#zzapzzap headcanon
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1) Darcy and Pete are super food-orientated and I wonder how many times Darcy has to be like “no, we gotta wait thirty minutes or we’ll cramp” after eating before the fuckage.
2) Darcy’s an ass man. This isn’t new information and I’ve discussed it a lot before, but it’s a big deal and deserves being brought up multiple times. On men and women and nonbinary’s, she’s there for the ass. When in a relationship or when given consent, she will touch the booty often – as discreetly as she can in public, of course.
3) Darcy absolutely has a few playlists for sexual activities (whether with someone else or on her own).They’re all Now That’s What I Call FuckJams and are numbered from 1 to 14
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character flaws & strengths ↳ bold what applies to your muse !! ↳ repost !! don’t reblog !! {Tagged by @theringisntthehero}
╳ flaws
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power - hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
♔ strengths
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
tagging: Whoever wants to do it!
#zzapzzap headcanon#charming is probably subjective#I think she is but I know lots of people find her annoying
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meme: 🔞
Send 🔞 for a NSFW headcanon.
hi it's probably a little problematic (but Darcy is a lil problematic/I've always called her a fratboy/fuccboi in a woman's body) but Darcy's male partners??? making out with other men???? touching other men????
but coming home with her????
voyeurism to the extreme friendos
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🔥🔥🔥 give me THREE im greedy
1) HONESTLY just let Darcy think she’s in control even when she’s being submissive. She luvs that shit. 2) Roleplaying? Going into a bar pretending to be strangers hooking up? Coming up with ridiculous scenarios?She loves that shit, too.3) Maybe a subcategory of that weird roleplaying shit, but Darcy loves being dressed up. Whether it’s costume-y like on Halloween or for a special event, clothes can really set a mood for Darcy.
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💑+ When did Darcy get glasses? Did she tell you she couldn't see, or did you have to figure it out?
Send “💑+ Question” and both of my Muse’s parents will answer.
“Back in the day, public schools used to test vision and hearing and also check for scoliosis, and I think it was fourth grade? That she failed the sight test.”
“Miserably.” Ben adds in with a laugh. “I’m surprised she was functioning on a day to day basis with vision that terrible.”
“Right, so she failed but she wouldn’t tell us because she didn’t want glasses. I don’t think it was because she was nervous of being made fun of, but I think she thought she wouldn’t be allowed to do things with glasses.” Ben snorts through Beth’s explanation, before chiming in again.
“She threw the results out. We only found out two months later because her teacher bumped into me on a teacher training day and asked why we hadn’t brought Darcy into get her eyes officially checked.”
“I was mortified. Grounded her for two weeks.”
“I, uh, thought it was hilarious. Teased the shit out of her for it for years, but now she’d rather wear her glasses than her contacts. Guess it’s ‘cause they’re trendy and hip now.”
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Darcy stop laughing during sexual encounters challenge
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Darcy and sympathies for certain antagonists and villains--
As discussed before, Darcy is anti-military and anti-capitalist. It’s not a huuuuge part of her personality, like, say pacifism, but they are idealisms she upholds.
in this manner, Darcy is sympathetic towards the Flag Smashers up until they begin killing people outside of self defense.
Darcy is also sympathetic towards MCU Zemo, but feels it’s outright diabolical and downright wrong to 1) take Bucky’s free will away 2) kill a lot of innocent people, including the king of a foreign country
Darcy has, in the past on this blog, been friendly and sympathetic, even loyal to a Doctor Doom. In some ways, I write her incredibly easy to manipulate by villains; simply instilling in her a sense of importance/value with them while also playing on her criticisms of the US and imperialism, her idealisms of equality and justice, can win her loyalty and Darcy is, above all else, loyal
The only exception to violence is Magneto -- Darcy doesn’t even know she’s a mutant, but she’s only ever stanned, frankly, and I’m not even sure she wouldn’t be a part of the Brotherhood if she knew she was a mutant. There’s a lot to unpack there, and it pulls a lot, for her, on shared Jewish trauma, but Darcy is and always has been hashtag magneto was right
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Hi I wrote something in a disco rp with my friend’s 616 Pietro and it’s uhhh super important for Darcy re; her blatant and gross sexualization of men thanks
Has Darcy ever considered Pietro? Well, of course. She hates him, but even she can appreciate the unique angles of his face, the soft fall of silver hair, the fullness of his lower lip. And, as for hips? Darcy one true weakness in a man or woman or otherwise?
Pietro might as well have created the iliac furrow, colloquially referred to as the runner’s v.
