#~ oh sir ah miss | dyn: anthony/johanna ~
💌 / anthony
𝓛𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 — send 💌 for my muse to write a letter for your muse that yours isn’t supposed to find. 
My dearest, Johanna.
In looking upon your face in your window, and in receiving the good fortune to have you look at me, I feel that I must have seen what heaven is truly like. I had never envisioned that I would return to London and encounter an angel, but it seems that it has occurred, sweeping my feet out from under me. Some may call me a dreamer, a fool even, for daring to claim in such a thing as love at first sight, but if that be the case then I will gladly be a fool, for I am a fool in love.
It is true, of course, that you do not know me, and that all I know of you, factually speaking, is what has been told to me by a beggar woman, but I hope against hope that I may come to know you, that you may come to know me. If you would be so generous as to look at me once more, I would never again need anything for as long as I should live. Not air, nor food, nor water, I am sustained by your glance, sweet Johanna.
I will come again tomorrow, in hope that I may once more be graced by your presence.
Forever yours, Anthony
Taken from the diary of Anthony Hope.
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