes over soft skin, "You have a little girl, well, not so little anymore. Orion has shown me pictures from when they were younger, she is as beautiful as we were at their age, Kitty. I am so happy and proud of you, of all of you, and I can not wait to meet my sweet little niece, if you would allow it?"
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“I never blamed you for falling in love. I never blamed you for not realizing what was really going on either.” Had she been upset about the whole situation? Of course, but not because of her sister. No, she had been upset about everything else; how they had kept them apart. “I tried to go after you but they wouldn’t let me. Needless to say things were never the same again.” Not when she had felt nothing but resentment for her family.
Her gaze drifted towards Orion once more and found she couldn’t be too upset with him. After all, he was the reason Lola was here now, that they got another chance to be reunited as sisters. There were so many things she wanted to share with her. Kat wanted to show her what she had done with her life, wanted her to meet her daughter. If she was truly willing to reconnect, she wanted her to know absolutely everything – even if it might scare her away. But she didn’t want to be like their father – she didn’t want to keep secrets between them.
Kat held her close, burying her face in her twin’s neck as she had no intention of letting her go again. 
“What… did you experience last night? Did you … meet some people?” Although there were many things she could have been talking about, she really just wanted to know if she had met Veronica. After all, her daughter had been there to help out again.
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 2 years ago
“You’re so painfully oblivious some days.” / from siobhan for rosemary
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"What? What did I miss?" Rosemary turned to her lover, her mind returning to the present after she had been lost in her own little world, watching the little clan members play and dance around. Clan festivals were her favourites, it was a celebration of their people, their culture, their life. To see her people thriving was the greatest gift and achievement of Rosemary's life, besides her children and the woman standing at her side.
"...Please tell me that imbécile did not try to flirt with me, or you? If he made unwanted advances, I will make him apologise, you need only say the word."
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 2 years ago
82﹕ sender  draws  receiver  into  a  kiss  by  the  back  of  their  neck . / from mae for abigail
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Abigail had almost forgotten how liberating it was to dance barefoot like no one was watching. How her head became filled with music and music alone as she stepped and swayed in joyful grace. She felt about as light as she had done as a young woman after her coven had taken her in, the feeling only growing when her lovely Mae had joined her in the dance. Abigail had pulled her close, gentle with a wide grin, a soft giggle leaving her as foreheads touched and arms wrapped around her shoulders.
the comforting warmth and weight of the woman she loved in her arms was blissful and Abigail couldn't name a better feeling in the world. That was, until she felt the gentle pressure against her neck and then the touch of pillow soft lips against her own. Her heart felt fit to burst, her arms pulling her closer as if by their own will, and Abigail did not care if that were the case. She loved Mae, loved her so whole heartedly. So she said it the moment their lips parted in a rush of breath,
"I love you too."
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 2 years ago
“No, it’s good. You paint some flames on the side, maybe like a rainbow unicorn, you got something.“ / from fenne for naomi
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Naomi folded her arms and glared at her girlfriend pointedly. Oh if Fenne made her charge cry, Naomi was going to give her an earful and proceed to sleep in the guest room for the week. Isa had been so happy and proud when she had passed her motorcycle tests and got her first one, yes the decorations were a bit...exotic, but they were just as unique as the owner and didn't deserve to be mocked by anyone.
"I think it looks great, kindelah, how about you take her for a spin while Fenne and I make some lunch, huh?" Her charge excitedly pulled on her helmet and was off on the motorbike before Naomi had finished her final word, leaving the angel to turn sharply towards her dark winged counterpart.
"What the fuck was that? Could you have been a little less sarcastic about that?"
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 3 years ago
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“R-Really, Thalia, y-you’d be better off p-p-painting one of my c-c-cousins,” Lethe fidgeted and fiddled with the subtle beads of her necklace, perched on her stool facing the balcony that overlooked such a beautiful landscape, even Lethe herself was enrapture by its natural beauty. At least, when she wasn’t looking at her artist behind her. She kept her face hidden, despite Thalia’s coaxing and teasing, honestly this mortal could coax Lethe to do anything for her, but this was proving difficult.
“Th-they’d be much m-m-more suited t-t-t-t-to be your artistic muse. They are all b-b-b-b...Lovely to look at.”