Still, this spoke less of Pietro and more of Darcy’s tendency to sexualize any adult masculine being, a product of the unwanted attention she had attracted since she’d started growing tits in the fifth grade. It had begun as a defense mechanism, see, they can’t sexualize you if you analyze everything sexual about them first, take away their personhood and dispense them into two tidy piles of *would fuck* and *would not fuck*
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RD.R2 verse update
Like the tiniest one:
Previously I’ve had Darcy with a Florida cracker but I’m changing it to a Frie.sian because the idea of her with a giant horse KILLS ME and look at this boy

I don’t think it’s really common for westerns but Darcy bought her horse in the north with GOOD MONEY and this is pretendy fun times and I can do what I want lol
His name is still Lord Lemon
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ben what does that mean. explain. what do you mean darcy's mutation EATS HER
So, as I’m sure you know, but maybe others newer to my blog don’t know--
My Darcy has a passive mutation we’ve been calling an energy battery mutation, where she unconsciously and unknowingly stores excess energy and magic she comes into contact with, like wisps of the aether when it possessed Jane in Thor 2 and whatever Asgardian magic she’s come into contact with via Thor and the gang. In rp, across this blog, this has also meant a Doom’s magic and demonic energy from CJ’s now-defunct Bl.ackhe/art blog, as well as just like...a bunch of others.
Well, what happens when a battery overcharges? Well, it depends on the battery. Lead acid batteries boil away, car batteries can burst, etc.
If Darcy is “overcharged”, she starts to get sick. It seems, at first, like a normal cold or flu, but can grow worse overtime if the energy isn’t siphoned away, up to cancer-like results and eventually death.
This is avoided pretty well in the verses with Seras’s muses because Cabal’s necromancy pulls from Darcy’s reserves and her dead/undead characters (like Frank and even Horst) pull power and strength from her, like Frank becoming more solid and physical when he “emptied” her that one time. In the verse with Koji’s muses, Vasily has purposefully been filling Darcy to the brim in order to have his brother, Vitaly, use his own power to empty her and then refill her like a harvest.
She is completely unaware of this ability in all verses except with Koji, and even then she doesn’t exactly understand what it is except that there’s something weird about it.
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OH i have a hc question for darcy actually: out of all the towns/cities in yeehaw game, which ones would be her favourites and least favourites respectively? like arthur and dutch both fuckin HATE saint denis, for example. actually also also tell me about general areas of the game that she (or you!!!!) just Liked(TM). tell me things. i love you.
Darcy also doesn’t like Saint Denis, but not for the same reasons as Arthur and Dutch -- it is too alike and yet too unlike the city she grew up in. Walking through it’s streets leaves her on edge; she feels like she could turn a corner and bump into someone she knew as a child, or as if she might see the tea parlour -- but those things and people are never there. Also, like, fuck how muggy that weather is. I also hated Saint Denis because 1) the fucking light source in that part of the game is just whack I don’t need that much fucking sun burst, and it’s even worse if there’s fog present 2) I hate how it’s pronounced vs how it should be read like ughhhhh I know that’s how it’s supposed to be said but like fuck the french amirite 3) it’s supposed to be New Orleans but like....eh
She just generally doesn’t like Lemoyne and it’s muggy, nasty swamp atmosphere at all.
Darcy does like the scenery in New Hanover, so long as she stays outside of Annesburg and Valentine. She also really liked Blackwater and the surrounding area, and I think she was heartbroken when they were all run out of there after The Job (she knows they can’t stay forever, no matter where they are, but she was really hoping that one would stick longer than it did)
I was personally just so blown away by how pretty the game was, outside of Saint Denis, that I loved when traveling via horse took too long and you could go into cinematics. Just-- such a pretty game uwu
n’I love you too!
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i have an important darcy question and it is: what would her most common usernames on social media/other websites etc be
Nowadays, it’s mostly just dlewis or datlewis, but when she was younger she probably used notthatardently as a fuck you to Austen and people asking if she was a Pride and Prejudice fan or if her parents were (ie Mister Darcy’s “I love you...most ardently” line)
A lot of people would expect a taser or iPod reference but tbh while we think of these as defining moments for Darcy, I don’t think SHE thinks of them as part of her personality. Maybe music as a whole but I don’t think iPods specifically.
