#~ poisonmaster ~ (Magnus)
venomousovereignty · 5 months
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Art doodles with @rcsetorn / @royaldeceit ~
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royaldeceit · 1 year
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She's hardcore eyeing the unmarked cage tile. Nevertheless, she swallows down a large helping of her fear and smiles at the poisonmaster.
"It's really sweet of you, Magnus." Thanking him despite the quiver in her voice.
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tailoringtay · 2 years
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Art doodles with @rcsetorn ~
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venomousovereignty · 3 months
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Drawpile doodles done with @rcsetorn / @royaldeceit
Started out with some RE shenanigans and then moved into some princess bride and ladyhawke screenshot inspired things~ 83
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venomousovereignty · 5 months
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I think my brain is still trying to catch up with having a computer again, but while it's doing that, here is Pukei Maggy hanging out with @royaldeceit :3
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venomousovereignty · 1 year
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Mermaid drawings done with @rcsetorn / @royaldeceit ~
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venomousovereignty · 7 months
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Monster hunter world shenanigans with Maggy and Dani ( @royaldeceit )
Magnus is very unhappy with the solo cutscene viewing requirement
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venomousovereignty · 1 year
*hanging onto Maggy's shoulders* :3
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*carries on like normal*
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venomousovereignty · 1 year
What horror trope are you?
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The Lover
love has brought you to this place, and it will not let you leave. fear clutches you, constricts you, and it will have you killed– and yet, it is still no match for the bounty of your heart. you will try as hard as you can to protect the object of your affections. evil is nothing in the face of your warmth. even if you are successful in protecting your lover, that does not guarantee your own survival. your heart has doomed you, but what greater death is there than dying for love?
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The Final Girl
you're very tired, aren't you? thrashing and fighting and trying to survive– it has taken its toll, but that has not stopped you. you'll continue to gnaw and scream and bare teeth until you can free yourself from this mess, even if it means being the last one left. there is rest at the end of this hard battle, i promise you. there is a time when the fight will be over– but fighting is all you know, isn't it?
Tagged by: @her-enlightened-ladyship and @rcsetorn <3 <3
Tagging: whoever would like to do it 83c
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venomousovereignty · 1 year
A moonlight night with a cloudless sky illuminated all the sea seemed to offer, and the calm waves gently rocking against the lone ship's hull would have been the lone music of the night. Just below the shimmering water came forth a tail liken unto that of a great fish which troubled the waters as it thrashed violently, writhing as if in pain. Atop the deck rang an unharmonious jeering, further breaking the silence of the night.
It was below where less cheer echoed. Rather no sound permeated the above the seafoam.
Her throat burned vehemently as her screams could not be uttered and nails clawed at the protruding pin needle at her neck. All the girl could do was writhe and swim. Far as she could from those pirates.
After agonizingly long minutes... Or was it hours? The flurry of strokes came to a painstakingly slow drift... and then, no longer in sight of that ship, the mermaid lost consciousness, giving in unto the whim of the ocean current.
The sea had always been unpredictable.
He had accepted the fact long ago - dealt with it as necessary. There was, after all, no better path for him now. After his fall from the sun, the waves had become his carrier. The tides, his guide.
There was no point in questioning it. Not then, nor now.
The body that had come bumping into his ship was simply another of the sea's whims.
It wasn't difficult to pull them up onto the deck. He struggled little more to lift the being up and carry them inside, depositing them into a small tub before kneeling down to further examine the stranger.
Calloused fingers brushed aside sea-soaked hair to get a better look at the pin buried in their neck. He let out a muffled grunt, recognizing the weapon instantly for what it was.
Without further delay the man rose to turn on the water to the tub, disappearing then into another room. Eventually he returned, appearing through the doorway with several bottles and a small box in hand.
This time he reached for the pin and quickly removed it. The contents of one bottle were quickly and efficiently poured onto the wound, after which a small bandage was placed, secured tightly then with winding gauze.
It should hold for some time.
By then the tub was filled, and he turned off the water with a telltale squeak of the faucet. The supplies were gathered next, and with them he rose, green eyes flickering over the being once more.
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Time could only tell what would become of this newest whimsy of the sea.
The door clicked shut quietly behind him as he left.
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venomousovereignty · 1 year
"How did you get that scar?"
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"I got slashed," he informed unhelpfully.
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venomousovereignty · 1 year
She was being nosy, going through his things like this. At first Daneil had only been looking for a hair tie, simply to pull her hair back, but well... After procuring it, what else was in here? No poisons, at least that she was seeing. Her fingers instead fluttered over some tucked away papers, pulling out what appeared to be maps. Or at least she thought anyway.
He didn't care if she went through his stuff. It was definitely better than the poison cabinets.
So, when he found her there, looking at some of the old maps he'd gathered over the years, nothing but a grunt of acknowledgment rose in reaction to her nosiness.
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She was free to poke. After all, in his mind, she could do no wrong.
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venomousovereignty · 2 years
Holding both hands up, Daneil waits there excitedly for Magnus to indulge her in another dance.
How was he possibly supposed to say no to a face like that?
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....Hesitantly, he reached out to take her hands.
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venomousovereignty · 2 years
🏨 - Sleeping position for Dirk
🔋 - What makes them feel better after a long day? for Magnus
Ask Meme
🏨 - Sleeping position for Dirk
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   When he’s just lounging around he’ll lay on his stomach or side, but when it comes to actual sleeping he tends to sleep on his back.
🔋 - What makes them feel better after a long day? for Magnus
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  For Magnus, he likes winding down by doing some weapon and equipment maintenance. He just finds the process of it relaxing.
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venomousovereignty · 2 years
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Finally got around to finishing this XD
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tailoringtay · 3 years
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Got to draw today with @rcsetorn ~ This was the end result B)c
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