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 3 years ago
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The stars were brighter for some reason tonight, or perhaps it was the tears in Abigail’s eyes that just made them seem brighter. She wouldn’t let them fall though, no matter how much she wished to hide and scream out her agony. Her children, all gone. The Spree had massacred them all and Abigail and her team had found them. Goddess above she wanted blood, to destroy every last Spree member with her bare hands, but more importantly, she wanted her babies back. Two daughters too young for service, and two boys one a literal baby and the other eager to show them all what he had. 
Abigail had dismissed her cadets to give herself privacy and time to let the majority of her grief out, then Anacostia had checked in with her and when she got no response she’d left. Now she felt the presence of the General herself nearby, Biddies included. 
“If you are here to tell me that we have all lost daughters today, that this must be the force that stokes my inner fight, you can save it. I am done. They were my last reasons to keep going and now I am done. Court Martial me if you want, I do not give a damn anymore, Sarah.” 
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 3 years ago
❛ Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed. ❜ / from mae for abi
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Abigail quickly snatched up her shirt from the chair beside the bed and turned, her bright red blush still on her face as she made quick work of the buttons on the blouse. Abigail was a confident woman, in her abilities and her body, or at least had been before losing everything. Her injuries were healed now, pink and white scars left behind where open wounds once were, injuries that Mae had helped tend to and heal, but that was a completely different situation.
There was a very large difference, to Abigail, between seeing someone undressed to heal them and undressed for other reasons. With a slightly broken clearing of her throat, Abigail finished the last button on her shirt and began tidying her hair, anything to distract herself from the smirking witch behind her.
"M-Me? Embarrassed? N-No! Why would I be embarrassed?" She mentally cursed herself for her stuttered words, a dead give away to the lie.
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 3 years ago
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“I hauled my arse over here as soon as I could, what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Who do I have to take out? Sonia, give me a name and their existence on this mortal coil is over.” Estrid didn’t have many friends, the cons of her career as an assassin even now with those days behind her now she was head of the department, so when of her few friends sends her a text telling her to get her backside over to their house now, she is there in a blink with death on her mind.
“...Why are you laughing at me? I thought you were in trouble, you arse!”
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 4 years ago
“ i’m proud of you. ” / from farah for fenyx
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Fenyx couldn't help the small twinge of pride she felt in her heart at Farah's words, feeling a blush settle on her cheeks as they walked back from the showcase her performance group had organised. Fenyx's dances with fire and ice, once a form of training now a hobby and act she performed as a way to relax and remind herself there was more to the world than her life in Alfea.
That night had been the first time Farah, Saul, Ben and the kids had seen her perform, all receiving glowing reviews from the group much to Fenyx's relief. Now on the walk back, her arm through Farah's as they hung back a little, they allowed themselves a private moment.
"Thank you, Fa, it means a lot," She murmured, squeezing her arm warmly, "I'm just happy you all could make it, and I'm sorry I didn't share this with you sooner."
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 3 years ago
“I want to share all my love with you. No one else will do.” / from fenne for naomi
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"Bubeleh, you are the only one I want to share my love with. You've had my heart in your hands since that first day we met when I had to hide you from your mentor because you were causing trouble again. That will never change, I'd rather give up my wings than let that happen." Naomi squeezed the angel curled into her side gently before placed a tender kiss on top of her head before shifting and patting her side.
“Come on, up you get, I’m gonna make you some dinner and then we can cuddle and watch some films, sound good?” 
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 3 years ago
“My world is a better place because of you.” / from mae for abigail
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It had been a year and a half since Abigail had all but collapsed on Maerose's doorstep, still wounded and drained from the massacre, covered in mud, stains of plant life and...blood. Her coven's blood, her family's blood, the blood of her precious children. Maerose had taken her in, helped her to heal physically and Abigail's mental scars were slowly beginning to heal as well, despite being a relative stranger, their only common link was their relationships with Florence, one a beloved friend the other an equally loved sister.
The light witch had felt a shift creeping silently between them, the closer they became, the more domestic things seemed to get, like she was home with Maerose. Like she had found a kindred spirit, someone who understood her and knew her and still cared for her despite being the scarred broken mess she was. Hearing Maerose say that though, startled Abigail from her quiet contemplations on their walk through the gardens.
"Maerose..." She murmured softly, looking at her friend with such open astonishment and disbelief, did she really mean that much to the other witch? "I...You..." She stammered trying to form a coherent sentence before foregoing it all together and quickly pecking Maerose's cheek, lingering for a moment as she shyly curled her fingers around Maerose's, trying to convey her meaning through touch rather than words in her overwhelmed state. She felt the same.