Darcy is fairly popular on Tiktok, and was mildly famous on Vine before its death. She keeps an active Twitter but has mostly abandoned Facebook and Tumblr, and she has a private Instagram
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Yeehaw Darcy will fight with her fists if she has to-- she doesn’t have the privilege of safety other versions of Darcy has to be a pacifist or wait to be taught by a giant alien. She also carries a tiny little pocket knife she’s not wholly afraid to brandish on someone threatening her; it’s just her rifle she’s scared of, and killing someone on purpose that she refuses/avoids.
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🍑 -because of fluids
Listen I know that this is bad and no good but
We both know they’re into asphyxiation, HOWEVER— they dont do it the safe bdsm kink way, where you squeeze the side of the neck to simulate choking, but they actually legitimately CHOKE eachother.
Not too much and not too tightly, but they definitely don’t do it safely like they should
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► Aesthetic
dark colors. bright colors. neon colors. soft colors. blood. forests. space. mansions. ghosts. asylums. wastelands. fire. injuries. hands. bare feet. dolls. fog. storms. galaxies. snow. dawn. midnight. cold. animals. sharp teeth. neck. shoulders. bruises. freckles. legs. feminine. masculine. burns. colorful hair. witchcraft. lips. webs. fields. corn fields. tears. sweat. glitter. flowers. plants. magic. fear. pain. murder. guns. blood in the snow. scars. missing posters. old paintings. strange eyes. explosions. creatures. weapons. lingerie. kissing. playfulness. metal. diamonds. rust. iron. stealth. running away. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. fur. lace. leather. synthetics. robots. monsters. childhood fears. cigarettes. alcohol. cameras. video cameras. polaroid cameras. angels. phones. computers. war. peace. decay. sadness. red lipstick. powder puffs. abandoned cars. skeletons. strangling. overcoats. puppets. torture. syringes. old cottages. loyalty. hospitals. teeth. scary basements. butterflies. prosthetic limbs. cats. dogs. dreams.
► Appearance
thick ass. bubble butt. flat ass. toned ass. thick waist. narrow hips. average hips. wide hips. curvy frame. muscular frame. chubby frame. petite frame. lanky frame. voluptuous frame. lean frame. skinny. long legs. stumpy. average legs. thick thighs. muscular thighs. toned thighs. slender thighs. beer belly. toned stomach. flat stomach. feminine frame. masculine frame. six pack. Big boobs. small boobs. no boobs. harsh facial features. baby face. soft features. freckles. scars. moles. dimples. braces. tattoos. piercings. pigtails. messy hair. pixie-cut. bald. long hair. short-shaved. ponytail. clipped back fringe. shoulder length. bob cut. old-fashioned hairstyle. dreadlocks. bun. braids. shaved side. mohawk. buzz cut. afro. asymmetric. crown braid. wavy short. cotton buns. fade. comb over. side part. facial hair. styled goatee.
► Wardrobe
tight pants. jeans. shorts. short-shorts. jean shorts. pajama pants. dungarees. skirt-dungarees. leggings. tights. yoga pants. basketball shorts. lingerie. boxers. briefs. thongs. knee-high socks. socks. pencil skirt. long skirt. mini skirt. tutu. corset. sports bra. t-shirt. sweater. sweater vest. tight shirts. leather jacket. tank top. blouse. cardigan. button-up shirt. v-neck. crop top. flannels. hoodies. polo shirt. racerback shirts. boob tube. sun dress. 1-shoulder dress. Strapless. jumper dress. apron dress. shirt dress. ball gown. nightgown. High heels. ballet shoes. jelly shoes. sandals. rain boots. sneakers. stripper heels. flats. knee-high boots. cowboy boots. timberland boots. dr. martens. slip-ons. slippers. motorcycle boots. chukkas. loafers. dress boots. lots of layers. beanies. top hat. sunhat. cap.
► has your muse ever…
broken something. had a near death experience. killed someone (and succeeded). killed someone (and failed). self-harmed. attempted suicide. had surgery. kissed the same sex. had sex. had sex and regretted it. lost a loved one. had a pet. gotten arrested. gotten married. divorced. cheated. gotten shot (at). been stabbed. witnessed death. taken drugs. gotten drunk. played with an ouija board. been in a car accident. gotten stitches. invented something. had a kid. had something slipped into their food / drink. been kidnapped. been sexually assaulted. been bullied. bullied someone. had a stalker. been betrayed. been a traitor. been abused. gotten away with crime {lol}.
tagged by: @missmxrcy
tagging: whomstever :) do the thing.
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for ye olde audio meme: how would darcy feel if she found out she was a mutant?
You can listen to it here
tldl; although I’m not really sure how she’d ever find out since her mutation isn’t one you can “see”, knowing would feel right to Darcy
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