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 3 years ago
“ knowing you is like…coming home. like i’ve finally found something that’s been missing all this time. ” / from farah for fenyx
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Her whole life, Fenyx had been taught that a home was a place, not a person. How wrong that statement was. Home was not bricks and mortar with a roof over her head, no, home was gentle hands, patient smiles, warm laughter and eyes that sparkled like the starts above. Home was the woman before her, battered and bruised just like her, sat in front of the blazing hearth unable to sleep but exhausted all the same.
Fenyx said nothing in reply at first, just flexed her fingers rhythmically like she was playing the piano with one hand towards the blaze to keep it going strong, until her gaze turned to one of her oldest friends, perhaps the softest smile to grace her lips in a very long time present. She still didn't say anything, her hand now slipping into Farah's and giving a small squeeze, her thumb making comforting passes over the back of Farah's palm before she slowly began to lean in closer.
She was giving Farah time to stop her, to backtrack if she really wanted, before pressing a kiss to her cheek, lingering, measured, but full of warmth and love, pushing that gently towards Farah in her aura as she pulled back, still rubbing the back of her hand all the while. She looked back at the flames in the hearth, her smile still in place before whispering, "Love you too, Bright Spark.” 
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 4 years ago
“you’re beautiful! you’re so beautiful.” / from fenne for naomi
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Sitting on the back deck of their new home, after a full day of decorating and unpacking, Naomi was thoroughly exhausted. Sprawled out on one of the comfy benches, fairy lights adorning the trellises and cover poles around them, the glow coupled with the moonlight reminding Naomi of just how truly ethereal her wife was.
Naomi often despised their angelic nature for the beauty it gave them, the number of times she had to beat away unwanted advances for both herself and her wife was getting tiring. But moments like this, where it was just the two of them, safe and content, Naomi found herself enraptured with Fenne all over again.
"You're one to talk, Fi," She murmured, a sleepy but content smile on her face as she held out both her hands to the other angel, "C'mere, gorgeous girl, let me hold my beautiful wife."
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 3 years ago
Oriel had been cooped up in the castle for too long without any visitors. The library was closed during the flower exhibition, most of the staff were keen gardeners and busy prepping their entries and since it was the biggest event to happen in the village in quite a few years, it was deemed acceptable to close up a few unnecessary places. The castle library being one of them. 
Oriel didn’t mind, in all honesty, it gave her a chance to enjoy some solitude for once, since her sisters had agreed to turn the castle into a heritage site, open the library to the public and let the towns people use that and several other rooms for functions that were too large for the town hall. That was all after her death. Oriel had been the eldest of the four of them, she inherited the castle while her sisters got various summer homes and other real estate, their ancestral home was hers and would have been her future children’s had her life ended before she could have them. 
Her sisters had been destroyed by her death, Oriel had watched them tear each other apart and put each other back together in their grief, so wanting to comfort and tell them all would be okay, just as she always had done, but also hadn’t wanted to terrify them. Without her ghostly intervention they went ahead with the plan to make the castle public, in her name and honour. Now she was sat in the window bay of the library, a book perched on her knee, staring out over the wild gardens at a lone figure examining plants. She was a beautiful woman from what Oriel could see, looking at peace and thrilled at the plants around her. A contagious joy on her features that seemed to cause a soft smile to appear on Oriel’s own face.
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ordinaryheroinesarchived · 3 years ago
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Lethe had snuck off into a quiet room of the palace, just needing five minutes to recover. She had danced more tonight than she had in centuries. All because of the woman she loved more than anything in the world. Since Thalia had come into her life, Lethe had felt more alive and loved in that short time than in the entirety of her very long life. Her brave artist, the woman who gave her so much without even realising half of it, the minor goddess knew she had been truly blessed, especially as she watched her beloved talk with her family from her perch in the doorway now. 
Her smile was soft but so sincere, heartfelt. Pure joy. Lethe removed her shawl, made for her by Hestia a beautiful white and gold embroidered shawl to use instead of a veil for her wedding. Their wedding. Lethe slipped between the reception guests, smiling and greeting those she had yet to and accepting congratulations as she went before giving a gesture for Hades and Persephone to be silent while she crept up on her wife. They aided her, though if Thalia’s surprise when Lethe’s shawl was wrapped around her waist and pulled her to Lethe was real or faked Lethe did not truly care. 
She smiled widely and kissed Thalia’s cheek, giggling sweetly when a new song began to play, “D-Dance with me, love? P-Please?” 
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